InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Yours ❯ What Have You Been Up To? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Umm…so, I completely understand if some people wanna kill me. It’s been FOREVER since my last update…but I hope that this chapter can make up for it? I’ll be updating quite often now I think! Keep your fingers crossed! And you’ve reviewed, thank you so SO much!

Remember, I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the Inuyasha characters. No matter how badly I wish I did):

On with the story!


“Oh my, God! Sango! We’re LATE!”

If one were to stand outside of Sango’s hotel room, that Kagome had just burst into, they would have heard quite a few noises: a few choice words, very much crashing, and two girls screaming their heads off telling the other that it was their fault that they hadn’t woken up on time.

“I told you we shouldn’t have stayed up so late last night!” Kagome screamed

“Well, you can’t deny that you had a good time!” Sango screeched back.

It was 11:30 a.m.

They had just woken up, when they were supposed to be at Koga/Ayame’s house at 11 sharp.

Since both girls hurried, they were out of the hotel room by 12:15 p.m.

Since they were about to go to a semi formal event, they decided to dress…well…semi formally.

Kagome walked out in a black tank top that stuck to her toned stomach, with a gray transparent sweater over it where the sleeves poofed out and were cinched to her elbows. The bottom of her shirt cinched a little above her waist, while somewhat baggy, still showed off her figure perfectly. On the bottom, she wore white capris that were tucked into her black knee-high, not too high-heeled boots. She had black and white bangles on her left wrist, and let her right wrist remain bare. She had silver hoop earrings on, and left her raven black hair down, which made the earrings pop out drastically in contrast. She had big sunglasses on and was equipped with her purse, bags and bags full of presents for the people she knew would be there (the ones Ayame told her of anyway), and her car keys to her Porsche, which she had bought when she first arrived in Tokyo, for she didn’t want to rent a car for an entire year. She figured that she’d just find a way to ship it into America, or give it to the to-be-wedded couple as a wedding present.

Sango was wearing a long sleeved white shirt with a black and pink sweater vest over it, which made her look very sophisticated. On the bottom, she wore black formal pants and had pink boots on under them, causing the little pointy toes of the boots to peak through the bottom. The color of the boots matched the color of the pink on the sweater vest. She had her long black hair pulled up into a high ponytail while leaving her bangs down. Her ears were adorned with a small diamond earring on each earlobe. She, too, had bought a car when she got to Tokyo, but she preferred the 2008 Pontiac Solstice. She carried 6 bags of Kagome’s 13 that she had filled to the brim with gifts for her friends. She also carried her purse because it held all of her necessities.

Today, they were going to ride together in Kagome’s car.

After putting all of their stuff into the trunk, they climbed into the front and drove off to the party that they were now an hour and 15 minutes late for.

Ayame’s going to kill me, Kagome thought fearfully.


I am going to KILL that girl! Ayame thought menacingly.

Had she not made herself clear?! She had told them to be here at 11 a.m. SHARP! Not 11 a.m. but if you want to, you can come an hour and a half late! It was already 12:30 and they STILL weren’t here!

Everyone was already sitting down in their living room having a good time and just talking, like they always did.

Everyone included, Inuyasha and Kikyo, Miroku and his new flavor of the week, which was some girl named Kazuna, and Kagura and Sesshomaru, who were definitely not each other’s dates.

Kagome was Ayame’s surprise for everyone. And since she wasn’t there, Ayame was upset that the surprise she had been so excited for had been belated.

If she doesn’t show up in the next 5 seconds I’ll-


“OH! I’ll get it!” Ayame screamed and rushed to the door.

Inuyasha looked around, everyone that he thought would be there was already there

“Hey, who else is coming?” He asked Koga.

Koga feigned innocence and replied with a shrug of his shoulders and an “I don’t know.”

Then they all heard Ayame hiss, trying and failing to whisper.

“You girls are in big trouble! I told you, 11 SHARP! And you choose to come an hour and a half late! Ugh! This proves how much you love me-wait. Are those bags all presents?” They guessed the girls had nodded because they heard Ayame reply, “Alright, fine. You’re forgiven.”

That scent. It smells exactly like Kagome. Inuyasha thought, trying to figure out who the mystery women were.

“Come in, come in! Happy birthday by the way! Don’t worry, I have all the birthday presents that I got for your every year for the past eight years!”

