InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Job Hunting ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Fourteen: Job Hunting

Kagome flipped through the classifieds. On her right was a notepad already filled with addresses, job descriptions, and phone numbers. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha sat across from her at the table. They kept glaring at her and at each other. She ignored them both.

The meeting with Shippo's teacher didn't go as well as Kagome had hoped. Not only had he smarted off to her a few times, but he had been caught several times releaving himself in the bushes during recess.

When Kagome finally got home, she made it a point to teach everyone about the bathroom and what it's used for. She then explained to them about public restrooms and how they were basically the same thing... minus the tub. She had giggled when she watched them cautiously flush the toilet and then jump back in surprise at the sound. Miroku had already known about the bathroom and acted like an expert in the matter.

Now she was doing the next thing on her list of things to do. On her way home from school, she and Eri had stopped at a local newstand and bought a newspaper. Now, she was looking through the classifieds trying to find a job for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. And maybe even one for Miroku.

She was having some luck, but not much. She sighed as she flipped the page. She skimmed through the restraunts, nearly laughing out loud at the thought of Sesshomaru carrying a plate of hot, steamy food and serving others. She knew it wasn't something either brother would do. Especially considering to do so would mean getting rid of most of their hair. She was not prepared to let them cut their hair.

She let out a small giggle as those thoughts flew through her mind. The brothers looked at her curiously, wondering what she had found that was funny.

Sesshomaru did not like the idea of being laughed at. Especially not by, what he claimed, was his female. The idea that she would degrade him in such a way made him growl at the thought. He would have to teach her some manners.

Inuyasha wasn't sure what she had been laughing at. He knew it had something to do with the paper she was reading. He began to climb out of his seat when a hand clamped down on his arm. He looked at the offending hand, his brother's hand, and then he looked at his brother. Sesshomaru did not even look at him.

"You will refrain from going near her," the dog demon sneered.

Inuyasha growled and began to retort when Kagome looked up from her work. She gave the brothers a long hard stare. Then, she looked at the hand that clutched the arm. Her look was enough to sear a hand away, and had she the power, the brothers did not doubt she would have done just that. She waited for Sesshomaru to let go of Inuyasha and then she went back to her work.

When she finished with the last page, she sighed and sat back. She rubbed her temples with the tips of her fingers and closed her eyes. It had been grueling work. It was even more grueling because she had to think over what the brothers were good at. She felt the list wasn't very long. Sure, they had natural skills, but not really where it counted.

She had found many jobs listed as bodyguard and thought Inuyasha would be perfect for such a job.

Her main problem was finding a job where the guys wouldn't get judged on their appearance. Silver hair, tattooes, and golden eyes were not common around Japan. Especially when the owners of such things looked so young. Yeah, tattooes were becoming more and more popular. But silver hair? Everywhere they went, the guys would be questioned.

On top of that, they needed jobs that would fit their personalities. Kagome couldn't put either brother in the food business. Retail was also out of the question. She knew the bodyguard job would be perfect for Inuyasha, but she still had a lot of doubts about Sesshomaru.

She looked down at the list of jobs she had found. She decided she would start tomorrow, miss another day of school, and go through that list. Luckily, the guys would be with her, so she'll be able to answer whatever questions the employers had without any problems... she hoped.

Since she had become a mother and caretaker, she had begun to miss more and more school. In fact, she was missing more school doing this job then she had ever missed searching for Shikon Jewels. She sighed and shook her head. She looked at the number she had been eyeing since she saw it.

Tortani-san, Middle school to high school homeschooling teacher.

Would it really be necessary? She knew she needed, and wanted, to finish school. But, the whole feudal era kept getting in the way. And now that the others were here... If she didn't take homeschooling, she would have to take a year off school at least. A year off, and then what? Night school? As if getting to class wasn't hard enough already.

She knew the guys were staring at her. Waiting for her to say something. She honestly didn't know what to tell them. "Well," she sighed, "I think I have a good idea of what you can do. I've made a list of possible jobs for both of you. Tomorrow morning I'll start calling these places and seeing what they have. And seeing what is needed for hire."

Inuyasha tilted his head. "What do we do in the meantime?"

"For now, that's all. But, tomorrow I'm going to need you both in here. I want you to be there when I make the calls, in case they ask a question I'm unsure of," she told them.

"If you are unsure of the answer," Sango asked her, "then how do you know Sesshomaru or Inuyasha would know the answer?"

"I'm not talking about things I would definantly know. I mean things like... I don't know... How good their sense of smell is. Or do they know the difference between a fork and a spoon. Things like that," Kagome explained.

