InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The Date ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Eightteen: The Date

"What exactly is a date, Kagome?" Sango asked as she sat on the miko's bed.

Kagome had spent the remainder of last night explaining to Eri everything that was going on. At first, her friend did not believe her until Kagome had shown her Inuyasha's ears. For further proof, she had Inuyasha take out Tetsusaiga and then, she showed Eri the sacred shards she had.

The girl had been terrified and then fascinated. It was a lot for her to digest, but she knew she'd get used to it. She asked Kagome about all her illnesses. Kagome laughed and explained why her grandfather had lied. The girl nodded and accepted Kagome's apology. So, you're a priestess, huh?

Kagome smiled at the memory. Leave it up to Eri to be there for her regardless of who she was. The girl had been accepting to her. For that, the young miko was eternally grateful. Eri had also promised to keep everything secret.

The miko ran her brush through her hair and grabbed her curling iron. "A date is pretty much where you and a guy go out and just have fun. It's usually done at night time. I think the most popular dates are those that include dinner and a movie," she explained.

Sango nodded. "But, you have plenty of food here. And there are a lot of.... movies to choose from."

Kagome laughed and turned to her friend, "No, a date is when you don't have to cook. Or, if you are cooking, you and the guy you are with are alone."

Sango's eyes widened in understanding. So, Kagome wanted to be alone with Inuyasha? The demonslayer couldn't say that she blamed her. It had been a while since they had been in the Feudal Era. And since they came here, Sesshomaru had hardly let Kagome out of his sight. Kagome needed the break. And what better way to share it then with the half demon?

The demonslayer watched as her friend curled her own hair. What odd objects the modern world had. Since she'd come here, Sango had learned a lot. The most impressive places in the house had been the kitchen and the bathroom. It was nice to not have to go to a stream every time you wanted to clean yourself. And it had four walls and a door, so there were no chances of peeping toms laying in bushes.

The kitchen was nice as well. No more open fireplaces where you wound up burning your food. And the food came out tasting so much better. Kagome and Mrs. Higurashi had taught her all kinds ways to prepare various dishes. Sango was left astonished.

"So, where are you going to go?" Sango asked. "Are you taking him to a restraunt? What movie are you going to see?"

Kagome laughed again, "I said that was the most popular forms of dating. I didn't say it was the only form... Actually, there is a fair going on on the other side of town. I was thinking about going there. And then, perhaps, once we've seen everything and have been able to enoy it ourselves, perhaps we'd take the kids tomorrow or something. Rin and Shippo would love the fair, I think."

Sango shook her head. "Even on a 'date' you think of those children," she sighed. She walked up behind her friend and played with the black locks of hair her friend had. "Tonight, I don't want you thinking of them. If what you say is true, then this is a chance for you and Inuyasha to catch up. I want you to enjoy yourself and have fun with the hanyou. Kama-sama knows you both have earned the night off. And I know you've been trying to get some time alone with him for a while. Take this opportunity."

Kagome nodded at her friend's wise words. "I just hope Sesshomaru doesn't follow us."

"He won't," Sango assured.

Kagome twisted her head to look her friend in the eyes. "How can you be certain?"

The demonslayer gave her a playful look. "Eri and I will make sure of it. We will keep him busy. Plus, he has Rin to worry about. You just concentrate on one thing: Inuyasha."

Kagome gave a nod and stood up. She turned around and placed her hands lightly on her hips. "So, how do I look?"

Her hair was curled around the tips, giving the look that she had just stepped out of a deep pool. She wore a sky blue blouse that had a V-neck to it. The blouse ended about mid waist. The sleeves were large and billowy, much like the sleeves on Inuyasha's kimono. The skirt she wore hugged at her hips, giving a large space between her blouse and her skirt. The skirt was a darker blue colour and had pink flowers outlining the bottom. The skirt ended about mid-thigh. She wore a pair of simple black Mary Janes on her feet.

Sango smiled. "I believe Inuyasha will appreciate it," she told her.

