InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ When the purple twilight falls.. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What the Eyes Can't See..
Chapter 2 When the Purple Twilight falls
Rating : G
Author :Sami-chan ((AkA Belldandy-san!!))
Author's Notes : Ohiyo minna-san!! Well it's now... 8 am and I haven't gone to bed yet so I figured that I should work on my newest fan fic so I could have a couple chapters out for you all!! I hope you all like it! Anywho!! Now that I've finished I think I'll go pass out ^^;; Any questions, comments or suggestion feel free to drop me a line! Til then!
Ja mata!
Disclaimer : If a tree falls in the forest and then springs back up again does Inu yasha freak out?? Either way he still isn't mine so I guess that will just have to be a question for the ages ^^


Kagome stared at the panicked hanyou in disbelief. She brought her hand up and waved it in front of his face, watching as his eyes continued their blank stare at some unknown spot behind her.

She pulled her hand back with a gasp, "Oh gods! How did this happen??"

"I don't know!" Suddenly a slightly sucking sound caught Inu yasha's attention and his free hand came up, out of reflects, to smack at the irritation on his throat. "Miyoga-jiji?"

With a pop, the once flattened flea returned to his original form and bowed politely. "Long time no suck Inu yasha-sama!"

"Miyoga-jiji!" Kagome brought her face down to stare directly at the small flea demon. "Inu yasha's gone blind!!"

Miyoga's eyes went wide in shock. "Nani?!" He bounded up onto his masters cheek and began examining the afflicted area. After a few moments Inu yasha began to become impatient.

"Spill it Miyoga-jiji! What's going on!?"

"Humm.." Miyoga scratched his chin. "It would appear that... Tell me did you get a purple dust in your eyes sometime today?"

Inu yasha nodded.

"Humm.. and then you tried to wash it out with water, ne?"

Again the hanyou nodded.

Miyoga shook his head and hopped over onto Kagome's shoulder. "That dust was from a flower that grows just north of here. It's known as the "purple twilight" for it's unusual defense."

"What kind of defense?" Kagome asked, moving the small flea onto her hand.

"Well, it releases a purple pollen that irritates the eyes. If left alone it will eventually clean its self out but when added to water it cause the victims to go blind."

"Is it," Inu yasha swallowed hard, "Permanente?"

"I've never actually come across anyone affected by the blossom myself so I'm not totally sure." Miyoga jumped onto his master’s shoulder. "Gomen ne."

Kagome felt her hand begin squeezed tighter and turned to find the fearful hanyou's blink gaze on her. She smiled gently and reached her free hand up to caress his cheek. He leaned into her touch. "Don't worry Inu yasha.. I'm sure we can find a way."

Inu yasha tried his best to contain the whimper that threatened to escape his throat. "Kagome..."

"Shh.." Kagome ran her thumb across his lower lips in a soothing jester. "We'll go see Kaede-babachan. She's never let us down before, ne?"

Inu yasha nodded gently in agreement. "But Kagome?"

Kagome looked into the hanyou's blank eyes sadly. Even without sight she could still see all the fear and pain that radiated in his golden orbs.

She already knew his question.

"Don't worry Inu yasha..." Her hand squeezed his gently as she began leading him back towards their campsite. "I'll stay with you..."


Inu yasha and Kagome reentered the campsite quietly and headed directly for a large tree near Kagome's bedroll. Kagome gently guided Inu yasha into a sitting position against the tree before turning to head over to her own bed.

A clawed hand reached up and took hold of her sleeve. "Kagome?"

She smiled softly as she knelt down between Inu yasha's raised knees. She brought her hand up to lightly caress his cheek, hoping it would help soothe his fears. "Hai?" she asked softly.

Inu yasha swallowed down the frog that had taken up residence in his throat. "Um.. Would you." he stuttered. "That is I don't- Um.."

Kagome giggled softly. "Hai, Inu yasha. Just give me a moment ok?"

Inu yasha nodded and Kagome turned to fetch her sleeping roll. As her gaze moved to the small group gathered around the campfire she noticed for the first time their shocked stares. She laughed nervously as she moved towards her bedroll. "Umm.. what's going on guys?"

Miroku was the first to shake out of his daze. "Kagome-sama? What's going on?"

Kagome blushed as she unzipped the full length of her sleeping bag and head back over to where Inu yasha was nervously awaiting her return. She sighed knowing that she was going to have to explain this sooner or later any way. Though, she had hoped it would be later.

"Minna, we will be heading back to Kaede-babachan's tomorrow."

Everyone looked surprised. "Why?" Sango asked skeptically. "Did you and Inu yasha fight again??"

"What'd you say this time Inu yasha??" Shippou yelled, leaping on to his shoulder and waving an accusing finger in the inu hanyou's face.

