InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Everything's in Order... Not ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Fifteen: Everything's in Order... Not

"You should take a couple of the others with you, Kagome. They could use the knowledge, since you will be here for a while," Mrs. Higurashi offered.

Kagome stared at her mother with wide eyes. She had just told her mother she would be starting driving school today and her mother offered her to take her feudal friends with her. "You want them to learn how to drive?" she asked.

Mrs. Higurashi shrugged. "It would be nice for them to know. Then, you and I wouldn't have to do all the driving. And we could send them out to get things. They could uses the cars to go do their own things. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have jobs now. Miroku is looking for a job. It would be nice if they could get back and forth without having to run all the time."

"But, Momma," Kagome argued, "Inuyasha and Sesshomaru like running. Besides, they are both faster then any car."

"At the very least, you should let Miroku learn. He's not even a hanyou and he could use the added advantage. Perhaps Sango as well. Then, you all will have ways to travel," Mrs. Higurashi suggested.

Teaching Sango and Miroku how to drive didn't seem like such a bad idea. Kagome knew the brothers wouldn't care to learn, but she also knew the humans really could use it.

The brothers still hadn't gotten home from work yet. But, then, Kagome didn't expect them for another few hours. Miroku sat on the couch, flipping the channels on the TV. Rin and Shippo were both still at school. Kagome would have to leave to pick them up in an hour. Sango had been going around helping Grandpa and Jaken with the temple.

The social worker had called Kagome again to let her know they would be coming to the house this weekend. Kagome had inwardly groaned at the prospect. On one note, the brothers had jobs, so the kids wouldn't get taken away. On the other hand, it meant that they would have to play the happy family again.

Rin and Shippo had both gotten used to having a set of parents and uncles. They had even started calling Kagome's mother "Grandma." So, Kagome didn't have to worry about that.

Still, the guys still fought over who "owned" Kagome. Sesshomaru would not allow Inuyasha to touch her. And honestly, Inuyasha bulked if Sesshomaru went anywhere near her. The argument was starting to annoy the miko. They were starting to openly argue over her now and she knew it would end up in major fights soon.

She looked at the table where she had their gifts. Luckily, they both had demon blood in them, which meant that if they got injured, they would quickly heal. However, they were both very powerful.

She walked over to the table and touched the cool blades. They were mortal blades made by mortal people. They were also blunt. She had seen them sitting in a window at a local antique shop and decided they would be perfect. Now the brothers could actually fight without worrying about ruining the shrine. She just had to make sure they understood they weren't allowed to use magic or their powers.

She turned to Miroku and spoke up so that he could hear. "Hey, Miroku? Would you like to come with me today when I go for my driving class?" she asked him.

The monk turned around and looked at her. He gave her a pleasant grin. "I would be honoured, Kagome," he accepted.

Kagome nodded and left the house. She found Sango shortly after and asked the demonslayer the same thing. "Of course!" Sango immediately replied.

She walked back inside and looked at the clock. She knew she wouldn't be home when the guys got home. She sighed as she put her shoes on. "Mother? Don't let the guys see those weapons yet. I want to be the one to give them to them," she told her mother.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded and picked the swords up. She put them in Kagome's closet in her room and shut the door. "I won't tell them anything. I promise," she told her daughter.

Kagome nodded. "Alright. Well, I'm going to pick up the kids. I'll be back soon."

"Do you need someone to go with you, Kagome?" Miroku asked.

Kagome shook her head. "Eri's going to meet up with me and walk with me. I'll be fine."

With that, the priestess left and walked the many blocks to her school. She waited for Eri and the girls walked together.

"Kagome," Eri said softly, "there's something I have to tell you."

Kagome looked at her friend with concern. It seemed as if Eri was worried about something. "What's wrong?" the miko asked, worried for her friend.

Eri looked at her friend and then at the ground as they walked. "It seems we are both in the same boat, I guess. Only difference is, you have two guys to help you out..."

"What are you talking about?" Kagome asked, puzzled.

Eri whispered, "I'm pregnant."

It took a moment for the news to sink in. When it did, Kagome's eyes widened and she looked at her friend. "What... who... how?" was all she could stammer out.

Eri shrugged. "You know that guy I've been talking to? The one with the dimples in his cheeks?"

Kagome thought a moment and then nodded in recognition.

"He told me he loved me," Eri sighed as she stopped walking. She could feel the tears puddle in her eyes. "He told me he'd give me everything I've ever wanted."

"He lied to you," Kagome summerized.

Eri nodded as she began to cry. Kagome pulled her friend into an embrace and held her as she cried. "Oh, Kagome, what am I going to do? I can't tell my parents and I have no one to turn to," she sobbed.

