InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ Enter Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

There now I'm all caught up with transferring my stories to!! Thank goodness!

Nai: Thanks to me of course..

Larka: *rolls eyes* of course Nai…

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. My friend Meghan stole the cast from me…


A familiar light surrounded her as she landed at the bottom of the old well. Looking up she saw that there was no longer any sky visible.

'Yes! I'm back! Now to get out of here…'

She paused for a moment, thinking, before yelling.

"Mama, Sota, anyone get me out of here!!"

Footsteps were heard and her little brother's head appeared over the side of the well.

"There you are Kagome we've been looking everywhere for you!"

A few seconds later both her mother's and her grandpa's head popped into view.

"Oh thank Kami your all right! Let's get you out of here!" exclaimed Mrs. Higurashi.

After Kagome was pulled out of the well, and had taken a much-needed shower, she sat down to relay the night's events to her mother. The family crowded around the kitchen table.

"So you see Mama I have to go back to find the shards of the Shikon. If I don't then who knows what could happen…"

Her mother gave a small sad smile and nodded, "I suppose I should get your pack ready for you."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Mama!" squealed Kagome. She jumped up and down before giving her mom a huge hug.

"Here, my granddaughter, you'll need these." Her grandpa pushed a few scrolls into her hand. "To keep that demon under control."

"Er… thanks Gramps…" 'This'll never work!' she mentally added to herself.

"Oh honey a boy named Hojo called. He said he would be stopping by."

`Crap! I completely forgot about my date with Hojo!'

Mrs. Higurashi walked back into the kitchen carrying a very stuffed yellow backpack and began to jam packets of ramen into the bulging pockets. "So…do you like this boy?"


"I was just asking!"

Kagome blushed and walked out of the room to watch television. She flopped down on the over stuffed couch and rubbed her temples. Her family could be so overwhelming at times. Turning on the TV she flipped through the channels until she came to some game show.

"The answer's mercury!" She yelled at the contestant on the show. "People are so stupid on these shows."

The contestant choked out an answer:

"What is hydrogen?"

"I'm sorry the correct answer is mercury." The game show host cracked a cheesy smile.

The doorbell rang startling Kagome out of her stupor.

"The door! I'll get it!" screamed Sota from upstairs.

Seconds later he came barreling down the stairs and towards the door nearly tripping over his own feet. Coming to a screeching halt Sota slowly opened to door.

"Hi is Kagome home?"

'Oh man its Hojo,' Kagome mentally groaned. 'Why today!?'

"Are you her boyfriend?" questioned Sota. Hojo blushed and shrugged.

Kagome frowned, "Sota you should go back to playing you video game UPSTAIRS."

Sota rolled his eyes, "Fine just don't start kissing or anything." He blinked his eyes innocently. She glared as he casually walked off.

"Sorry about that," mumbled Kagome.

"Kagome is that Hojo?" called Mrs. Higurashi from the kitchen.

"Yes Mama." Motioning for him to follow, she lead him into the kitchen where her mother was still trying to pack her bag full of ramen. Her grandpa still sat at the table only now reading the paper.

"Mom, Gramps this is my classmate, Hojo."

"A pleasure to meet you," greeted Mrs. Higurashi. "Would you like something to eat?"

"No thank you Mrs. Higurashi, I'm fine."

"Now then young man," Kagome's grandpa looked up from his paper into Hojo's dull brown eyes. "Do you like my granddaughter?"

"WHAT!?" Kagome face-faulted. "GRAMPS!!! We went over this!"

Hojo sweatdroped, "Um, Kagome I came to ask you where you were yesterday-"


All heads in the kitchen turned to see a fuming Naraku in the doorway. The hanyou stood in the kitchen doorway, clawed hands clenched into fists. Kagome groaned yet again. This was going to be a long day…

"Naraku-" Kagome started but he cut her off.

"You're leaving NOW!"

"No way I just got back!"

"We need to start looking for shards," he growled.

"Kagome," Mrs. Higurashi whispered. "Is this the young man you were telling us about?'

"Er…yes. Hojo could you excuse us for a moment?"

She roughly pulled her mother and a pissed Naraku into the living room with her.

"We need to leave now!" he growled at her.

"Not right THIS minute" she growled back.

"Um excuse me but if you're a demon don't you have anything that makes you look more demon-ish?" The random question from Mrs. Higurashi temporarily silenced the bickering pair.

Naraku smirked, 'Humans.'

He flashed a fanged smile at Mrs. Higurashi; her eyes widened.

"Um…Kagome," Hojo timidly made his way into the living room. "I think I should be leaving. We can just talk about this tomorrow."

"Yes I think that would be best," Mrs. Higurashi interrupted. "And you'll take care of this…mess?"

Kagome nodded as her mother ushered Hojo out of the house.

"Who was that?"

"That's only Hojo, Naraku."

"Keh, I don't like his scent."

He latched onto her wrist and began to drag her towards the door.

"Wait I have to get my bag!"

Naraku growled and drug her back into the kitchen and picked up her bag from the counter.

"Now just a minute there!"

