InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Lady of the Western Lands ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Thirty-Two: Lady of the Western Lands

Kagome looked down the well. She could feel it pulsating with power. It had been a full year since the companions were thrown into the twenty-first century. Now, she thought for sure it was time to go back.

The adoptions of Rin and Shippo were finalized and the social worker promised no more problems. After a long talk, they had all agreed that Rin should stay at the shrine at least until Naraku was defeated. The journey was too dangerous for the little girl. As for Shippo, the kitsune wanted to go back. After Culture Day, Shippo had decided that he didn't like school so much and it wasn't really for him.

Kagome glanced at Inuyasha. "Should we try it?" she asked, a little skeptical.

He shrugged and stood on the base of the well. Without another word, the hanyou jumped into the well. Kagome waited for the telling thud...

She didn't hear it. She peered over the lip and stared into the dark depths. Had he really gone through? Her answer came when a blue light flashed around the bottom of the well and Inuyasha reappeared.

He climbed out of the well and smiled. "I think it's time to find Naraku," he told her.

Kagome giggled excitedly and ran to tell her friends.

Eri cried on Sango's shoulder. "I'm gonna miss having you around. You've been such a great friend," she sobbed to the demonslayer.

Sango wasn't much better herself. Her eyes were red from her tears and her face was soaked. "It has been so great knowing you, Eri," she whispered.

Rin was crying as well, clinging onto Sesshomaru's pants. "I don't want you to go, Daddy," she cried.

Sesshomaru looked down at the small child. He wanted to reprimand her for clinging onto him, but he didn't. She was his daughter now, and so, she had every right to be upset. "Your mother will return in a few days to check on you," he assured her.

Rin nodded, but his assurance wasn't enough to stop her tears. Then, a thought came to her. She quickly straightened herself up and wiped her tears away. She looked sternly at the demon lord's retainer. "Don't you dare let anything bad happen to him, Master Jaken," she warned the toad demon. "That's my daddy now and I want him back. So, you do as you are supposed to and you bring him back to me."

The toad demon looked at her with wider eyes. "You are ordering me around? You stupid, stupid girl! How dare you think for one moment..."

The rest of the small demon's comments were lost as Sesshomaru placed a booted foot on the toad's head. The demon lord then did the unthinkable. He knelt down to the small child and took both of her small hands into his larger hand. He gazed into her soft brown eyes as he spoke, "I do not need the toad to protect me. You've been around me long enough. I will come back to you, I promise."

With that, he lifted the girl into his arm and stood up, giving her a strong hug. She buried herself in the large fluff that hung over his right shoulder as she cried.

Everyone said their goodbye's as the companions went to the well. Miroku took a cautious step to it. "It let Inuyasha go to the other side, but are you sure it's going to let us?"

Kagome shrugged. "There's only one way to find out."

Sango nodded in agreement as she slipped her legs over the lip and jumped into the well. They waited for a moment before Kagome called out to her friend. When no answer came back, Miroku jumped in after. Inuyasha and Shippo quickly followed.

Kagome looked up at her husband. "It's so strange going back to the Feudal Era. For the first time, I feel like I'm going home."

"Let us go together, then," he offered, taking her hand as they both stepped onto the railing.

He brushed his lips against hers as they pressed their bodies together. Time seemed to stop as they, as one, jumped into the well.

Kaede hugged Kagome when she had first seen the young miko. She had missed them all so much, not understanding where they had gone. And for so long.

"A pack of wolves have been camping about a mile from here," she told her young student. "The leader is a wolf prince who claims he knows ye. I told him I did not know where ye had gone and for him to do as we all have been doing. Wait for your return."

Kagome giggled. She knew exactly who the wolf prince was. She was anxious to see him again. Never had she thought she'd want to see Koga so much.

"But, my child, ye must tell me, why do I sense a demonic aura about ye?" the older priestess asked, catching Kagome off guard.

"A demonic aura?" the young miko questioned, confused.

"Aye, child," Kaede confirmed. "When ye first walked into the village, I thought ye a fake. A demon who had learned of ye form and had taken it. I thought it might have been Naraku or one of his minions. The aura isn't as strong as your priestess aura, but it's still quite strong."

Kagome thought about this a moment. She couldn't understand why she would be giving off a demonic aura. Then a thought occured to her, "Kaede, when Inuyasha's mother married his father, do you think she gained a demonic aura?"

The priestess shook her head. "Don't be silly, child," she waved away.

"What about when he claimed her?"

It was Kaede's turn to be confused. "Who has claimed ye?" the priestess asked.

"Lord Sesshomaru," Kagome answered, drawing an astonished look from the older woman.

"Inuyasha's brother?" Kaede whispered. "Please, child, ye must tell me what happened. I have heard enough about Sesshomaru to know that he would not take on a human mate willingly."

