InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ Chaste ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What the Eyes Can't See
Chapter 4 Chaste
Rating : PG to be safe
Author : Sami-chan ((AKA Belldandy-chan))
Author's Notes : Ohiyo minna-san! How are you all doing?! Well here's another chapter four you and I hope you all enjoy it ^^
I've been thinking a lot lately about how to explain my kind of OOC moment between Inu yasha and Kagome in the 2nd chapter, when she takes a seat in his lap after he is blinded. Really, if you think about it, it's not all that OOC.. If you watch Inu yasha REALLY carefully you'll noticed there are a lot of little affectionate touches between Kagome and Inu yasha even as soon, if not sooner then, when they meet Sango.
If you watch the scene where Inu yasha is carrying away a wounded Sango and Kagome on his back to fight the puppet Naraku you'll notice that Kagome reaches up and scratches his ears ^^ They actually do that more often then you'd think ^^
So anyway.. That's my defense ^^;; I'm not say it's not OOC I'm just saying I only took what they normally do a step farther ^^
Anywho! Enjoy the story everyone and please R/R ^^ Thanks again for reading!
~~Ja mata!
Disclaimer : Life styles of the rich and the famous! Always complaining! If money is such a problem then you should give me Inu yasha ^^ Until you do I don't own him ^^;;


He was moving. Of that much he was sure.

Inu yasha opened his eyes to be greeted once more by the all-surrounding darkness that now filled every aspect of his life. He let out a dejected sigh as he slumped back down onto what ever was now moving him along at a relatively slow pace.

"Inu yasha?"

Inu yasha turned his sightless gaze in the direction of the voice and grunted. "What?"

He felt a hand touch his forehead and immediately recognized that it too, along with the voice, belonged to Kagome. "Are you feeling ok?"

"Keh." Inu yasha pulled his face away from the miko's soft touch. Had he been able to see he would have noticed the scowl that now occupied her lips. "I'm fine wench. How long have I been out?"

Kagome shrugged. "A day and a half.. Almost two."

Inu yasha shot up, cursing slightly at the soreness of his still healing shoulder. "Nani?? Almost two days?!"

Kagome let out a loud sigh and laid her forehead against the palm of her hand. "Hai. Apparently land crab youkai have a thin coat of sleep slim on their bodies.. A normal human would have been out for a week."

Inu yasha let out another annoyed 'keh' and folded his arms inside his haori, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. "I'm not some weak human!"

"No I suppose your not."

Inu yasha felt Kagome's body shift away from him and again his mind was brought back to his current mode of travel. He sniffed the air and raised his eyebrow in confusion. He turned to Kagome with a questioning expression. "When did we get a cart and oxen??"

Kagome stifled the giggled that threatened, instead clearing her throat. "Umm, Miroku preformed an emergency exorcism in a village yesterday and this was the reward they offered us."

Inu yasha growled and moved to stand but a small hand caught him by the wrist.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly.

Inu yasha turned away, blushing slightly at the feeling of her hand on his wrist. Her skin was so soft and warm that is made it hard for him to think. "Nothing." he replied, allowing himself to be pulled back down. "I just don't know if I want to ride in one of Miroku's unfounded gifts."

"I'm hurt by that Inu yasha!"

Inu yasha turned towards the voice, a stern look plastered across his features. "Well it's true isn't it?! You probably tricked those dumb humans into giving you something you honestly didn't deserve!"

Miroku shook his head. "And here I've been letting you travel in *my* gift and unselfishly walking along side just so that Kagome-sama could stay by your side."

Inu yasha's blush deepened and he quickly turned away from the irritating houshin. He let out a loud 'keh' as he tried once more to stand and leave the cart. "Well here let me get off so you-"

A small hand on his wrist held him back once more. "Please just stay here Inu yasha?"

"Why would I?"

He could feel Kagome smile. It was strange but he could actually feel the warm loving smile that she was giving him as he stared down at her blankly. "Would you stay for me? Onegai?"

