InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ A Tiring Day ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Sixteen: A Tiring Day

Kagome sat in her room, doing her homework. She had just finished her bath and was in her pajamas. She could feel her wet hair drying against her back as a pair of golden orbs stared at her.

Since her argument with Sesshomaru about Hojo, the demon had hardly left her side. It irritated her in a way because she couldn't do anything she wanted to do. Time spent with Inuyasha was far more limited then she would have liked, for Sesshomaru was always there.

She didn't know how he had done it. She knew his schedule always depended on his company, but it seemed as if his company worked around her life. The only time she ever got alone was when she was in school or taking care of herself in the bathroom. If she stayed home from school, Sesshomaru was somehow off from work.

Driving classes had been a blessing. It was so nice to have Miroku and Sango with her. It made the classes all the more fun. Especially everytime the monk or demonslayer would raise their hand to ask a question that modern people should, and would, already know. The only thing that dampened her classes was Sesshomaru, who stood in the back of the class and watched her.

Once, the teacher had asked him not to attend. Sesshomaru sneered at the teacher and sent him a look that meant death. He then told the teacher that it was his job to protect Kagome, making her feel extremely embarrassed.

It had been two months now since they had come from the well. It seemed like so much longer. Eri's parents had found out about her pregnancy and had nearly died. They made her leave and would not let her back in her house for anything, so Eri stayed with Kagome. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had complained a bit about the strong smells a pregnant woman emmitted.

Kagome, Sango, and Miroku all had driver's licenses now and Kagome had to admit. It was nice. With the money the youkai and hanyou had been making, they were able to get Kagome her first car. It had been her birthday present from the brothers and she had squealed in delight. It was such a beautiful car. Japanese made and, she knew, extremely expensive. It was a silver car with golden fire along the bottom. Her two favourite colours.

Kagome had thought the car would be able to keep Sesshomaru away. But, she had been wrong. Every stop light or stop sign she came to, she had found Sesshomaru not far away. Apparently, he was fast enough to keep up with the car. Not that that surprised her. He was a demon after all.

Kagome sighed as she looked back down at her homework. Math. How she hated math. Why couldn't it be history? Now, that was something she knew a lot about. Especially now that she had been in the Feudal Era so many times. It was probably the one subject she was doing so well in.

Sesshomaru watched Kagome. He had been watching her for some time. At first, he had just stood at her doorway, until she fussed at having someone standing over her while she worked. He had moved to her bed and sat down on it, never once letting his eyes off of her. Now, he laid on it. His head rested against her pillow as he watched her.

He wasn't wearing much. His work pants had hung at his hips while his fluff covered his right shoulder. He wore no shirt, for he hated his work shirt and would take it off the moment he got home. Something about the button up monstrosity bugged him to no end. He missed his normal clothing, those clothes that had pegged him for the lord he was. He thought about going to change in them, but quickly dismissed the idea. He would not leave Kagome.

Kagome glanced at the clock on her desk. Midnight. She sighed and shook her head. She still had three more things to do. She hated staying up so late on school nights. She knew that in the morning the guys would have to bring the kids to school, for she would be running late herself. But, this was the only time she could do her homework. The moment she got home from school, she was busy taking care of the house. Running to the store, cooking, taking care of the children, helping them with their homework.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had been surprised by the swords she had bought them. She remembered the looks on their faces when they unsheathed them. She then told them why she bought the swords. Now they could fight all they wanted, as long as they promised not to use their powers.

Course, that didn't work out too well. They had realized the swords were blunted and couldn't do any damage when Sesshomaru had broken his on Inuyasha's back. At first they looked at Kagome as if betrayed. Why would she give them useless weapons? But, then, she told them she didn't want them hurting themselves too much. Furthermore, she didn't want them drawing any unnecessary attention or ruining the shrine.

Sesshomaru let out a bored yawn as he watched Kagome. He knew it was late and that she should already be in bed. She worked hard, trying to squeeze school in with all her house chores. He had called upon Jaken a week ago and demanded that the toad demon help her. Needless to say, Jaken had not been pleased, but he did as he was told with little to no argument.

