InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The Talk ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Thirty: The Talk

Kagome pulled her coat closer to her body as she walked out to the tree. She knew she would find Inuyasha there and she was not disappointed. For a moment, neither said anything, lost in their own thoughts.

She bowed her head and approached him. "I bought you something," she said softly.

When he did not respond, she placed the gift at his feet and stepped back. "It's not much, but I think you'll like it," she assured him as she turned to walk away.

"Kagome," he stopped her.

She looked over her shoulder to find him standing, the gift she had given him in his hands. She waited for him to say something.

"You should not have gotten me anything," he told her. "You would have been better off buying Shippo another present."

She shook her head. "I didn't want to buy him another present. Shippo has enough presents already. Besides, I wanted to get that for you. I knew you would like it."

"Why do you always do this?" he growled angrily. "Everytime something bad happens, you always try to make it better. Not everything can be fixed, Kagome. Some things are better left broken."

"I won't believe that," she responded, not giving in to his temper. "I've seen what happens to those who keep things broken, and I don't like the outcome."

"You can't help everyone."

"But, I can try."

He snarled and turned away. Before she could move away, thinking the conversation was over, he turned back on her and shouted, "You think you have an answer for everything! Someone is sick, you give them medicine. Someone is down, you cheer them up. Someone has a broken leg, you fix it. Someone has a problem, you correct it. Life isn't all about helping people! Sometimes you just have to let things go!"

Tears prickled her eyes. "What do you want of me, Inuyasha?" she asked.

"NOTHING!" he hollered. "I want nothing from you! I have never wanted anything from you! I never asked you to come into my life. To save me from that tree. I never asked you to follow me everywhere or get yourself in trouble on my account. I don't want anything from you."

"And yet, you do," she shot back at him. "You don't have to say anything, Inuyasha. You don't have to ask, because I already know."

"No, you don't," he argued. "That's your biggest problem. You don't know. You just assume."

"Well, what do you expect? You never tell me anything. You don't talk to me. You don't ask for my help," she began.

"Because I don't want it!" he growled. "I have lived quite well on my own for some time now. I don't need you. I don't need anyone."

Kagome shook her head. She hated crying and she hated yelling. But, she knew this time had to come. They needed to talk. To work out their problems. The year was getting close. She could feel the vibrations from the well, she knew it was almost time to go back.

"That's where you are wrong, Inuyasha," she whispered. "You do need me. You need me as much as you need the others. You need our companionship. Yes, you've lived on your own for so long, but do you really want to continue being on your own? I don't think you could handle it. You've always been drawn to people, because they give you company. It's part of being human."

"I'm not human," he reminded her.

She looked up at him. "You are half human. And that half cries out for companionship. That half cries out for friends. Family. Anything. You don't have to be full human to feel those effects.."

"When I become full demon..."

"You're not going to become full demon, Inuyasha!" she shouted. "You are a half breed! Half demon, half human! That's all you are ever going to be! Why would you want to be anything else? What's the point?"

"To fit in!"

"You'll never fit in!" she announced to him. "You will always be different. Even if you were to become a full demon, you'd be different. Your body and your mind is unable to handle your demon blood. You'll become a bloodthirsty psycopath. You know this! You've experienced it! Is that really who you want to be? That... MONSTER?!"

He snorted and turned his back to her. He knew what she was talking about and he knew she was right. But, he wasn't willing to admit it. All he ever wanted was to fit in. To be with others without being judged. He looked up into the Tokyo night sky. The stars could hardly been seen through the amount of pollution, but he knew they were there.

"I used to think we would be perfect together," he finally spoke up, his voice soft. "Two misfits in a world full of people trying to be like everyone else. Every night I would look up into the sky and picture us together. There was a forever in those thoughts. A comfort that I had never known before."

Tears trickled down Kagome's eyes. "Why did you never say anything?" she asked.

He shrugged and turned back to her. Usually, he would flip at seeing her tears, but now... How could he question her about her tears when he felt like crying himself? He walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's not that I never wanted to be with you, Kagome," he admitted. "I have loved you for so long now. I forget when I first started loving you."

Now she was really crying. Why had he waited for so long to say these things? All the things she had wanted to hear?

He sighed, "You have to understand how impossible it is for me, though. It's not that I don't want to love you. I can't love you. And it's not just because you belong to Sesshomaru now. It's because I still..."

"Belong to Kikyo," she finished. She pressed her forehead against his chest. "I know. I have always known. Ever since Kikyo first came back, I knew. But, that didn't stop me from hoping. Perhaps one day, you'd wake up and decide you didn't need her anymore. And then, you would be mine. But, then, I realized that day would never come. At least not in my lifetime."

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close in a hug. "I do love you, Kagome. I just never could be with you. Not the way you wanted me to."

She nodded as her tears soaked his kimono. She then looked up into his golden orbs. "I love you as well, Inuyasha. And I want us to remain friends. I want to continue on this journey and let the road take us whereever it may."

He offered her a ironic smile. "We don't have much choice in that matter," he told her. "Naraku is still out there. You and I have been entrusted to put the Shikon no Tama back together and I intend to do so."

"So that you can become a demon," she guessed.

He surprised her when he shook his head. "I have thought about it for a while now. I don't want to be a demon anymore. They have so little love for humans that it bothers me."

"You wish to become human?" she asked, not understanding.

He shook his head again. "I wish to stay just as I am. People are going to judge you no matter what you are. They might as well judge me the way I am. No masks."

She smiled brightly as she gave a soft laugh. She broke free of his grasp and picked up his present. She handed it to him again. "So? Are you going to open it?"

He took the gift and dug into his kimono. He pulled out a finely wrapped present. "It doesn't compare to what Sesshomaru got you, but I think you'll like it anyway," he told her.

She took the gift in shock. She hadn't expected him to buy her anything. Perhaps the brothers weren't that stubborn after all. She opened the present and smiled at it.

It was a baseball bracelet that sported diamonds all around. "You know," she informed him, "Diamonds are forever."

He opened his present. It was a picture frame. The picture was a picture of her and Shippo. It was a simple gift, but no less cherished. He smiled when he realized the comment she made. "I guess that means we'll be friends forever?" he offered.

She giggled and nodded. "Deal."