Inu yasha growled and plopped back into his original seat. "Keh!" He didn't see Kagome smile in triumph but heard her as she began to hum a happy little tune. With a sigh he laid back, resting his head on his hands and stared up towards the sky.

He wasn't totally sure what time of day it was as no light penetrated the darkness of his sight but from the warm feeling spreading through his body he assumed it was at least daytime. His mind drifted back to distant memories of his childhood, sitting and looking up at the sky with his mother. He would lay with her for hours, watch in comfortable silence as the clouds rolled by, eventually falling asleep in his mother's embrace.

Those few happy memories drifted away quickly though, replaced by images of harder times. When skies like this in open fields meant nowhere to run and defiantly no room to hide. Youkai of every breed and stature would chase him down, their only purpose being to kill the poor hanyou child. Days like this becoming days like any other in a fight for survival.

But once again those thoughts too, drifted from his mind. They were replaced by another day like today, warm and sunny, when for the first time Kagome told him she would stay. That she wanted to stay with him.

His heart skipped a beat at the memory, locked in the not too distant past. When she had taken his hand and squeezed it tightly in hers and told him in a kind of round about way that she loved him. Or at least that what he thought she was saying.

'No,' he shook the thought from his head. 'Why would she love a dirty hanyou? She could have any man she wanted, why would she stay with me?' But yet the thought was still clear in his mind. She had told him not just that time, but many times before that she had no plans to leave him. She had told him often that she was perfectly content to stay by his side as long as he wished.

He sighed and rolled onto his side, one hand staying under his head for support and the other laying across his side. The more he thought about Kagome the more confused he got. He thought he loved Kikyou but he also felt that he loved Kagome. He wasn't so sure anymore.

Suddenly another thought accrued to him.

He was blind. This meant that he would never be able to see her face again. He was slightly surprise by the thought, not because he was finally coming to terms with this new limitation but by the 'her' he thought of first.


He felt a physical pain in his chest at the thought of never 'seeing' her smiling face again or being able to watch as the sunlight played in her hair. It made him almost ill to think he'd never see her face scrunch up into that look she always got when she was angry at him or that cute little way she got excited about everything. But what made him cringe, made his heart want to stop beating totally was the idea that he would never again see those two beautiful blue eyes of hers staring into his.

Inu yasha didn't even notice as his legs moved up to curl in against his stomach and his mind never registered the whimper that escaped his lips. He just laid there, in a final and full realization of what he'd lost.

A hand touched the side of his cheek bringing him slightly back to reality. "Inu yasha?"

He pulled himself over to the voice and laid his head in her lap. "Kagome."

Kagome blushed but allowed the hanyou to make himself comfortable. She gently brushed the hair away from his face and watched as his sad eyes closed. "We'll be at Kaede-babachan's in a bit. Why don't you rest?"

Inu yasha nodded but never moved from his position in the miko's lap. He let out a ragged sigh as he lay in Kagome's lap. He prayed silently to himself, allowing himself to hope, even for just a moment, that they could find a cure. He didn't think he could live without those blue eyes to look at. Even if that was the only thing he would ever be able to see, that would be enough for him.


It didn't take the group long to explain the situation to Kaede but since then they had all been trapped in a long silence of contemplation. Indeed, the older miko had known about the flower and its dangerous trap but nothing of a cure. No one she'd ever met knew of an antitoxin strong enough to rid anyone of the insufferable blindness the plant caused.

For now the group lay scattered around the hut, each lost in their thoughts. Miroku lay against the far wall near Sango. Kirara, much to her master's relief, was sleeping between them, keeping a wondering hand at bay with Shippou napping against her. Inu yasha sat in his usual position next to the door, ears twitching at every noise inside or outside the tiny hut. Kaede stoked the fire, watching the stew that hung above it as it bubbled to a boil. The only difference in the group's normal position was that Kagome was not helping Kaede but instead sat quietly leaned against Inu yasha's side.

"I was just thinking.." All eyes moved to Sango as she spoke. "What about Kagome's powers of purification? I mean she did purify that poison in Kouga's arm."

