InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Life Will Go On ... ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Thanks for all the great reviews ... here's the next chapter...
Chapter 3
Life Will Go On
Feudal Age Japan, Kaede's Village, Summer circa 1544
"Ye have all returned!", Kaede exclaimed as the group landed in front of her. "Oh My! Is Inuyasha ok?", she asked worriedly.
"I think he will be, Kaede", Kagome said as Miroku and Hachi carried the seriously injured hanyou into the small hut and laid him down gently on the floor. Kagome covered him with a light blanket as Inuyasha moaned softly, coming in and out of consciousness. Kaede started a fire and began to make a hearty stew while Kagome prepared a herb tea for Inuyasha to drink to assist with the pain. While Sango, Miroku, & Shippou enjoyed a fresh cup of tea, Kagome began to change Inuyasha's bandages that were soaked in blood. The group began to tell Kaede all that occured with the final demise of Naraku, ending with them letting her know they had some of his remains to dump down the bone-eaters well. With that disclosure, Kaede urged them to get the remains and follow her to the well. Sango and Miroku went outside and gathered together the remains and followed Kaede to the well while Shippou sat beside Kagome.
"How is he, Kagome?", asked Shippou.
"Actually, he's getting better, Shippou. His demon body is already starting to heal.", said Kagome, while thinking "He really is amazing." Kagome knew in her heart how much she loved the hanyou and wished he wasn't such a hardhead when it came to admitting his feelings for her. Granted, he was still torn between going to hell with Kikyou because he felt he must to make up for Kikyou's death after coming after him but also enjoyed the first real happiness he ever knew in his entire life with the girl from the future. Even though he never said the words, his protection and loyalty to her spoke volumes. At least she could still be with him. Beside him. She had promised him that. And she always kept her promises.
Kaede, Sango & Miroku returned and sat down. Kaede served the stew and everyone relaxed and got their fill. Inuyasha even came to long enough for Kagome to assist him in eating a light meal before he laid back down and slept fitfully. That evening, Miroku and Sango took Kagome outside.
"We can get started in the morning with Kirara to search for Kikyou", Miroku said.
"Ok, Miroku. That way Kaede can care for Inuyasha.", said Kagome. The three of them went back inside and prepared for a much needed sleep.
The next morning, bright and early, after a hearty breakfast, the trio began to make preparations to leave. Shippou planned to stay behind with Kaede and Inuyasha. Nothing was said about the mission out of respect for Inuyasha. They didn't want to bring up Kikyou until they at least had attempted to search for her. But before they had a chance to leave, Kagome went back inside to check on Inuyasha. As she knelt down beside him, she realized he was conscious.
"Ka-Kagome", he said weakly as he reached for her hand and gazed up at her before closing his eyes again.
"Kagome", came a soft voice from outside. Kagome turned around and saw Miroku peering in. "Perhaps you should stay here with Inuyasha."
"Yes, I think I should. You and Sango go, Miroku. But please hurry back.", Kagome said, almost as quietly, as she turned her attention back to her hanyou.
The day slowly went by as Kagome, Kaede and Shippou kept watched over the hanyou. The good news was that his conscious periods were longer than his unconscious periods and it was evident that his demon blood was healing his injured body. Kaede and Shippou would go and change the water and gather herbs because Inuyasha would barely let Kagome's hand go from the moment he had taken it in his that early morning. All Kagome could do was sit by Inuyasha and keep his rag moistened and keep him cool or change bandages as needed. By dinner he was able to sit up without assistance and even able to eat quite heartily. Kagome took the time to explain that he had succeeded he destroying Naraku and that Miroku's Wind Tunnel was gone.
And then he asked the inevitable, "Do you know what became of Kikyou?" and all she could do was reply that she didn't know but she did let him know, now, that Sango and Miroku were out looking for her. This seem to comfort him.
As night fell, Kirara returned home with her mistress and the monk. Inuyasha, finally asleep peacefully, didn't relaized they had returned. Now able to leave his side, Kagome hurried out to her friends.
"I'm sorry, Kagome", said Sango, "We looked everywhere around the final battle ground. We saw no sign of her."
"Thanks guys", said Kagome, "Inuyasha has already asked about her. I wish we had something better to tell him. He's asleep now. Let's wait till morning to let him know." The demon slayer and monk agreed as they all went into to Kaede's hut for dinner and sleep.
By morning, Inuyasha's amazing demon physique had him up and around and acting like his old self. He still bore scars and Kagome kept reprimanding him for moving too much or he'll reopen his wounds. "Hmmph", was all he would reply but he would start to take it easy. That afternoon he searched out Miroku.
"Hey monk," Inuyasha called to his friend, "Kagome told me that you and Sango went looking for Kikyou yesterday," he said as he hopped up on the fence outside Kaede's hut. He knew that Kagome had gone with Kaede to assist with a birth on the other side of the small village. He had stupidly mentioned Kikyou to Kagome yesterday. Why she didn't sit him he chalked up to her not wanting to reinjure him. He had finally started to understand the pain he created for Kagome by simply mentioning Kikyou's name, although he did notice that her expression yesterday wasn't angry as in the past. She had simply replied she didn't know but that Miroku and Sango went out to look for her.
"Well," continued Inuyasha.
"No luck, I'm afraid, Inuyasha. I'm sorry. We looked everywhere around the battle ground. We saw no sign of her, her soul collectors or any disconnected souls. We spent the whole day looking.", said Miroku.
"Hmmm", said Inuyasha as he began to stare into space, "Where are you Kikyou? Are you alright?" Without a word, Inuyasha jumped down from the fence and hopped to the god tree. He stared at the spot where he had been pinned for 50 years before being freed by Kagome 3 years ago. "Kagome," he thought. He slowly started to walk back to Kaede's hut. He could have jumped up into a tree, knowing no one would bother him there, except for Kagome. He didn't feel like listening to her berate him for possibly reopening his wounds. He needed to rest some more for he still needed to heal, physically and emotionally. Plus he needed to be near her when she returned. He could rest more comfortably with her gentle scent nearby. The scent of fresh spring rain coupled with the gentle vanilla fragrance she dabbed on herself. With her nearby he would realize that life continues. Life will go on ...
A/N: What do you think? This is how I see Inuyasha near the end of the manga - with a little more maturity towards Kagome and Kikyou. Please R&R! THANKS - Inuyashapuppydog