InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Master Masakazu ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Chapter 10
Master Masakazu
The night seemed to last a while, as Inuyasha set about repairing the Wind Scar damaged wall. He would have ignored it if it hadn't been for the old man and at least fifteen sit commands from Kagome. But as he worked, Kagome and the old man sat by a roaring fire close to him and chatted. Inuyasha had given Kagome his blue kimono when she began to shiver in the night air. He pretended not to listen to the conversation between the old man and Kagome.
"So you knew Inuyasha’s father?"
"Knew him - I trained him. He apprenticed under me for years."
"Years?" asked Kagome, "Umm, may I ask, just how old are you? I'm sorry if it seems rude but you seem so mobile for seeming so old."
"Child, like Inuyasha said, I'm older than dirt. In fact, I remember when dirt first appeared on this place.", he cackled again.
Inuyasha said under his breath, "I thought Totousai was a fruitcake."
"Totousai, you say? Is that old fart still around?" followed by more cackling, "Is it true Hosenki finally bit the dust? Pun intended, of course!"
More cackling followed. The old guy was obviously enjoying himself as Kagome and Inuyasha just looked at each other.
Kagome couldn't resist telling him, "And Myouga shows up every now and then too."
This was too much for the old guy who couldn't believe that the fearful flea even dared showed his face with so much fighting go on.
"So how's old heartless?", he finally asked.
"Who?", asked Kagome.
"Sesshoumaru," piped in Inuyasha, "HMMPHH! I guess he's ok."
"Hmmm. What a shame. So much potential. Too bad he's too much like his mother.", said Masakazu.
"You knew Sesshoumaru's mother?", asked Kagome.
"Hell, yes. What a demoness she was. See, before the great Dog-Demon was so great, he was just a low level demon. That was before he apprenticed with me. But another InuYoukai pack saw potential in him and allowed him to marry the pack leader's daughter. It was really a political marriage but he did love her. And Sesshoumaru was the result. But his wife was a cruel and ruthless demoness and while the future Leader of the Dogs trained with me and traveled around defending his new acquired territory in the West, she raised Sesshoumaru. And she raised him to crave power. The more powerful his father became, the more power Sesshoumaru wanted. At any cost. And then his mother was struck down by a band of human bandits and he began traveling with his father. His father had a respect for humans but Sesshoumaru wanted nothing to do with them and he resented his father's respect for them. That is why when he died, Sesshoumaru blamed you, Inuyasha. He felt he should have been the one to bring his father down. Instead, he believed that his father died because he insisted on going back and saving your mother and you instead of waiting for his wounds from Ryokoutssei to heal. What he didn't realize was that your father was not long for this world after the battle with Ryokoutssei but wanted to make sure that you and your mother lived.", With that, Masakazu grew quiet.
Kagome stared at the fire while Inuyasha finished with his work on the wall. Finally, Masakazu spoke again.
"I will train you, my boy. The same as I trained your father. You are just like him, Inuyasha."
"HMMMPPH! Yea, well, old man, I guess since I'm here that'll be ok.", but secretly Inuyasha was pretty happy inside.
Here was his chance to get to be as strong as his old man.
"First lesson, whelp, will be respect. You need it. I am Master Masakazu to you. Got it?"
"HMMMPPHH!", was Inuyasha's response.
"And I will whoop your ass in battle every time until you learn a healthy dose of respect." With that, Masakazu got up an left the two behind.
"Inuyasha," said Kagome, "I have a feeling you better listen to him."
"HMPH!", was Inuyasha's only response as he got up to get ready to go back to their shared home for a rest.
Well, these past chapters were just to introduce you to some new characters. Coming up soon will be a battle scene (which I suck at) and LOOOOOVVVE. Inuyasha will be feeling some strange things and he doesn’t know why ... but we'll soon see.