Kagome softly patted her friend's back as she thought this over. Then, she realized something, "You met him two months ago. That's why you couldn't bring yourself to dislike me when I adopted the children. Because you were going to have a child of your own."

Eri looked at her friend fearfully. "Are you mad at me?" she asked, biting back her tears.

Kagome shook her head. "No. I just wish you would have told me sooner," she admitted. Knowing she had a friend who really did know how she felt, Kagome felt a bit better. She wasn't alone.

But, she knew Eri was. The girl didn't have the child's father. And her parents would be furious when they found out. Kagome's mother had been the one to suggest the adoptions.

They began walking again, each girl lost in her own thoughts. It wasn't long until they reached the elementary school. Rin, Shippo, and Souta were sitting outside waiting. When they saw the teenagers, Rin and Shippo immediately jumped up and ran to them.

"Momma! Momma!" Shippo called out, jumping into Kagome's arms.

Rin stopped in front of them and held her arms out and up, waiting for her turn. Kagome laughed as she hugged Shippo and put him down. She then bent down to pick up Rin and hug the little girl.

"Mommy, I got an A in class today," the little girl said, beaming brightly.

Kagome giggled, "I'm so proud of you! Your daddy is gonna be so happy when he hears that."

Rin giggled and squirmed out of her mother's arms. The moment Kagome put her down, she ran to grab her booksack.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Eri said suddenly, grabbing her own bookbag and digging through it. "I got something for my little neice and nephew."

Kagome's eyes widened as the children looked at Eri expectantly. "You didn't have to do that," Kagome started.

Eri shook her head. "Nonsense. I'm their aunt and it's my duty as an aunt to spoil them," she told her friend.

She pulled out two large bags of candy and handed one to each child. Rin and Shippo's faces lit up at the sight. Kagome groaned, "Their fathers are going to flip."

Eri shrugged and laughed, "Why would that bother you?"

Kagome let out a laugh as they began walking back to the house. When they approached the house, Kagome was shocked to see Sesshomaru standing on the porch. Rin quickly dropped her books and ran to the dog demon.

But, Kagome could tell he was not happy about something. Eri could see it too. She told her friend she'd catch her later and patted Shippo on the head before leaving.

Kagome bent down to pick up Rin's backpack and began heading to the porch. Shippo hid behind her.

"Daddy, I got an A in class today," she heard Rin tell the taiyoukai.

Sesshomaru did not respond as he continued to look at Kagome. When the teenager approached, she asked, "Why are you home so early?"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "Where have you been?" he asked, his voice soft and demanding.

Kagome told the children to go inside and then looked at the demon curiously. "Where do you think I've been? Someone had to go pick the children up today," she told him.

"It took you a whole day to get the kids to and from school?" he asked, not believing it.

Kagome snorted, "Of course not. I've been home most of the day. I helped Momma clean up and get dinner ready. And then I help Sango in the orchid."

"Why didn't you go to school?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"What's the point in going if I have to miss every other day?" she shot back at him, getting irritated at his interrogation. "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? What's your problem?"

Without warning, Sesshomaru's hand shot around her waist and pulled her close to him. "You've been around that mortal," he accused.

Kagome threw him a startled look. "What mortal?" she demanded to know.

"Don't act like I don't know," he growled, pressing her against him. "You know the mortal I speak of. The one who keeps sending you flowers and calling you on the phone. The one who wants to take you out to eat tomorrow night."

Hojo! Kagome realized. Sesshomaru was talking about Hojo. What was worse, the dog demon had a look in his eyes that meant death. She raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm going to take him up on his offer?" she asked, not at all amused by his jealousy.

Sesshomaru snorted, "I don't because I know you are not going to."

"WHAT?!" Kagome shouted, squirming in his grasp.

"You will not go off with this mortal. Not as long as you are mine," he told her, his golden orbs bearing down into hers.

Kagome snarled, "You are not the boss of me, Sesshomaru! I will see who I want, when I want. If I want to go out with Hojo, then I will. You can't stop me."

"So, the brat has a name," he growled. "Good... And no, you are not going anywhere with him. As I said, you are mine and I will not allow you to be seen in public with some puny mortal."

"What the hell do you think I am?!" she demanded. "Open your eyes, Sesshomaru, for you are looking at a 'puny' mortal right now!"

"You will not go," he finalized before dropping her unceremoniously on the ground.

For that reason alone, Kagome wanted to go out with Hojo. Just to prove her point. But, she knew that by doing so, she'd place the man's life in danger. She knew Sesshomaru well enough to know the demon would live up to his unspoken threat.

"And just so you know, Sesshomaru," she finished, wanting to have the last say, "I do not belong to you."