InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Proposals and Prospects ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Seventeen: Prospects and Proposals

Kagome sat on the couch and sighed. It was yet another day where she missed school. She had lost track of how many school days she missed. She knew the school still thought she was overly sick all the time. Grandpa made it a point to call them everyday with a new sickness she had gotten.

Kagome shook her head as she flipped through the channels. Rin and Shippo were at school and the brothers had gone off to work. She was with Miroku and Sango... well, sort of. The monk and demonslayer had disappeared about an hour ago and had yet to come back or check in.

She heard a shuffling of feet and turned to the noise. She smiled as she watched Jaken carry a box that was much too large for him. She got up and walked over to the toad demon. "Jaken? What is that thing?" she asked.

The demon dropped his package and wiped his brow. He growled at the miko, "What does it look like, silly girl? Your grandfather has found some more clothes for Rin and Shippo and wanted me to put this in their room. Now, go away and leave me in peace."

He began to pick the box up again when he felt the weight be lifted from the other side. He looked around the box to see Kagome holding one side of it. "Let me help you. Geez, this thing is heavy. How did you manage to get this all the way in here?"

He huffed, "I'm a much stronger demon then you think, girl. Now, get out of my way! I can handle this on my own. I don't need some silly mortal doing my work for me."

He pushed passed her and walked to the children's room. She watched him with raised eyebrows. She wondered for a moment if he had or would ever talk to Sesshomaru with that tone. She doubted it. She sighed and threw her hands into the air to wave it away. Jaken and Sesshomaru were both demons who had little love for humanity. Jaken wouldn't respect her because Sesshomaru didn't. And Sesshomaru would never respect her because she was mortal.

She turned when she heard the back door slam shut. Sango and Miroku walked into the living room laughing about something.

"Where have you two been?" Kagome asked.

They looked surprised to see her. "Kagome, we didn't know you were here. Why didn't you go to school today?" Miroku asked her.

The miko shrugged and plopped back onto the couch. "I'm beginning to not see the point anymore. I get to school and I sleep through my classes. The only one I hang out with is Eri. And there are rumours flying around that I'm getting all the advantages of having two husbands."

"Two husbands?" Sango wondered as she took a seat next to her friend. "How does one have two husbands?"

Kagome sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. But, apparently, I do. Everyone knows about Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, but they don't quite understand my relationship with them. And ever since I cancelled the date with Hojo, speculation has grown. I think they believe that I'm sleeping with the brothers," she admitted.

Sango's eyes widened and she and Miroku shared a look.

"Are you surprised, Kagome?" Miroku asked, taking a seat on the other side of the miko.

Kagome offered him a smile. "I suppose not. I mean, it does sound strange, doesn't it?"

Miroku nodded. "In our time, there is no such thing as adoption. If a child falls into your hands, and you decide to care for it, then that's the way it works. There is no paper work or legal documentation of your hold over the child. And it is quite uncommon to see a woman raise two children from two different men. Even more uncommon if both men are still alive. Such a thing only happens with one kind of woman."

"And if she's not that kind of woman?" Kagome asked, knowing where the monk was leading.

Miroku looked at Sango again. Sango sighed, "There is no other kind of woman. And if, by some strange circumstance, there would be one, there is no chance of her proving herself. She's condemned. And men are not kind to condemned women."

"But, I can prove that I haven't done anything with them," Kagome let slip out. She realized what she had said and blushed profusely.

Sango offered her a smile. "But, would you be willing to show your entire school that proof?"

Kagome's eyes widened at that idea. Of course she wouldn't. Such a question was silly, but she understood what her friends were telling her. People will talk and they will speculate. But, in this day and age, that's all they could do. They can't condemn her. At least, not in the same way as Miroku and Sango had talked about.

She smiled at her friends. "Thanks guys, you really are the best," she told them as they fell into a comfortable silence.

She found an interesting movie on TV and they watched it together, enjoying each other's company.

Kagome grabbed the keys to her car and hurried out of the door. She had ten minutes to get to the school and pick up the children. She didn't want to be late because she had just finished fixing a grand dinner and did not want it to get cold. Plus, she had caught Miroku lifting up one of the pot lids and had to pop him with the spoon. She didn't need that nosey monk tasting the food before she had a chance to serve it.

She pulled into the school's pick up area and searched for her children. She found Shippo and honked her horn at him. He waved and smiled before grabbing his bookbag and telling Souta she was here. He ran to the car and hopped in.

"Shippo? Where's your sister?" she asked when she didn't see Rin. She automatically began to worry.

The kitsune shrugged. "Uncle Sesshomaru picked her up a few moments ago. I'm guessing they are on their way home right now. If they aren't already there."