Kagome giggled at that thought. She hoped Inuyasha would like how she looked. She checked herself one more time in the mirror before leaving the room. She found Inuyasha sitting on the couch. He wore his robe of the fire rat and the blue baseball cap he always had with him.

"Tonight is the night of the New Moon," Kagome told him.

The sound of her voice caused him to tear his face from the TV. He looked at her and his eyes widened. To him, she was a picture of perfection. She wore a light perfume that reminded him of jasmines and lavender. Then, he thought over what she had said. "Yeah, it is," he agreed after some thought.

She giggled and danced over to him. With a quick flick of her wrist, she took off his hat. "So, you aren't going to be needing this. And we'll take my car," she told him.

He did not make a grab for the hat. He knew he wouldn't need it. The sun was already going down and it wouldn't be long before he looked human. He had been contemplating ways to get rid of the hat for a while now. It irritated him to no end.

"Where are you going?" Sesshomaru asked the miko.

She smiled pleasantly at him. "Inuyasha and I are going to the fair," she told him simply.

The demon growled, "I did not say..."

"I did not ask," she cut him off. "Inuyasha and I have been doing things together since the day we met. We haven't had any time to ourselves. I need the chance to get away for a little while, Sesshomaru. I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. This night is for me. No one else."

The demon lord raised an eyebrow. He did not like her telling him what she was going to do, but he knew he would not be able to argue with her on the matter. A small hand grabbed his pants leg and he looked down.

"Daddy? Will you stay here with me?" Rin asked him.

He let out another growl, but decided he would. He did not trust the hanyou. He did not want to leave his brother with his miko. But, he did not have much choice in the matter, it seemed. Kagome was going no matter what Sesshomaru said. And Rin would not be happy if he left her.

He waved a hand at the miko and hanyou, dismissing them both. "We are not finished, miko," he whispered his warning.

Kagome smiled pleasantly as she took Inuyasha's hand and led him to the door. All she could think was, Yes, we are, taiyoukai.

The hanyou and priestess got into the car and settled in. "So, what's this fair?" he asked her, putting on his seatbelt.

"It's a place where you ride rides and play games to get prizes. It's really kinda hard to explain, but... you'll see when we get there," she assured him.

They drove through the large city and talked about different things. They discussed Shippo and how his school work was going. They talked about the well and she told him everything she had learned, which wasn't much and nothing he didn't already know.

They pulled into the parking lot for the fair and Inuyasha rolled down the window. He stared at the place with wide eyed fascination. All around he heard screaming, laughing, music. The smells attacked his nose. Everything from sake to various candy to fish. Everywhere around there were things going on. People cheering others on, daring each other. He could see couples hiding under trees kissing.

Kagome smiled to herself as she pulled into a parking spot. They got out of the car and made their way to the entrance. "Two please," the priestess requested to the ticket lady.

"Wristbands?" the lady behind the booth asked.

Kagome nodded. She paid the amount she needed to pay and took the wristbands. She handed one to Inuyasha and showed him how to put it on. "Will it come off?" he asked her, suspicious of the bright orange bracelet around his wrist.

Kagome giggled, "When we get home, I'll cut it off with a pair of scissors."

The hanyou nodded and followed her into the gates. Trash littered the ground as the noise littered the air. Bright lights made it almost seem like it was day. There were large things that people got on that moved in all kinds of different ways.

"Wanna get something to eat?" the miko asked him.

Inuyasha shrugged. "Do they have those instant noodles?"

She gave a defeated chuckle. Some things will never change. She walked up to a booth and ordered two bowls of noodle soup and two drinks. She handed Inuyasha his share and led them over to a table.

Inuyasha looked at the table in disgust. "This reminds me of my time," he commented as he sat down.

Kagome laughed as she began eating her food. She watched as the people passed by. She couldn't wait to get on some of the rides. She loved fairs. She wondered how Inuyasha would do at some of the games. With him being human, it wouldn't be too bad for him to play some. She wouldn't have to worry about him hitting too hard or anything of that nature.

