InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Yours ❯ Good-Bye ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Let's get this out there in the very beginning. I do not own any of the amazing Inuyasha characters. They all belong to the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi.
Okay, anyway, on to what I was gonna say.
I'd like to make it clear that Inyasha and Kagome are NOT related in this fic, they just call each others' parents Aunt and Uncle because of the closeness of their families. I know you may have eventually picked up on that anyway, but I just really wanted to make sure that it was clear and stated in the very beginning.
Well, that's all I have to say for now!
Thanks so much for giving my fic a try. This is my first attempt at a fanfiction, but, in reviews, flames are gratefully accepted! You can't improve if you're not criticized right? lol
Well above all that of course,
I hope you enjoy it!
“MOM! You can't do this!”
“I'm sorry Kagome. But there's nothing I can do. I don't want to move that far away either. You know that after your father died, your Aunt Izayoi and Uncle Taisho are my closest friends, but there really is no other choice!”
“There's always a choice! We don't have to move all the way to America! We can stay here, in Tokyo! We can live with Aunty Izzy and Uncle Tai. I mean, you all have been best friends, since, like, middle school, right? They'd let us stay for a little while!”
“I keep telling you dear, our house is not getting taken away from us. The best job for me is in America, and I need to be able to make as much money as I can. You understand that you father isn't here anymore sweetie, so we're on our own on this one, and because of that, I need to be able make a good living so I can provide for you and Sota. You have to understand that sweetheart.”
“But Mom, please think about this for a minute. I'm turning 16 in exactly one week. I can get a job and start helping out; I can even work two jobs if you need me to! Inuyasha's ALREADY 16! He'd help too, I'm sure! I-“
“Kagome, no. We're moving to America and that's final. I'm sorry, I really am. But the jobs in America pay more than the jobs here. And that doctor position will help me make sure that you and Sota are well cared for. This is all for you.”
“But Mom! All my friends are HERE! Not in America!”
“You'll make more new friends. Making friends has always been easy for you, Kagome. This won't be any different.”
“But their language is different, too-“
“Kagome. You and I both know that you speak English as fluently as any American they've got living there.”
“What about Sota? What's he gonna do with all the new things he's going to be introduced to?”
“He's only four years old, I'm sure he'll adapt.”
“What about Inuyasha?” Kagome's mother finished knowingly.
Kagome glowed like a tomato.
“What?! No! That's not what I was going to say! I was going to say-“
“I know you better than you think I do sweetie. But, you'd be foolish to think that you'd never see each other again. We'll visit, and I'm sure they'll visit us too. You'll see, it'll all work out.”
Kagome sighed, slowly giving up.
“There's really no way to stop this is there, Mom?”
“I'm sorry sweetheart, but no.”
“Well, when are we leaving?”
“Two weeks.”
“Does Inuyasha know?”
“Your Aunty Izzy, Uncle Tai, and I planned on telling you two at the same time. So, they're probably telling him right now-“
“Or they just got done telling him. Go ahead and answer the door darling. We both know how impatient our little hanyou gets, even though he lives just next door, he probably sees-“
“it as forever until you answer the door. Remember that one time when he thought you had died? And you took forever to-“
“Umm, Mom?”
“Yes dear.”
“The door?”
“Oh yes! How could I have forgotten! I'll be up-stairs in my room if either of you need me.”
And with that said, Ms. Higurashi bowed herself out of the room, which permitted Kagome to open the door for her best friend. They looked at each other for what seemed like the longest time.
Without saying a word, Kagome took Inuyasha by the hand and they walked up to her bedroom.
Kagome and Inuyasha were lying down on her bed. His arm encircled her waist, his face was nuzzled into her hair, and her back was to his chest in the spooning position. This position was very usual for them.
Inuyasha spoke up, voice sounding muffled, yet broken, with his face still buried in the crook of her neck.
“So, you're leaving.”
“Yeah…” Kagome answered forlornly.
“Didn't your parents tell you?”
He lifted his face to peer into hers, which she turned to face him when she felt him lift his face.
He smirked.
“They were probably about to. But, once they said that you were leaving for America soon, I just kinda rushed over here.”
It was just like Inuyasha to make her feel better in times of sadness.
Kagome laughed softly.
“I'm glad you cared so much,” she laughed quietly again, “but, we're leaving in two weeks. I don't wanna go, but my mom's wishes are that we go, and her intentions are true. But, we'll still be best friends right? No matter how far away I go?”
Inuyasha's heart called out to the girl that he'd lose in exactly two weeks. He's loved her since as long as he can remember. He just can't remember when his brotherly love for her turned into something much more.
“Of course. It's not like I could get rid of you very easily. Trust me, I've tried.” He teased.
She laughed once again. Although she had a smile on, one could almost feel the pain that was projected in her eyes.
