InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Socially Correct ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Eleven: Socially Correct

Sango smiled at Eri. "It's good to finally meet one of Kagome's friends," she told the girl.

Eri returned the smile. "I didn't know she had any cousins... I mean, I guessed that she did, but I had never met anyone."

Course, Miroku didn't miss his opprotunity. "Yes, well, Kagome is smart in keeping your beauty a secret from us," he told her. He took Eri's hand and smiled charmingly at her. "With that in mind, Eri, would you do me the honour in bearing my child?"

"WHAT?!" Eri shouted, appalled. She quickly snatched her hand out of his.

Sango grabbed the vase that was sitting on the coffee table and nearly broke it over his head. "Pervert!" she admonished.

Shippo, who had been sitting in Kagome's lap, shook his head. "Idiot," he gave his customary remark.

But, this time, his remark was followed by a slight tap of Kagome's palm on the back of his hand. It didn't hurt. In fact, the kitsune barely felt it. But, he heard it and he saw her do it. They all saw her do it. All eyes turned to Kagome as Shippo fixed her with a hurt look. "Why did you do that?" he asked her, not understanding.

Kagome humphed, "You're in enough trouble as it is, young man. Don't think I've forgotten that paper you brought home and the fact your father and I have to go to your school now. You will learn to respect your elders."

"But, Miroku's not my elder," Shippo argued. "He's got less brains then a koi fish."

Kagome's eyes widened. "Are you arguing with me?" It was her turn to look shocked and hurt. She sighed heavily and looked away. She gently placed the kitsune out of her lap and stood up. She walked over to Inuyasha and looked at him. "We have a lot to teach him, Inuyasha. And a lot to learn ourselves."

The hanyou looked at her curiously. "What do you want me to do about it?"

The miko huffed and pointed to Shippo. Then, she shouted, "Discipline him! He was just rude to his mother. As his father, it is your job to discipline him!"

Inuyasha growled, "I've tried disciplining him before. But, everytime, you tell me to 'Sit.' Now you're saying you want me to discipline him?!"


"You can forget it! You spoiled him, you can discipline him!" he told her, folding his arms and turning his back to her.

Kagome balled her fists and stuck them in her hips. "Inuyasha!"

"Don't say it, Kagome," the whispered voice of Sesshomaru broke in.

The miko turned on the demon lord and looked at him, shocked that he would interfere.

"You have a guest present," he merely pointed out, reminding her of Eri. He didn't really care if she made an ass out of herself in front of her friend, but he really wasn't in the mood to listen to her explanations.

Kagome's face paled when she realized what she had almost done. If she had told Inuyasha to sit, Eri would be swarming her with questions. The miko looked at the young kitsune, who stared at her.

"Shippo, I want you to go find a corner, face it, and sit down. Then, I want you to think about what you did. And think about what you are going to do," Kagome ordered him.

"But, Momma, I don't know what I did. How can I think about something and change it, if I don't know what I'm thinking about?" the little kitsune complained.

"What have we been arguing about since you got home from school?" she shouted. "Why am I having to go see your teacher? Now, go do as I say and I don't want to hear another word!"



The kitsune seemed to stutter. Sighing in defeat, he hung his head and went to find a spot in a corner as Kagome had ordered. Having a mother was really difficult. And having Kagome as a mother was turning out to be worse. He knew the human loved him and cared about him, but he had never known her to be mad at him for anything.

Kagome's face was red with anger. She gave a large sigh and looked at Eri. "I'm sorry you are having to see all of this. And I'm sorry if it seems as if I'm losing it," she apologized.

The girl smiled. "It's ok. If you would like, I'll go ahead and see you tomorrow at school... If you are able to make it. Just know, it's ok to check in late sometimes."

Kagome nodded. "Eri, I don't want you to leave."

"I know. But, you need me to leave. Like I said, I understand. I don't have a family of my own to raise and care for, so I'm not in the same boat as you. At least, not yet. One day I will be. And when that time comes, I'll probably wish I had yours," she lightly teased.

Kagome offered her a soft smile. They bid each other farewell and Eri turned to the door. She looked at Kagome's family. "It was a pleasure meeting you all. Perhaps I can come over one day and we'll have lunch or something. And Sango, I simply have to take you shopping one day."

