InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ A Slap in the Face ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twelve: A Slap in the Face

Kagome tucked Shippo into bed. She had already put Rin to bed about an hour ago, but Shippo had complained about unfinished homework. She kissed his forehead and bid him a good night.

She walked out into the night then. She wasn't tired herself and she still had a lot to think about. She'd been walking towards the well, when she saw Miroku come from behind a set of bushes off to the side. She looked at him curiously, wondering why he had been there. Then it dawned on her. The feudal era did not have bathrooms...

She quickly ran to Miroku, who smiled when he saw her. "Oh, hello, Kagome. I hope you still are not angry with me."

She stopped a moment, trying to figure out why she would be angry with him and then remembered. She shrugged it off as not important at the moment. "What were you doing just now?" she asked bluntly.

His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a bit red. "Well...uh... I..."

Kagome shook her head and grabbed his hand. She led him back inside and to the bathroom. She then explained to him what the toilet was used for and how to use it. She showed him the toilet paper and explained that as well. And then she showed him the sink and told him what that was used for.

He nodded slowly. Things were so different in this era. In this time, there was actually a place where a guy could take care of his business. Miroku kinda liked that idea. He tested the toilet by pushing on the handle. The noise of it flushing startled him and he jumped back. Kagome suppressed a laugh.

"You'll get used to it in time," she assured him.

She left him in a state of curiousity. She walked back outside. She wanted to be alone so that she could think without anyone interrupting her. There were so many things to do and she did not know how she was going to do them all.

She did not go into the building that contained the Bone Eater's Well. She did not see the point. Even if the portal was opened, they couldn't go back. Not yet. She sat on the steps and stared into nothing.

Why was this happening to her? It didn't make any sense. Grant it, nothing had made sense since she first went into the well, but this made less sense. If that made any sense at all. She slowly began to wonder if she was losing her mind. It seemed like the only plausible explanation.

She started at the sound of soft footsteps. Black booted feet came to a halt before her. She let her gaze trail up the white pants, black armour, blue and yellow sash. The white kimono came next and was followed by a pale neck. She did not want to look at those lips that had touched hers. And she did not want to gaze into those piercing gold eyes. Yet, she found she could not stop herself.

"What do you want, Sesshomaru?" she asked him, irritated that she wasn't going to be allowed to be alone.

"Did you try the well tonight?" he answered.

Kagome's eyes widened and she jumped up. Standing on the steps gave her the advantage of being eye level to him. "I cannot believe that after everything I had said in there that you would still have the gall to ask me that question," she growled hotly.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. "What do I care what happens to you once I'm back in my own time?" he asked her.

"You may not care, but right now, there's not really much you can do."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. "There is plenty that I can do, miko. More then you know," he told her.

"You're an aristocrat, right?" she asked him, suddenly changing the subject. "Which means that you know a lot about upperclass stuff. Tell me, what did you do before you started hunting for your father's fang?"

He looked at her curiously. He was not one to discuss his father's lands to some mere mortal. And he didn't know where she was going with this. "Why would you want to know?" he asked her.

"So that I can figure out what you're good at," she replied.

He threw her a dangerous look and snaked his arm around her waist. He had been to fast for her to catch the move. He pulled her close to him and stared into her eyes, piercing her with golden fire. "There are many things that I am good at, miko. You'll have to be more specific, unless you intent to find out all of them," he whispered menicingly.

"I did not mean that, you pervert!" she yelled, trying to pull out of his grasp. Damn if he wasn't strong!

He pulled her even closer, letting her chest press against his. He growled at the feel of her body as it wonderfully curved into his. He hadn't realized how perfectly molded she was. He dipped his head to her shoulder and whispered hotly in her ear, "I told you we were not finished."

She heard his words again. She remembered the last time he had said those words to her. She remembered what had happened. She gasped as she felt his lips touch the curve where her shoulder met her neck. The touch was searing and yet it caused her to want more. It stirred things within her that she did not know was there.


He did not let her finish. He pulled his head up slightly and pressed his lips against hers. He wanted to taste those lips again. He hungered for them. He slipped his tongue between his lips and gently tasted her bottom lip. It tasted of the ice cream she had eaten earlier. With his tongue, he parted her lips and gently swept over her teeth.