Kagome shrugged. "What's wrong with him taking on a human mate? He took me," she responded.

"My dear Kagome, don't take offense to my words. It just doesn't make sense, that's all. Sesshomaru was so determinedly against humans. I just find it shocking he would mate himself to one," the old woman explained.

The young miko sighed, "I honestly don't know what to tell you. I think first it was some sort of power trip over me, but then it changed. Before I knew it, we were constantly wanting to be together. He was the one who suggested this whole claiming thing. I didn't even know what it was all about."

The priestess looked at her pupil. "Come, Kagome, I have something ye might want."

Curious, Kagome followed the priestess into the shrine. Kaede went to a set of drawers and opened the bottom one. She dug around and pulled out a large tome. Kagome looked at the book. "What is it?" the student asked.

Kaede handed Kagome the book and responded, "It is a journel written by the Lady of the Western Lands. Now that ye are the new lady, it is right that ye possess this. Throughout time, the Lady of the Western Land has written her thoughts and experiences on these pages."

"That's why it's so heavy," Kagome complained.

Kaede nodded. "The last to write in it was Inuyasha's mother. Before her, it was InuTaisho's first wife."

Kagome nodded. She sat on the floor and placed the tome before her. She flipped through the pages to the end. "So, this tells me everything? Do they talk about Sesshomaru and Inuyasha?"

"Lady Izayoi does. She also talks a lot about InuTaisho. I must say, ye could learn much just by reading these pages. Things that neither the demon nor his brother will probably ever tell ye," she informed.

"Does it talk about him claiming the women?" Kagome asked, as she skimmed through some of Izayoi's words.

Kaede wrinkled her face a little. "Here is the strange thing, Kagome," she told her. "One can only be claimed once. Lord InuTaisho had claimed Sesshomaru's mother. Therefore, when he met Lady Izayoi, he had to find a different method in making her his own."

"I thought Sesshomaru's mother had long been perished when InuTaisho met Izayoi."

"Aye, but that does not change the binding factor of claiming. Once a person is claimed, they are only meant for the one who claimed them. Long after your death, Sesshomaru will still belong to ye," the older woman explained.

"So, InuTaisho never claimed Inuyasha's mother?"

"He couldn't. I assume they married the way humans marry. At the time, Lord InuTaisho was very much interested in the way humans did things. He believed it would be humans who would inherit the Earth."

Kagome shrugged and closed the book. She decided to read it later. "I guess Sesshomaru will have to do the same thing once I'm gone," she sighed. She felt her heart break slightly at the idea of Sesshomaru taking another woman.

Kaede shook her head. "Do ye think he would take another human as his bride once ye are gone?"

"Well, no. I assume he would go with another demon or something," Kagome guessed.

Kaede frowned. "Ye do not know the power of claiming. No other demon will touch one who has been claimed. Sesshomaru will become dormant. I know not why he chose ye as a mate, but ye shall be the only mate he shall ever have. I doubt he will want another human."

Kagome felt the tears pricking at her eyes. "I didn't realize that. I had hoped that eventually he would be able to marry another. Won't the wound heal?"

"It isn't just a wound. It is a binding spell. A spell that can never be broken."

The young miko felt her heart sink. "I wonder what other demons have done in the past. You know? The ones who claimed humans and then lost their mate?"

"Kagome, no demon has ever claimed a human before," Kaede spoke softly. "When he claimed ye, he took some of yeself into him. And when ye claimed him, ye took some of him in ye. This is why I sense the demonic aura, though I do not understand it's full meaning."

"Do you think there may be something in this book?" Kagome asked.

The old woman shook her head. "If there were, I would already know it. This book is merely a journal. It talks mostly about love and child raising. There are some things on finances and a little on other parts of our world. For the most part, the Ladies of the Western Lands spoke only of their husbands and children. They cared very little for anything else."

Kagome nodded and sighed, "There has to be something somewhere. If not about demons claiming humans, then something in more detail about claiming period. I know it's a sort of marriage. After Sesshomaru claimed me, he and Inuyasha believed we were married."

Kaede nodded. "For demons, it is marriage. The act of claiming is the same as a wedding. For ye both sacrifice a part of yeselves to join together."

"Sesshomaru and I did both. I didn't like the idea of not having a wedding. He didn't mind either," Kagome related.

"If he is willing to claim ye, I have little doubt that he would mind wedding to ye. Sesshomaru is a man of honour. He gets that from his father," the older woman stated.

"I think his father was very stubborn, too," Kagome pointed out suddenly.

Kaede studied the girl in front of her. "What makes ye say that?"

Kagome flashed a smile. "Because, both of InuTaisho's sons are as stubborn as hell."