InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Gifts for the Holidays ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Gifts for the Holidays

Rin giggled as she hoped into the backseat. "Momma, I got all kinds of things today!" she said excitedly as she hopped up and down in her seat.

Kagome smiled as she looked in her rear veiw mirror. "That's good to hear. When we get home, you'll have to show me," she responded.

"Shippo got lots of stuff too! They gave him a metal and a... well, it's made of wood," the little girl said with a twist of confusion.

Shippo nodded as he reached in his backpack and pulled it out. He handed it to Kagome. "It's called a plaque," he informed.

Kagome took the plaque and her smile grew. "Wow!" she exclaimed. She read the words on it: "This plaque has been awarded to Taisho Shippo for his great knowledge of Japan's history."

Shippo beamed. "And I didn't even tell them I'm from the Feudal Era," he told her.

"Your father is gonna be so proud," Kagome responded.

Shippo's smile faded as he gave a deep frown. "I doubt it. He's hardly ever happy for me. Even when I bring home good grades."

"Inuyasha will be proud of this, trust me," the miko assured, her face set in that "He better be" look.

She pulled into the driveway of the house and turned off the car. Immediately, Rin jetted out of the car to find Sesshomaru. Kagome knew the taiyoukai would at least be pleased for the little girl. Shippo still hadn't moved.

"Come on," she spoke finally. "I'll go with you."

The kitsune smiled at her and got out of the car. They walked together in the house. Kagome giggled as she heard Rin relate the entire day to Sesshomaru. She could only imagine what was going on in the demon's head.

The miko found Inuyasha sitting at the base of the tree. She nodded to Shippo and urged him to go to the hanyou.

"Inuyasha?" the kitsune started as he slowly approached the hanyou.

Inuyasha looked up. "What?"

Shippo showed him the plaque and the metal. "I just wanted to show you the things I got today. Awards I got from school," he informed.

The hanyou looked at the two trophies and sniffed, "What did you do? Show them your fox tricks?"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded.

The hanyou shrugged. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone today. Especially not the miko.

"You can at least pretend to be happy for him. He's supposed to be your son, after all," she snapped.

The hanyou stood up and hopped into the tree. "You be happy for him. You are closer to him anyway," his voice carried down from the tree.

Shippo looked up at the miko and shrugged. "It's ok, Kagome. I didn't expect him to be happy anyway. I don't need his approval. I have yours," he reassured her, but she could tell he was just trying to please her.

She could see the tears in Shippo's eyes. And that made her angry. "Inuyasha! Sit, Boy!"

The hanyou crashed out of the tree and into the ground.

"You really need to grow up, Inuyasha!" she shouted. "This boy has worked too hard to be treated like this! Don't you know he's doing it for you? To please you? Stop being so damn stubborn and start acting the way you should! Be a father, for crying out loud!"

She took Shippo's hand. "If you don't straighten up soon, Inuyasha, I swear..." She gave a frustrated growl and led the kitsune away.

They went into the house and she brought him to the table. She opened the freezer and took out a pint of ice cream. Hot tears glistened her eyes as she handed Shippo a spoon. "Here, we'll share this," she told him.

They ate in silence for a while as Shippo watched unchecked tears fall from Kagome's eyes. He sighed, "Don't cry. Really, it's ok. I don't expect anything from Inuyasha. As long as you're proud of me, I'm happy."

Kagome shook her head and then looked at him. She wiped her tears with the palm of her hand. "Honestly, Shippo, wouldn't it be nice just to hear a 'good job' from him once in a while?"

"Well, yeah," he agreed. "But, I don't expect it. He's always been like that, you know that."

Kagome nodded and then gave him a smile. "You know what? I have an idea," she said.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Why don't we celebrate? This is a big day for you, after all," she told him. "You, Rin, and I can go do something together. Since she's won awards too."

Shippo thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "I think we can do that," he said with a smile.

"Good. We need to go shopping anyway. Christmas is in two months and we have to get presents," she informed.

Shippo nodded and jumped out of his chair. He ran to the living room to tell Rin they were going shopping.

As they got into the car, Rin asked, "Mommy? What's Christmas?"