Kagome sighed. This was the second time Sesshomaru had picked up the little girl without informing her first. She and the demon lord would have to talk about that. She shivered at the prospect of having to talk to him about anything, for he still hadn't fullfilled his latest threat. Were she to talk to him, she was certain he would fullfill the threat. She did not like that idea.

She waited for Souta to get settled in the backseat before she pulled off onto the road. They drove back to the house and she saw Sesshomaru standing on the porch. She wasn't the least bit surprised.

The kitsune and Kagome's brother hopped out of the vehicle and ran into the house. Kagome sighed to herself and stepped out of the car. A sense of dread washed over her as she walked up the house steps.

"You missed another day of school," the demon lord mentioned. It was not a question, but an observation.

Kagome threw him a smile and shrugged. "What's your point? It's not like I haven't missed school before."

His eyes narrowed as he gazed at her. "I do not care whether you go to school or not. However, if you aren't going to attend school, then you need to find something else to do. Laying around the house doing nothing all day will get you no where."

Kagome shot him a nasty look. "What makes you think I haven't done anything all day? For your information, I spent the morning going through boxes of old books. I was trying to find anything that would talk about the well and why it's acting this way. And then, around noon, I began making dinner," she informed him, her fists in her hips, "so that you wouldn't have to wait to eat when you got home."

Sesshomaru did not give her the benefit of letting her see his anger at her upraised voice. He mentally checked off the insult on his list. It was yet another thing he would have to teach her. "What did you find?" he asked her instead.

She gave him a suspicious glance. When she saw that he wasn't going to lash out at her, she answered, "Nothing, honestly. It seems no one else has ever been able to use the well for such transportation. Tomorrow, I'm going to go to the public library and look there to see if I find anything."

"If such a book exists, then it would probably be here," he told her. "After all, this shrine is the one that holds the well. I wouldn't waste my time looking in a library that won't have the book."

Kagome shrugged. "I've run out of all other ideas. The well won't open and I don't understand why. At first, I thought it was because of the Shikon Jewel, but now I see that's not the case. Even with the shards, Inuyasha still can't get through. It's like the well is keeping us from the other side."

"Do you think someone may be behind it?" he asked her.

Again, she shrugged. "It's possible. I've been thinking that Naraku might be up to something, but I just can't seem to figure out what it is. I mean, if he was trying to get rid of us, he forgot two people, Kikyo and Kouga."

"Did they have anything that belonged to you?"

She gave the lord a curious look and asked, "Why would they need something that belongs to me?"

Sesshomaru gave a slight shrug, a shrug that Kagome wouldn't had caught had she not been looking at him. "Rin was holding your watch when we were transported here. Perhaps one needs something to tie themselves to you. A possession of yours in order to follow where you go."

Kagome thought this over. "It's possible. It would explain how the three of you ended up here. It still doesn't make much sense though. What's the purpose?"

"To get us out of the way?" he offered.

"But why?"

"How am I supposed to know?" he countered. "I am merely offering suggestions, miko. I'm leaving it up to you to figure it out."

Kagome pressed her lips together in thought. "And yet, you are so much older than me and far more experianced with the way the world works," she whispered. "Not to mention, you are a great demon, which means you would know a lot about demon powers and abilities..."

She did not complete her thought as Sesshomaru grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. He stared into her eyes as he dipped his head down to offer her a soft kiss. "What you say is true, miko," he whispered against her lips, causing her to nearly moan. "I am a great demon. I am far older than you and much more experienced. However, in the essence of time travel, I am not even a pupil. I know nothing of the subject since I never thought it would pertain to me. Indeed, I thought such a thing impossible."

Kagome tried to ease her way out of Sesshomaru's grasp, but she could already tell it wasn't going to work. She didn't know how he did it with one arm, but he held onto her. "Does it feel bad? Having to rely on me to get you home?" she asked against his lips. She couldn't really move out the way. He had her pressed up against him and his face was right... there.

"I told you we were not finished, miko," he whispered as he pressed his lips against hers again.

Her body had become automatic in response to him. She had immediately melted against him as her lips parted to accept his kiss. Her tongue moved forward to meet his and they licked at each other. He deepened the kiss, pressing his lips more firmly against hers and letting his tongue dive into her mouth, over and around her tongue.

She clutched onto his work shirt and could feel his malehood as it began to press against her belly. Her mind was wheeling and she was no longer thinking straight as she giggled. He broke the kiss momentarily to find out what she was laughing about. In response, she lifted her arms and slipped them around his neck. She let her stomach rub against his groin to show him that she knew what was there.

He gave her a half grin as he growled hotly deep in his throat. He pressed his lips to hers again, tasting her. He could smell her want, her need, as it coarsed through her body. He slipped his hand below her rear and gently pushed her up. She took the hint and, using his shoulders for support, lifted herself onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist so that he could hold her.

