InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ A Wedding to Remember ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Thirty-One: A Wedding to Remember

"Kagome, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen," Eri commented, holding her small babe in her arms. The teenager had bore a little girl and had named her after her best friend.

Upon seeing the child, Eri's parents had forgiven the teenager and even offered her to come back. But, Eri was happy at the Higurashi shrine and told her parents she wanted to stay there. Now the teenager watched as her best friend got ready for her wedding day.

Mrs. Higurashi had to sign a release form, allowing her underage daughter to marry. She had done so willingly and happily. Her eyes filled with tears as she kissed her daughter on the cheek.

Kagome blushed as she looked in the mirror. She swayed her hips side to side, enjoying the silky feel of the kimono she wore. "Do I have to wear this thing on my head?" she complained.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded. "Of course, Kagome. It symbolizes that you will forever be an obediant wife."

Kagome threw her mother a mischievous grin. "Who says I'm going to be obediant?" she asked, feigning innocence.

Her mother laughed, "Well, I suppose you can always just pretend to be obediant. But, I wouldn't put it past that demon to ensure you are."

The miko shrugged and turned to her groom's retainer. "What do you think, Jaken? Do I look the part?"

The toad demon wasn't dressed in his usual robe. Instead, he wore a silk kimono that was beige in colour. Around his waist was the sash he had gotten for Christmas. He wore his sash proudly. In his hands was the Staff of Two Heads and on that were the bells. "I do not understand why we must go through with this... human... thing," he began. He caught himself and shrugged. "However, I know it pleases you, my lady. I think the kimono is very fitting to one who has already married Lord Sesshomaru."

Kagome laughed and patted him on the head. She then smiled brightly as she saw Rin and Shippo step into the room with Sango.

Rin wore a pale pink kimono. Etched in intricate designs were flowers and birds. Her hair was dressed in curls and little pink flowers. She was truly an adorable sight.

Shippo was no less. His bushy tail poked out behind a black kimono. A large pale yellow bow adorned his head. Around his waist was a pale yellow sash with his true father's crest.

Sango wore a deep purple kimono and a lavendar sash. Her hair was tied up in braids along her back. She walked up to her friend and smiled. "Kagome, you look wonderful," she said, offering a kiss on the cheek.

The two girls shared a hug and Kagome stepped back to look at her friend. "I think Miroku is going to have a hard time concentrating," she said with a smile.

Sango rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised. Though, I will say this much, he better not mess up."

Kagome agreed. She looked at Eri and smiled at her. The girl wore a lighter colour kimono to match with Sango. Her sash was a deep purple. The babe in her arms was covered with a light pink blanket.

"Are you ready?" Eri asked her friend.

Kagome nodded and took a deep breath. She looked at Jaken and gave a nervous giggle. "I'm almost waiting for you to call me a 'silly girl,'" she admitted to him.

"You are a silly girl," he told her. "But, it doesn't really matter. It certainly hasn't stopped my lord from taking you as his wife."

She said nothing more as she took his hand and let the toad demon lead her to the ceremony.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha stood at the alter with Miroku. The two brothers were dressed simular, both in black kimonos and baring their father's crest. However, while Sesshomaru wore an emblem showing his rank as a lord, his brother wore an emblem showing himself as family.

Miroku was dressed in his monk robes. When Kagome asked him to preside over the ceremony, he insisted on wearing them. He held his staff in his right hand and watched the shrine door. Any moment now the ladies would start walking through there.

Grandpa stood off to the side with Souta. Both guys were anxious. While Souta puzzled over his sister getting married, Grandpa shed tears for a little girl grown up.

The doors to the shrine were opened at that moment and the dying sun streamed through them. Because Sesshomaru owned lands that where the sun set, they had agreed to do the wedding on the night of a cresent moon.

Rin and Shippo walked into the room side by side. They stood tall (well, as tall as two little kids could) and proud. Rin dropped lily petals as she was taught to do as Shippo held a pillow in his hands. On the pillow sat two white gold rings of two different sizes.