The demonslayer wasn't really sure what the girl meant, but she conceded with a nod. With that, Eri left.

"Wow. It's good to see you have modern friends who care about you, Kagome," Miroku started. Then he paled when he caught Kagome's glare. Apparently, she was angry at him as well. He figured he knew why, and it made him nervous.

"How dare you stand there and assult one of my friends like that!" she shouted at him. "We are not in the feudal era, Miroku! People get arresting for sexual harassment around here!"

The monk's eyes widened. Sexual harassment? What was that? Before he could ask, she answered his question.

"I don't want to find you touching, rubbing, caressing, holding, stroking, looking, talking, or even thinking about any girl that is outside of this house!" she growled at him. "If they are not living in this house right now, I don't want you to have anything to do with them. If you feel the urge to rise to your temptation, imagine what life will be like without those little things that jingle between your thighs!"

Little things that... Oh god! She could have been talking about what he thought she was talking about. He croaked, "W...what would you do?"

"I'd remove them!" she promised. "Perminantly."

Inuyasha turned back to her and looked at her with wide eyes. Everyone looked at her with shock written on their faces. Except Shippo. As shocked as he was, he made sure he continued to look at the wall.

"You would really do that, would you, Kagome?" Sango asked, stepping toward her friend.

"Let him test me and find out," Kagome challenged. "And, Miroku, just to let you know, no one in the modern age is going to bare your child. So, there is no point in asking. How do I know? Because you won't be here long enough!"

Sesshomaru tilted his head at that. "Have you found a way home yet?" he asked her, curiously.

"NO!" Kagome shouted, turning to Sesshomaru this time. Apparently her rage wasn't finished.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. She dared to take that tone of voice to him? She was either extremely stupid or extremely brave. He figured the former.

"If I had found out how, do you really think I would have you standing there? You would be the first one over the well!" she assured him. "I have no desire to keep you here. You wanna go try the damn well? Be my guest. Just make sure it snaps your neck when you fall!"

"Kagome!" Sango whispered, shocked at what her friend was saying.

But, Kagome's eyes did not leave Sesshomaru. "You really think I'm enjoying this? My life is ruined, Sesshomaru. My reputation is ruined. Any life I wanted outside of this shrine and that damn well is ruined. And all because the stupid well decided it wanted to spit you up into my world."

Sesshomaru raised a single eyebrow, indicating he was not going to tolerate her talking to him this way.

"And don't you narrow your eyes at me, you damn youkai!" she continued, her rant not sated. "You think I'm really scared of you? And we still haven't even touched upon our daughter! And yes, I said OUR daughter! Which means, that until you get back to your world, she belongs to me as well. And I will have a say in what goes on in her life in this era. Or, I will turn her over to the government."

"No, you wouldn't," Sesshomaru caught her lie. "You wouldn't have the heart."

Kagome flashed him a wicked smile. "You're right. I don't. I love Rin too much to put her through that kind of hell. But, you know what? I have ways of making sure that she stay here with me. I have ways of ensuring that once the portal opens again and you are back in your era, you'll never see her again. And I know you don't want that."

"Again. You wouldn't do that," he challenged, his face screwed up in a sneer. "It would break her heart to be parted from me, and you know it."

The phone broke the argument. Mrs. Higurashi was still at work and Souta was busy doing homework. Grandpa was in the shrine and not anywhere near the phone. Annoyed, Kagome walked over to it and picked it up. She noticed the amount of astonished stares she was getting as she seemed to start talking to herself.

"Hello?" she answered. "This is Higurashi Kagome. Can I help you?... Rin and Shippo? What about them?... Uh-huh... They have to do WHAT?.... Oh, no, see, I don't think you understand. They aren't going to be here that long... What are you talking about? A year?.... We don't have that kind of time... Yes, I know what I said, but... Well... No, we aren't planning on giving them up... How long?... Two weeks? How do you expect them to find a job in two weeks?... Uh-huh... Uh-huh... Yes, I understand.... Yes, I know how important it is... I'll talk to them and see what we can do... Yes, ma'am. Thank you for your call... We'll be here..."

