InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Repercussions ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Nineteen: Repercussions

Kagome stormed into the house. She didn't bother to even look at anyone as she ran to her room and slammed her door shut. Sango and Eri had been sitting on the couch when their friend had come home. They watched in shock as the priestess ran to her room. They could tell she had been crying.

A stunned and confused Inuyasha walked into the house. He didn't look at anyone either. Instead, he looked in the direction of Kagome's room. He didn't know whether to go to her room and ask to talk to her or just go to bed. He knew if he went to her now all hell would break loose.

Sesshomaru had been sitting at the kitchen table when Kagome had stormed in. He heard the bedroom door slam and got up to investigate. The moment he entered the living room he could smell it. He looked at his brother and knew what had happened.

Too quick for human eyes, Sesshomaru moved to his brother and grabbed the hanyou by the shirt. He lifted him far into the air. "You worthless, filthy half breed! How dare you!" he growled.

Sango got up, alarmed by the demon's actions. "Sesshomaru," she called softly.

"I told you not to touch her," he continued as if he didn't hear the demonslayer. "I warned you not to touch her. But, you couldn't keep your filthy paws to yourself. If you've ruined her, you will pay."

With that, he threw his half brother to the floor and went to Kagome's room. He tried turning the handle and saw the door was locked. He knocked on the door. "Kagome..."

"Go away, Sesshomaru," he heard her cry from the other side. "I just... I need to be alone right now. Just leave me alone."

He could hear her sobs and smell her tears crisp on the air. It angered him that he couldn't get to her. Just as he was getting ready to break down the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He twirled around to look at the offending person.

Sango looked up at him. "I don't know what just happened, but give her some space," she pleaded. "Whatever it is, she's upset and she needs some time to calm down. She'll come out. Just be patient."

The demon lord growled. "I know what happened," he told her. He walked back into the living room and pointed an accussing finger at Inuyasha. "You touched her! You touched her and you went too far! If you so much as look at her again, I swear to you, you will never bear children."

Inuyasha growled as he picked himself up from the floor. For once, he did not argue his brother's claims. Instead, he dusted himself off and went to his room.

Eri watched all of this fearfully. She had started getting used to the brothers' arguements. But, this was different. Inuyasha touched Kagome? She thought about this for a moment as slow realization came over her. She cast Sango a look.

The demonslayer nodded. She knew what Sesshomaru had meant. She also knew, as a demon, he had been able to smell it on the hanyou. That's what made the demon lord snap. He still believed Kagome belonged to him. The mere idea of Inuyasha just kissing her was enough to set the taiyoukai on edge. Much less doing that with her.

Later on that night, when Kagome thought everyone was asleep, she snuck into the hallway bathroom. She took a long, cold bath and desparately tried to clean the mess that had been made on her body. She wanted to get rid of his scent and his touch. She wanted to wash away what happened that night.

She still couldn't get over what had happened. She had loved Inuyasha. Had loved him more then she ever thought she could love someone. And yet, she wasn't enough for him. He still wanted that dead priestess. Damn Kikyo. Damn herself. She was foolish to think he would ever be happy with her. Damn Inuyasha.

She got out the tub and dried herself. She went to the sink and spent the next half hour brushing her teeth and rinsing her mouth out with mouthwash. She wanted to get rid of his taste. The feel of his tongue on hers.

She was disgusted and angry. With herself and with Inuyasha. The memory of what they had done would haunt her for the rest of her life. At that moment, she didn't even think she could continue looking for the Shikon Jewel Shards.

She slipped her gown on and headed to bed. She closed her door again and locked it. She did not want any unwelcomed visitors that night. She couldn't handle anyone right now. She needed the time alone. To think.

She cried herself to sleep.

Kagome stood in the kitchen humming to herself. It wasn't really a happy tune, but it helped her with the breakfast. She had been the first one awake that morning, so she decided to fix everyone breakfast. She was making omlettes.

As she hummed, she felt a demonic aura enter the kitchen. She didn't bother to turn around. She figured it was either Shippo or Sesshomaru. "Breakfast will be ready shortly," she told whomever it was.

She felt a hand slip around her waist and she knew it was Sesshomaru. He dipped his head to her shoulder and pressed his cheek against hers. "How are you this morning?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

He could smell his brother on her. The stink was almost more then he could bear. It only confirmed what he believed happened last night. But, as his lips investigated her neck, he sighed with relief. So, his brother wasn't as big a fool as he thought. Inuyasha had left the miko unclaimed. Good.

But, that smell. Sesshomaru righted himself and followed Kagome as she fixed breakfast.

"I'm a lot better then I was last night," she admitted. She turned to look at him and was surprised by the look of disgust on his face. "What's wrong?"

He snorted, "You were upset last night. That half breed brother of mine touched you and used you, did he not?"

Kagome sighed and turned back to her pan, "I don't know what to tell you, Sesshomaru."

"You gave him your gift," he pressed.

The miko sagged her shoulders. This was not something she wanted to talk about. "I'm not proud of what happened last night. If anything, I am ashamed. I should have known better."

Sesshomaru shrugged his shoulders as he took up one of the finished plates. "In order to learn from our mistakes, first we have to make them."

Kagome nodded her agreement as she picked up the second plate. They placed the plates on the table and sat down to eat. One by one, the others came to eat with them. No one said anything, each person lost in their own thoughts. Inuyasha was no where to be found.

After breakfast, Eri helped Kagome with the dishes. "I'm sorry, Kagome," the girl whispered.

Kagome looked at her friend. "What are you apologizing for?"

"I just... well, Inuyasha seemed like the right one, didn't he?" the girl asked.

Kagome nodded as she began stacking the plates in the cabinet. "Yes. I thought he was."

"So, what went wrong?"

"Kikyo," the young miko answered simply.


"A priestess from his time... a dead priestess," Kagome told her. "Inuyasha and Kikyo had been in love. A demon named Naraku had tricked them into thinking they had betrayed one another. Inuyasha had been sealed to a tree for fifty years and Kikyo had been killed."

Eri sighed, "What a terrible way to lose the one you love."

Kagome nodded. "Not long after I unsealed Inuyasha, a demon witch had taken Kikyo's remains and brought her back. But, she's not really alive. She walks the Earth as a living dead. She has these soul stealers who go around collecting souls to keep her alive."

Eri gasped, "And Inuyasha's still in love with her?"

"How can he not be?" the miko countered. "His love had never faded. And once he realized they had been tricked, his love for her grew back to it's original form."

"But... then... why did he act like he loved you?"

Kagome shrugged. "I think he did. Or does. I'm not really sure which. But, he still loves Kikyo. As long as he's in love with her, there can be nothing between us. She will always haunt him. Always be a part of his mind."

Eri nodded and looked at her friend sadly. "It's a shame. He would've made a great husband for you."

"Kami-sama knows we argue like an old married couple."

The girls both laughed at that. "So what happens now?" Eri asked when they calmed down.

Kagome shrugged. "I guess I have to go buy a pregnancy test."

"You didn't use protection?" her friend asked, startled.

The miko shook her head. "I didn't even think about it until after the damage was already done. And then, I had thought we were going to be together, so I didn't worry about it."

"If you would like, I'll go with you," the girl offered.

"Thanks, Eri."