"Gramps not now!"

Her grandpa blocked the way out, in his hands he clutched several ofudas (Is that what those are called? I can't remember! Some one tell me!)

"I'm warning you demon these spells have been passed down from generation to generation!"

Then leaning forward he plastered one over Naraku's mouth and two over his chest.

"Demon be gone!"

Naraku starred at the small old man in front of him before ripping the ofudas (there's that word again!) off. He pushed past him, walked past Mrs. Higurashi, and out the door.

"I'll be back soon! Make up something for why I'm not at school and I'm sorry Gramps!" Kagome called over her shoulder.

Her grandpa stood at the front door with a look of complete shock on his face.

'They didn't work…'

The hanyou drug Kagome into the well house and the duo jumped down the old bone eaters well. A few seconds later they crawled out in the feudal era.

"What is your problem!?"

"What'd ya mean 'My problem' you're the one who left!"

"Well I do have a life besides being here!"


"What now wench?"



Naraku's face once again met the dirt below. Muffled threats issued from his mouth as Kagome stormed towards Kikyou's hut.

"Insufferable little…"


The next morning, after both fuming girl and dog demon had cooled off, the dynamic two set off after a shard rumor in the west. As time went by and the sun rose in the sky Kagome felt as though she was being cooked alive by the hot disk.

"Can we stop now?

"Pssh, humans are sure weak."

"Naraku," whined Kagome. "I'm really tired and sore."

"Feh. Fine."

Kagome went and rested at the base of a huge tree while Naraku perched in the branches above.

A loud squeal broke the peaceful silence.

"What the hell was that!?" Naraku jumped down from the tree.

"I sense a jewel shard. Wait not three!"

Over the hilltop a figure appeared. The man was dressed in a white and red kimono with a yellow sash. And following him was a…LITTLE GIRL!?

'What the heck!?' Kagome's mind screamed.

"What do you want," shouted Naraku.

"Nothing concerning you half-breed." Snapped the man.

Now that the man was close enough Kagome looked him over. He was clearly NOT a man but a demon for gracing his high cheek bones were two purple slashes and upon his forehead was a blue marking in the shape of a crescent moon.

`Sweet Kami! It's Sesshoumaru!' Kagome's eyes bugged out a bit. `He'll kill us!'

"Sesshoumaru-sama, who are these people?" The little girl peeked around the demon's leg.

"They're no one Rin."

"Enough chit chat now give us your shards!" Naraku step forward and cracked his knuckles.

"Well you've discovered my little secret. But I can't give it them to the likes of you."

"But we need them!" Protested Kagome.

"So do I, wench."

"But WE need them because I broke the Shikon no Tama and I need to put it back together!"

"So you're the one who shattered the jewel. But I still need the shards to avenge my fathers death. The hanyou Inuyasha will pay with his life for what he has done."

"Your not getting our shards!" Naraku shouted and slashed at Sesshoumaru. A green whip-like weapon appeared at the demon's hand, blocking Naraku's attack.

'Inuyasha! Wait if Naraku was the one pinned to the tree then Inuyasha must be the evil one!' "He's the one that killed Keade!" Kagome blurted out.

Sesshoumaru paused his assault on Naraku and stared at her oddly, "Yes I have heard rumors of him killing a priestess and attempting to take the jewel she protected."

"So there's really no reason for us to fight since we're fighting against the same person."

"Apparently so. You are quite smart for a human wench. So I will intrust you with my jewel fragments." (Gah! OOC for Sess! Forgive me but he will only be like this for a minute!!)

Sesshoumaru reached inside his kimono and retrieved three dark, glittering shards.

"But these are the wrong color… wait they are tainted.."

As soon as the shards touched Kagome's opened hand they changed from a dark pink-ish purple to a light pink. Sesshoumaru's gaze on the girl hardened.

"You, girl. You have miko powers?"

"Yeah I do," Kagome grinned.

"Um, Sesshoumaru-sama who is the pretty lady and the angry man?"

Kagome kneeled down to Rin's level, "My name's Kagome and that is Naraku. What's your name?

"Rin's name is Rin," chirped the little girl.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Rin."

Rin grinned a big toothy smile showing some missing teeth. Naraku scoffed and rolled his eyes. Kagome was going to be the end of his sanity.

"Pardon me for interrupting this touching moment but we have shards to look for."

"Hold on a minute while we get organized Naraku!"

"Wench were wasting time!"

"Naraku," Kagome smiled innocently, "DOWN!!"


"That is a very entertaining trick, miko."

"You know Sesshoumaru now that were a team you can call me Kagome."

"This, Sesshoumaru, does not concern himself with such trivial things."

"Or not," she mumbled. "Let's get going!"

"Let's go Kagome!" shouted Rin.


~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&a mp;~

Tada! Sesshoumaru has finally showed up! I thought that I'd speed things up and have some new people come in. Please review and let me know what you thought of my fic.

ice_princess_1185: Thank you again! I thought I got those underscores right, but because your name is under lined I couldn't tell if the were spaces or not. I'll try to write my next chapter fast!!