InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Sibling Rivalry ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Thirteen: Sibling Rivalry

Kagome watched as Sesshomaru walked away. She was stunned, both with her own actions and his. More then that, she was hurt by his words. Did he see her as some sort of property? Did he think he had special privaliages to her or something?

Without thinking, the young priestess walked to the great tree. She climbed over the small railing and went to sit at the base. She brought her knees up to her chin and hid her face in her folded arms.

What was wrong with this picture? He wasn't supposed to do this sort of thing. Sesshomaru hated her. Or at the least, he disliked her. How many times had he commented about her to Inuyasha? Your patience with this girl is surprising. I would've destroyed her by now.

And now what was he doing? Well, he certainly was destroying her. But not by killing her. Oh no. That would be too kind. He was the cruelest guy she had ever met... Well, almost. She wasn't sure who was the crueler, him or Naraku. But, she knew it was something they rivaled at.

"So, did you enjoy yourself?" came an angry growl.

Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha. He was staring at her with his arms folded in front of him. By his stance and his words, she knew he had seen. She knew he knew what had happened.

With a quickness she didn't know she had, Kagome jumped up from her spot and threw herself into his arms. Then, without warning, she pressed her lips against his. For a moment, Inuyasha just stood there, unsure what to do. Slowly, he unwrapped his arms and pulled her closer to him.

She felt almost giddy at kissing him. It was something she had wanted to do for a while. As he opened his arms to her, she slid her arms around his neck. As she pressed her body against his, she glided her tongue along his bottom lip. By god, did he taste good!

Inuyashs breathed in her scent. It was far more powerful then Sesshomaru's scent, though he could smell his wretched brother on her. He decided then and there that he would get rid of the other male's scent and make her his own. It was all he could think of to do. Now that Sesshomaru had had a taste of her, he would want her for himself. Inuyasha could not allow that. Would not allow that. As long as they were looking for the Jewel Shards, Kagome belonged to Inuyasha. The half demon would make sure of that.

He slid his arms down her legs and was, for once, thankful she was wearing her short school outfit. It gave him advantages he wouldn't have had otherwise. He cupped the back of her knees and pulled her up. He wrapped her legs around his waist and then pressed her against the tree. Their tree. It was the same tree where they had met 500 years in the past. It was this tree where he would claim her.

He could feel his groin tighten with the prospect. For possibly the first time, all he could think about was Kagome. Her scent, her touch, her taste. Everything about her set his body on fire and he pressed himself more firmly against her.

She could feel herself melt against his body. This is what she had wanted. This heated passion where they thought of nothing more then each other. It was a passion that came from all the time they spent together. Long hours talking, holding each other, fighting for each other. She wanted this. This union.

As their tongues danced, his hands moved all over her body, cupping her breasts, raising what little skirt she had. Her own hands were working their magic as well. She could feel the strong chest under the kimono, the hard arms that worked to hold her up. She let her hands slide through his hair, revelling in the feel of those soft, silver locks.

"Kagome," she heard him softly groan as he pressed what she knew to be his malehood against her. She gave an anticipated moan. She wanted him. She needed him.

And then, she was out of his arms. The shock of the movement surprised both of them. It was so quick. So unexpected. What happened?

She looked up and saw herself being carried away by Sesshomaru. She didn't know what to say, how to react. She felt the demon place her on the ground. She watched as he pivoted on his right foot and stood to face his younger brother. He drew his sword and growled, "You have no respect."

Awoken from his shock by his brother's words, Inuyasha snarled, "What's the meaning of this? Who do you think you are?"

"Kagome belongs to me. Therefore, you will not touch her again," Sesshomaru warned.

WHAT?! Kagome screamed in her mind, staring at Sesshomaru in disbelief. Who did he think he was? What right did he have to claim her like that? She wasn't a piece of property! She was a woman for crying out loud!

Before she could voice her opinion, Inuyasha spoke up, "That's where you're wrong big brother. Kagome belongs to me. She has belonged to me since we met at this same tree. This was the tree where she found me and this is the tree where I will claim her. You can't stop me."

Kagome was aghast. What happened to her opinion? Did that even matter to the two brothers? Didn't she get a say in who she wanted to be with?

"But, you haven't claimed her," Sesshomaru was saying. "And nor will you. For I have already done so."

Kagome's eyes widened as Sesshomaru turned around and walked up to her. He cupped her jaw in his hand and kissed her lightly on the lips. She could feel the fire beneath that kiss. Then, he ripped the large green bandana off her shoulders. She gasped in surprise as he grabbed her by the arm and showed her bare shoulders to his brother.