The sudden unknown weight on his shoulder startled Inu yasha and before he could stop himself, he had Shippou held above the ground by the throat. The small kit squeak in horror. "Inu- yasha?" he choked.

"Inu yasha!" Kagome reached out and pried Inu yasha's clawed hand from around Shippou's neck, allowing the boy to fall to the ground, no worse for wear. She brought the offending limb up and rubbed the callused hand against her cheek. "Calm down Inu yasha."

This seemed to appease the flightily hanyou and he resettled himself against the tree. "Go..Gomen Shippou." He turned his face away. "I didn't.."

Kagome let out a sigh and took a seat in his lap, pulling the covers over both herself and Inu yasha. "Inu yasha didn't mean any harm." She paused for a moment trying to think about exactly how to put this.

A voice cut through her thought. "I'm blind."

She looked up at Inu yasha, surprised that he had actually said what afflicted him out loud. Another sound caused her to turn once more to the group around the campfire.

It was laughter.

Miroku was chuckling softly while Sango tried her best to suppress a smile and Shippou rolled around on the ground, unable to contain himself. She felt a growl raising in Inu yasha's throat and she reach a hand back to rub his ears, quieting the noise before it escaped.

Miroku wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh that was a great one Inu yasha."

"Yeah." Sango giggled. "Really though, why are we going back?"

Kagome sighed. "It wasn't a joke. Inu yasha has gone blind."

Everyone gasped in shock. "What?! How??" Miroku moved closer to the pair. "Let me see!"

Inu yasha raised his head reluctantly to stare at his companions, his eyes fixing on everything at once but at the same time nothing at all. It was nothing more then a blank and sightless stare that sent shivers up everyone's spines.

Miroku gently reached out a hand to touch Inu yasha's face, "I'm going to touch your face Inu yasha."

Inu yasha turned away quickly, not allowing the monk a further inspection. "Don't bother. Miyoga-jiji all ready took a look."

"Hai!" All eyes fell on the tiny flea demon now perched on top of Inu yasha's head.

"Miyoga-jiji?" Sango asked curiously. "Do you know what happened?"

"Well I don't know *how* it happened," Miyoga scratched his head, "But I know the cause. It's a flower that grows to the north called "purple twilight"."

" 'Purple twilight'?" Miroku repeated in shock.

Sango looked to the puzzled bonzo. "You've heard of it houshin-sama?"

Miroku nodded. "Hai but We haven't been any where near one of those today. How could it have.."


All eyes fixed on Inu yasha as he spoke. "When I was fighting Kagura today she blew some kind of purple powder into my face, just before she ran off."

Kagome nodded. "That's right. After the battle your eyes were all bloodshot and red... That's why you went to the river."

"So," Shippou took a seat in Sango's lap, not wanting to startle Inu yasha again by sitting in Kagome's. "Then this is a trap by Naraku??"

"It would appear so.." Sango's hand unconsciously rubbed the kit's small ears. "At any rate what are we going to do? Is there a way to curse him?"

Miroku shook his head. "I've never heard of one."

Kagome felt Inu yasha stiffen behind her. She gently reached out and took hold of his hand, bringing it up to rest against her cheek. This seemed to, again, sway some of his fears and she made a note of it for later use. "We won't worry about it tonight. Tomorrow we will head back to Kaede-babachan's and see if she doesn't know of some way to help Inu yasha."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Until then I'll take Inu yasha's first watch tonight." Kagome snuggled back against Inu yasha, making herself more comfortable.

"I can do it."

Kagome tilted her head back to look up at Inu yasha and smiled. "Well then how about I just stay up and keep you company?"

Inu yasha blushed but nodded.

Kagome smiled again. "Good! Then minna, get some rest! We head out first thing!"

"Hai!" Everyone scurried over to their bedrolls, Miroku on one side of the fire pit and Sango cuddled close by Shippou and Kirara on the other.

Miyoga hopped down to the ground and stood facing Kagome. He bowed politely. "I leave Inu yasha-sama in your care Kagome-sama!" And with that he bounded off to some unknown destination.

Kagome let out a sigh as she settled herself in for the night. She held back a squeak of surprise when Inu yasha's arms snaked around her shoulders and held her tightly against his chest.

"You know," he whispered, "You don't have to stay up with me. You should rest too."

Kagome smiled and reached a hand back to touch Inu yasha's cheek. He jumped slightly at the feeling of her smooth fingertips against his skin but relaxed quickly and leaned into her caress. "I told you didn't I? That I'd stay with you?"

Inu yasha let out a sigh and gently rested his chin on Kagome's head and she knew that she had won. Her hand drifted down from his face and ideally ran the length of his forearm producing a shiver from the hanyou.



Inu yasha's eyes closed as he inhaled Kagome's sweet scent. "Arigato."