Eight years? A February 4th birthday? No way…stop Inuyasha! It might be her cousin or something…her cousin that smells like Kagome, and that Ayame hasn’t seen in eight years that just so happens to have a February 4th birthday, too. That’s all. Inuyasha’s mind was working overdrive.

“You must be Sango then! I’ve heard so much about you! I’m glad you guys could fly in all the way from America to see little ol’ me get married!”

Doesn’t Kagome have a friend named Sango? Okay, so what if she does have a friend, or sister or something with the same name, and so what if they came from America. There are a lot of people out there with the same name, and a lot of people are in America. No big deal. Stop Inuyasha. It’s not true.

He would not get his hopes up until he actually saw her through his own eyes.

Ayame then walked back in the room. “I have someone to introduce to you. This is Sango Taijya.” Sango walked in with a shy smile and said hello. Miroky thought he had just died and gone to heaven. This woman was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life. He had to introduce himself, but before he could, Ayame started again, “and this is my long time child hood friend, whom most of you already know.”

Then Kagome walked in with a bright smile and said, “Miss me?”


The whole room, save for Inuyasha, Kikyo, and Kazuna screamed, “Kagome!”

Inuyasha felt his heart stop, and couldn’t find the breath needed for speech. Kikyo and Kazuna just didn’t know her.

Kagome was bombarded by all of her old friend. The girls were crying and the boys were giving their ‘little squirt’ hugs and noogies. Kagome had been the youngest of heir little group. Of course, they were all within two years apart o each other, except Sesshomaru, who was three years older than Kagome. They were all just months older than her, but they still called her ‘squirt’.

Everyone had also started introducing themselves to Sango.

Then, the questions came.

“Oh my goodness! Kagome! How’ve you been?!”

“Why haven’t you come back until now?!”

“Is America wonderful?”

“Did you meet a lot of great people? A lot of cute boys?” Inuyasha’s blood boiled at hearing this.

“Did you miss Japan?”

“Woah woah woah! Guys! One question at a time!” Kagome was starting to have a headache with all the questions they were throwing at her all at once.

Sango then said, “I knew that Kagome’s friends would all have questions about how she’s been, so I made something.”

“…what’d you do, Sango?” Kagome asked hesitantly.

“Don’t worry so much , Kagome. Sheesh. You act like I’m about to kill you.”

Kagura snickered. “Always the little paranoia, aren’t we, Kagome? Eight years has not changed you much. I mean, sure, you grew more into your figure, and babe, I have to say, you look hot.

Kagome laughed out right at this. “Thanks, I guess.”

Inuyasha couldn’t help but agree at how much more beautiful she had become.

She hadn’t grown much, she still remain 5’7” while he stood 6’1”. Her face and body had matured into those of a woman’s instead of a young teenager. Her hips filled out, and so had her chest. Her waist was still thin and toned, thanks to years of running and her love for sports. Her legs were long, and her raven black hair went on for miles. She was beautiful.

Kagome had noticed him by now, but didn’t even throw him a second glance. Well, he didn’t think she’d thrown him a second glance. The whole time she had been talking to her other friends, she had been looking at him through the corners of her eyes.

She was very surprised when she saw him.

When she walked into the room, she had started berating herself for overlooking the fact the Inuyasha was also very close with all of them, for he had been part of their group as well. She stiffened significantly when she noticed that he was there. And with his arm wrapped around some girl that she didn’t even know! To say she was startled at seeing him with this woman was definitely an understatement. But that didn’t mean that she was disappointed by what she say.

He looked good.

Ah, screw it. He looks better than good. He’s gorgeous!

His shoulders were broader and he looked more muscular, but a lean type of muscular. Inuyasha’s body made her of think of the Canadian actor Ryan Gosling’s, except better. He still had his beautiful silver hair, and his amazing amber eyes, and…

UGH. Just like before, he has great timing on when he feels like showing up…

“Umm, Ayame?” Hearing Sango’s voice tore Kagome out of the other world she had been in for a minute.


“Could you put this into your DVD player? You’ll see what’s in it in a second.”

“Alright! Sure!”

Then everyone sat down on the couches again ready to see what was on the DVD.

To keep himself occupied, Seshomaru asked Kagome, “So Squirt, how was schooling in America?”

