InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Our Journey Starts ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Chapter 5
Our Journey Starts
"Kusamura?", queried Kaede, "I have heard of it in legend, but never believed in its existence. Legend tells that it is a castle town of knowledge. Sages, witches, warlocks, sorcerers and sorceresses train there. But nobody, demon or human, has ever found the location of the fabled town. So everybody that talks of it says it is a myth."
"Well, it obviously exists since they want Kagome to come there," said Shippou, "but I wish I could come with you, Kagome. Why can't I?"
"Because, runt, they aren't interested in you," Inuyasha said, irritated, as he bonked Shippou on the head.
"OWWW! Kagome!"
"Inuyasha SIT BOY!" WHOMP! Inuyasha was sent face down into the floor.
"Will you stop doing that!", Inuyasha yelled when the spell wore off, "I'm sick of that sit command!"
"Inuyasha, stop barking," said Kaede, "This is obviously a very serious journey. The area you will be traveling is filled with perils. Men who travel there rarely return."
"Yea, so, what's your point? I'm not like you pitiful weak humans," spat Inuyasha, "and Kagome will be with me."
"How long will you be gone," asked Sango.
"I don't know," said Kagome, "They didn't say. Only that we have to leave in two days. But I don't even know where we are going beside Northwest."
Miroku added, "If the people of that village are as wise as the legends state, then I am sure before you leave they will reveal the direction to you. Just trust in that, Kagome."
Kagome thought about this. She wasn't scared - Inuyasha would be with her. But she was nervous. Just what did they want with her?
The next day was filled with a hurried pace as Kagome prepared herbs and food in her book bag for the journey. But, there was still no sign of the two mysterious robed figures. On the dawn of the second day, the day the strangers had told Inuyasha and Kagome they would start their journey, nothing seemed out of place. The group sat around Kaede's hut in anticipation when suddenly Inuyasha started twitching his ears. Something was buzzing around his ears and he didn't like it.
"Damn fly!", he thought as he went to swat at the buzzing object. SWAT! He sent the buzzing object flying across the room.
"YEOWW", came a high pitched voice from the buzzing object on the floor.
"HUH?", said Shippou, as he went to examine the creature, "Kagome, it's a talking fly!".
The high pitched voice yelled at him, "I'm not a fly - I'm a fairy!"
"A FAIRY!", cried the group in unison.
The blue colored fairy, recovered from Inuyasha's swat, got up and flew over to Kagome,
"I am Devi and I will be leading you on your journey. I was sent by the Mistress Mystic to guide you."
"HMMPH! Why were you flying around my ears, stupid?" demanded Inuyasha.
"Because I had never seen anybody like you before," buzzed Devi, "and I was curious."
"So we have to follow a stupid FAIRY," Inuyasha said, emphasizing the word fairy. It was obvious that the idea of having to have a fairy guide didn't sit well with him.
"Well, do you know where you are going," asked Devi.
The only response came as an irritated "HMPH!" Devi had made her point. "We must start out, Kagome. Are you prepared?", asked the fairy.
Kagome nodded and began to say goodbye to her friends. She had no idea when she would see them next. Inuyasha's response to his friends goodbyes was a simple, "whatever!". Kagome pulled on her backpack and she and Inuyasha set out on their journey following a blue colored fairy.
For the first three to four weeks the journey was uneventful but long. Inuyasha, anxious to cut down their journeying time, would carry Kagome as often as possible, including at night while she slept on his back. He ran a good majority of time but they still didn't seem to get any closer. And Devi was no help - she just kept saying that they still had a ways to go. But one evening the tranquility was broken. The evening of the new moon. That night, a huge, ugly demon bore down on them. Inuyasha, in his human form, fought his best fight, determined to protect Kagome. The demon, however, had other plans and managed to push Inuyasha over the side of a mountain.
"INUYASHAAAA", screamed Kagome as she saw the demon bear down on her.
"Kagome," squeaked Devi, "Look!" Kagome looked over to where Devi was hovering over a bush and saw ... the TESSAIGA?
"No," thought Kagome, "I'm positive he had the Tessaiga on his hip." Worried about Inuyasha and panicked about the demon, Kagome still realized when she picked up the sword that, "It's a dummy Tessaiga. Where did it come from?", she thought and her mind worked quickly, "Hey, Demon, " She yelled out. She needed to get the demon's mind off of her and Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, I hope you're all right.", she thought, "think, girl, think." The demon roared and headed toward Kagome, bent on killing her as well as the other human he had sent over the side. "Look! Here is the sword of Inuyasha. The mighty Tessaiga. Now you can tell everyone you killed the great warrior Inuyasha and you have his sword to prove it." The demon roared again ... in his simple mind he liked the idea of showing off the spoils of the fallen warrior. Kagome threw the Tessaiga at the demon's feet. If it had been the real Tessaiga, of course, a demon would never be able to handle it because of the barrier, but this short-sighted demon didn't know this. And as he was examining his prize, Devi managed to help Kagome get away. Once Kagome was in a safe location, she sent the fairy to look for Inuyasha down the side of the mountain.
As morning broke, Kagome remained huddled in the small cave Devi had led her to.
"Inuyasha, where are you? You should have returned to your half-demon state by now," she sobbed into her knees.
"Ah come on already, stop blubbering! Do you really think I would be done in by a measly demon such as that?"
Kagome's head jerked up to see the hanyou standing before her with his arms akimbo. She rushed over to him and held him, thankful he was there. Inuyasha, embarrassed by her actions, nonetheless wrapped his arms around her. He breathed in her scent mixed with the salty scent of her tears.
"Don't worry, Kagome," he thought, "I will never leave you."
"So she passed the test."
"Yes, she is a fast thinker. And definitely resourceful."
"But she didn't realize she conjured up the fake sword."
"Well, she is a novice, after all."
"Her love for that hanyou is strong. That is a definite plus for her. Her destiny is partially in his control."
"We need to get him to realize that his destiny is in her hands also."
"We must set him up for a test. We need to see if his feelings for her are as strong."
Another week passed, and Inuyasha was growing ever more impatient with the fairy.
"We are passed the mountains and winter will be setting in soon. I want Kagome to be in a warm place before the first snows. When will we be there, DAMN IT," growled Inuyasha.
"Soon," squeaked the little fairy. They were resting in a wooded area. Kagome was roasting fish over the fire when Inuyasha decided he needed to go for a walk.
"That scent," he thought, "It can't be." he bounded away from their camp in search of the scent when he saw them. "Soul collectors. Kikyou must be nearby!" He followed the soul collectors to a field where he saw her, "Kikyou!" he breathed, "KIKYOU!"
"Inuyasha," Kikyou replied. He headed over to her and she to him.
"Where have you been, Kikyou? Are you alright?"
"Inuyasha," she said again, reaching out for him. He pulled her close and inhaled her familiar scent. "You promised to come with me, remember Inuyasha?"
"Yes," he replied, "I remember," as he closed his eyes. The embrace felt so comfortable to him that he paid attention to nothing else. Nothing.
Kikyou is back ... and what will happen next? R&R and I'll post soon!