Sesshomaru woke up to an odd smell. He looked at the clock and saw it was only seven in the morning. So, why was he smelling chicken? He looked down at his wife to make sure she was still sleeping and then slipped out of bed. He grabbed his slacks off the chair and put them on and then headed into the kitchen.

There, he found Mrs. Higurashi and Eri. He looked at them curiously. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Cooking dinner," Eri answered while sticking a large bird into the oven.

"At seven o'clock in the morning?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Mrs. Higurashi smiled. "Of course. We have a lot of things that need to be cooked today. It's going to be a huge dinner."

Sesshomaru nodded his head slowly. There was only one time when Mrs. Higurashi had cooked a big dinner. "What's the occasion?"

"Kinro kansha no hi," the woman informed.

The taiyoukai was even more confused. He had never heard of such a day, but apparently it was important to the women.

"Is my daughter up?" the older woman asked as she stirred a pot of noodles.

"No, she is still sleeping," he informed.

Eri threw her hands in the air and waved at him. "Well, go wake her up! She said she was going to help us. Sleeping in is not an excuse," she fussed.

Sesshomaru gave an indignant look at the pregnant girl. He did not like being ordered around, especially by some girl who is already growing a stomach. He growled softly.

Mrs. Higurashi sighed, "Eri is right. Kagome promised us she would help in the kitchen. Her and Sango promised. Now, we won't ask you to wake up Sango, but we do ask you wake Kagome. I'm going to need all the help I can get today."

He watched as they bustled through the kitchen for a moment longer. He turned and went back to the bedroom, where he found his wife still sleeping. He smiled a little at the sight. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she slept. He hated the idea of having to wake her.

He approached the bed and gently shook her. "Kagome," he said softly.

That earned him a pop on the arm and a fierce growl. She was not a morning person. He offered his own growl and shook her more forcefully. "Kagome," his stern voice called out.

The miko opened her eyes and looked up at the demon lord. "Just a few more minutes?" she begged, pouting.

The taiyoukai shook his head. "Your mother is waiting for you in the kitchen," he announced.

Her eyes flew open and she looked at the clock. With a speed he didn't know she had, the miko flew out of bed and threw some clothes on. She pecked him on the cheek and ran out of the room. He stood there for a moment.

Very few things ever stunned the great Lord of the Western Lands. But, as he stood there, he had to wonder about the miko he was mated to. He knew she and Rin were a perfect match, if for no other reason then the fact they were both high energy. He shook his head and walked back out of the room.

Mrs. Higurashi sat at the table enjoying her morning coffee. She watched as the half demon and his brother walked about the house, getting ready for work. Soon, she too, would be going off. But, not until after she dropped off the kids.

The woman found it easier to drop the kids off at school in the mornings. Kagome was always running late and she hated to wake her daughter up any earlier then need be.

A thought came to her and she called out to Sesshomaru. The demon stopped and looked at her, but did not say anything.

"Have you bought Kagome's Christmas present yet?" she asked sweetly.

He eyed her incredulously. Christmas present? What the hell was that?

Inuyasha had stopped as well, wondering what she meant.

Of course, she knew neither of the brothers had gone shopping yet. She had just taken Miroku and Sango yesterday to do their shopping. She patted gently at the table, indicating Sesshomaru should join her. She waited for the demon to oblige before she began telling him the basics about Christmas. At least, what he would understand.

Inuyasha listened from the door.

"I already know she bought the two of you each something," she informed. "And the children bought both of you gifts. I just wanted to make sure you knew of this before Christmas came."

"No one told her to buy me a gift," Inuyasha grumbled. "Why would she do that?"

Mrs. Higurashi smiled. "Maybe because she still considers you a friend?"

She watched as the hanyou turned and left. She then focused her attention on her son-in-law. "I saw her eyeing this beautiful necklace at the mall the other day," she whispered. "In fact, a little birdie told me she's been eyeballing it for a while. If you would like, I can show it to you."

"Why?" the demon lord asked.

She shrugged. "Why else? Do you have something else you are planning on getting her?"

He said nothing as he stood up and left for work. She smiled. She knew he would take her up on her offer. She also had gift ideas for Rin and Shippo and she planned on telling the brothers about those ideas.