It had helped a little, but not a whole lot. Sesshomaru knew what Kagome needed. A night off. He quietly stood up and walked to her desk. He bent down so that he was eye level with the priestess. "Kagome," he whispered softly in her ear.

Startled, the human girl turned to look into his golden eyes. He placed a delicate kiss on her lips and pushed her hair back with his hand. "It's time for you to go to bed, my miko," he told her.

She wanted to argue with him. She still had so much to do. But, she knew it would be a losing argument because she was so tired. She relented with a nod. "Wrap your arms around my neck," he told her.

He watched with fascination as she did as told. She had never done that before. He knew then that she was extremely tired. Once he felt she had a good enough hold, he slipped his hand beneath her knees and lifted her out of the chair. For added security, he wrapped his fluff around her waist.He brought her to the bed and bent down to place her softly on the fluffy mattress.

He was so tempted to crawl into the bed next to her. As he bent down to put her down, their faces had become incredibly close. He couldn't help himself as he brushed his lips along hers. He was surprised when she moved to press her lips more firmly against his. He did not back down from the advantage. As he rubbed his lips against hers, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, where it came clashing with her tongue. She had been eager for the kiss.

The knowledge of her eagerness sent shockwaves through his body and he moaned as he felt his groin tighten at the prospect. It would be so easy to slide his body over hers. It would be so easy to slip off their pants and make her his. For good. He wanted to do this so bad. To take her and never let go. But, he knew she was tired. He knew she wasn't in her right mind. To take her now would be wrong. He wanted her to give herself freely, willingly.

She had to. That was the way of the dog demons. To become mates willingly. She had to offer herself to him before he could take full possession. To mate with her now would be a mistake. One both of them would regret. He did not want that.

With a strength he did not know he had, Sesshomaru gently let her go. He placed a kiss on her forehead and stood up. As he walked to the door, he was stopped by her soft whisper, "Goodnight, Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru gave a soft sigh and then left. Kagome watched him leave and nearly giggled. She did not know her kiss could provoke such a thing from the great dog demon lord. Had he been in his normal clothes, she never would have noticed. But, those modern clothes left him constricted. So, his hardened malehood did not go unnoticed. She did not know exactly when he had hardened. Whether it had been her kiss or the simple pleasure he had found in picking her up. She wasn't even sure she liked the idea. But, at the moment, she found it quite funny. She never knew the inuyoukai to be capable of such an obvious thing.

She moved herself deeper under the covers and fell asleep with dreams of a dog demon and what would have happened had he stayed. At first, her dreams had appalled her. But, as they continued, she found herself more and more comfortable with the idea.

She woke gasping for breath as all her air was punched out of her. Kagome looked up in shock to see Rin sitting across her stomach. "Wake up, Mommy," the little girl giggled. "It's time for school."

Kagome groaned and looked at her clock. She had been right in the middle of defeating Naraku when her adopted daughter woke her up. She turned to her daughter, "Are you ready?" she asked, looking over her daughter's half dressed form.

Rin pouted, "I can't find my socks, Mommy."

Kagome stared at the child for a moment. "Where's your dad?"

Rin pointed to the door. "Outside. He and Uncle Inuyasha are swordfighting again."

The priestess let out another groan as she rolled out of bed. Leave it to those two idiots to pay more attention to their hurt prides rather then their children. She grabbed her robe and slipped it on. She took her daughter's hand into hers and led her into the kid's room.

After the feudal people had settled into the house, Souta and Kagome had worked to converge his room into a child's room. There was a bunk bed and a twin sized bed. The boys slept on the bunk beds while Rin slept on the twin bed. Against the wall, was a large set of dressers. Each row contained undergarments and nightclothes for a different child.

Kagome approached the dressed and opened the top drawer. She dug around in it. A confused expression swept across her face. "Where are all your socks?" she asked Rin, to which the girl shrugged.

Kagome glanced at the clock. They did not have time to go looking for missing socks. The children would be late for school... again. She sighed in frustration and rushed out the house. She found the brothers just as Rin had said. She shook her head as Sesshomaru blocked a quick swipe from Inuyasha's sword and countered with a bone breaking parry.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called. She knew he would ignore her and wasn't surprised when he did. She also knew Sesshomaru wasn't paying her any mind either. "Sit, boy!"