"But that was jaki. Isn't this a little different?" Kagome asked.

Miroku scratched his chin. "Well yes and no. This plant's poison does seem to have some jaki qualities to it. It might be worth a shot but it'll take a lot of power."

"But then won't I run the risk of accidentally purifying Inu yasha? I mean last time I had a specific target. This time I'll be placing the power directly into Inu yasha's eyes."

"Do it on the night of the new moon child." Kaede stopped briefly to taste the stew. She nodded and returned to her stirring. "He'll be human that night and ye will have no interference by his youkai blood."

"The next new moon is in another month!" Inu yasha's fist hit the ground, startling everyone. "I can't stay like this for month!!"

Kagome sighed. "True.." Suddenly her head shot up and she let out a gasp of triumph. "Come home with me Inu yasha! I think I have an idea!!" She grabbed the surprised inu hanyou by the arm and proceeded to drag him through the door. "We'll be back!" she called behind her.

The other's stared, confused at what had just transpired. "What's going to her time got to do with the new moon??" Miroku gasped. "You don't think they have a way to speed up time do you?!"

Sango slapped the bonze in back of the head. "Keep your hands to your self pervert!!"

Kaede stared out the door, a small prayer drifting from her lips for the pair she thought of as her children running towards the well.


"Where are we going Kagome?!"

Kagome quickly but carefully lead the way through the forest to her target and grinned as it finally entered her vision. "We're going to my time Inu yasha!"

"Whoa!" he pulled them both to a stop just in front of the well. "Why are we going to your time?!"

Kagome huffed, her hands coming up to rest on her hips. "Because baka! It might be a shorter wait!"

Inu yasha raised and eyebrow in confusion. "Nani?"

Kagome sighed and threw her hands into the air. "Oh goodness! Ok Listen! The new moon happens ever 28 days right?"

Inu yasha nodded. "Hai."

"Well that means that they don't always fall on the same time every month let alone every year right?"

Again he nodded.

"So it would be safe to guess that in say, oh, 500 years the new moon will fall on a different day then this time period ne?"

The realization of what Kagome was saying hit the hanyou like a ton of bricks. "So you're saying that if we go to your time we might not have to wait as long for the new moon to appear ne?"

Kagome grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly. "Congratulations! You a fricken genius!"

Inu yasha growled and pulled his hand away. "Why didn't you just say so to start with wench?!" He sniffed the air before stomping in the direction of the old well's scent. "Let's get moving!"


Inu yasha growled in frustration as he crouched down once more and made another attempt to leap out of the well. Kagome sighed and shook her head, counting to herself. '22.'

Inu yasha suddenly leapt up but just as all the tries before it he only succeeded in making it a bit farther up the well then before, landing in the dirt with an undignified thud. "Chikuso!!" he cursed, rising back to his feet.

That was enough. It was becoming too painful to watch.

Before he could protest Kagome took hold of Inu yasha's hand and dragged him towards the rope latter. "Just use the latter for now ok?"

Inu yasha released the latter, turning a deep scowl towards his companion. "I can make it out of here on my own just fine wench!"

Kagome sighed and started up the latter. "Fine but I'm getting the hell out of here. It's starting to get late." She made it easily to the top and climbed over the edge. "Are you coming or staying?"

Inu yasha let out a low growl as he hand reached out for the latter. "Stupid latter," he mumbled. "Stupid wench."

Kagome sighed and resisted the urge to use her favorite word. "A little to the left."

Inu yasha moved his hand to the left, still mumbling to himself, and took hold of his target and started his accent. At the top Kagome took his hand and helped him over the top.

Inu yasha pulled his hand away, "I'm fine!" He crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at her as best he could. "Can we just get moving?"

Kagome threw her arms into the air in defeat. "Fine!" She turned and headed into the house, an irritated hanyou on her heels. She opened the back door to the kitchen and stepped inside. She waited for Inu yasha to enter before shutting the door behind him.

"Go ahead and take a seat in the living room Inu yasha while I go find mom's calendar." She gently pushed him in the direction of the couch before turned down another hallway. "I'll be right back!"

