InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Shadowy Presence ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

A/N: Just a note to make sure we are all on the same page. The children in this chapter are aged as follows:

Kagome's: Yasha & Kentaro, 10; Shaoran & Shirrow, 9; Bunza, 8; Yukio, 7; Kieran & Kiyoshi, 6; Izayoi, 17 months; Lily, 5 months

Sango's: Cho, 10; Hotaru, 8; Miya, 7; Yukika, 5; Kaito, 2; Takuma, 17 months

Ok ... now onto the chapter.

Chapter 34

The Shadowy Presence

Late Summer, 1546

It was a hot, humid and lazy day. After Kagome and Sango finished their daily chores they agreed to meet by the river so the kids could swim and cool off. Inuyasha and Miroku agreed to join their families after they finished their work. The women packed a full picnic lunch for an afternoon of relaxation.

The women sat on the blanket, Kagome holding Lily, while Izayoi, Takuma and Kaito toddled around, picking flowers and chasing butterflies. Izayoi managed to catch one and promptly started starting eating it. (kids do that over there). Kagome just shook her head.

"Poor butterfly.", she said as Izayoi smiled wide.

"Kagome," Sango started hesitantly, "I never talked to you about this before, and I hope you don't mind, but I have to know. You're so powerful, why didn't you attack Kouga and escape?"

"I don't mind," Kagome responded as she changed Lily's diaper, "Actually, I've often asked myself that question. I was so shocked at what was happening. I was scared. It felt like my body wouldn't respond to my commands. Plus, I sorta felt sorry for him. He wasn't the Kouga I knew. I don't know what happened to him since I last saw him, but he wasn't the same."

Sango absorbed this and then asked, "What about your dagger, you could have injured him, couldn't you?"

"He found my dagger and tossed it.", Kagome replied quietly.

"But your demon didn't emerge," Sango said surprised. (Boy she remembers everything Kagome told her!!)

"I never feared for my life. I knew he wouldn't kill me. He wanted me to be an obedient mate." Kagome finished.

"Why did you stop Inuyasha from killing him? Your honor was at stake." Sango continued.

"Because it wouldn't have changed what happened to me. So what good would his death be? I didn't want Inuyasha to kill again, especially in front of me. I just wanted to get out of there." Kagome said.

Sango nodded, understanding. They continued to chat while watching the other children frolic in the river. Miroku and Inuyasha eventually joined them, and after their fill of lunch, the men decided to relax under the shade of the huge maple tree not far from the women.

The men chatted about nonsense before Miroku turned serious.

"Inuyasha," he started, "can I ask you a personal question?"

"Hmm.." Inuyasha agreed.

"Has Kagome ever refused you, you know, when you want to, you know ..." Miroku stumbled.

Inuyasha cocked his head and said, "Share pleasures?"

"Share ... pleasures?" Miroku asked

"Yea .. that's what the mystics call mating. I like it better than the word 'mating'." Inuyasha said.

"Ok, well, yea. Has she ever refused you?" Miroku asked.

"Not refused me, outright, usually she begs for it," Inuyasha bragged, "but seriously, there are times when she's not interested."

"What do you do if you really need to be satisfied?" Miroku continued.

"I cuddle with her, kiss her, pleasure her. Usually, after I start messing with her little nub, she's demanding me!", Inuyasha smiled at the thought.

"Pleasure her? Little nub?", Miroku asked, confused.

"Yea, you know, the nub down there between a woman's ....", then looking at the monk's even more confused look, "You've never pleasured Sango?"

"Women can experience pleasure ... like a man can?" Miroku questioned.

Whacking his head in a "DOH!" manner, Inuyasha stared at his friend, "You expect her to give you pleasure and you don't return it? How selfish can you be?"

"I didn't know.", Miroku said, thinking about what Inuyasha said, "What should I do?"

"Take your time, explore her body with your hands, your mouth. She'll tell you what is good and what's not. But the main thing is don't rush." Inuyasha explained, chuckling to himself as he looked at the irony of the worthless hanyou giving the lecherous monk sexual advice.

The men looked down at the commotion going on around their wives. Cho, Hotaru, and Miya were sitting on the blanket, braiding Sango and Kagome's hair. Yukika was napping next to Lily, who was gnawing on a pig leg bone, and Takuma and Izayoi were laying in their mothers' laps. The commotion, though, was Inuyasha's 8 boys playing pirates around the blankets. Kagome had regaled the boys with stories of pirates and the seven seas and now they were acting it out.

"We have you captured now! You're our prisoners!", Kentaro yelled out as the boys danced around the blanket, waving wooden swords.

Playing along, the women began 'yelling', "Oh help us, save us, someone please help us!"

Deciding to get involved, the men jogged down to the group as Miroku yelled out, "We'll save you, fair maidens."

Bunza yelled back, "You can't defeat us! We're strong!"

"Oh yea?", Inuyasha cried out, "Do you know what we do to pirates who come on shore?" He said as he grabbed Yasha and Miroku grabbed Shaoran and the ran to the river, "We toss them back to sea!" And with that, Inuyasha tossed Yasha into the water followed closely by Shaoran. The other boys quickly gathered around, wanting to be tossed too. Soon, Miroku and Inuyasha were throwing all the boys into the water and then repeating it when they got out of the water. The laughter from all of them could be heard all the way to the village.

They didn't realize their fun was being silently watched by a shadowy figure in the trees.

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A/N: Ahhhh, I love drama!!! Till next time!!!