Inuyasha fell to the ground with a crash. Sesshomaru looked at the miko. He hated it when others interfered.

Kagome stood in the doorway of the house. She tapped her foot impatiently. "Are you two finished?" she demanded more then asked.

Sesshomaru growled as Inuyasha picked himself up from the ground. "Why'dya to that for?" the hanyou shouted at her.

"I need you to bring the kids to school today. They are running late. Stop fighting and come help," she ordered them.

Sesshomaru lifted a single eyebrow in response as he began to walk towards her. The look in his eyes spoke of his anger at her ordering him around. But, Kagome didn't care. She had too many other things to do at the moment rather then worry about pissing him off.

The youkai walked past her as he whispered, "We are not finished, miko."

Kagome rolled her eyes. Was that a favourite saying of his or something? The saying always meant another intrusion of her person, and she did not like it. She did not like him touching her, kissing her, or tempting her to do things that wasn't appropriate for her to do.

She followed Inuyasha into the house and went back to her search of Rin's socks. She found a clean pair on the washing machine and helped the little girl put them on, as well as her Mary Jane's.

When she finished, she kissed and hugged the children goodbye and watched as the brothers took off with their cargos in tow. She turned back into the house and went back to her room. A few more hours of sleep. She didn't really need to go to school anyway. Eri had already taken her backpack and whatever homework she had done. So, she had no worries about late assignments.

Kagome dipped herself underneath her covers and quickly went back to sleep. She emersed herself in dreams of a life without the bothersome brothers. It was a blissful dream. One where she had no worries, no cares... And she got plenty of sleep...

She felt her bed sink under the weight of another being. She groaned inwardly, wondering who would be dumb enough to wake her now. She opened her eyes to see Inuyasha sitting at the edge of her bed. She growled at him, "Sit, boy."

He immediately fell to the floor and she smiled to herself as she hid her face in her pillow.

"That wasn't nice, you know," Inuyasha's voice invaded her thoughts.

She waved a hand at him to dismiss him. "Go away, Inuyasha. Let me sleep."

"I can't. That damn social worker is supposed to be here in thirty minutes. You have to be dressed and ready," he informed her.

She sighed and looked at her clock. Two thirty, the clock had said. Was she reading it right? Surely it was still seven o'clock? She gave a frustrated shriek as she punched her pillows.

Inuyasha watched her as she went through her tantrum. He had never known Kagome to have a tantrum before. Course, he didn't blame her. That social worker was annoying. He was glad they didn't have such things in the Feudal Era.

Kagome slid out of her bed and looked at the half demon. "I need to get dress," she stated simply.

Inuyasha nodded his agreement, but did not move. Kagome waited a moment, staring at him. "Inuyasha!" she sneered.

The hanyou looked at her curiously, not understanding what he had did to make her angry now.

"You have to leave for me to get dressed," she told him.

Inuyasha blushed a little. "Oh. Right," he whispered, turning on his heel and leaving her alone.

She shook her head as she went through her wardrobe. She thought about a cute blouse and skirt set before pushing it aside. She remembered Sesshomaru's threat and did not want to give him any ideas she didn't need. Instead, she picked out a pair of jeans and a turtleneck. It was a chilly day anyway, so the outfit was perfect.

She brushed her hair and placed a blue ribbon in it. Satisfied, she walked out into the living room.

Inuyasha smiled to himself when he saw her. No matter what she wore, he always thought she looked beautiful. The bluish green turtleneck fitted nicely over her body, revealing without revealing. Her blue jeans were tight as well, enhancing the shape of her legs. He wondered if she knew that by hiding her body she had only managed to make it more enticing.

Sesshomaru was no fool. He knew why she had decided to wear that garb. She was trying to hide from him. After he had left her room, he had realized just how major of an effect she had had on him. Now, looking at her, he wanted her more then ever. He kept his face blank, not wanting to reveal any of these thoughts to her. At least, not yet.

Miroku smiled at the priestess, "Good afternoon, Kagome. I pray you had a nice rest?"

Kagome returned his smile pleasantly. "Yes, actually. I had this wonderful dream," she told him.

