InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ Counting to Twenty ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What the Eyes Can't See
Chapter 3 Counting to Twenty
Rating : PG-13
Author : Sami-chan ((AKA Belldandy-chan))
Author's Notes : Ohiyo minna-chan! Wow! I've only got up a few chapters but already I have reviews!! ::happy dance:: I love reviews so please keep them coming! One recent review I found most interesting was a person who commented on my choice for blinding Inu yasha and I felt the sudden need to elaborate on it ^^ ((not that it was a bad comment cause it wasn't ^^ I just like to explain my reasoning))
The reason I choice to blind Inu yasha with the use of a poison was pretty simple really. If I had used something physical it would heal too quickly to make it worth writing a fic. If I used a normal poison like Sesshomaru's poison talons it would also, again cleared it's way out before it was worth writing about... So instead I came up with a new and improved way to blind our hanyou friend that maybe fix ^^ or not... ^^ Heehee You'll have to read to figure out the cure, if any, to Inu yasha's current state ^^
Until the end, I hope you all enjoy the story and it's many directions! Please take care one and all and feel free to drop me a line any time! Good or bad, I like hearing what people think!
Until then,
Ja mata!
Disclaimer : If I owned Inu yasha the world (or at least *my* part of it) would be a much happier place ^^;; So until that glorious day when hell freezes over, (and I don't mean Hell, MI) I don't own Inu yasha.


Inu yasha was on her last nerve.

Things had started out bad that morning when the stubborn hanyou had insisted on carrying Kagome on his back the whole way home. Kagome had of course protested, siting the fact that Inu yasha was now blind and hanging over his shoulder was not the vantage point she would need to be in.

Inu yasha had of course let out a loud 'keh' and pointed to his nose. "Wench! I can still *smell* where I'm going. All you have to do it make sure I don't hit any trees!"

Rather then argue, Kagome had given in, figuring that once he got tired of tripping over things he would give up and listen to her. However thing were quite different then she had hope. Instead he merely cursed at her under his breath each time his feet slipped momentarily from underneath him. He'd yell and carry on about how she was suppose to be watching out for him before continuing on then tripping again a short while later.

Finally, fed up with being blamed, Kagome had suggested that he put her down with her bike and he could simply ride on the back like he often did on long journeys. After a few moments of silent debate within his own mind, Inu yasha had agreed and that had been the way they had travel for the rest of the day.

After the 'traveling crisis' had been averted Inu yasha had to find something new to complain about. This time it was speed.

They way she was peddling was too slow, he grumbled, and at the rate they were going he'd be dead before they reach the village. Kagome had to bite her tongue almost literally to keep her comments to herself. She counted slowly to ten in her mind and continued on, reminding herself Inu yasha was just going through a hard time. He just needed to vent.

Kagome now found herself counting again to cool the presser building up in her head but this time starting from 20.

They had just finished setting up camp for the night when Kagome had announced her intentions of bathing in the hot spring they had settled not far from and began gathering up her bathing supplies along with Sango. As they had turned to walk the small trail that lead from their tiny clearing to the spot at which the girls would be relaxing they found a rather large and irritated hanyou blocking their path.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked calmly.

Kagome had sighed and motioned for Sango to ahead of her. "Go ahead Sango-chan." she said more for Inu yasha's benefit then anyone else. "I'll be along in a moment."

Sango nodded and passed by Inu yasha making as much noise as she could so she wouldn’t startle him. He allowed her to pass easily before turning back to Kagome. "Well?"

Kagome sighed again, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm going to take a bath and I'll be right back."

Inu yasha folded his arms over his chest, "Then I'm going too."

Kagome's jaw dropped, "No!"

Inu yasha frowned. "Kagome I have to be close to you incase someone attacks! It's gonna be harder for me to protect you now."

"I've got Sango with me and I'll call if anything happens."

"That's not good enough!"

Kagome gave a very human like growl. "Inu yasha, you are *not* taking a bath with me!"

"Who said I was taking one!? I just want to be close by."

Kagome poked the aggravating inu hanyou in the chest. "Camp is not that far from the spring you baka!" She grabbed him by the shoulders and swung them both around so that she was now standing where Inu yasha had once been. "You can wait here with Miroku until I'm done!!"

Inu yasha pouted as he hands reached out and held tight to her wrist. "Kagome please," he almost whimpered.

