InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The Wish ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Wish

One year later.....


"Kagome! Make a wish!" Sango shouted from atop Kirara.

They had just defeated Naraku, or at least, almost defeated him. His soul lingered in the area, thus the reason Sango was shouting.

Koga and Miroku stood waiting for the demonic soul to come near them while Sesshomaru and Inuyasha fought it. They had all be distracting the essence of Naraku as Kagome pieced the Shikon no Tama back together.

Now, the jewel was whole again. It radiated with a pure pink light. Kagome knew she had to destroy it and the only way was to make a pure wish. A wish that was not selfish.

She thought it over, ideas flying through her mind. What was she supposed to wish for?

"What's taking so long?" Inuyasha snarled. "Make a wish already!"

"It's not that easy!" Kagome retorted.

"Kagome, we can't hold him off much longer! You have to make a wish now!" Miroku informed her.

The priestess gave a huff. Didn't they realize how hard it was to make a wish when everyone was pressuring you to do so? Not to mention, there is this essence of a real bad guy hanging over their heads.

She thought about wishing for Naraku to be destroyed, but she realized it would be a selfish wish. Though, destroying Naraku would make things a lot easier.

She played with it in her hand. She could feel Shippo's small hands tugging on her skirt. She knew the kitsune was scared.

"I wish..."

She couldn't think! Worse yet, she heard a grunt that she knew belonged to one of the brothers. She looked up and watched as Sesshomaru jumped away from the essence. She nearly screamed in fear.

"Kagome!" Shippo cried from under her.

Kagome closed her eyes, shutting out everything that was going on around her. "I wish..."

She let her mind go blank. She thought of nothing else but the Sacred Jewel. She heard nothing, felt nothing, smelled nothing. All she saw was the fierce pink glow from the jewel. "I wish..."

Then, the wish came to her. "I wish everything was as it should be."

She did not know where the wish had come from, nor why she thought of it. She felt the heat from the jewel and opened her eyes. She watched in amazement as the jewel lifted itself from her hand.

A blast of pink ray flashed from the jewel and hit what was left of Naraku. The companions heard Naraku's scream as he was destroyed. Then, the light shot to everyone else, lifting them all high into the air.

Sango shrieked, not knowing what to expect. Kagome screamed as well as she felt herself lifted from the ground.

The jewel began to rotate as it's power swelled. Inuyasha tried to fight against the jewel, but found he could not. No one could. They felt the power of the jewel coursing through their veins.

The jewel grew larger and then shrunk until there was nothing left. As the jewel disappeared, the companions were lowered to the ground. One by one, they picked themselves up.

Sesshomaru went immediately to Kagome. He brushed her hair away from her face. "Kagome?" he whispered.

She looked up at him. She smiled as her eyes met his golden orbs. She brought her hands to his shoulders. He lifted her up to him and kissed her. She let her hands slip to his arms and felt something strange.

She broke the kiss and looked at his left arm. She felt her heart skip a beat as she realized what the strange feeling was... He was holding her with two hands! Her eyes shot back to his as tears of joy coarsed down her face. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him again, this time much deeper.

Carefully, Miroku took the sacred cloth off his right hand. He gasped as he saw he no longer had the Wind Tunnel. A large smile spread across his face.

"Sango?" came a voice from the entrance of the cave.

The demonslayer looked up to see her brother. Kohaku ran to her while shouting, "Sister!" Laughter came from Kohaku.

For a moment, Sango didn't believe it. How many times had Naraku tricked her before? Kohaku stopped before her. "Sister? Aren't you happy to see me?" he asked, confused.

"Is it real?" was all she could think to say.

He nodded happily and then showed her his back. His back was just as it was before Naraku came into their lives. Sango gave a shout of happiness as she threw her arms around her little brother.

Inuyasha watched as everyone recieved good things.


The hanyou turned at the sound of that voice. Standing before him was Kikyo. Was she back? His heart fluttered with hope, but she stopped him. "I've come to say goodbye, Inuyasha," she answered his unasked question.


The priestess nodded. "I do not belong in this world any longer. My time here expired over fifty years ago."

Inuyasha took Kikyo's hands into his own. "Then, I shall go with you," he began.

She shook her head. "No, Inuyasha. Your time still remains here. It is time you moved on. I shall always be in your memories, but now is your time. Live life the way it is meant to be lived, Inuyasha, and do not dwell on the past."

With that, the priestess turned and walked away.

"Kikyo..." he whispered. And then, for the first time in his life, Inuyasha felt peace. He did not have to worry about the priestess. She was going to Heaven. She earned it.

Shippo looked up at the hanyou he had once called father. "Will you leave me like she left you?" the small kitsune asked.

Inuyasha gazed down at the child. "Shippo," he said softly, "I'm proud of you. You came here, knowing the risks, and yet, you did not run away. You stood by Kagome's side no matter what. That took a lot of courage."

Shippo fell into a stunned silence. Inuyasha was... proud of him? It was unbelievable. There wasn't even any malice or sarcasm in the hanyou's voice.

"If you don't mind," the half demon continued, "I would like if you hung around for a while. I could teach you how to fight and take care of yourself. And... you wouldn't be alone."

Koga had gotten a bit of the wish as well. He had gained a group of friends. More importantly, he had the friendship of a wonderful lady.