InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ A Night To Remember Part 1 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

This Chapter rated M for lemon ... if you don't like lemons skip this chapter

Chapter 14

A Night To Remember Part 1

Inuyasha carried Kagome back to the house they shared. Kagome was nuzzled against his neck, breathing in his wild, woodsy scent. "This was easy," she thought to herself, "He didn't try to leave me alone. I'm glad he gave in to me so easily." "How does she do this to me," Inuyasha thought, "I can't seem to say no to her. She is truly my biggest weakness." Inuyasha nuzzled her hair, breathing in her fresh scent as well as her fertile scent, "She is ready ... ready to be mated and bear pups.", he thought to himself, "but is she ready to want pups," he thought somewhat sadly. He wouldn't mate with her without telling her that she was fertile. He was surprised she was even willing to mate with him. What if she changed her mind? He would be so embarrassed he probably would run into the forest and stay there for a good long while.

They arrived at the house and Inuyasha opened the door with his foot and closed it. He carried Kagome back to the bedroom and set her down on the futon on her knees as he knelt down. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and she had her arms wrapped around his neck. She kissed his lips and he responded back passionately. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and he allowed her to enter as she explored his mouth. When her tongue retreated, he followed suit, exploring her mouth with his tongue. How delicious she tasted! She moaned into his mouth, clearly telling him to continue. Inuyasha was in ecstasy, enjoying the feeling of the kiss. He didn't know that a kiss could be so wonderful. His whole body reacted as he felt fire in his loins. His demon was screaming for more, demanding her body, but he was determined to do this his way, slowly. He wanted to have this feeling last forever. She finally broke the kiss as she demanded air and her voice was breathy and lusty. "Inu ... yasha," she said, grabbing all the air she could. He looked at her. Her eyes were half closed and her lips were swollen from their lusty kiss. "Kagome ... is this really what you want?" "Yes, Inuyasha, I love you, I always have. And I want you. Now. Now more than ever." Her voice was soft and breathy and he could feel her warm breath on his face. He stammered back, "I ... I'm not sure ... I've never done this... I mean I know the basics of the act," he said shyly. Kagome instantly knew what she had to do. Being from the future and from modern Japan where sex was everywhere, she knew she had to take the lead.

She kissed his nose and lips softly as she began to remove his hitoe and push it aside. He removed Tessaiga from his obi and laid it on the floor as she began to open his yukata to reveal his unbelievably taut, lean, muscled body. She had often seen him shirtless and had marveled at his body, but that was usually while she was bandaging up wounds. Now, there was no wounds, just a perfect body. She began to kiss his neck, running her tongue up and down while alternating with little nips and kisses as she rubbed her hands over his chest. Inuyasha's head fell back and his knees spread on the floor as he relaxed under her movements. He even found himself moaning at her touches. Finding him so relaxed, she was able to turn him and get him to lay down on the futon as she continued her rubbing and kissing. She began to massage his arms and chest, kissing her way down his right arm until reaching his inner elbow where she played with her tongue over the smooth skin. She then proceeded to his calloused hands where she took each finger in turn and sucked on it deeply, swirling her tongue around each digit. Inuyasha was watching her, moaning and gasping, unable to believe how something so simple could be so stimulating. She then proceeded to his left arm where she did the same thing, driving Inuyasha, and his demon, absolutely crazy. He could feel all the blood rushing to his loins, and, frankly, it was sorta painful. But she continued her tortuously slow kissing, moving to his chest and going to his one nipple, while she massaged the other nipple with her one hand. She swirled her tongue around the nipple, perking it up before moving to the other side and playing with that nipple. She could feel her own arousal building. She didn't know what had come over her, but she liked being in charge and she like hearing Inuyasha's responses to her ministrations. He tried many times to call out her name but only succeeded in getting, "Ka ... go ...OOOHHHH!" out each time. She dragged her tongue down to his navel, while still playing with his nipples. She continued to massage her hands over his god-like body as she ran her tongue around his navel. "Great Kami!" she heard him manage to get out between moans. She sat up and made eye contact with Inuyasha. Having learned that men were visual creatures she decided to give him a show. She slowly undressed herself, revealing her shapely breasts and hips and then laying her naked body down on his chest. "Damn, Kagome," he whispered. "Shhhhh. I'm not done yet," she cooed as she softly kissed his lips.

She reached down and untied his obi and began pulling his hakama down. He obliged her by lifting his hips so she could remove the clothing. He was now completely naked to her eyes and the rest of his body was just as amazing. She had seen him naked before, but never when he was excited. He wasn't abnormally large, she estimated quickly maybe 10 inches but his width is what took her breath away. He was good and solid around and she wondered if she could fit her hand around him. "Do you like?", came a shy question from her hanyou. She looked at him and saw a worried look on his face. She smiled, "HmHm. I like very much.", she said and the cocky smile returned to his face. She began massaging his legs, wanting to save the best for last. All this was driving Inuyasha crazy and he was having a harder time controlling his demon, but he was determined not to lose control. Kagome began to nibble and kiss the inner part of his thigh and he spread his legs wider to allow her access. As she rolled her thumbs against the taut skin, she thought about the strength that was in these legs. The thought made her even more aroused. She finally decided to start suckling on his scrotum and Inuyasha's moans became louder and more persistent. Her tongue finally started to move up the shaft of his member, as she took hold of him. Like she thought, her hand didn't even fit around his muscle. She began to massage him up and down all the while licking and nipping the sensitive skin. Inuyasha's cries of "More." filled her ears. She slowly worked her way up to the tip and licked her way around the tip, causing Inuyasha to buck his hips up to meet her waiting mouth. She started to take him in her mouth, causing the loudest moan yet from the hanyou. He had never imagined mating this way. She couldn't take him very far in because of his size, but she did her best. She removed him from her mouth and decided to try something 'sinful'. She kissed her way down to the space between his scrotum and anus and suckled there before beginning to lick his anus, which caused a loud gasp from her hanyou. She then moistened her finger and slowly began inserting it inside him as she went back to sucking, slowly on his manhood. Inuyasha felt like he was gasping for air. What was she doing? He had never imagined anything like this and yet ... DAMN felt so good. He felt her finger probe him and then he felt her rubbing inside him and the feeling sent him spinning. For Kagome's part, Inuyasha's reaction let her know she had hit her target, his prostate gland, which was supposed to be extremely sensitive and, obviously, what she read was correct. Inuyasha had his hand on her head as she bobbed up and down on his member. He could feel his body rocketing out of control, pressure building, he began to buck his hips in time to Kagome's bobbing when finally he felt the glorious release of his orgasm and he let out an incredibly loud "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH!". As the tsunami subsided he looked down at his sweet Kagome and saw her licking what was left of his seed of his still hard member. "She swallowed me?" He thought as she looked up and caught his eye. She crawled up to his waiting arms and laid her head down on his chest. He couldn't believe what had just happened. "Kagome," he whispered. "Rest, my love," Kagome whispered back, "the night is still young and there is more to come." She said as she settled in on his chest. His demon was still screaming for more but Inuyasha was determined he could wait until he calmed down a little. "And then," he thought with a smile, as he kissed Kagome's head. "I will explore your body the way you explored mine."

Well, part one of my lemon is done ... what do you think .. next chapter we'll have Inuyasha having his fun!!!