Kagome took a seat next to Sango as the demonslayer prodded, "And what was this dream about?"

The miko threw a mischievous grin. "I can tell you what it wasn't about."

The monk and demonslayer looked at her curiously. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked at her as well. "It wasn't about any demons or half demons," she finished.

Miroku and Sango laughed. Sesshomaru did not know what was so funny. He knew the comment had been directed at him. As an insult no less. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the miko. It seemed she made a habit of insulting him constantly. Her insults were beginning to wear on him. It wouldn't be much longer now until he made her pay for her insults.

Inuyasha let out a soft growl, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, my dear friend, that for once she was given a break from the pressures of her present life," Miroku stated as he sipped at his coffee. It was a drink he had grown quite fond of.

Kagome giggled. She loved times like these. Where she and her friends could tease one another without worries.

The minutes ticked by as they continued to play with one another. It seemed just about everyone was in a good mood, except for Sesshomaru. But then, the demon lord was hardly ever in a good mood.

A knock came at the door and Kagome stood up to answer it. She opened the door to see the social worker standing there. Kagome gave her a pleasant smile. "Hello. Please, come in. We were just wondering when you were going to come."

"I apologize for being late. I was held up by the police. Seems like some fathers can't keep their hands to themselves," the social worker explained, her eyes pointedly going from Sesshomaru to Inuyasha.

Neither brother had any idea what she was talking about. They didn't like the look she gave them either. Almost as if silently accusing them of something they didn't even do.

Kagome shook her head. "I've heard of that. It's really a shame, don't you think? I mean, a father's job is to protect his family. To provide for them. Who do the children turn to when their own father decides he doesn't want to protect them anymore?"

The social worker nodded her head. She turned away from the brothers as Miroku offered her a seat. "Yes, Ms. Higurashi. However, it seems to be a growing problem. Not just here in Tokyo, but in all of Japan and even going out to the other countries. And, unfortunately, it's not only the fathers anymore. Sometimes, it's even the mothers. Or, it's both parents working together."

Kagome shuddered at the thought. She couldn't imagine what kind of person would harm their own child in any way. And the idea that a mother would do such a thing... it appalled her beyond all belief.

"But, we are not here to discuss that," the social worker interrupted her thoughts. "Speaking of children, where are Rin and Shippo?"

"They should be home from school soon," Kagome told her. "A friend of mine is bringing them home."

"Another one who lives here?" the woman guessed.

Kagome nodded her head. "Yes. My friend Eri. She's been living here for some time now."

The social worker nodded her head. "So I have gathered. She's pregnant, correct?"

Again, Kagome nodded. The social worker wrote this down as she looked up at the brothers. "I would assume the child doesn't belong to one of them?"

The miko's eyes flew wide open. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru gave equal looks of disgust. But, the social worker laughed, "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself," she apologized. She waved a hand to the lord and his younger brother. "You know, the two of you should really lighten up. You each have a child now. A child's life revolves around pranks, laughter, and unexpected questions. You have to be prepared for anything and willing to have a sense of humor in the process."

Kagome suppressed a laugh. Sesshomaru? A sense of humor? That in itself was a joke. She could see Inuyasha laughing, though it was something he rarely did.

"So, tell me, Ms. Higurashi, how is life as a mother? Not as easy as you thought it would be?" the social worker asked.

Kagome shrugged. "Nothing in life is as you would expect it to be. But, I love Rin and Shippo. Becoming a part of their lives has been the greatest experience. I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"And their fathers?"

Kagome smiled, "I really think you should ask them..."

"No," the social worker shook her head, "that's not what I meant. How are you with their fathers? It's not enough that you care for the children, Ms. Higurashi. You must have some relationship with the father as well."

The priestess was taken aback. She knew what the woman was asking. "Inuyasha and I are close friends. We have been friends for a very long time."

"And his brother?"

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru. She didn't know about him. What could she say?

"Are you intimate with either father?"

That question set Kagome on her heels. She wheeled around to the social worker and cast her a startled glance. Intimate?! She'd rather be dead! Memories of touches, kisses, caresses flooded through her mind.

Vigorously, Kagome shook her head. "No, I'm not intimate with either of them. Nor do I plan on being..."