Kagome looked up into his face with surprise. Her eyes took hold of his sightless gaze and her heart melted just a bit. He was afraid but he was trying to put up a front for her even as they stood there. She knew that he was afraid for her, he always was but as she stood there, staring up into his beautiful amber eyes she noticed another deeper fear they seemed to grip his heart.

The fear of being alone.

Not only alone she noted but the fear of being alone and vulnerable as he was. Even now as the silence wore on between them she noticed the panic welling up in his heart that she would again say no and leave in alone once more in darkness. It was enough to bring the softhearted miko to tears but, she held them back.

"Inu yasha," her hand came up and gently touched his cheek and she smiled as he leaned into the comforting caress. She whispered so that only he could hear her, allowing him to save face before their group. "You don't have anything to worry about. You're not alone. Miroku will be with you and Shippou too. I'll come back as fast as I can. ok?"

'It's not the same.' Inu yasha thought quietly, turning his blank gaze from the woman before him. "Please Kagome." he asked again, his voice sounding more like a child then a youkai as he spoke.

Kagome sighed this time in defeat. He always won out when he used that tone on her. She could never say no.

So now here they were, she and Sango bathing in almost complete quiet while Inu yasha sat on the edge, dangling his feet in the warm water. Never being a patient one, Inu yasha had begun complaining almost the minute they had arrived and Kagome was using every last bit of strength she had to *not* jump up and pumble the man before her.

Sango swallowed hard as she watched her miko friend grit her teeth and count quietly. "Kagome?" she asked in an almost fear like state. "Are you ok?"

Inu yasha was about to jump up, thinking something was wrong until he heard the irate human growl in his ear. "What's your problem wench?" he bit out.

Kagome snapped.


With a startled cry Inu yasha found himself face down in the spring, trying desperately to hold what little breath he had until the spell wore off.

Kagome turned to Sango, still fuming. "Sango let me have a few minutes alone with our 'friend' here.."

The taiyjin nodded and quickly rinsed the shampoo from her hair before grabbing her clothing and a towel before disappearing into a small bush to change then head back to camp.

By this point Inu yasha had resurfaced, wet, mad and gasping for air. "What," he gasped, "Is your problem wench! I could have drowned!"

"Then try harder next time!" Kagome screamed, poking Inu yasha hard in the chest. "And my *problem* as you so arrogantly put it, is you at this point!"

"Me?! What did I do!?!"

"You've been nothing but a pain in the ass all fucking day! That's what!!" Kagome stood now, forgetting her lack of clothing, to make herself as close to eye level with the hanyou as she could. "You've complained about everything today from breakfast to now and it's getting on my nerves!"

"Well.. Well.." Inu yasha searched for a retort. "If you weren't so pathetically slow I wouldn't have to complain as much!!"

"That's not the problem and you know it!" Kagome hit the heal of her hand against his forehead. "Look Inu yasha I know this is hard for you but you need to relax damn it! Or you're gonna drive everyone insane!"

"I can't *relax*!" he fumed. "If I relax for even a second we could all be killed!"

"Inu yasha you aren't the only person here that's responsible for our safety! Granted, you are the one who takes the most responsibility and you are the one that ends up with most of the battles but you take that upon yourself." Kagome reached out a hand and gently placed it on his shoulder.

He stiffened under her sudden touch but didn't react.

"Please Inu yasha, let us help you."

Inu yasha growled. "I don't need your help! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!"

Kagome sighed, "Fine then I guess you don't need me here."

Inu yasha's eyes went wide as he heard the sounds of someone moving in the water towards the bank. Almost unconsciously his hand reached out and grabbed hold of her arm.

Kagome let out a surprised squeak as she suddenly felt her back collide against Inu yasha's chest. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her tightly against him. His thoughts screamed at him to hold her tight, to not let this one thing he needed now more then anything leave him standing there, alone.

Kagome blushed from head to toe at the incredible intimacy with which she was now being held. Inu yasha's arms rested just below her bare breast and she could feel the rough, wet fabric of his haori rub brush against them as Inu yasha's chest rose and fell. She pulled against him gently, "Let me go Inu yasha."

He held her tighter. "No."

Kagome reached up one of her arms to pry at his hands as best she could with them pinned at her side. "Let me go now."

Again his grip tightened and the hanyou buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Kagome was about to yell again when a soft sound drifted through her wet hair and into her ear. "Inu yasha?" she asked, almost skeptically.

"Please." His voice as gruff and husky, thick with emotion as he spoke, "Please don't go Kagome."

