InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Testament Of Love ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 33

Testament of Love

Inuyasha got Kagome to a safe location and stopped. He ripped off the bearskin and covered her in his hitoe. He then cradled her again in his arms and took off. While he ran, he cursed himself for not killing that damned wolf. Why did he always give in to Kagome?

"Because she is your weakness. You're nothing without her.", his mind answered for him.

Upon arriving in town, Sango and Kaede greeted them, grateful to see Kagome but worried about her state of mind. Inuyasha quickly asked Sango to keep an eye on his pups a while longer while he took care of Kagome. He took Kagome in and laid her down on the bed. He then prepared her a bath. After her bath was ready, he gently laid Kagome in the tub. In the safety of Inuyasha's arms she had slept - for the first time since she was taken. She woke up to Inuyasha taking his hitoe off and was grateful for the bath. Inuyasha gently but thoroughly began washing her clean. It didn't, however, remove the scent of wolf that now covered her. Only one thing would take care of that and he wasn't sure that Kagome wanted that right now.

"I feel ashamed, Inuyasha.", Kagome confided to him.

"It was not your fault Kagome,", Inuyasha reassured her as he gently kissed her.

"Make love to me Inuyasha," Kagome requested, pleading in her eyes.

"Are you sure?", Inuyasha responded, surprised.

"Yes," she replied, "The wolf scent on me must be driving your nose nuts. Please, reclaim me as yours. Cover me with your scent."

Inuyasha could never refuse Kagome. He helped her out of the tub and helped her dry off. He took her to their bed and laid her down. Taking it slow, he cuddled and kissed her until she let him know she was ready. They shared pleasures the rest of the afternoon and he covered her with his scent. Finally spent, Inuyasha let her sleep while he dressed and went to get the pups. The scent that now filled the bedroom was their mating scent. The way it should be.

That evening, Inuyasha brought Izayoi into to feed. Kagome had managed to keep most of her milk from drying up by expressing it as often as she could. But it wasn't enough. Sango had to come over and help out. Kagome watched sadly as another woman nursed her infant. Kouga took so much from her.

Sensing that they needed to be alone, as soon as Izayoi was finished, Sango left. Inuyasha went over and held his wife as she started crying again.

"He took so much from me, Inuyasha." she sobbed into his shoulder.

"But he didn't take your spirit," Inuyasha told her as he cupped her chin, "My Kagome is strong and her spirit can never be broken. That is the woman I love."

Kagome wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. She was a lucky woman.

While Kouga may have taken alot from Kagome, he ended up leaving her with something. A few weeks after returning home, Inuyasha picked up a familiar scent. Kagome was pregnant. He gently told her this one night, while Kagome just stared at him.

"Are you sure, Inuyasha?" she asked quietly.

"You doubting my sense of smell? I oughta know when you're pregnant by now." he remarked.

"I did have all that time without my tea. But we made love right after I returned. Maybe the infant's yours." she said, hopefully.

"Don't get your hopes up Koshii," Inuyasha said quietly, "I didn't smell your fertile scent when we made love."

"Oh." Kagome replied.

When Kaede found out about Kagome's pregnancy, she offered her some herbs that would 'cleanse' her. Kagome took them home. She told Inuyasha and he told her he would stand behind her no matter what she chose.

"Could you love the child of another man?" Kagome asked him pointedly.

"I don't know," he replied, honestly, as Kagome lowered her head, "But the child is still a part of you."

As winter grew near, Inuyasha plowed under his ground. Miroku, as he often did, showed up to chat with his friend. Pretty soon, the topic of Kagome's pregnancy came up.

"So, Inuyasha, can you accept the child of Kouga?", Miroku asked.

"Kagome asked me the same thing. Like I told her, I don't know. So just drop it, ok?" Inuyasha said, irritation in his voice.

Miroku looked at his friend and prayed to the gods for the child, Inuyasha and Kagome.


Spring 1556

As the birth came closer, Inuyasha should have sent for the mystic nursemaids, as protocol dictated. But he went against protocol. Unsure of how he would handle a child created by his rival, Inuyasha had planned to quickly smother the child before it took a breath and let Kagome think it had been stillborn. He thought he could do it.

Kagome had agreed not to have the nursemaids but allow Inuyasha to deliver the child. As the child emerged, Inuyasha prepared himself. But once he delivered the little girl, he found himself too weak. He wasn't that evil. The child smelled like Kouga and the child looked like Kouga with thick, black hair and deep blue eyes. He gave the baby to Kagome and she cuddled the child. Although this was Kouga's child, her motherly instincts took over. Inuyasha took care of the afterbirth and then cleaned up the child. As he washed her up, he realized what an exquisite beauty she was with porcelain skin to set off her black hair and blue eyes. She was a chubby baby, with small puppy ears that flopped over slightly up top. Despite her scent, Inuyasha found himself melting into her eyes. As he handed the baby back to Kagome, he cuddled up beside her. It wasn't long before Inuyasha found the baby's unique scent and he concentrated on that instead of the offensive scent.

They had never discussed names, and now it was too late. Kagome wondered what name Inuyasha would pick. She couldn't wait for the naming ceremony. As the months went by, the pup proved to be an easy child. She went right into a schedule and was an extremely happy pup. Her brothers adored her and the now toddling Izayoi kept begging to hold "puppy". The pup's giggles came easily as her siblings entertained her.

The naming ceremony came and Kagome learned the name Inuyasha had chosen. When asked the child's name he looked at the pup's fine, porcelain skin and announced ...

"The pup's name is Lily." Inuyasha said and Kagome readily agreed to the name. Her celestial body was the moon and her protector was Virgo.

As for Inuyasha, he doted on Lily as much as he doted on Izayoi. Both little girls had him wrapped around their little fingers so tight it was a wonder he could breathe. Miroku, being the same way with his daughters, could only laugh when he would see Inuyasha playing with his girls. Miroku sighed happily on the inside. His prayer had come true, Inuyasha accepted Kouga's child as if she was his own flesh and blood.

Kaede, too, was happy that Inuyasha had accepted the child. She was thrilled that Inuyasha had such a good life after all the heartache he had been through. She turned and walked back into her hut.