Inu yasha huffed but took a seat on the rather plush couch. He leaned back, closing his eyes and allowing himself to relax just a bit. He wasn't as worried in the future as he was in the past. Sure their were demons in this time but they stayed well hidden and didn't come out just for a fight that often.

With a sigh he turned his attention to the sound of the house. It didn't seem like anyone else was home at the moment. The floorboards creaked and groaned as the old house settled. He could even hear the soft chirping of birds from the front yard. He listened carefully for any sounds out of the ordinary and finding none, he finally allowed himself to finish relax, though his ears still twitched.

"Found it!" Kagome announced as she entered the living room, holding her prize out for all to see.

"Wahoo.." came his monotoned reply. "What's it say?"

Kagome ignored the man on her couch, taking a seat in an armchair not too far from him and began looking over the calander. Her finger scanned over the dates until she found what she had been seeking and let out a triumphant 'Ah-ha!'


Kagome beamed, folding the calander back up. "I was right! It's only 2 weeks to the new moon in my time! We can stay here until then and relax."

"Oh no!" Inu yasha sat back up, "We have shards to hunt!"

"Inu yasha! We can't possibly hunt shards with you the way you are now! We need to wait and get you better!"

Inu yasha shook his head, standing his ground.

Kagome slid out of the armchair on to her knees, abandoning the calander on the floor. She shuffled across the carpet to Inu yasha and laid her head on his knee. "Please Inu yasha? Stay for me? I don't want you to get hurt again."

Inu yasha turned away quickly as a light blush spread over his cheeks, praying Kagome wouldn't notice. From the sound of her soft giggling she had and he sighed in annoyance. "I'm not so weak!"

Kagome pouted. Sitting back up quickly, she leaned forward and poked a finger into his chest. "I know you’re not weak!" she yelled, her face inching closer to his as her voice became louder. "But you are defiantly not in a condition suited for fighting!"

Inu yasha lurched forward, "Listen wen-" His sudden movement forward caught Kagome off guard, not allowing her time to move away before their lips collided in a soft kiss.

Both sat there for a long moment, neither moving away from the kiss nor moving deeper. Deep silver blue eyes stared into blank amber orbs trying hard to gauge his reaction. His eyes, though void of sight, were full of just as much surprise as hers but she found nothing negative about his expression and allowed herself to relax into the kiss a bit.

Inu yasha sat froze not waiting to pull back but not sure if he should move forward. He felt her lips relax against his and as if by instinct alone his followed suit. Soon the kiss had deepened to a light passion, Inu yasha's hand coming up to lightly caress Kagome's cheek. Her hands came up and laced securely around his neck, pulling herself up to rest in his lap.

The need for air finally over took the couple and the slowly broke away from each other to an unfamiliar yet not uncomfortable silence. Kagome blushed and turned her face away. "So umm.."

"I'll stay."

Kagome's gaze shot back to the hanyou whose arms had started to work their way around her waist. "Really?"

He nodded and swallowed down the lump that was forming in his throat. "Hai. I'll stay."

Kagome smiled and dared a chaste kiss on his lips before removing herself from his lap. "Great! Then I'm going to run back really quickly and tell the others! Wait here ok?!" Before he could answer she was gone, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Inu yasha's hand moved up and touched his lips softly. They were still warm and it pushed any thought of the whole thing being a dream out of his head. He sighed, his fingers unconsciously tracing over his lower lip as a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Maybe staying in Kagome's time wouldn't be so bad.


A/N: For all of you that think I'm crazy.. Remember, the moon is on a 28-day cycle. That means that the new moon will always fall on the same day from month to month or even year to year ^^ Now is my placement exact? HELL NO! Do you think I really wanna do the math on that one?! Nah, I'm just guessing as to time and placement ^^ Either way I hope you all enjoyed ^^
Oh and I'm really sorry about the long wait but we had a death in the family unfortunately.. so I've been dealing with that.. Gomen nasai!
Anyway! Have fun minna!