InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Growing Up ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Eight: Growing Up

The meeting with her friends did not go well. Kagome hated such meetings as that. Most of it was where her friends asked her unanswerable questions while she looked at them dumbfounded. What was she supposed to say?

Well, there are these two guys from the Feudal Era. They are brothers, but they hate each other. But that's ok, because I agreed to adopt two children with them. We aren't dating or anything, but that's ok too. My reputation? I'm not worried about that. And Hojo? Well, he might as well think of me as dead, because after all this is over, he won't think much else of me.

Kagome sat on her bed, staring at the certificates. They bore her name as the mother to Taisho Rin and Taisho Shippo. Right above her name, were the fathers' names.

She could easily have denied the adoption, except that her signature rested next to her mother's at the bottom of both documents. How stupid could she be? Surely Kagome hadn't been thinking of her own sanity when she signed the papers.

She was only sixteen years old. How could she be expected to take on the responsibility of two small children when she was still a child herself?

And the well still wasn't working. What was going on? Why were they here? Had they been in the feudal era, none of this would be happening.

Things had gotten worse when she had come home. Not only was there the impending arguement with her high school friends, but Sesshomaru had noticed Rin's Mary Janes. Immediately he wanted to know who gave Kagome permission to put shoes on Rin, when he knew Rin did not like wearing shoes.

On top of that, while they were out, Mrs. Higurashi had insisted on buying modern clothes for all the feudal people. She claimed it would be unwise for them to walk around with such out of date clothing.

Sesshomaru had outright refused to wear anything other then the clothes on his back. Inuyasha had been just as stubborn. The others weren't as bad, but seemed a little uncomfortable with the idea. At least, Miroku was until he saw how nice Sango looked in modern clothes. His mention of such, made Sango twice as uncomfortable.

Kagome didn't blame any of them. Not even Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. This was not their time. These clothes were not right for them and looked awkward on them. Out of place.

"We are not finished, miko."

The sound startled Kagome out of her thoughts. She had not even noticed someone was there. She looked up and saw Sesshomaru standing in the doorway to her room. His voice had been quiet, barely above a whisper. His expression remained blank, though a hint of anger coloured his golden eyes.

To her disappointment, Sesshomaru was wearing his usual clothes. The large white fluff hung over his right shoulder while his spikey armor covered over his left... stump. He had no left arm. Not since Inuyasha cut it off.

Kagome was suddenly reminded of that day. When she had pulled Tetsusaiga from the stone work and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had fought. She had watched as Sesshomaru had transformed into his true form and viciously attacked his brother. Defending Kagome, Inuyasha had brought the great fang to life and ripped it across Sesshomaru's fore arm, cutting it a little past the elbow. She could still smell the blood, Sesshomaru's blood. Could still see it dripping from his bloody stump.

She quickly shook the thoughts from her mind as he stepped into her room towards her. She looked into his eyes. Hot, golden orbs bore down on her, promising her many things without promising her anything. The most prominent of these promises at the moment was danger.

But, Kagome was not afraid of him. Ok, maybe a little afraid, but not enough to back away from him. Besides, she knew why he was mad and it was stupid. He needed to get over himself.

"What do you want, Sesshomaru?" she asked, annoyed.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. "You are not a complete fool, miko. Surely you remember what happened earlier today?"

Kagome huffed, "If you think I'm gonna apologize, you can forget it."

"I will not allow some mere mortal decide what is best for my ward. Rin belongs to me, therefore, I shall be the one to decide what happens to her when it happens," he snarled.

Kagome held up the paper she had been looking at. "This here states that I am her mother. I have a say so in her life as well," she argued.

"That is nothing more than a piece of parchment," Sesshomaru commented. "Within a few days, it'll be useless."

"What makes you say that?" she asked, looking at the paper curiously.

Sesshomaru raised and eyebrow in surprise. "We will be going back to our time soon. Such a parchment is useless in my time."

"Oh. Right..." Kagome grew silent for a moment. Before Sesshomaru could decide that he had won, Kagome spoke up, "But, until you go back to your own time, you and I have to work together."

He looked at her. His eyes narrowed as he stared at her.

"I'm not asking to be the sole decider in Rin's life. I'm asking that we work together. You can't shelter Rin all the time. And you can decide everything. I have to be allowed to make decisions as well," she informed him.

"I will argue with every decision you make," he warned her.

"That's fine. I've argued with Inuyasha, I can argue with you as well," she retorted.

By this time, Sesshomaru had come to stand right in front of her. With a quick snap of his wrist, he had picked her up by the collar of her blouse and was holding her to his eye level. "You do not know the danger you are putting yourself in," he growled ever so softly.


She didn't know why he had done it. He didn't know why he had done it. It was completely unexpected, completely uncalled for. But, without warning, he found his lips on hers. His hand had guided her to stand on the floor before he wrapped his hand around her small waist. She did not fight him, which was even more confusing.

She opened her mouth slightly to protest and Sesshomaru took his opportunity. His tongue flicked inside her mouth, swiping across her teeth. All thoughts of protest fled in that moment as Kagome pressed herself against him, letting her arms wrap around his neck to pull herself closer.

Suddenly hungry, Sesshomaru deepened the kiss. His lips brushed along hers before he plunged his tongue back into her mouth, letting it collide deliciously with hers. Kagome returned the touch, enjoying the feel and taste of his tongue on hers. She groaned softly at how wonderful he tasted. How great he kissed.

That groan jolted him into conciousness and he pulled back. For a moment, all they could do was look at each other. Shock coarsed acrossed both of their faces as the heat of the moment swam through their bodies like liquid fire. They were tempted to continue. Sesshomaru fought the urge to throw her onto the bed and make her his.

"Sesshomaru," she whispered hoarsely.

He stared at her. He had never known anyone to send him wheeling like that. She had sparked a fire within him that he did not understand and wasn't even sure he wanted to feel. He knew he didn't want to feel it. She was a mortal, after all. A miko at that. Still, the sound of her voice saying his name made him ache in places he didn't realize could ache in such a way.

He had mated with other demons before. Female demons who thought they could win his heart and bare his child. They had all been fools and never satisfied him. He had given up the idea that any female could satisfy his thirst. His hunger. Until now.

He shook his head and turned to the door, feeling Kagome's arms slip from his neck. How did she end up getting her hands that far up? And why did her touch burn him as she left him? Furthermore, he thought as he reached the door, why, when he could no longer feel her touch, did he suddenly feel cold? It was almost as if he wanted to wrap himself back in her warm embrace.

"You have grown, Kagome," he said before he left the room.