Sesshomaru nearly chuckled as he felt her give him full power over her body. But, he knew the front porch was not the place to perform the act of claiming. Holding her, he kissed her lips again. He dipped his head down onto her neck as he used his lips and tongue to trail his hot kisses. He could tell she wanted him. Every fiber of her being spelled it out to him in her scent.

Ever so slowly, he lifted his head to meet her eyes. He offered a grin when he saw her eyes were closed and gently pressed his lips to the tip of her nose. She opened her eyes at the odd kiss and looked into his golden orbs.

"My Kagome," he whispered hoarsely. The desire he felt for her had made his throat thick and constricted. "When the time comes, I will fully make you mine. I will take you to places that you had never known and show you things you have only dreamed about. You will be mine, my miko. You already are mine."


"Don't," he stopped her, "I will not have you say anything that could ruin this moment." He pressed his forehead against hers. "When we return to the feudal era, I will make you the lady of my house. You will become my Lady of the West. Together we shall rule."

She looked at him, going over everything he was telling her. Was he proposing to her? No, that wasn't what he was doing. He wasn't asking her if this was what she wanted. He was telling her what she was going to get. The idea appalled her. Who did he think he was? Ordering her around like that. She let her legs slip off of his waist. She hadn't even realized she had done that one. She wondered briefly when he had managed to wrap her legs around him like that.

She could still feel his groin against her and struggled against him. "I don't understand why you are telling me all of this, Sesshomaru. I'm a mortal. Even if I were to accept your offer, it wouldn't last as long as you want it to. I'll grow old and ugly and you'll find you don't like me anymore. My bed would become a cold obligation to you. One that you won't enjoy or find pleasant."

He groaned. Wretched girl. Didn't she know when to keep her mouth shut? He released his grasp on her and turned away. His malehood was still painfully tight from their teasing of each other. "You are a miko. You are also the holder of the Shikon Jewel. You have the power to change that," he told her. "If you wanted, you could extend your own life and your beauty. You could be young as long as you wanted."

Kagome tilted her head at his back. "Who said I wanted to?" she asked him.

He snarled as he turned on her and shoved her against the outside wall. "Why wouldn't you? I'm offering you the chance to be with me, Kagome. To be my mate. To bear my children and help me raise Rin. You can have everything and anything you ever wanted," he told her.

She did not shiver nor did she tremble. She was not scared. "But, at the same time," she told him, "I would never grow old. The best part of life is living it. And at the end of your time, reminiscing about the past. You offer me immortality and an eternity of happiness and contentment. But, Sesshomaru, I would be unhappy in that world. Every day is precious to me because I know it might be my last. I cherish my time here on Earth because I know I won't be here forever."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. She was turning him down! He would not stand for such insolence. He slowly placed her back on the ground. He hadn't even realized he had lifted her. He hadn't grabbed her by the throat, but by the waist. He turned on his heel and began walking down the porch steps. "We are not finished, miko."

He was right. They weren't. Kagome still hadn't been able to talk to him the way she wanted. And now that she knew his true intentions, she wasn't so sure she wanted to talk to him. About anything.

Dinner had been a quiet affair. Inuyasha had been the only one not home when the thing between Sesshomaru and Kagome happened. Kagome knew by looking on her friends' faces that they had heard every word she and the demon had shared. Eri looked terrified and Kagome knew that she would have to sit with her friend and explain things to her. It was a task she did not look forward to.

They ate in an uncomfortable silence. Mrs. Higurashi got up from her seat and began refilling everyone's cups with more tea. It should have been a nice, quiet evening. Filled with talk over everything that had happened today. Kagome wanted to share her adventure of looking through the old books, but she knew now was not either the time nor the place.

Inuyasha was getting annoyed. What did he not know that everyone else knew? The idea that something was being kept from him angered him immensely. "So, what happened today?" he asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

He felt all eyes go to him. It was not a comfortable feeling and it pissed him off even more. "What is this? Are you not going to talk now? What happened that I missed?" he demanded to know.

Kagome got an idea and looked up at the hanyou as he stood. "Inuyasha," she said softly.

He looked at her and tilted his head. He had sensed her uneasiness before. Now, he sensed a curiousity coming from her. He didn't understand the sudden change in her emotions.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" she asked him.

Taken aback, Inuyasha shrugged. He didn't have any plans. He never did and she knew that. Kagome smiled, happy with his response, or lack thereof. She turned to her mother. "Would you mind making sure the children ate and got to bed on time?" she asked.

Mrs. Higurashi did not know what her daughter was up to. "Where will you be?"

"Inuyasha and I are going on a date," the miko responded, not letting Inuyasha get a say in it.

A date? What was that? the hanyou thought as he watched the young priestess get up from the table and head to her room.