InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Yours ❯ Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

IluvInuFanFics:Thanks for being the first to review! and yeah, I didn't like her either. lol.
wudelfin: *sniff* thank you *sniff* lmao. Thanks for reviewing!
Bluesavorqueen:I'm thankful that you're anxious to know what happens, and I'll update as often as I can JUST FOR You okay? haha. Thanks for reviewing!
OLDDOG333:lolol…? thank you for reviewing! and I'm glad you like the story so far!
And once again, I don't own any Inuyasha characters!
8 years later…
“OH MY GOD!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” Kagome Higurashi stood in her apartment screaming into the telephone.
Her childhood friend, Ayame Koaku, was getting married. Kagome knew Koga Ookami very well, since they've all been friends since grade school and she was thrilled that two of her childhood friends were getting married.
“When's the wedding?!”
“Jeeze, Kagome! Full youkai here! I'm almost positive that I'll never be able to hear out of that ear again!”
“I'm sorry, but I'm just so excited for both of you!”
Ayame laughed into the receiver.
“It's alright, I guess. I'll forgive you, only if you come to my wedding.”
“Well, DUH I'm coming! When is it?!”
“Christmas Eve of next year. We had to schedule it way in advance because that's one of the most popular dates to get married. But anyway, it's exactly 1 year and 2 days from now. When can you fly back to Tokyo, which you haven't been to since you MOVED AWAY, to help me plan?”
“I'll be there by the end of January! I promise! And I know! I tried, but I just couldn't! There were too many things going on. But back to the wedding, I have one question.”
“Can I bring my friend, Sango Taijya. She's really great! I know for a fact that you'll love her!”
“Sure, sure! The more, the merrier!”
“Thanks! I have to go now, but I'll call you!”
“Alright. Bye!”
And with that said, the friends ended their conversation.
“Hello, Mr. Inuyasha Takashi?”
“Yes, what is it, Kaoru?”
“Your friend, Koga Ookami is on line 2. Would you like me to put him through?”
“Yes, that would be just fine thank you.”
Inuyasha picked up the phone and linked to line 2.
“Whattaya want, Wolf? I'm working.”
“Oh. I see how it is. Just because you inherited the all big and powerful Takahashi Law Inc., you`re too good for your friends now. Okay, I'll remember that for the next time I have something im-“
Inuyasha growled impatiently.
“Get to what you're going to say, Koga, or I'm hanging up.”
“Alright, fine! Well, Ayame and I are getting married.”
Inuyasha smirked.
“About time. You two have been together since, what, last year of high school? It was gonna happen eventually. So, when's the wedding?”
“Next year's Christmas Eve. You're comin' right?”
“Me? Miss the big day that Koga Ookami gets his freedom taken away? Never. I'll be there.”
“Okay. Well, everyone that's gonna have a part in the wedding will meet up on the 4th of February. Is that cool?”
That's Kagome's birthday, Inuyasha recalled.
“Hello? Inuyasha?”
“Oh, yeah. Um…yeah. That's good.”
“Alright. Well, I'll let you get back to work. See ya!”
“Yeah, bye.”
Once, Koga hung up, Inuyasha was once again flooded with thoughts of his once best friend, and first love, Kagome Higurashi.
No. She was still his most important person, however, once he stopped answering everything she sent him in an attempt to stop her, and himself, from hurting anymore, he was sure that she hated him. He hadn't kept his promise. For all he knew, she may have thought he had died.
No, that couldn't have been true. He knew it wasn't because, all though, they no longer talked anymore, their parents still did, and if she had worried about him, she would've asked, or found out some other way.
Once she found out he was fine, she most likely cried. This was what had hurt him the worst; her pain. But he was sure that she must have forgotten it by now.
It has, after all, been four years since the last time he sent anything back.
But, the contact kept coming until her 22nd birthday. Then she stopped.
He had read every single thing she had sent him. But, after four years, he just stopped replying.
He gave up on coming back to him. He figured that she would find a better man than him in America. That she would live her life out happy and let him move on with his.
Inuyasha started a relationship with a woman who looked almost identical to Kagome.
Kikyo Oykiko was a nice woman.
She just isn't Kagome.
Kikyo was also pretty.
But, Kagome was, and, I'm sure, is still much more beautiful.
Kikyo was also smart.
Kagome was brilliant.
Kikyo was very talented.