Kagome hung up the phone and plopped onto the couch. Her face went blank as she stared at nothing. A year. Rin and Shippo had to remain reachable for a year. If the well opened, Kagome would be in trouble. Big trouble. What was worse, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had to find jobs to provide for the children.

The miko looked up at Sesshomaru and then at Inuyasha. The idea was laughable. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha? Working? That didn't seem likely. Especially in this era. What would they do? What were their skills? Aside from fighting with each other all the time and being absolute jerks.

She looked at them both again. Her face paled considerably. "Shippo, come see," she called to him softly.

Shippo did as he was commanded. He was stunned when she grabbed him up in her arms and cried. She kept him pressed under her chin and cried into his hair and large bow. "Uh... Kagome..." he stammered, "what's wrong, Kagome?"

She sniffled and pulled him away from her just enough so that she can look into his eyes. She gave him a sad smile. "Shippo, I'm sorry I fussed at you. Do you forgive me?"

The kitsune thought this over and then nodded. "I never could stay mad at you."

Her smile widened. "Do you know how much I love you?" she asked him, shocking him again.

The kitsune shook his head slowly. He knew she cared about him alot, but didn't realize she actually loved him. She drew him back into her embrace and whispered, "I love you more then life itself. And I promise, Shippo, I will take care of you. You will never have to worry about being alone again."

Shippo brightened with a large smile that went from ear to ear. He felt Kagome move as she called to Rin.

The little girl approached cautiously. She had never seen anyone change moods so quickly, so suddenly. The fact that Kagome cried made Rin feel sad.

Kagome drew Rin into her embrace and watched as Shippo made room for the girl on Kagome's lap. "Don't you think for one moment, Rin," she told the little girl, "that I care or love you any less then Shippo here. I love you so much and I would never want to see you hurt."

Rin looked up into Kagome's large eyes. "But, then, why do you want to take me from my lord?" she asked.

Kagome shook her head. "Sometimes, when adults argue, they say things they don't mean," she explained. "I was angry with your lord. I still am. And sometimes I feel like smashing his face in. But, that doesn't mean I would ever intentionally hurt him. Especially if hurting him meant hurting you."

Rin smiled and placed a kiss on Kagome's cheek before hugging her neck. "I'm glad you're my mommy, Kagome," she told her. "You make a great mommy."

Shippo nodded happily. "I'm sorry for not listening to you, Kagome," he apologized. "I just... I'm used to talk to Miroku like that."

Kagome gave him a kind smile. "Yeah, well, he kind of deserved it. But, you have to remember, Shippo. We aren't in the feudal era anymore. And probably won't be for a long time."

Sesshomaru's eyes widened. "Why do you say that?"

Kagome looked up and met the dog demon's eyes. She sighed, "That was the adoption agency on the phone. Apparently, they are not comfortable with our... adoption. The worker on the phone said that the children are not allowed to leave this city for a year. Long enough for the agency to decide whether they are happy or not with the situation. Also, I was told you and Inuyasha have to both find a job within two weeks or we will lose the children."

Sesshomaru frowned. "What does it matter?" he asked. "If the portal opens, we'll simply jump in. They can't do anything to us if we are on the other side."

Kagome's eyes widened as a flash of anger passed them. "Nothing will happen to you maybe, but remember, Sesshomaru. I live here. Perhaps they won't be able to explain how all of you just vanished. But, I can't just vanish. And when I show up again, they'll have questions for me that I won't be able to answer. I'm not ready to go to jail for you. Especially if I can avoid it."

"Do you mean we'll have to live here for a year?" Sango asked, seemingly a bit uneasy with that thought.

Kagome sighed but nodded her head. "We don't have any other choice. I don't know why the well placed us in this situation, but now, it's unavoidable."

"What's a job?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome gave a grim smile. "You'll find out. Trust me. It's nothing fun, I'll tell you that much."

"When has any of this been fun?" he asked again. Kagome gave an ironic laugh and shrugged her shoulders.

She looked at the clock and then at the children. "You both need your baths and something to eat. Come on. I'll draw your water for you," she told them. They gave her bright smiles as they happily jumped off her lap.

As she walked passed the demon lord to the bathroom, he stopped her. "We are not finished, miko," he whispered.

Kagome rolled her eyes and gave another ironic laugh, "I remember the last time you told me that."