InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ A Demon's Desire ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 13

A Demon's Desire

Inuyasha ran to Masakazu's place as fast as he could. He had to get an answer to what was going on and Masakazu seemed the best person to get answers from. Upon arriving at Masakazu's, he found the old man waiting almost expectantly. "I had a feeling you would come," the old man said. Forgetting all his recent learning of respect, Inuyasha blasted out, "What the fuck is going on with me old man?" "What are you talking about?" Masakazu asked although the old man already knew what Inuyasha was going to say. He had been able to sense the changes in Inuyasha the entire time. Inuyasha rambled on about the potion and the feelings he was experiencing and about how his demon was demanding he mate Kagome. "Have you had any feelings like this before?", queried the old man and Inuyasha explained that, yes he had felt similar feelings for a while now but thought it was just because he was hanging around that lecherous monk too long. Masakazu asked how long he had been sensing these feelings of wanting to mate Kagome and Inuyasha explained that it started around the time Tessaiga broke and his demon was first released.

Masakazu explained, "Simple, Inuyasha, your demon awoke to save its life. Naturally, mating to conceive is also a way to preserve life. But demons, especially dog demons, are especially sexual creatures and the desire to mate is very strong. Your demon has chosen Kagome as its mate and it expects from her what a mate would want. But you've been able to keep control of those feelings easily because Tessaiga has been in charge of keeping your demon under control. Now, because of the potion, you are responsible for keeping your demon under control. Your demon is telling you it's time to mate. All demons experience this sensation, but I didn't think you, as a half-demon, would experience this. However, the nature of your demon is so powerful that even you, Inuyasha, are experiencing this life changing event. It's a very powerful, even painful feeling at times and the only way to dispel it is to ignore it or surrender to it." With that, Masakazu fell silent as Inuyasha stared at him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. How the hell was he supposed to ignore these feeling when they were so incredibly strong and getting stronger? And there was no way he was going to disgrace Kagome but having her mate with a lowly hanyou like himself. They were friends, yes, and he had to admit recently that he loved the attention she was lavishing on him when they started courting. But .... mating? He didn't deserve a mate. He knew that, He had grown up with that knowledge. No, he couldn't degrade Kagome like that. He was just going to have to ignore it and stay away from her until it went away. "Yo, old man, how long does this 'life change' shit last, anyway", he asked as irreverently as he could. "Once it comes on full force, about a month," the old man replied to Inuyasha's question. This is upset Inuyasha but he couldn't avoid it. He would stay away from Kagome until these feelings went away. Without another word, Inuyasha turned and bounded out of the room.

************************************************************ **************************************************

When Inuyasha had left their home, Kagome just stared at the door and slammed her foot down. "Stupid, Inuyasha. Always insisting on doing things yourself. Why don't you open up to me once in a while.", she cried out to no one. She quickly decided to follow him quietly and came upon him at Masakazu's place. She knew she shouldn't listen in, but her heart told her she had to know what was happening. What she heard shocked and saddened her. Of course Inuyasha didn't want to mate with her, she was only Kikyou's replacement. She hid quickly when Inuyasha bounded out of the house and when he was away from the house she walked in to the old man. He didn't seemed surprise to see her either. "I'm surprised Inuyasha didn't pick up your scent, my lady. I guess he was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to think you would be near. I guess you heard?" "Yes, I heard.", she said quietly. Kagome sat down and asked Masakazu to explain a little more about dog demons and their habits, particularly mating habits to her. Maybe she could appeal to him on an instinctual level.

"Well, my lady, Inuyasha shows alot of his demon traits, especially his dog traits. He is a rogue looking for a place to belong, a pack so to speak. He has found that pack with you and your friends.", Masakazu explained patiently. "So that's why his loyalty is so strong to us," Kagome interjected. "Exactly. And he views you as alpha female. Now his demon is expecting to get what it needs to survive. An heir. A litter. You are in heat right now Kagome and that is why Inuyasha's demon is reacting so strong. That and the spell you used of course." Kagome listened thoughtfully. "How do I get him to respond to me instead of ignoring me?" she asked although part of her wished she hadn't. Inuyasha's demon may want her, but did Inuyasha? "The most effective way is to not let him be alone. Your scent will drive him almost crazy. He'll have to mate or his demon will literally make him lose his mind. That part cannot be controlled until he has mated the first time." Maybe it was underhanded or maybe she was feeling more devious, but Kagome desperately wanted Inuyasha in that way. And if the only way to get him to react to her was by not leaving him alone then that is what she would do. "Thank you, Masakazu." she said quietly as she slipped out to door to find Inuyasha.

She wasn't sure which way he had gone, but she wandered further into the town then thought better of it. "If I look like I'm leaving the town to go out into the forest he may come to me to see why." She thought to herself. She headed to the outer part of town and started to leave the gates. Sure enough, as she headed into the surrounding forest she heard a WHOOSH! and almost ran into Inuyasha, who was now in front of her. "Where do you think you're going at this time of night? You should be back at the house." he said to her arrogantly. He was trying to be cross with her but her scent wouldn't let him. Kagome decided to play all her cards and ran into his arms, wrapping her arms around him. "I was looking for you," she told him as she began to nuzzle his neck. Inuyasha was surprised by this and he tried to hold back but his demon was screaming inside. He wrapped his arms around her, all the while his head was dizzy from her scent. What was he going to do? He was about to back away when suddenly Kagome leaned up and kissed him passionately. That sent him into a tailspin as he pulled her tightly to him and began to kiss her with everything he had in him. He broke the kiss and tried to talk, "Kagome, don't, we can't ..." his voice trailed off. "Inuyasha, I know I'm not Kikyou, but I want you. I want to be with you." Inuyasha looked at her, "I never wanted Kikyou like this, never thought of Kikyou like this.", he said to her, "But, I won't disgrace you. You deserve more than a lowly hanyou and hanyous don't deserve mates." Kagome looked at him, "I'm not settling for anything. I'm getting the best of both worlds - human and demon," she said and kissed him again, throwing her arms around his neck. Inuyasha couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this real? His demon demanded to be satisfied but his human wanted to enjoy this moment. He kissed her back with as mush passion as he could put into his kiss and picked Kagome up bridal style and took her back to their home.

Here it comes ... our lemony goodness will be in the next chapter. R&R please!!!