Kagome had to be the most skilled person in the world. She was smart. She was athletic. She could play the drums, the flute, the piano, the violin, the guitar, the trumpet, the saxophone, the clarinet, the harp…pretty much every instrument know to man kind. and she had the most amazing singing voice…
He told himself.
He had been doing so well in not thinking about her as much!
And he would not start failing now!
Kagome was in her car driving to her friend Sango's house.
She thought about how she was finally going back to Tokyo.
And about how she somewhat envied her friend's happiness.
No matter what she did, she couldn't find anyone for her.
That's because I left him 8 years ago. And because he stopped talking to me. That bastard! Even though I did nothing wrong! He just…
Every time she thought about Inuyasha, she would always come close to tears.
She tried to stop thinking about him, and instead about why her ex-boyfriend, Hojo, and her didn't work out.
Hojo Jimiki treated her very well.
Not as well as Inuyasha treated me.
Hojo was very good looking.
No were near as good looking as Inuyasha. Nothing can beat his amber eyes, his little puppy ears, or his silver hair. Nothing.
Mrs. Higurashi liked Hojo very much.
Not as much as she loved Inuyasha. Inuyasha was almost her son!
Ugh! No! Stop thinking about him Kagome!
She didn't want to hurt anymore.
And that was why she dicided that she ouwld stop thinking about him.
She was never going to see him again,
Because she was not going to try and look for him.
She had decided long ago to leave this part of her life behind her.
And she would do just that.
Even if it killed her.
Which it just might.
When Kagome told Sango the news, she was over joyed! Sango was from Tokyo, also, and had not been able to go back since she moved to America when she was 14 years old.
Their trip was set.
Days turned into weeks, and those weeks went by.
Christmas and New Year's had come and gone.
And the day of their departure had arrived.
“The plane departing straight flight to Tokyo, Japan from here, Cambridge, Massachusetts in Gate 38A has started boarding. First class passengers, please get you tickets out and ready so that the line could move much faster. Thank you very much!”
During the plane ride, the two girls talked, shared stories, slept, and thought about numerous things.
Both girls were ecstatic to be going back to their hometown/homecounrty.
They had both missed it greatly.
And when the plane landed, and the stepped onto Tokyo grounds,
It's safe to say that both girls thought to themselves,
I'm home.
Inuyasha woke up and was about to start his day when he realized that he didn't have to go to work today.
Today was February 4th.
The day he was supposed to go to Koga and Ayame's house to have an engagement party, whish also meant that he'd be hearing a lot about the wedding.
He was happy for his two childhood friends, really he was.
But he couldn't help but feel jealous.
Of course, he'd never admit that out loud, or even to himself, but he was.
At least you finally got over Kagome. He reminded himself.
This was true. Well, he thought it as true.
It took him 8 long years, but he was ready to move on and start a new life.
He had “gotten over her” sometime in the past year.
He found himself not thinking about her quite as often.
He found himself not comparing her to Kikyo as much.
He was ready to attack the world as it came again.
And with that thought, he took a shower, got dressed, and then jumped into his 2008 Nissan GT-R Spec V and drove off to pick up Kikyo, who was accompanying him to the party.
At Koga/Ayame's house, their guests were scheduled to arrive soon.
They had planned to have a semi large wedding, but today, only their childhood friends, that had a part to play in the wedding, were coming.
Inuyasha was the best man. And unbeknownst to anyone else but Ayame and her mate, Kagome was to be the maid of honor.
They haven't seen each other in 8 years and haven't talked in 4, Ayame thought. This ought to be interesting.
Ayame looked at the clock.
It was 10:59 a.m.
She had told all of them, including Inuyasha and Kagome, to be there at 11 a.m. sharp.
Ayame fixed her dress shirt and straightened the imaginary wrinkles on her skirt.
Let the game begin.
OW OW! And that's that! Chapter 2 finished! Just so you know, I'm done with chapter 3 and 4 too. But GOD DAMNIT! I think I accidentally deleted chapter 4! I'm so fucking pissed off right now! like, you don't even know! Ugh! I was so happy with it too! I hate my life! But anyway, I don't mind if you guys suggest anything for the story. You guys could help me out a lot actually.
I'm not lost right now, but eventually, I'll start having troubles on planning what'll happen next, so feel free to contribute ideas!
Thanks again for reading!
Reviews are great too, so, yeah.
PS. There are probably mistakes in here, only because I got too lazy to re-read it to make sure. lol. LET ME KNOW! =]