Kagome gave a sigh that parted her mouth just a bit. Sesshomaru took the advantage and let his tongue slip deeper into her mouth. His tongue collided with hers and he growled in pleasure. Kagome moaned in response and this time, she felt her tongue move to meet his. She could feel her tongue glide along his as she tried to taste more of him.

He pressed her firmer against him and let his hand slide along her back. He felt the curve of her lower back and the crest between her shoulder blades. He gently pulled her tucked shirt out of her pants and slid his hand underneath.

The contact of flesh on flesh burned both of them. He let his hand linger on her waist a moment longer before slowly moving it up. He could feel her tremble under his touch. He slipped his hand around her back, letting it glide along her spine. He growled when his hand came in contact with another piece of clothing. Damn. What could she possibly wear under her shirt? He tugged at it ruefully. There was no way he'd be able to get that off without taking her shirt off first.

His mind played with that idea as his lips slowly separated from hers. But, his lips did not leave her. He kissed her chin, letting his tongue do delicate circles there. And then he let his mouth trail down to her neck. He found the vein where her lifeblood flowed and kissed it gently, breathing in the scent of her blood that was so near.

His hand gave up trying to tug off the undergarment. Instead, it just slipped underneath that as well. He let his hand trace the garment and was pleasantly surprised to find his hand cup her breast. He squeezed it gently, letting his fingers run along her hardening nipple. He smiled softly as he heard her give a startled gasp.

The feel of his hand on her breast, his fingers playing with her nipples, jolted Kagome. She struggled against him. "Sesshomaru," she breathed out hoarsely.

The youkai looked up from where he had been. His golden eyes were filled with the lust he had felt and the heat of the moment. When he realized she was fighting him, he drew back, letting his hand fall down to her waist and hold her there. "What's wrong?" he asked her, his voice hot with his actions.

She shook her head as she tried to pull away from him. "We shouldn't be doing this," she told him. "This is wrong."

Somehow, she managed to break free of him. Sesshomaru wasn't sure if he had let her go or if she had really been strong enough. He figured it was the former because he knew he was much stronger then she was. He watched her as she struggled to compose herself.

She looked up at him angrily. "I can't believe you did that," she snarled. "And you do it everytime. Everytime we start to talk about Rin and my role in her life."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed and he frowned. He remembered now why he had been looking for her. He was not happy at being reminded. "You want to be a part of Rin's life, yet, you have done little to prove it."

She glared at him. "What do you mean I have yet to prove it?!" she shouted. "Everything I've done has been to prove it. I've put her in school, made sure she was happy. Hell! I adopted her! Doesn't that mean anything?"

The youkai's eyes flashed. How was it that she was able to anger him so easily? Was she truly this annoying? How had his brother put up with her for so long? "And yet you show nothing towards her father," he told her.

Kagome was taken aback. Nothing towards... That pervert!!! He actually thought that she was going to get all friendly with him just because she was Rin's mother? Oooohhhhh, he had another thing coming! She screamed in frustration. "If you think for one moment," she snarled, "that I would harbour any need for you just because you are Rin's father, you have another thing coming."

"That's not what your body says," he observed, setting her on her heels.

She slapped him across the face.


She.... slapped... him across the face....She.... slapped... him across the face. She slapped him across the face!

They both stared at each other in stunned silence. Never had any woman struck him. The mere idea that some puny mortal had appalled and disgusted him. It also angered him... greatly. Who did she think she was?

She stared at his face where she had struck him. She then looked at her hand. She was stunned. She was astonished. Where had she gotten the nerve? To strike Sesshomaru would be to write your own death sentence. And yet, he had deserved it... hadn't he? Didn't he insult her? Which had caused her to strike him.... Still. Kagome couldn't fight off this thought that she had did something terribly wrong. When she met his eyes again, she knew what it was.

She had slapped him. Bold faced and without care. She had slapped him. The realization caused her to nearly faint. The look in his eyes caused her feet to be planted firmly in the ground. She had slapped him. And he was pissed.

She waited for him to grab her. For him to strike her. She waited for him to take out his sword and end her life. It would be so simple. She was small enough. One slash would cut her in half.

She was not expecting him to turn around and walk away. As she stared at his back, only one thing crossed her mind. She wished he had killed her.