"That's not a good answer, Ms. Higurashi," the woman explained. "I do not know how you feel about either father, but I would suggest you get to know them both a bit better. I am not asking you to lay with either man, but a close, personal relationship with the father is necessary for a child's happiness. Especially in a situation where the child has both a mother and a father. You want to set a good example, after all."

Kagome could feel her world shattering. With Inuyasha, it was easy. She already harboured feelings for the hanyou. But to have a relationship, any kind of relationship, with Sesshomaru... It wasn't something she wanted to think about or wish for.

"Mommy! Daddy!" came a loud shout from the front door. Rin bounded into the living room. Her ponytail bounced behind her as she ran to Sesshomaru.

He could see it coming and he knew, for appearances sake, he had to let it happen. He held out his arm as the little girl jumped into it. It was the first time Rin had ever been able to hug Sesshomaru's neck. The little girl squealed in happiness as she took a deep breath of his scent.

The social worker watched them curiously. "Mr. Taisho? What happened to your left arm?"

The demon lord nearly dropped Rin at that question. It was not something he felt inclined to share with the woman. "I lost it in a battle," he said simply, indicating he was not going to say much more.

He gently placed Rin back on the ground and patted her head. The girl immediately pivoted on her heel and ran to Kagome. By then, Shippo had already come in and was sitting next to Kagome on the couch.

The social worker studied Sesshomaru a bit more. She then looked at Inuyasha. "You are both warriors. You have fought in the military?" she asked.

Kagome quickly nodded her head. "Yeah, that's it," she lied. "They were part of the military. That's why they were never able to settle anywhere."

"Who was your commanding officier?"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "No one commands me," he growled.

Kagome slapped a hand over her face. Nothing like putting your foot in your mouth. She shook her head. "Sesshomaru," she whispered.

The demon lord looked at the priestess curiously. He had not expected her to say his name.

"You were a mercenary?" the social worker asked.

Kagome shook her head. "No, he's never done mercenary work," Kagome answered honestly. "He just... if he sees a battle, he fights. He doesn't get paid for it."

The woman nodded slowly. "And he brought that small girl with him on these battles?"

Kagome's eyes widened. "Never! That would not only put the child in danger, but it would be a major distraction for him. He would be too worried for her own safety."

The social worker smiled grimly, "So, like a tigress, he told her to hide in the bushed while he fought. She got to watch as this 'father' of hers slaughtered."

Kagome clamped her hands to her mouth. This was not how it was supposed to go. The priestess shook her head in denial. She didn't know how to respond.

"If I see a fight brewing, I send Rin away," Sesshomaru spoke up. He had been angry when Kagome had spoken for him. Then, he found amusement as he watched the young priestess dig herself into a hole. "We were never far from whereever we lived. I have servants and caretakers who would travel with us and make sure she was well cared for until I could return."

This surprised the social worker. She looked around the small house. "Where are the servants and caretakers now?"

"I dismissed them. What is the point in having such when I have found a mate? Furthermore, I am not planning on leaving any time soon. I have settled and I intend on staying until Rin is old enough to take care of herself," the demon lord told her. He did not know why he was making up such things, but he knew he had to get Kagome out of the hole she had created before she dragged everyone in with her.

"Mate?" Kagome asked, playing over the word. She looked at the youkai curiously.

Sesshomaru flashed her an extremely rare smile. The miko was stunned into silence. Surely he hadn't been talking about her? All they had done was kiss! And she wasn't planning on taking it any further then that.

Inuyasha suppressed the need to refute his brother's claim. Kagome belonged to Inuyasha and the hanyou planned on ensuring that. He adjusted his hat, subtly itching his ears in the process. He hated the damn hat. Something about the fabric always made his ears itch, but he knew it was necessary when dealing with modern people.

The social worker said nothing, but took notes on everything that had been said. She had figured before that Rin's father was of noble blood. The claim that he once owned servants backed up her guess. That also meant his brother held some wealth. She offered the brothers and the teenager a smile.

"Well, everything looks good for today," she told them. "Now, I'll need to check back in a couple months to see how things are going."

Kagome nodded. They bid the social worker fare well and watched as she got in her car and left.