“Well, I worked as hard as I could, to be the best lawyer I could be and-“

“Best lawyer YOU can be?!” Sango interrupted, “Pssh! Try best lawyer at Harvard University! You need to give yourself more credit! Privately tutored at your home until you reached the age of 16 and a half. It only took you half of a year to learn two years worth of normal schooling, right after you moved to America too! And also, at the age of 16 and a half, you graduated high school with the top credits, and with the highest scores on the ACTs out of everyone else on the east coast! Perfect score! Yhen, after that, you decided to become the youngest person to ever be accepted, not only into an IVY league college, but youngest person to ever actually make it into Harvard Law! Then, you were able to zoom past your classes as well! Plus, you have a social life that could match anyone’s! You make it seem like its nothing to pass with a perfect score and actually live your life! And now, you have full eligibility to practice your skills anywhere in the world. You have gotten more job offers than you can count, and you didn’t even apply for any of them, they all came running to you! You, my friend, are not only being the best you can be, but you’re doing one hell of a job at beating everyone else’s BEST THEY BE’s too. Stop selling yourself short. It’s getting very tiring.”

After Sango’s little tirade on her life, Kagome sat with her jaw to the floor, just like everyone else in the room.

“You…I…I mean…How..” Kagome was having some trouble finding her words, “WHAT?! How did you know all of that?!”

Kagome was rapidly searching through the files in her head wondering when her confidence could have been at such a down that she told Sango all of THAT!

“Kagome. Come one. You can’t seriously think that I couldn’t have known that. Your name is one of the most famous in the academic community, college community, and political community as well. And I, being the English teacher that I am, received a report on you about 2-3 years ago from a student of mine as their annual independent project. Oops. I guess I forgot.”

Kagome’s eyes went wide. “Forgot?! How could you have possibly forgotten to tell me something like that?!”

“I don’t know. I never really gave telling you about it much thought I guess,” she shrugged as though it was nothing. Kagome was amazed at her friend’s actions, but just shook her head and shook I off.

Then, she turned back to Sesshomaru and stated her reply.

“School was fine.”


Inu yasha could not believe she was back. When she walked by him and her legs grazed his knees, it took all the strength he had to stop himself from pouncing on her and dragging her somewhere else so they could be alone. She had come back to him!

No, dumbass. She came back for the wedding. She won’t even look at you. This was very true. She was talking to everyone else as though she hadn’t left at all, but didn’t even say hello to him. But, hearing her friend Sango talk about all of Kagome’s achievements made his heart soar with pride. That’s my girl.

Now, the DVD had been put in and he was waiting for it to start. He was actually quite curious to see what was on the mystery DVD. But when the screen popped up and read “Kagome’s Life Story: From 16 years of age to 24,” Kagome said “I can’t watch this…” and walked out ft he room to the right.

Everyone knew how she hated watching herself on TV, so they weren’t worried. Inuyasha however, saw his chance.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom.” The most Inuyasha got from saying this was a few head nods in acknowledement. He proceeded to walk the same way Kagome had gone. Ayame smiled knowingly.

Miroku leaned over to her and whispered, “Isn’t your bathroom to the left?”


And the DVD began.


Kagome decided o explore the house.

She went up the stairs and was met with many pictures adorning the walls. There were many of her and her friends, when they were teenagers, children, even some from when they were babies. There were also some taken when Kagome was gone. She was glad to be able to see what her friends had been up to while she had been away, and she was glad they had all been fine. But when she came upon a picture if just her and Inuyasha, her heart broke.

The picture was of Inuyasha and herself when they were both fifteen. Inuyasha had his arms around her holding her to him, playfully trying to kiss her cheek. She had her arms to his chest leaning away from him so that he couldn’t reach. She remembered how happy they were.

“I remember when that picture was taken.”

Kagome whirled around in absolute shock at hearing the masculine voce behind her, and ran right into a brick wall adorned with silver hair, amber eyes, and puppy ears on the top of its head.


I really hope you guys were okay with this one! There were some parts I wasn’t too happy about in this chapter, but I just couldn’t think of anything else. I had no idea what the hell I was talking about in the Kagome’s achievements tirade. I was just making stuff up. So if its not true, pretend it is! Suspension of disbelief people ;P lol.
Oh well! It think it turned out well(:
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Thanks so much!