They finished their food and soda and got up from the table. She showed the hanyou where to deposit the trash. He commented on how full the trash can was and how they probably wouldn't even notice if he dropped it on the ground.

Kagome nodded her agreement as they walked to the rides. They stood in the line for the Zipper. She smiled up at Inuyasha and took his hand into hers. "This ride is a little scary, but then, I'm used to being around you. It might not be all that bad anymore," she giggled.

He looked at her questioningly, "If it scares you, then why would you want to ride it?"

"That's the thrill of the ride!" she told him as if that answered everything.

"Kagome!" the young miko heard from behind her. She turned around to see her old friend, Ayumi running up to her.

"Hello, Ayumi," she said politely.

Her old friend smiled. "Hey, Kagome. How are you?"

Kagome shrugged. "I've been alright, I suppose."

"I haven't seen you in school much. I see Eri all the time. It's a shame what happened with her," the girl said.

Inuyasha tilted his head and looked at Kagome. "What happened to Eri?" he asked, confused.

"Oh, Ayumi, this is Inuyasha. Inuyasha, this is one of my friends from school," Kagome introduced them.

The girl looked at Inuyasha as if for the first time. "Is he your date? I thought you didn't go out on dates anymore, Kagome."

The miko snorted, "Of course I go on dates. This is Shippo's father. You know? My son?"

Ayumi nodded slowly, suddenly looking very uncomfortable. Kagome smiled in understanding. She wasn't stupid. She knew the girl felt funny talking to her. "Ayumi? I got us some teriyaki chicken," a boy said, coming to stand by them.

Kagome's face paled as she recognized Hojo's voice. For a moment the priestess and teenage boy just looked at each other, neither saying anything. Kagome decided to break the silence. "Hi, Hojo."

The boy smiled. "Hey, Kagome," he greeted a little too enthusiastically. It almost seemed as if it was forced. "What brings you to the fair?"

"Not what. More like who," she told him. She introduced him to Inuyasha. The hanyou looked at the guy. It was obvious Inuyasha was jealous. After all, he didn't like the idea of any guy talking to Kagome, save perhaps their friends.

"Well, Kagome," Ayumi said nervously, "I suppose we should get going. Um... perhaps I'll call you sometime and we can get together?"

Kagome nodded. "Sounds like a good idea to me," she agreed with her old friend.

They bid each other goodbye and Kagome looked at the ride. "I suddenly don't feel like going on this ride," she confessed to Inuyasha.

The hanyou nodded. He didn't know exactly what had happened between the two girls, but he assumed it had something to do with him and Shippo. Probably Sesshomaru and Rin as well. "I wouldn't expect her to call you," he told her.

"I'm not."

They walked through the fair, taking in the sights and sounds and smells coming from the place. Soon, they got caught up in the excitement. Inuyasha played a few games as did Kagome. They did finally go on the Zipper and many other rides.

As the night wore on, Kagome still hadn't gotten on her favourite ride. Now was the time to do so. She led Inuyasha to the correct line and they waited. Once they were seated, she looked at him. "This is my favourite ride," she told him.

He raised an eyebrow. "There's not much to it, though. I've been watching this ride all night and it doesn't really do anything," he said.

"I know," she whispered, "but that's why I like it so much. You just sit and watch as the world goes up and down. At the top, you can see pretty much all of Tokyo. It really is beautiful."

Inuyasha nodded as he settled in for what he thought would become the most boring ride he had ever been on.

As the Ferris Wheel started, Kagome gasped. She always gasped at that first jerk. Inuyasha glanced at her worriedly. She giggled, "Sorry. Something about when it first starts off."

The hanyou nodded, though didn't really get it.

They sat in silence for a moment. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he smiled. He slipped his hand around her waist. Maybe this ride wasn't so bad as he thought it was going to be.

"I miss this," Kagome admitted.

"Miss what?'

"You and me. Us under the open stars," she explained. "Just the two of us. Now we are both so busy, we hardly know each other anymore."