They approached the alter and bowed to one another. Rin joined Grandpa and Souta as Shippo joined Inuyasha.

Mrs. Higurashi entered next. She wore a black kimono with the Higurashi family crest etched on her sash. The sash was red and intricately carved with runes. She smiled at her father and stood next to him.

Eri and Sango walked in side by side. They carried boutiques of white lilies in their hands and large smiles on their faces. Miroku nearly fell over with how beautiful Sango was. His eyes did not leave her as she took her place with the Higurashi family. She gave him a stern look and mouthed, "Pay attention."

This was when Kagome and Jaken entered. Sesshomaru had been watching as each person entered the shrine. He had given Rin an approving look when he saw her pink kimono. He was amazed by how different all the women looked when they were dressed nicely. He knew Eri would not have trouble finding herself a husband. If looks were anything to go by.

But, as Kagome entered the shrine, all other thoughts fled from Sesshomaru. At first, he thought he was dreaming, for surely, he had never seen a more beautiful creature. He nearly laughed at himself with that one. Sesshomaru? Dream? Even if such a thing were possible, he doubted he could ever conjure up such perfection.

He found his heart had quickened it's pace and he wondered briefly at that. But, he put that off for later. He watched as she approached him and knew he had made the right choice. She was beautiful. More then beautiful. She was perfect. Everything he could ever had hoped for was walking towards him.

She stopped when she reached him. Kagome's heart was thumping in her ears as Jaken joined her hand with Sesshomaru's. She hadn't expected to see him look so stunning when she walked in. Sure, he was handsome enough as it was. She did not believe he could become more handsome. She had been sorely mistaken. Before her stood an angel. And he belonged to her.

When Kagome had entered, Inuyasha had felt his heart skip a beat. He knew she was lovely, but perfect? He wondered again why he had given her up. How could he have been so stupid? He silently cursed himself.

It wasn't that Inuyasha wasn't happy for his brother. In fact, Inuyasha was glad Kagome was with Sesshomaru. For, the hanyou believed that if he couldn't have her, Sesshomaru might as well. She did not deserve anything less then the best. And he knew his brother was the best. Though, he would never admit it.

While Miroku went over the prayers, Kagome and Sesshomaru looked at one another. Nothing else in the world existed outside of their world. When Miroku spoke the vows for the miko, Kagome repeated, "I, Higurashi Kagome, hence forth name myself Taisho Kagome. I vow to honour, obey, and serve my lord and master, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Land. I shall be true and faithful, loyal and generous to him and him alone. My children shall be his, my heart and soul belong to no other."

Tears drifted down Kagome's eyes. Sesshomaru had learned shortly after Christmas, that there were two different kinds of tears. Those tears that were sad, and the tears she shed now, tears of joy. It had puzzled him, but the demon lord did not argue. As long as she wore a smile while she cried.

Miroku changed the vows for Sesshomaru. "I, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, claim you, Taisho Kagome, as my bride and my lady. You are Lady of the Western Lands. I vow to honour and protect you. I shall be true and faithful, loyal and generous to you and you alone. My children shall be yours, my heart and soul belong to no other."

Miroku nodded to Shippo, who lifted the pillow of rings. Sesshomaru took the ring meant for Kagome, placed it on her finger, and said, "With this ring, to thee I wed."

Kagome took the ring meant for Sesshomaru. She took his right hand, his only hand, and slipped the ring on his finger. She smiled as she looked into his golden eyes. "With this ring, to thee I wed."

The monk smiled as he spoke, "You came here as Higurashi Kagome and Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands. As you walk out of this shrine, and hence forth, you shall be known as Sesshomaru and Kagome, Lord and Lady of the Western Lands. You may kiss your bride."

The demon lord needed no prodding as he dipped his head and kissed her softly on her lips. He took her hand and led her out of the temple.

The celebration lasted throughout the night. Pictures were taken by Mrs. Higurashi and her father. There was dancing, feasting, and cutting of the cake. The night was beautiful as the celebration could be heard from miles around.