Kagome sigh but still moved to escape his grasp. "I won't leave Inu yasha but you need to let me go."

It was then, as his arms drifted up to wrap around her shoulders and the bare skin of his wrist brushed against her bare breast that he realized just why she was so anxious. He blushed and slowly released her.

Kagome let out a sigh and, taking Inu yasha's hand to lead him along, headed for the bank of the spring to retrieve her clothing. She dressed quickly before turning her attention back to the Inu yasha.

"Inu yasha." Her voice was now soft and gentle as she approached him, reaching out to take hold of his hands. He gripped it tightly in his own and she smiled to herself. "You need to trust us to help you Inu yasha."

Inu yasha frowned. "I can't relax Kagome. A moment of weakness here is a death sentence."

"You don't need to totally relax then. Just don't try to take on so much responsibility right now." She removed one hand from his and touched his cheek gently. "Please, let us help you right now. We won't let anything happen."

Inu yasha sighed and pulled Kagome into a tight embrace, shaking a startled gasp from her lips. "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

Kagome smiled and returned his embrace. "Nothing will. I trust you all with my life. I know nothing will happen. Please," her fingers ran through his damp silver hair. "Have faith?"

Inu yasha shivered at the gentle feeling her fingers provided him. His head came down to rest on her shoulder as he took in a deep whiff of her calming scent.

He froze.

Kagome blinked for a moment when she felt Inu yasha stiffen against her. "Inu yasha?" she asked softly.

Inu yasha sat up suddenly, pushing the girl behind him as he drew his sword. "I told you wench," his voice was almost sad as he continued. "I can't relax."

Just then a tree fell to the ground, landing a few yard in front of the motionless pair, causing Kagome to jump slightly and cling tightly to Inu yasha's haori.

A loud, gargling laugh sounded through the trees as a large land crab youkai appeared emits the destruction. He looked down at the pair and laughed again. "So what the wind witch told me is true! The protector the shikon no tama's priestess has gone blind!"

Inu yasha growled and cursed under his breath. "Keh! So?" He sniffed the air and laughed. "I don't need to see to beat an weak crab youkai like you!" Inu yasha pulled tetsuaigai from its sheath and held it out, ready to attack. "Bring it on!"

The crab laughed. "Oh you'll be sorry you didn't think higher of me in a minute boy!"

Inu yasha growled and lunged for his opponent, swinging tetsuaigai in a path he was sure would hit. Inu yasha was surprised when all he felt was air.

Just as he landed on the ground, he felt a sharp pain enter his shoulder from behind, continue through to the front before knocking him to the ground and pinning him there. He let out a painful grunt as he tried to push back, only succeeding in pushing the large object further into the hole.

Kagome gasped in shock as she watched the large crab youkai pin Inu yasha to the ground with one of his tremendous legs. "Inu yasha!" she cried.

"Stay back!" he growled, still struggling against his capture but earned only more pain and blood loss for his effort.

The youkai laughed as he turned from his captive to his intended prey with a strange smile. "Oh yes dear stay there!" He lunged, "I'll come to you!"

Kagome screamed and ducked down but there was no time to get out of the way. She waited but the attack she expected never came. Slowly she turned and looked up.

Her attacker stopped midair before staggering back. Kagome easily spotted Sango's large Haraikotsu protruding from the monsters forehead and silently thanked the gods.

The beast gave one final cry before disappearing into dust.

Kagome turned to see Sango and Miroku rushing up towards her. "Kagome-sama!" Miroku cried, "Are you guys ok?"

Kagome nodded, putting a hand to her chest to steady her breathing. "Yeah I'm fine but-" She cut her sentence off as a loud painful grunt reached her ears. She turned and watched as Inu yasha attempted, painfully, to stand. Blood dripped down from his shoulder and she watched as it twisted down over his skin and dripped to the ground from his fingertips.

She gasped and ran over to her wounded hanyou. "Inu yasha!" she cried. She gently lifted his good arm over her should to help support him. "Don't move! You're hurt."

"Keh!" he looked away but couldn't help leaning on the petite girl as his head began to spin a bit. "It's not that bad."

Kagome frowned. "Yes it is!" She carefully led him down the path back to camp, "You're covered in blood!"

Inu yasha growled. "I've had wor-" His words cut off as even in his darkened view the world began to spin around him. He felt his feet slipping from beneath him and suddenly he was no longer aware of anything save his own, unrelenting, darkness.
