InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Wolf-Demon Tribe and the Evil Takagawa ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 11

The Wolf Demon Tribe and the evil Takagawa

Winter was brutal in the northern town of Kusamura. But that didn't stop the training of Inuyasha and Kagome. Kagome trained in the Mystic temple, learning spells and potions by morning and some hand-to hand combat by afternoon. She was also being taught the necessary needs of feudal age women - how to cook, weave, sew, keep a home. By evening she was tired, but happy as she would go over to Masakazu's and watch Inuyasha train.

Inuyasha himself was in full training mode. He refused, at first, to refer to the old man as Master, but as promised, the old man kept dueling Inuyasha, and winning, multiple times. Inuyasha, as stubborn as he was, finally admitted defeat and started bowing to his "Master". Inuyasha's training lasted all day and into the evening, when Kagome would join them and sit and watch. Inuyasha was learning to rely more on his own speed and skill and not always the Tessaiga, as he couldn't use the demonic blade against humans, and in this environment, most fighting he would be doing would be against humans.

After training, Masakazu would prepare dinner and regal Inuyasha and Kagome with stories of Inuyasha's father and his conquests and how Inuyasha was so much like his father.

During this time, Inuyasha began to notice how Kagome's body was beginning to take shape as a warrior and as a woman, all the while berating himself for "being like that monk." He couldn't understand why he couldn't keep himself away from her side. He felt like he was drawn to her more than he had ever felt. Sure, they were growing closer, the more time they spent together and their kisses, while still nothing more than soft touches, electrified him. Kagome, for her part, was wanting more than the soft kisses he would place on her lips, cheeks and nose. Kagome was beginning to feel more womanly feelings as the time went on. She wanted Inuyasha as a woman would want a man but she didn't know how to proceed with him.

A time would come when Inuyasha's training would be put to use. One day, in early spring, Zeshin appeared to talk with Inuyasha. "Inuyasha," he said seriously, "A time has come when you can put your new training to use."

"How's that?" asked Inuyasha.

"Our allies, the wolf demon tribe, is under attack by our mortal enemy, Takagawa. Takagawa is an exiled Hun from the mainland who has gathered a huge band of rogue samurais. He also controls a large mass of zombies. He has a Chinese sorcerer who keeps these zombies. And you can't tell the difference between the humans or the zombies. Once the humans are killed, in the next battle they return. Tokugawa is pure evil. He tortures his victims whether they be men, women or children."

"Take me to the battle," said Inuyasha, disgusted at the details that Zeshin gave him. This filth sounded worse than Naraku and filth like that didn't deserve to walk the earth.

Zeshin and Inuyasha hurried and joined the already intense battle. By the time they go there, there was plenty of death and carnage from both sides but it was impossible to tell who was winning the battle. Inuyasha quickly joined in and started fighting mightily, using his fists and his sword. Blood, swords, dead bodies were everywhere. Inuyasha noticed a young wolf demon fighting a group of fifteen rogue samurais on his own and having problems. Inuyasha quickly jumped into the middle of the battle and started swinging. Soon, he and the wolf demon were back to back fighting an onslaught on samurais.

The wolf demon yelled to Inuyasha, "You're a damned good fighter for a half-demon. Never seen you before."

Inuyasha replied back, "yea, well I just arrived a short while ago."

"That's a mighty good sword you got there."

This conversation continued on throughout the fighting as they protected each other.

"You got a name, half-demon? I hate to keep refering to you as half-demon since you're protecting my ass."

"yea, it's Inuyasha."

"Mine's Kiyoshi, glad to be your ally, with that sword, I'd hate to be your enemy!" Kiyoshi said as he sliced through a few more samurais. "The problem is," Kiyoshi continued, "these guys will be back tomorrow after the sorcerer gets ahold of their bodies".

"Oh yea," said Inuyasha, "We'll see about that. If there are no bodies to retrieve ..."

With that, Inuyasha aimed a well placed "WIND SCAR!" through a mass of the killer troops, turning them into nothingness. His battle cry drew the attention of Takagawa, who rode over to see what had happened. The formidable Hun came face-to-face with Inuyasha and the two stared each other down.

"A half-demon," thought the Hun, "Who the hell is this and how did he destroy my troops?" Takagawa decided to holler out the call of retreat as he raced off.

"Come back and face me like a man you piece of shit!", yelled Inuyasha.

Takagawa yelled back, "We'll meet soon, half-demon, and that will be your demise!"

Takagawa and his troops raced off into the night, leaving a stunned Inuyasha and an incredulous band of Mystic samurais and wolf demons. They had never seen a power like Tessaiga and they were amazed, to say the least.

The murmers among the soldiers grew louder. Kiyoshi and Zeshin came over to congratulate Inuyasha, who just brushed them off.

"He got away, dammit! I didn't succeed."

"Yes, but the troops retreated. That means that Takagawa needs to confer with his sorcerer about your sword." said Zeshin, "The wolf demons are safe for now, as are the villages that surround us. It will probably be a while before Takagawa attacks again. Thanks to that sword of yours."

"HMMMPH! Whatever!", said Inuyasha as he resheathed his sword, "I'm heading home."

Kiyoshi yelled after him, "My beloved trains at the Mystic temple. I would very much like her to meet you sometime." Inuyasha just looked back and waved his hand in a 'whatever' gesture. He was tired and he wanted to get home to Kagome.

A/N: That's chapter 11. I'm not crazy about it but it introduces Inuyasha's new foe and new friend. I'm working on some romance for the next chapter or 2 - let me know if you are looking for a lemon or simply some lime but Inuyasha has some major changes coming up for him with Kagome.