InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Time To Heal ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Chapter 2
Time to Heal
Feudal Age Japan, Mushashi country, Summer circa 1544
“INUYASHAAAAAA”, Kagome screamed as the powerful attack sent Inuyasha flying.
She ran over to him as the little fox demon asked, “Is he alright, Kagome?”
He looked terrible but she responded calmly, “Yes Shippou, I think he’ll be fine. The Tessaiga protected him, thank goodness.”
She didn’t really believe it in her mind, but she wanted to comfort the young kit.
She also tried to calm herself as she remembered Inuyasha’s comment, “My body’s build differently than yours …”
Yes, but you are still not invincible, Inuyasha”, she thought.
Inuyasha did look horrible. He was laying on his back with burn marks across his body similar to how he looked when Kanna had fired back his Wind Scar at him, only the wounds were deeper and more intense. He was definitely unconscious and he moaned in his unconscious state. Kagome worriedly touched his face.
Inuyasha,” she thought sadly.
Kagome looked around. Miroku, looking pained, was being helped up by the now conscious Sango, who also appeared sore from being hit by her weapon. Sango had apparently been conscious to see the final blow to Naraku and Inuyasha and was now telling Miroku what happened. The both came over to Kagome, who was kneeling beside Inuyasha.
“Kagome,” said Sango, “How is Inuyasha?”
“Unconscious,” replied Kagome, “But alive. That’s more than I can say for Naraku and Kanna,” she said as she pointed to the smoldering remains.
“I wonder if it’s for real this time.”
“Huh?”, said Kagome, quickly turning to face the monk.
“Naraku’s demise. He faked his death the last time to bring out that witch Kaguya. My wind tunnel disappeared then, too.” Miroku showed the gang his right hand, that was now whole.
“No, Miroku, I am certain this time. The aura is different than before and now we have those spider youkai remains. I think he is really dead this time.”, replied Kagome.
“We need to get Inuyasha back to Kaede’s village so he can heal“, commented a worried Shippou.
“Right now, Shippou, lets get Inuyasha to a safe location where I can patch him up a bit and we can rest. Sango?”, said Kagome.
“Kirara transform please,” Sango asked her faithful cat youkai, who instantly transformed into a huge fire cat. As Miroku attempted to lift Inuyasha onto the cat’s back, Kagome looked around.
Kikyou,” she thought, as she realized for the first time that the priestess was not among them. “Where did you go? Inuyasha will want to know what happened to you.”, Kagome wondered, “What will I tell Inuyasha when he asks?”
Her thoughts were broken when she heard up high,
“Why, it’s Hachi,” said Miroku.
“The raccoon dog!”, said Shippou.
“Master Miroku, I’ve been looking for yo … ohhhh what’s that Master?”
“That’s what remains of Naraku, Hachi. See my hand …”, Miroku lifted his hand up, minus the prayer beads that protected the former wind tunnel, to show his friend.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! NO MASTER DON’T SUCK ME UP!”, yelled the cowardly raccoon dog.
“HACHI! Look at my hand!” commanded Miroku and Hachi did as he was told.
“It’s gone, Master! The curse has finally been lifted!”.
“Yes, Hachi, finally my life has been spared.”
“What do you think we should with Naraku’s remains, Kagome,” asked Sango.
“I think some of the remains should go back to your village, Sango. The rest I believe should go to the bone-eaters well where this all started. Miroku, do you think … ?”, Kagome’s voice trailed off as she nodded to Hachi.
“Yes,” said Miroku, “Hachi, you can take all of us back to Lady Kaede’s village quickly while Kagome can bandage up Inuyasha on your back.”
“Right away Master! Hop on people!”, Hachi said as he held a leaf to his forehead and transformed into his flying self. The gang climbed up and prepared for the ride home.
After Kagome patched up Inuyasha, she left him alone to rest while she joined Miroku, Sango, Shippou, and Kirara. Sitting down beside her friends she commented quietly, lest Inuyasha would hear her,
“Kikyou disappeared after the battle.” Kagome said.
“She was injured by Naraku’s miasma wasn’t she?” said Sango.
“Yes,” said Kagome, “We need to find her. Maybe I can heal her again. Or maybe I can at least bring her remains home. It’s the least I can do for Kaede. And Inuyasha.”, she finished quietly.
Her friends looked at her in a mixture of admiration and concern. That Kagome would go to such lengths for the person who was a rival for Inuyasha’s heart was incredible. What her friends didn’t realize was that Kagome had given up the rivalry. She had come to the conclusion that she and Kikyou were equals in Inuyasha’s heart. He loved them both and had bonds with both of them. Kikyou’s bond with him was from 50 years ago, before Naraku interviened and made them believe they had betrayed each other. Kagome and Inuyasha had their own bond. She had seen Inuyasha in ways Kikyou never had and probably never would. Inuyasha had laid his head on her lap after he let her know that he was shocked that she had cried for him. She saw him as a human. And as a demon. She saw him at his most troubled moments and he had allowed her to see him at his most vulnerable. He had told her that she was the first person he ever truly trusted. They had even been connected over 400 years through the mystery of the god tree. She had even brought him out of his demon state with a kiss. She was with Inuyasha constantly, while Kikyou only saw him every now and then. Yes, Kikyou was connected to Inuyasha but so was she. She no longer feared Kikyou or Inuyasha’s memory of her. Kikyou was his past. She was, hopefully, his future.
“Kagome?”, a voice broke her thoughts.
“Yes, Miroku?”, answered Kagome.
“I said I would help you search for Kikyou after we rested at Lady Kaede’s village.”
“Thank you very much, Miroku. I really appreciate that.”
On their way they stopped at Sango’s village and left some of Naraku’s remains before completing their journey to Kaede’s village. By this time Inuyasha had started to wake up and Kagome sat with him to make sure he was alright. They all needed time to heal.
Please read & review … Thanks. Inuyashapuppydog