They nodded their heads slowly, all of them wondering what a fork was. Well, except Inuyasha, who had seen Mrs. Higurashi use such a utensil. No one said anything, however.

Kagome helped the children to bed and went back to the table. She pulled out her books and began doing her mounds of homework. Why was it that when she had other things to do, the teachers always seemed to pile tons of homework assignments on her? She had three reports due, all about different things, a project that had to be completed for tomorrow, and at least five pages of math problems.

She knew she wasn't getting any sleep tonight. One by one, the others bid her a goodnight and went off to bed. She nodded and waved them off, then turned back to her work. The only ones who stayed up were Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Kagome wasn't surprised in the least.

But, she decided to ignore them for the most part.

As the hours ticked by, she got more and more done. She finished two reports and her math work when she looked up at the clock. One in the morning. She yawned and stood up to stretch. She walked to the kitchen counter and pulled out the coffee pot to fix herself some much needed coffee. While that heated up, she went to the refrigerator and pulled her pint of ice cream from the freezer.

This was a typical all nighter for Kagome. The only problem was, she felt a lot more tired then usual. She didn't know if she had the strength to do this every time. She stood with her back leaning against the counter as she ate her ice cream. She could see that the two brothers were still sitting at the table. Well, at least they didn't give up.

Hearing the soft beeping noise from the coffee pot, she topped her ice cream and put it back in the freezer. She took out her new favourite mug, a mug made for her by Rin with small red flowers and a bright yellow sun, and poured the steamy liquid into it. She took a sip and sighed with pleasure.

Hearing her sigh, the brothers turned to look at her. Neither brother had heard her make a sound like that before and wondered what had caused it. Both silently thought about making her repeat that sound one day.

She offered them a rueful smile and joined them back at the table. All she had left was her project and one more report. Her project was almost finished. The only thing left was the poster board. Her smile grew to fill her face as she came up with an idea.

"I have a job for you two," she told the brothers. "Since you are both hellbent on staying up with me, you can finish putting together my project."

She went to a drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors and some glue. She returned to the brothers. She handed Sesshomaru the scissors and Inuyasha the glue. She then turned to her poster board where she began outlining it with a pencil.

When she finished with that, she went to her worksheets and handed them to Sesshomaru. "Here. All you need to do is cut out these little patterns. Just cut on the outside of the pattern, not the inside of it. When you are finished, hand the pattern to Inuyasha," she explained to him. She then looked at Inuyasha. "You, Inuyasha, will then glue the patterns to the places I have marked. Everything's colour coordinated, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for you. If either of you need help, just let me know and I'll help you."

She then showed them how the glue and scissors worked. Sesshomaru eyed her as she cut out the first pattern to show him how it's done. "What a clever little object," he commented.

That must have been the first nice thing Kagome had ever heard Sesshomaru say. She beamed at him.

He liked it when she smiled at him, but he knew his next comment was going to knock it off her face. "I see you have to use two hands, however," he growled.

At first, Kagome didn't understand what he meant. Then, realization flooded her senses and she went red with embarrassment. How could she had forgotten? Sesshomaru only had one hand... "I am so sorry," she apologized. "I don't know where my mind is today. How could I have forgotten?"

She gently took the scissors from Sesshomaru and looked at Inuyasha. "It seems like you'll have to be the one cutting, Inuyasha," she told him. She handed Inuyasha the scissors and took the glue, which she gave to Sesshomaru.

"The glue isn't that hard to use. And you can do it with one hand," she told the taiyoukai. She explained how it worked to him. Once she saw he knew what he was doing, she turned back to her report.

She couldn't believe she had made so careless of a mistake. She sighed as she went through her report. It was really late. And she was really tired. Even the coffee wasn't really enough to keep her up. She watched as the guys finished with the project. She was surprised that they didn't argue the whole time. Perhaps they could work together after all.

She smiled at them when they turned their attentions back to her. "How about we watch a movie?" she offered, getting up from her chair.

"Did you finish everything?" Sesshomaru asked suspiciously.

Kagome shrugged, "Honestly, this report only has to be a page long and I can finish it during lunch tomorrow. I already have it mostly done. I would really just like to relax right now."

"You should get some sleep," Inuyasha told her, noticing how tired she looked.

She laughed it off and grabbed both of their hands. "Don't be silly Inuyasha. I can stay up to watch one movie with you," she playfully scolded.

Now Inuyasha knew she was tired. She wasn't one to play when it came to doing things with the brothers. But, he also knew she was stubborn. Better for her to go to sleep in a playful mood then in a sour one.

