InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Evil, Thy Name Is Kouga ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 32

Evil, Thy Name Is Kouga

"Kouga, what are you doing here?", Kagome asked as she quickly got out of the water to dry off and get dressed.

"I came to take my woman back to her new home." Kouga said proudly.

"Kouga, I'm not your woman and I am already married and mated to Inuyasha. We have pups. Now please leave before I call Inuyasha." Kagome warned, not wanting to let Kouga know about her own powers.

This knowledge angered Kouga even more than he was already getting. He could smell Kagome's scent was different and she was covered with the stench of dog. Without a second thought, Kouga quickly grabbed Kagome and ran at top speed. It took Kagome a minute to realize what was happening before she started yelling at him.

"Put me down, Kouga! I demand you put me down, NOW!!" Kagome yelled at the top of her lungs hoping Inuyasha's sensitive ears would hear from the distance they were rapidly covering.

"Shut up, bitch. You're my woman and dammit, I'll show you what happens when a bitch betrays her master." Kouga said back to her angrily.

Kagome was worried. "What is he going to do to me?" she thought as fear ran down her spine, "He wouldn't hurt me would he?"

Her question would soon be answered as they arrived at their destination. Kouga put her down roughly and then slapped her face.

Shock registered on Kagome's face. Angry now, she yelled at Kouga, "What the fuck was that for?" (been around Inuyasha too long?)

"For betraying me, bitch." Kouga yelled back as he slapped her again, "You will learn to obey me. I would have treated you like the queen that you would have been. But you betrayed me and now dog-shit's scent is all over you. I was ok with letting you stay with him because he never claimed you like I did. I thought as a half-demon he had at least some honor. In the demon world, when a male declares his love for a woman she's HIS. And what the fuck did he do to you? Your scent is different."

Kagome looked at him and tried to collect her thoughts. "First, I'm a hanyou now. I chose to be. And Inuyasha doesn't believe that just by saying you love someone makes you their property. I choose MY mate and I chose Inuyasha."

Kouga yelled back, "After I get through with you, he won't want anything to do with you." With that he grabbed Kagome and threw her down on the floor.

"What are you doing, Kouga?", Kagome screamed, "Let me go!"

Kouga, filled with rage, proceeded to rip off Kagome's clothes while Kagome screamed for him to stop. Kagome hadn't seen him with this much rage since the time Naraku had killed his comrades and framed Inuyasha for it. Before she knew exactly what was happening, he was inside her, raping her as he held her arms above her head. She screamed and cried and kicked, trying to get him off of her. All this succeeded in doing was earning her another slap.

Kouga covered Kagome in his scent when he finished, and with a satisfied smirk, he rolled off of her and laid beside her. Kagome curled up in a ball and cried.

"You'll learn to like it Kagome. You'll enjoy being with a real man." Kouga said.

All Kagome could say between sobs was, "Why Kouga, why?"

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Back at Kaede's, Inuyasha began to worry when Izayoi began crying for food and Kagome wasn't back. Pissed that she lost herself in time again, he headed down to the river, only to find no Kagome, but ...

"This scent ..." he said to himself, "Where do I know it from?" Realization crept into as the scent became familiar. "Kouga! Dammit ... Kouga was here and he took Kagome." he said to himself as he headed to Sango and Miroku. Sango greeted him.

"Hi Inuyasha, where's Kagome?" she said cheerfully as she patted her son's back to burp him.

"Sango, I need a big favor. Kagome's missing. I think Kouga kidnapped her. I gotta go get her. Please feed Izayoi, she's hungry." Inuyasha spoke fast and breathlessly. Sango didn't have time to say anything as Inuyasha pushed his daughter into Sango free arm and rushed away. "Be safe Kagome.", he thought as he sped away.

************************************************************ ***************

The next two weeks were a living hell for Kagome. Obviously, Inuyasha had trouble finding her scent. Kouga continued to rape her time after time. He was still raging about her betrayal and demon pride. He wasn't the Kouga she knew. She had basically removed herself from the situation and it seemed like what was happening was happening to someone else. She kept her mind occupied with thoughts of Inuyasha. How different he was. Was this how men treated their women in this era? Inuyasha was always so gentle with her in bed. He still had his rough side, but when they shared pleasures he was the sweetest man ever. He was still so thankful to have her as his mate. Kouga demanded that when he wanted sex she had to relieve his need, no matter what. If she wasn't in the mood with Inuyasha, he would just cuddle with her, stroking her hair and back, while gently kissing her face. No matter how tired she was, she would rarely say no to his attentions. To Kouga, she was nothing more than property. She started crying again. She cried for her pups and she prayed for Inuyasha to find her soon.

************************************************************ ****************

Inuyasha had no scent to follow. He deducted Kouga had taken Kagome by leaping through the trees and scents disappear in the higher air. So he headed back to where the wolf demons existed, to the old den. He was looking for any sign of the demon. He hunted far and wide with no success. After two weeks had passed, he grew even more worried.

"Where did he take her?", he wondered aloud. The wolf demons he came upon said they hadn't seen Kouga in a while. He finally found himself back near the northern mountains. He picked up fresh wolf demon scent and then ...

"Kouga! It's his scent, I know it!!!" he declared out loud. Following it he came upon a hidden cave where he picked up Kagome's scent along with other scents. The scents of mating and tears. He ran into the cave.

He found Kagome, curled up in a ball, covered in bearskin but otherwise naked, sobbing.

"KAGOME!!" he yelled to her as he went over to pick her up. "INUYASHA!", Kagome screamed as she sat up. Inuyasha held her as she sobbingly told him what happened. Enraged over the sight of his wife and the scent of her tears as well as what had happened to her, he let his full demon come to the surface. He was in a killing mood.

This was the wrong time for Kouga to show up, but show up he did. Inuyasha turned and faced him, teeth bared and claws at the ready. Kouga dropped the boar he was carrying and faced off with Inuyasha.

"Fucking dog-shit, stay away from my woman. I claimed her first - you had no right to mate with her." Kouga yelled at Inuyasha.

"She was never your property! And if you loved her so much, how could you do that to her?" Inuyasha growled back at him.

The two men went at each other, but it was clear, Inuyasha had the upper hand from the start. His anger, full demon power, his training all worked to his advantage. Pretty soon Kouga was severely injured and unable to fight. Inuyasha went in for the kill when ...

"STOP! Inuyasha, please don't kill him," Kagome called out.

"Kagome, dammit, you're too damn forgiving. This wolf kidnapped you, he raped you, he deserves to die.", Inuyasha yelled back. But Inuyasha took a long look at Kagome and then looked back at the severely injured wolf.

"HMMMPPHH! I'll let you live, dammit, because I won't have your death on my conscience. How Kagome can forgive you after what you did to her is beyond me." Inuyasha finished before picking up Kagome and racing to home as Kouga simply stared into space.

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A/N: DARK chapter for me!! Glad you all are enjoying my first ever fanfic!! My love to all my reviewers and followers!!! InuyashaPuppyDog