“Of course you have,” she said while patting his firm right bicep, which was still around her, completely straight, for he was using that arm to keep himself up. He was above her looking into her eyes, as she lay flat on her back, completely at peace because her love was with her.
My love? I don't even have the right to think that. She has felt a love for him for quite some time. He felt the same way. They both didn't know about the other's feelings. They both were too afraid of ruining their friendship to make any advancements.
She closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling when he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead.
“I'll miss you so much.” Inuyasha murmured against her skin.
“I'll miss you, too.” She replied, all the while keeping her eyes closed, not wanting him to see her cry. Of course, he knew anyway, because of his hanyou senses, he could smell her tears.
Without taking his lips off of her forehead, he said, “Please don't cry. You know how much I hate it when you cry. Come on Kagome, we still have two weeks left. Let's spend them being happy, okay?” By then end of his sentence, he was looking into her face again, her eyes had opened, and her tears had fallen. He was always amazed at how, even through everything that happens, if she tried, she didn't make a sound as she cried her heart out. If he was human, and he wasn't looking at her, because of the graceful way she kept herself in everything, he wouldn't have known she was crying.
Well, if he was human and he didn't know her like the back of his hand, which he did.
Without stumbling over herself, like normal people would when they were crying and talking at the same time, she replied, “I'm sorry. But, I don't know how I'll stay happy, when every day, I'll just count down until the day where I leave here. This has been my home all of my life, and then just suddenly leaving…well, it's not something I can just forget about. I know that, no matter how hard I try, I'll be sad. And… I don't know. But, I think, that if you stay with me, it'll be easier. But also harder,” her voice took on a teasing tone, “maybe you just shouldn't be with me the next two weeks, huh, dog boy?”
He growled lightly at the nick name… or that's what she thought he was growling at. But in reality, he was growling at the fact that she would even joke about keeping him away.
In less than a second, he had both of her arms pinned above her head, was straddling her waist, and his face was nose to nose with hers.
She hadn't even had the time to gasp.
“Don't even think about keeping me away. You can't do it. It's impossible, so it's useless to try. Understand?” He said it with such ferocity and such passion that all Kagome could do was nod. Once again seeing how much he cared for her, more tears silently crept down her cheeks as she closed her eyes once more as a desperate attempt at keeping her emotions at bay.
Thinking that he was the cause of this, Inuyasha began pleading for forgiveness, “I'm sorry Kagome! I didn't mean to be so harsh about it! Please don't be sad! You know how much of an asshole I can be! Don't listen to anything shitty I say! Just pleas-“
Keeping her eyes closed, while more tears leaked out from under her eyelids, she palmed both of his cheeks while her thumbs shut his lips. Once he got quiet, she moved her thumbs away, and just felt his face, promising herself that she would remember every plane and contour of it.
Inuyasha took her hands and kissed the palms of both. Then proceeded to kiss the tears off of her face. Such an affectionate action only brought forth more tears, for she was again reminded of how much she loved him, and how much she would miss him.
After he kissed both of her eyes, she opened them, only to see how much pain he was going through as well.
It was always like this with them. When one was sad, the other would help carry the burden of said sadness. They were like two halves of one soul. Everything bad and everything good was shared between the two. They never noticed this. Yet, everyone else did.
She put her hands on his chest and fisted his shirt. She pulled him to lie next to her, just like before, and rested her head on his shoulder, while his arms remained around her.
The pain both felt at this time was extreme. Mostly because, they loved each other, but were never able to tell each other. And they felt that it was too late now. They had two weeks left together, and they knew that speaking their feelings would only cause more pain for both of them, and so, these said feeling went unspoken.
However, Inuyasha did not want her to leave without knowing at least a fragment of his feeling for her, so, he lifted her chin so she could look into his eyes.
He leaned down until his lips were a hair's width away, and he said, “.You have to come back, promise me you'll come back.”
“I promise.”
And with that said, he closed the gap between them and their lips met.
This however, was not one of their normally chaste kisses.
She gasped as his tongue made contact with her lips, and Inuyasha entered her lips.
Inuyasha tried inviting her tongue to play, by sweeping his tongue sweetly across here. Inuyasha was frightened that she would just reject him, but visibly relaxed when she sighed and joined in on the passionate and loving kiss. Inuyasha knew that nothing more could be done about this, but he just had to taste her, even if it was just once. He had to. He couldn't let her go if he didn't get to taste her.
The kiss made Kagome cry more, because when she finally got what she wanted, the only person who could give it to her was being taken away. How cruel fate was.
They kissed until Kagome had to breathe and they exited the kiss panting. Kagome buried her face in the crook of his neck and cried some more while Inuyasha rubbed her back soothingly and kissed her on the top of her head. Eventually, she stopped crying and fell asleep.
Inuyasha stayed awake for some time after and just stared at the ceiling.
He knew that this was the end of the hope he'd harbored for her for a long time, and it broke his heart.