"Your favourite color is silver and you like sitting way up high in our tree," he whispered.

She smiled. "You remembered that?"

Inuyasha kissed her hair. "I don't forget much of anything, Kagome. Especially where it concerns you."

Kagome's heart fluttered at that confession. So, he actually remembered? She rested her hand on his chest. She hadn't realized how much she had missed the feel of the kimono he wore. She breathed in his scent. It was a wild scent that reminded her of the forest where she had found him. She liked him like that.

She looked up into his eyes. He had been staring out into the sky, watching the stars. She smiled and followed his gaze. "Did you know the stars tell a story?" she asked him.

He nodded in response. "My mother told me about it when I was little. She also told me that if I look hard enough, I could see my father painted in the stars... I have yet to see him."

Kagome's smile turned sad. She hadn't meant to bring up bad memories. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

His gaze left the stars and fell on her. "For what?"

"I didn't mean to make you speak of your parents," she admitted to him.

Inuyasha shrugged. "It doesn't bother me. I just wish there was more I could tell you about them."

Kagome nodded as the ride came to a stop and they got off. She looked around and then looked at the time. "I'm not ready to go home yet, but the fair will be closing soon. There's a wooded area not far from here. Wanna take a walk?"

The hanyou shrugged. He didn't really care one way or another. But, he shared her feelings. He didn't really feel like going back home. They walked hand in hand to the wooded area she had been talking about. He took a deep breath. He loved the smell of the trees. There was a freedom there that he couldn't find inside any building.

They walked for a while in silence. It was a comfortable silence. Each were contented just to be together. There really wasn't anything to talk about. At least, nothing that was important for the moment. "Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered.

The hanyou stopped and looked at her. Her beauty shined around her. He enjoyed looking at her, enjoyed touching her. He cupped her face with his hand and placed his lips upon hers. He slid his other hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

She softly moaned against his lips as they tasted each other. She placed her hands on his chest and clutched at his robes. She could feel his hand on her waist... her bare waist. She felt him move his hand up further, along her spine. It sent shivers of liquid fire up her back and she pressed more firmly against him.

He gave a soft growl as he pulled her to a tree. He wanted her just as she wanted him. And he knew now was the perfect time. Probably the only chance he'd get.

Gently, he led her to the ground as they began fighting with each other's clothes. They broke their kiss long enough for Inuyasha to strip Kagome of her blouse. Then, they were kissing each other again.

Inuyasha could feel the pressure of his groin as it pushed against his pants. Free of his kimono, Kagome slipped her hands down the back of his pants to run along his backside. It was enough to set the hanyou ablaze with desire. He tore at the remainder of his clothing and rolled to lay on top of her.

He had never been with a woman before. He remembered almost laying with Kikyo, but they had never gone through with it. He knew Kagome was as green as he was. As he pressed his naked body against hers, he let his instincts kick in.

She gasped as she felt his hardened malehood press against her most private area. He wrapped her legs around his waist to get a better angle. She tangled her fingers into his hair and dug her nails in his shoulders as he shoved his length inside of her. She let out a painful scream as she felt herself fill up with him.

He watched her cautiously. He hadn't meant to hurt her. "Are you ok?" he asked, worried that he had gone too far.

She nodded through her tears. "Just give me a moment. Don't move yet," she told him.

He froze and gazed at her fearfully. She offered him a nervous laugh and kissed him on the lips. "It's ok, my dearest," she reassured him. "It's supposed to hurt the first time. Just give me a moment to get used to you and then, from what I hear, it gets better."

He nodded and dipped his head to the curve of her neck. He gave her small kisses there, letting his tongue roll over her flesh, tasting her. He felt her begin to relax and instinct told him it was ok for him to move now. He started slow, not wanting to rush things.

At first, it was painful to have him move inside her. And then, she realized just how good it felt. She could feel herself respond to his movements. Her hunger started growing again. "Inuyasha," she whispered.

