InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Pure Wish ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 12

Pure Wish

Kagome was waiting when Inuyasha returned. She was so excited she ran right into his arms, nearly knocking him over. She knew he was so reckless, that she always worried about him when he was alone in battle. After training, she had gone to see him at Masakazu's and the old man told her about Tokugawa. Knowing that Inuyasha wouldn't stand for such atrocities frightened her as to what he would do. But now he was back, safe and sound, but obviously upset.

"Masakazu told me everything," she stated, "What happened?" "Fucking bastard got away, that's what happened. He ran." He wrapped his arms around her. Just being near her calmed him down considerably, but this time it also started a rising heat, and he didn't know why. He just knew he needed to have her in his arms. Kagome, for her part, also needed him to hold her. She loved his musky, woodsy scent that grew so much stronger when he sweat after a battle (or any kind of exertion on his part). After a while, Kagome reluctantly broke the embrace. She was excited and wanted to tell Inuyasha something.

"Inuyasha," she started, a little hesitantly even though she was excited, "I have something for you." Inuyasha's ears perked up considerably, "For me? What?" "Well, I have been learning all about potions and spells and I have learned and perfected one that I want to use on you." "No way, wench, you ain't using me as no guinea pig for your experiments," huffed Inuyasha, turning away. "But, listen, Inuyasha, the spell is called 'Pure Wish' and it brings to bear what the giver wants most. Won't you at least let me place the spell on the potion and if you don't want what I wish for then you don't have to drink the potion?", Kagome stated the last part pleadingly. Inuyasha turned his golden orbs to look at her green eyes and instantly regretted that he did. What was it about this girl that he couldn't say no to? "Alright, say the spell, we'll see." He said as she excitedly ran to pour the potion. She brought the cup and stood before him. "I make this wish of pure heart," she started, "I want for Inuyasha to be able to have complete control over his demon side. To be able to call upon the strength, stamina and endurance of his full demon self without losing his mind to his demon side. To be able to return to his half-demon self when he wants to. I want him to be able to recognize all facets of his personality, demon, human and half-demon. No longer will he need Tessaiga beside him to keep his full demon self locked away. I again ask this with pure mind, pure soul and pure heart," she finished and looked over at Inuyasha, who was just staring at her. Did he hear correctly? This spell would give him the power of his full demon side and he wouldn't lose himself to it? "Well, Inuyasha?", queried Kagome. His mind was racing but all he could say was a whispered, "Kagome." "If you want that too, then take the potion,' she said and he did as he was told. He drank down the bitter tasting tea and immediately felt jolts of lightening going through his system. He coughed a couple times, and this worried Kagome. Did she make the potion correctly? After a few minutes he looked up at her, his eyes red and purple stripes on his cheeks. His fangs had elongated and so did his claws. "Kagome." he choked out and then straightened up. The red in his eyes faded and his claws and fangs returned to normal, but the purple stripes didn't fade. "Kagome," he spoke again, this time in his normal voice, "I think it worked." Kagome clapped her hands excitedly as Inuyasha closed his eyes and called upon the demon in him and sure enough, his claws and fangs grew long and his eyes turned red and then everything returned to normal, except the purple stripes. "Are you happy?" asked Kagome as he hugged her. "Thank you," he whispered in her ear.

She broke the contact and took out her compact mirror to show Inuyasha his stripes. "The stripes didn't fade," she told him as he looked at his reflection. Inuyasha dropped the compact and grabbed Kagome's hand, pulling her closer, as he put his other hand in her hair pulling her head into his. He kissed her strongly yet gently, enjoying the feel of her lips on his. Kagome became braver and began deepening the kiss, licking her tongue across his lips asking for entrance. He was surprised at this movement, having never been kissed liked that before as he opened his mouth and she entered and began investigating his mouth and playing with his tongue. Deciding he rather liked this, he closed his eyes and enjoyed her playing with him. Suddenly, he broke contact and stared at her. This incredible heat was overcoming him and he didn't know why. He felt his demon demanding to be let out. He started breathing heavily as he backed away from her. "Inuyasha, what's wrong?" Kagome asked worriedly. Inuyasha was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold the demon, no matter what the potion was supposed to do. He ... he felt that he must get out of there before he hurt Kagome as he realized his demon was demanding him to take her, to mate her, to fuck her. 'Don't follow me, Kagome," he said to her as he bolted out the door, "I mean it." Kagome looked at him confused and worried. "What have I done?" she thought. Inuyasha ran through the night. he had to get away from her. He had to calm down the demon. He had to see Masakazu. "What's happening?", he thought.