InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Figure in the Forest ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

A/N: Just a note to make sure we are all on the same page. The children in this chapter are aged as follows:

Kagome's: Yasha & Kentaro, 10; Shaoran & Shirrow, 9; Bunza, 8; Yukio, 7; Kieran & Kiyoshi, 6; Izayoi, 17 months; Lily, 5 months

Sango's: Cho, 10; Hotaru, 8; Miya, 7; Yukika, 5; Kaito, 2; Takuma, 17 months

Ok ... now onto the chapter.

Chapter 35

The Figure in the Forest

After tossing pups into the river over and over, the pups tired of the game and began exploring. Inuyasha went back to Kagome and flopped down beside her on his back, arms behind his head.

"Did the pups tire the old man out?", Kagome teased, ruffling his hair.

"Feh, yea right, like they could tire me out. They gave out first.", Inuyasha commented.

Miroku sat down beside Sango and Takuma climbed into his lap looking to be hugged. Izayoi climbed out of her mother's lap and plopped down on Inuyasha's stomach with a loud giggle as she bounced up and down on her rump. Inuyasha sat up and cradled her in his arms as he began blowing raspberries into her stomach, causing her to laugh even louder. He then got up and began swinging her between his legs, getting cries of "More!" from his daughter. Totally enjoying himself, Inuyasha was laughing as hard as Izayoi. Eventually, Izayoi wanted down and she went over and laid beside Lily, who had since fallen asleep. Inuyasha resumed his position beside Kagome.

The group was quiet for a while, just enjoying the peace and quiet of the afternoon. Sango and Miroku chatted quietly for a while before Miroku, who was now laying on his back, started to ask Inuyasha a question.

"Uh, Inuyasha, what do you think of ..." Miroku started then Sango interrupted,

"I don't think he's paying attention to you, Miroku.", Sango said.

"Huh?", Miroku asked as he sat up and looked to his friend who definitely was NOT paying attention to him ... or to anyone other than Kagome. The two were locked in a heated embrace, Kagome in Inuyasha's arms with Inuyasha on top of her, kissing passionately, oblivious to their surroundings. Inuyasha's hands started wandering, as Kagome suddenly broke the kiss.

"Not in front of the children.", Kagome said, flushed.

"Ok,", Inuyasha agreed, "Sango, Miroku, go home." Kagome slapped him playfully.

"Inuyasha!", she said, laughing.

"What?", said Inuyasha, innocently, "You certainly aren't thinking of OUR pups are you? Might I remind you they are the ones who come in for cuddles asking us if we're done making noise."

Kagome blushed at the thought. She remembered that they shared pleasures even when the pups were still sleeping in their bedroom. Yup, they knew something happened between their parents at night.

As the sun started to set, they started to pack up and head for home. As they parted, Sango and Miroku's kids yelled goodbye to their friends as they each went to their homes. The pups were so exhausted that they dragged themselves into bed after kissing their parents goodnight. Kagome nursed Lily and Izayoi, who sometimes would keep asking for milk. Inuyasha scoffed at this because she was supposed to be weaned, but Kagome ignored his comments. After Izayoi finished and had her hugs and kisses, Inuyasha laid her down on her bed, and soon she was asleep with Lily following close behind.

Taking the opportunity for some together time, Inuyasha and Kagome took a walk in the humid night air, arm in arm, to the scared tree. There they held each other, sharing kisses. Feeling playful, Kagome let her hands roam to sensitive spots as her husband moaned his approval.

She cooed softly, "What do you want, baby?"

"Pleasure me, woman.", Inuyasha replied in a playfully demanding voice.

She untied his obi and pulled down his hakama pants and began pleasuring him as he used the tree for support. She then started pleasuring him with her mouth, causing louder moans to escape from Inuyasha as his claws scrapped at the tree. She then placed her hands on his legs, as he held her head, and she let him control the speed and movement.He reached his climax and Kagome swallowed all of him.

He helped her stand and they started kissing passionately until both were breathless. Inuyasha took off his hitoe and laid it on the ground and Kagome was quickly sitting on it. As they began kissing again, Kagome, letting her inner tigress out, demanded that Inuyasha give her his demon. This drove Inuyasha wild as their clothes came off quickly. Letting his demon blood surface meant that there would be no sweet talk, no cuddling, just a wild, unadulterated, feral, animalistic fuck. To do so sent Inuyasha into instinct mode, allowing the lust filled demon to take over. Damn, he loved her when she was like this! To anyone who might have heard Kagome's cries, she sounded like a banshee in heat, an animal in the night. To anyone watching, it must have appeared as an assault or a master controlling his slave.

Their climaxes came close together, their sweat covered bodies lying together, spent. Lying together in bliss for a while, they eventually got up, Kagome picked up their clothes and without getting dressed, Inuyasha picked Kagome up bridal style and walked back to their home.

He didn't see the figure who spied on them and he didn't see the slithery white demons swirling around the figure.

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A/N: Ok ... I know we all know who we have here .... he he he ... till next time.