Inuyasha's eyes widened when he saw the large circle planted on the curve where Kagome's neck met her shoulder. Then he gave a wicked smile. "Those marks are temporary and will disappear with time."

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow and smiled. It wasn't like Sesshomaru to smile. He never smiled, unless... "And what makes you think I wasn't planning on making it perminant?"

Inuyasha scoffed, "She's a human! A miko at that. A weak, worthless mortal. You can't tell me you're interested in such a person."

Sesshomaru chuckled, "Perhaps... Then again, our blood is known for falling in with humans. Look at father. And if I am correct, our grandfather had also falling with a human before his time was up."

Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga and stared at his brother. "You cannot have her! She's mine!" he shouted as he went to make his first move.

"NO!" Kagome shouted throwing herself between the warring brothers.

They both stopped and stared at her. "Kagome! Get out of the way!" Inuyasha demanded.

The girl turned on him and shook a fisted hand at him. "Do you think I'm crazy? Do I look like I've lost my mind? We are not in Feudal Japan anymore, Inuyasha. You can't just start throwing Wind Scars around. My family cannot afford to rebuild this shrine."

Inuyasha looked at her. "You would willingly choose Sesshomaru over me?" he asked, feeling his heart tighten at the thought.

The young priestess looked at him, stunned. "Hell, no! Are you crazy? But, I will choose my home over both of you," she said to him. "Remember where you are Inuyasha. If you start throwing spells at each other, not only will you and I lose Shippo," she started then she turned to Sesshomaru. "But, we would lose Rin. Those people are not joking when they threaten to take away a child. Especially if they think the child is in an unsafe environment. They won't hesitate. Shippo and Rin will be carted out of here in no time and placed in a foster home on the other side of Japan, where we can't get them back."

Sesshomaru placed his sword back into it's sheathed and watched as Inuyasha did the same. The taiyoukai then walked up to the girl and cupped her face with his hand. "Just remember who you belong to," he told her. He pressed his lips to hers briefly and then began walking away. "We are not finished, miko."

Kagome watched the demon lord leave and gave a frustrated growl. She then turned on Inuyasha. "So, is that all I am to you?" she demanded.

He gave her a shocked look. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your conversation with Sesshomaru. For your information, I don't belong to anyone but myself. No one can claim me, because I'm not claimable. I don't know what you think we were going to do under this tree, but I can guarantee it wouldn't have been what you thought," she lied. She knew what they had been about to do. And she knew she wouldn't have stopped him if they had continued. She was almost grateful Sesshomaru had come between them at that moment. Almost.

Inuyasha was at a loss for words. What did he need to say or do to put some sense into this girl? Did she realize what she was doing? "If I don't claim you, Kagome, Sesshomaru will," he told her.

Kagome huffed, "No, he won't. I won't let him."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed. "As if you could stop him. I saw you two together. You weren't exactly fighting his advances."

"For your information," she sneered, "I was the one who stopped the whole damn thing."

"And yet, he was still able to mark you," he retorted.

Kagome's eyes widened at that. "I don't know what you're talking about, but no one has marked me."

"Oh yeah?" he scoffed. He walked over to her and grabbed her arm. He led her to the shrine where a mirror stood and placed her in front of it. He pointed to the circle on her neck. "What do you call that?"

She gazed in wide eyed amazement at the mark. "That's a hicky...." she whispered. Sesshomaru had put... a hicky on her! She could even see the marks where his canines had teased at it. She remembered the feeling extremely well. She had melted at it. She hadn't realized what he was doing, though. The thought appalled her.

Inuyasha glared at her with open triumph. "Now what do you have to say?" he asked.

"Sit, boy!" she hollered, spinning around to look at him. Once Inuyasha was face first into the wooden floor, she shouted, "If I had know that that was what he was doing, I never would have allowed it. I will not be the subject of you and your brother's arguments. You are both pig-headed, chilvanostic jerks!"

She turned on her heel and stormed out of the shrine. Inuyasha lifted his head and watched her go. He then sat up and folded his arms and his legs. He did not know what was happening between his brother and Kagome, but he didn't like it. Furthermore, he had a feeling that Kagome could not control herself around Sesshomaru.

It was true she harboured feelings for Inuyasha. Feelings Inuyasha knew he kind of shared. He wasn't sure if he loved her or not, though he knew she loved him. But, he did care about her deeply and he wanted to protect her. He felt it his duty to protect her from his brother. But, how could he do that when she wouldn't let him claim her?

He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with her tonight. And probably not for the next few nights. But, now that he knew the threat, he had to try. It was a task Inuyasha didn't really want, but one he knew, in the end, he would enjoy. He just hoped Kagome would too.