InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Christmas ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Christmas

Rin's eyes grew large as she walked into the living room Christmas morning. Packages of all shapes and sizes lay all over the floor. She had never experienced Christmas before, but she was enjoying what she was seeing.

She could smell the sweet scent of cookies in the air and knew her grandmother was awake. She ran into the kitchen and found the older woman baking. The little girl watched in awe. "Grandma! There are all kinds of packages in the living room!" she whispered, holding her breath.

Mrs. Higurashi laughed merrily, "Yes, there are. If you can wake your parents and everyone else up, we can open them and see what's inside."

The little girl's eyes widened even more before she charged into her parent's room. With a large leap, she bounded into the bed right on top of Sesshomaru. "Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!" she hollered, causing a growl to come from the demon.

The girl moved to Kagome and shook her furiously. "Mommy! Wake up! Come see all the packages!"

Before Sesshomaru could grabbed the giggling child, Rin bounced out of the bed and ran out the room. He rolled onto his side and moaned, "What was that all about?"

Kagome stretched and rubbed her bruised side. She sat up and sighed, "Rin has never seen Christmas before and yet she's still so excited. I'm glad we don't know when she was born."

The demon lord looked at his mate curiously as she crawled over him to get out of bed. He had no idea what she had meant by her comment but decided he didn't want to know. He watched as she dressed before dressing himself. Together, they walked out of the room into the living room.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly at the sight of all the wrapped boxes. He hadn't realized there had been so many. He looked around the room to see the others had gotten up and were looking at the pile with fascination.

Inuyasha carefully crept up to the boxes and sniffed. Then, quickly, he backed away. He knew there had been a lot of presents, because he helped wrap some of them. At least, once Mrs. Higurashi showed him how.

Kagome giggled and went to the couch. She watched as the children approached the presents. They knew so little about this holiday. And the idea of presents was extremely new to many of the people in the room.

Mrs. Higurashi entered the living room with a tray full of cookies. Jaken followed behind her with another tray. She wanted to make sure she had enough for everyone. "Well, who would like to open the first present?" she asked, breaking the ice.

Sango looked a bit worried. "Are you sure you want to do that? They look so beautifully done."

Mrs. Higurashi shook her head as she placed the cookies on the table. "Nonsense. The whole point of wrapping them up is so that you can open them and see what's inside."

The older woman walked up to the pile and searched through it. She found two small presents and held them up. "Rin? Shippo? These are for you from your grandma," she told them, handing the children the presents. She reached back into the pile and pulled one out for Souta.

Eagerly, the human boy ripped through the package to reveal a new game for his gameboy. "Wow! Thanks, Mom!" he exclaimed.

Rin and Shippo smiled at each other before following Souta. Rin had gotten a little teacup set while Shippo got a racecar. They giggled and looked up at Mrs. Higurashi.

The older woman gave them a soft smile before turning to her daughter. "I think you should hand out the presents, dear. I have a lot more work to do in the kitchen if we are to have dinner."

Kagome nodded and got up from the couch. She went through the pile and started handing out the gifts. Most of the gifts were for the children, not that that wasn't surprising. However, each person got a gift from someone. "Jaken?" Kagome called to the little toad.

The toad demon stopped dusting to look at the miko curiously. She held out a small wrapped gift to him. "I saw this in the store and thought of you," she told him.

He eyed the present suspiciously. No one had ever offered him a gift before. He approached her slowly and took the gift. He turned it in his hands. "What is it?" he asked.

Kagome shrugged mysteriously. "Why don't you open it and find out?" she challenged.

He gave her a curious look before he gently tore the package open. Inside the package was a box. He threw her a cursory look, but she nodded, indicating he should open the box. He did so and his bugged eyes widened in shock. Inside the box was a hunter green sash. At the end of the sash, the Taisho family crest was imprinted with silver silk thread. The toad was at a loss for words.

"You have served Lord Sesshomaru loyally for such a long time," Kagome explained. "I thought you earned something like this for all your hard work. Think of this as sort of a graditude gift for everything you have done."

For a moment, she thought Jaken was going to faint. She knew he had never been given gifts before, so she wasn't all that surprised. She also knew the great honour she was showing him by giving him the sash. It had taken a lot for her to find out what the family crest looked like. She slipped a hand into Sesshomaru's and squeezed it gently.

The demon lord shot her a glance. Never had anyone given his retainer anything. Especially not anything with the family crest on it. He knew he should have been angry with her. He really should have been. She should have informed him of her plans before she had the sash made. But, for some reason, he couldn't be mad at her. If anything, he was... surprisingly, thankful.

"My lady," Jaken whispered softly, "never has anyone ever given me something so great. I did not ask for such a gift."

She smiled. "I know, Jaken. But, I wanted to get it for you. I knew you would like it. However, if you don't..."

He cut her off. "I do like it. I am honoured that you would give me this. Lady Kagome is very kind indeed. But, I fear, I have nothing to give in return."

She gave a soft laugh, "All I want in return is that you continue to serve this family with the utmost loyalty and care. Just keep doing what you have been doing, Jaken. That is all I ask."

The toad demon nodded slowly as he carefully took the sash out of it's box. He lifted it up for all to see before placing it ever so gently back in it's box. "Thank you, my lady," he whispered humbly.

She patted him on the shoulder before turning back to the other gifts. But, she knew it wasn't the only gift the retainer would recieve that day. Indeed, she nearly laughed when Rin piped up, "Master Jaken! I have a gift for you too!"

The little girl handed the toad a package that had his name written on it in large black ink. To Kagome's amusement, the toad grumbled as he took the gift. He definantly was not used to getting presents of any kind.

He opened it and puzzled over the set of bells that were there. "What is this for, silly girl?" he asked the child.

"They're for your staff, Master Jaken. They fit right around the old man and old lady's necks. I've already tried them on, so I know they fit," she informed him, looking pleased with herself.

That time, the little toad demon really did fall over. Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Eri laughed as they turned back to their presents. It was always fun to watch the little girl and the toad interact with one another.

Sesshomaru touched his fingertips lightly on Kagome's arm, startling her. She looked up at the taiyoukai and gazed into his golden eyes. He said nothing, but pressed a small package in the palm of her hand. She looked down at the gift. "You bought me something?" she asked, surprised. She had never known Sesshomaru to be one to buy gifts.

"Open it," he whispered in her ear.

She leaned against his chest as she unwrapped the paper, careful not to damage the wrapping. She knew a jewelry box when she saw one. Her eyes widened as she felt herself become nervous. What could he have gotten her? She opened the box and gasped.

The necklace was beautiful. The chain was platnium and twisted around to make it strong. But, it was the pendant that took her breath away. Two white gold hearts locked together with a beautiful amber rose. She felt the tears run down her face, but she did not care.

He was confused. At first, he could tell she was pleased with the gift. But, why was she crying? If she liked it so much, why did she cry? He had gotten her the necklace that her mother had pointed out to him.

She turned in his arms and kissed him deeply, passionately. Of all the things he could have gotten her, she had not expected this. She wondered briefly how he had known, but quickly dismissed it. She did not care how he had known. She was thrilled that he had gotten it for her.

He broke the kiss and looked at her. He couldn't suppress the smile that formed on his lips as he gazed into her overjoyed eyes. "I had hoped it would please you," he whispered.

"Please me?" she giggled through her tears. "You are definantly getting a reward for this one," she grinned mischievously as she hugged him.

He looked up at Mrs. Higurashi and nodded at her approving smile.