Sesshomaru wasn't sure about the idea. He didn't really know what a movie was, but he knew Kagome was tired. He could smell it on her. But, he let her lead him to the couch.

Sesshomaru sat on one side of the couch while Inuyasha sat on the other side. Kagome went through the DVDs on the shelf and found one she liked. It was an old Bruce Lee movie. She popped the DVD into the player and went to join the guys. She almost giggled when she noticed what they had done.

She sat between them and put her hands into theirs. Sesshomaru almost jumped when he felt Kagome's hand slide into his. He looked at her curiously, but did not say anything. Inuyasha tightened his fingers around Kagome's and gave her a soft squeeze.

Kagome pulled their hands into her lap as the movie began to play. Course, what they didn't know was, she knew their kimonos had huge sleeves. And she was freezing cold. Their kimono sleeves acted like blankets for Kagome to sheild her from the cold. She looked down and smiled slightly at the sight. One was a fiery red while the other was white.

She then leaned her head back and watched the movie. The brothers watched as well. It was the strangest thing they had ever done and yet, as they both held Kagome's hands, they felt comfortable. Soon, they could hear her light breathing as she drifted off to sleep.

Stop that, Kagome thought to herself as she felt this light tapping on her shoulder. She heard a growl and smiled. So, someone was watching over her? Good. That meant she could sleep.

Tap, tap.

This time, Kagome growled. She swiped at the offending tap and pulled the covers closer to her.

Tap, tap.

Huffing, Kagome opened her eyes slowly. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was watching the brothers finish her project. She knew she was sleeping on something hard, but didn't know what it was. She looked down and gasped when she saw a leg.

Surprised, Kagome used her hands to push herself up, only to come face to face with Sesshomaru. "What happened?" she asked. She looked around her and noticed that her feet were in Inuyasha's lap at the end of the couch. "How did I end up here?"

"You fell asleep watching the movie," Inuyasha explained.

Kagome slid her legs out of Inuyasha's lap and placed them on the floor. She knew then that the tapping had come from Shippo. She looked down at the little boy as he grabbed at her blouse.

"Momma, I'm gonna be late for school," he told her. "Rin is too, if we don't hurry."

Kagome looked at the time and jumped off of the couch. Just as quickly, she lost her balance and fell in Sesshomaru's lap. She let out a squeak of surprise. Sesshomaru caught her eyes and gazed into them.

Seeing the danger in staying in Sesshomaru's lap, Kagome quickly, but carefully, got back up. Her legs were partially asleep and she stumbled through the living room. She checked herself to make sure she was decent and slipped on her shoes.

"Rin? Shippo? Do you have your bookbags?" she asked them.

They nodded to her and went to the front door, where they waited for her to come. She looked at the clock again. There was no way they would get there on time. The school was just too far away. She looked at the brothers who were still sitting on the couch.

"Um..." she started, "Could, perhaps, one of you, or both of you, bring the kids to school this morning? If they don't hurry, they are going to be late."

Inuyasha stood up and walked over to Shippo, who immediately climbed onto the hanyou's back. He looked back at his brother. "You want me to bring Rin to school? Or are you going to do it?"

Sesshomaru knew the way to the little girl's school. He also knew he didn't want his brother touching what was his. The taiyoukai stood up and walked over to the girl. He picked her up by her waist and told her to grab onto his neck and hold on. Rin nodded and did as she was told.

"Just bring them to school and come back. No stopping and no fighting," Kagome asked of them. She wasn't telling them or ordering them. If anything, she seemed to be begging them.

Sesshomaru did not like to see this from Kagome and stared at her. He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips before checked Rin and bounding off out the door. Kagome flushed slightly at the kiss. She hated it when he did that.

Inuyasha looked uneasy for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should repeat what his brother did or not. Instead, he squeezed her hand softly before taking off himself.

Kagome watched them leave and then shut the door.

"I didn't know you had the demon's affections as well, Kagome," Sango said from somewhere behind the priestess.

"I don't think I do," Kagome answered honestly. She turned to look at her friend. "I really think he does it just because I'm Rin's mother. He thinks he owns me or something."

Sango shook her head. "Men."

Kagome giggled and couldn't help but agree. Moments later, Eri knocked on her door. Kagome answered it and handed Eri her assignments she finished last night. "Just... tell my history teacher that I'm sorry, but I promise to have the report to her tomorrow," she asked her friend.

Eri nodded and bid Kagome a goodbye.

Kagome then went to the table and began making her phone calls. A few minutes later, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha returned.