It was time to let her go.
And he would do that in two weeks.
No matter how much it hurt, he had to.
Doing so would be the best thing for her.
And so, he told himself,
Like they say, if you love someone, let them go, and if they come back, then they're yours. If they don't come back, they were never yours to begin with.
He fell asleep with the thought of
Come back to me, my Kagome.
Those two weeks were the fastest two weeks of their young lives. Kagome and Inuyasha lived it as thought they're kiss never happened.
And now, they were at the airport so Inuyasha could drop Kagome off. They went ahead of their parents so they could say goodbye in private.
The looked out the giant windows of the airport. The ones that looked on to the planes taking off. Inuyasha had his arms wrapped around Kagome, and they enjoyed the silence that engulfed them when they weren't in the midst of conversation.
With only 30 minutes left until Kagome had to get onto her plane, Inuyasha started talking.
“So this is it, huh?” He whispered into her ear.
“Yeah, I guess it is.”
“No worries though. Because we'll talk on the phone, and we'll write and email and instant message and it'll seem like you never even left. It'll be fine. And then, when we visit each other, nothing will have changed. You'll see.”
“Of course, Inuyasha. That's how it'll be. Nothing will have changed.” Kagome said, not convinced.
“Come on, Kagome. Don't be like that. It'll be fine. I promise. And I always keep my promises.” He smirked down at her, trying to lighten the mood.
“You never do break your promises. I trust you. Nothing will ever change. You're right.” Kagome smiled. What surprised her was, this time, she did believe what she said. She truly believed that nothing could come between her and Inuyasha, only because he said it was so.
Inuyasha then turned her around to face him and put his forehead onto hers.
“I will miss you though. A lot.” He told her lovingly.
“And I you,” she started, “even more.”
“I'll see you soon though, Kagome. You know that right?”
“Yes, sir. And until then, nothing will change because we'll talk every day!”
He gently nipped her nose and said, “Now you're getting it.”
She giggled sweetly and then put her arms around his neck while his encircled her waist.
“One more thing, Inuyasha?”
“Will you kiss me? Like that night when we were told I was leaving? I don't expect anything more, don't worry! I just-“
Her nervous babbling was silenced by his lips meeting hers. And they kissed like that night two weeks ago. Only this was more desperate because this was their last.
The people who walked by thought that they were lovers saying goodbye. What's sad though, is that they weren't lovers. They were in love, but nothing more, because they didn't even know the other's feelings. And when they broke apart to look into each other's eyes, their parents were there. And Kagome's mom was ready to board the plane with tears in her eyes, not for herself, but for her daughter.
Inuyasha's parents also felt pity for the teenagers, for it was too late now, and it was time for them to leave. With a last chaste kiss given by Inuyasha, Kagome left his arms to board the plane, after saying goodbye to her Uncle Tai and Aunt Izzy. She never looked back, for she was afraid that if she did, she would never be able to board the plane that would take her to her new home.
She did, however, quietly say “I Love You” not knowing if she wanted him to hear it or not.
With his keen demon senses, he did.
But he didn't know if he was supposed to.
And so, nothing happened. He didn't stop her. He didn't scream for her to stay. He didn't insist that she remain with him.
He let her go. So she could find a better life in America.
He wouldn't see her again. He knew that. He wouldn't see her again until she came back.
He wouldn't go to her.
He would wait until she came to him.
And so,
He started his wait.
So, whattaya guys think??
I personally liked it, but I was the author, so my opinions don't matter. Lol. Well, reviews are well appreciated, but I'm not gonna say for you to review or I won't finish this. I will finish this (hopefully…lol) but your opinions are cool too. I'd love to hear from you!
And here are some things that I've planned on happening:
Kagome does come back! YAY!
Inuyasha has a girlfriend when she comes back…ewwww. Guess who it is?! It's very obvious. Lol.
The reason she comes back to Tokyo is still yet undecided. But there will be a reason! …I think…well…I'm not making nay promises. haha
Kagome comes back after 8 years, so she'll be 24, and so will Inuyasha.
Yes! The girlfriend is KIKYO! …ewwww. haha.
Kagome shows up on Inuyasha's doorstep. Reasons will later be unfolded…meaning, I'm not telling you right now. =]
Miroku and Sango are involved in this. And I'm trying to make they're meeting pretty creative. But it'll probably be just a normal meeting. Whatever that means. I dunno yet.
Sesshomaru and Rin are in this one too (Rin's older, like, Sesshomaru's age)
Naraku will be in this, but I don't know how big his part will be.
I don't know if I should make Kikyo evil or not…hmmm…
Okay! Well, that's all I'm telling you for now! I'll update as soon as I possibly can! But you know, school. Bleh. Well, once again, your .02 cents are appreciated. Flames are okay, too; just tell me what you really think!
Thanks so much!