The sound of his name on her lips made the hanyou burn. He had already been enjoying every moment of this act. And now, he quickened the pace. As he quickened it, he realized it felt better, so he moved even faster.

It was like nothing either person had ever felt before. Their bodies were on fire. They had melted into each other. They clamped onto one another, letting the feel of the other person and the soft moans and cries drive them to greater heights.

When Kagome could take no more, she cried out, releasing herself from the torment. Inuyasha followed shortly after. He could feel his seed spill out into her. It was then that Kagome had thought to use protection, but she didn't care. The hanyou belonged to her and she to him. They were bound to one another. If anything occurred from this, it would be a gift.

Both scrambled for breath as Inuyasha fell to the side. They were bathed in each other's sweat and musk. They looked at each other and laughed. Inuyasha rolled to his side and wrapped Kagome up into his arms.

"Inuyasha?" she whispered, turning to her side to look at him.

The hanyou gazed into her eyes. He lifted his hand to sweep back a lock of her unruly hair. "Yes, Kagome?"

She gave him a soft smile. Then, she looked sad. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Now that we made love... Does this mean you have claimed me now? What is it to claim someone?"

Inuyasha looked startled. He hadn't expected her to ask him that. He touched her neck where she knew Sesshomaru's hicky sat. "It's a bite mark, sort of. The one who does the claiming bites your neck. He sucks a little on it, taking some of your blood into him. And when the wound heals, the bite marks remain, letting others know that you are his."

"Will you do that to me now? Now that we've made love?" she asked him.

Sadness crawled over Inuyasha. He wanted to claim her. He wanted to claim her more then anything else in the world. But, he kept seeing that temporary mark. That small round brand that promised a much larger and more pronounced brand later on. "I can't do it right now, Kagome," he told her. He saw her face fall and wanted desparately to take it up again. "As long as you have that mark on you, I cannot claim you."

"You said it was just a temporary thing. The hicky will go away in a day or two. But, if you claim me now, then Sesshomaru can't place it back on me," she told him.

"It's not just that, Kagome. In order for a claim to really work, both people have to truly want it. A claim is perminant, eternal. Not even death can overcome it," he explained.

"Don't you want to spend eternity with me?" she asked, her eyes turning red with the tears waiting to come down.

Inuyasha had thought about spending eternity with Kagome. He could picture it and it wasn't a bad picture. He knew he would be happy with the young miko. They would have and raise beautiful children together. Everyday would be a new adventure for them.

"It's Kikyo, isn't it," she spoke up.

The hanyou looked at her and nearly fell with guilt.

"It's not Sesshomaru that's keeping you from claiming me. It's Kikyo. If you claim me, then you and her can never be together. You'll always be with me," she realized.

"Kagome, it's..."

"No, Inuyasha," she interrupted him, "don't give me your excuses. I don't want to hear them. It's always been about her. Every time you've ever done anything with me, she's always been on your mind. She was probably on your mind a few minutes ago. I'm surprised you didn't call out her name instead of mine."

The hanyou could feel his heart breaking as the tears finally fell down the miko's cheeks. He went to go wipe them off when she pushed away from him and stood up. He watched her as she dressed.

She kept shaking her head as she put her Mary Janes on. Stupid, stupid, she repeated in her mind. "I can't believe I wasted the most precious thing to me on you," she growled at him. "It was the only gift I have that I could've only given once. And you took it. You took it and then still wasn't satisfied. Perhaps if I died and came back as a clay miko you'd actually love me."

Inuyasha moved to argue with her on that note, but she wasn't listening to him. Once she straightened herself out, she turned her back on him and left the area.

He watched her go and knew she was crying. He slowly got up and dressed himself. He bowed his head as he realized what had just happened. In a matter of an hour he had both gained and lost the greatest thing that could've ever happened to him.

He walked back to the car and saw she was already in it, waiting for him. He gave her a silent thanks for not leaving him with no way to get home. He really didn't want to contemplate walking all that way back to the shrine.

They rode home in silence, each in their own hurt thoughts. It was a night neither would ever forget.