InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what to do............. ❯ meeting in the woods ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What to do…

Chapter 2 ‘meting in the woods’

kagomes pov ...
I finished eating early before the guys came back … I didn’t have to tell songo were I was going she nodded and keept eating. I left and walked into the woods and walked to a cliff that over looked the small town. I leand up against a tree and looked up at the stars. Then I herd him and spoke up I don’t think he knew that I knew he was there thogh …

I knew you would come I don’t know why though I just did … come sit I’m not going to bit …

Is it safe … I mean wont inuyasha …

No he with the others … don’t worry its fine …

You mean he don’t know your out here … wont he worry about you and come looking for you?

No … he wont songo has it covered …

Oh …

He sat down and looked up at the stars … it seemed like an houe before I broke the silence …

So what was that about this morning … why did you hellp me when you did? That’s not like you at all normaly you hate humans … don’t you?

Umm …

Lol I’ll take that as a yes … but its ok …

sesshomaruos pov ...
How do I tell her how I feel … I want to but I cant she’s with inuyasha … damn I cant talk to her with out wanting her …

Seshomaruo … are you lissining to me?

Oh … umm … sorry …

Lol … did you just say sorry … I’ve never herd you say that before …

What’s that sapost to mean?

Oh nothing … hey what’s that there running to the woods?

It looks like inuyasha … I wonder what he’s up to?

I’m going to follow him … I’ll be back.

kagomes pov ...
I followed inuyasha into the woods and fond him running to a clearing … then I seen her kikyo … I knew he was seeing her but a part of me still loved him no mater what … but all this changed when I herd there convrsaion …

Kikyo I missed you its been 4 days …

I know but I had to lay low for a wile …


Kagome was suspecting something … she cares for you … what are you going to do when she finds out what we’ve been doing …

I don’t care for her I want nothing to do with her …

I herd this and tears came to my eyes … I just ran back to seshomaruo! He seen me coming and got up … I ran into his arm and cried. He put his arms around me and hugged me. I could tell he was unease about this so I stepped back …

I’m sory I didn’t mean to its just … inuyasha is with kikyo agine and …

Its ok kagome tell me what he said …

Ok …
Kikyo I missed you its been 4 days …

I know but I had to lay low for a wile …


Kagome was suspecting something … she cares for you … what are you going to do when she finds out what we’ve been doing …

I don’t care for her I want nothing to do with her …
That’s what he said …

Its ok kagome …

Then I started to cry again! Then seshomaruo stepped up to me and hugged me. I stopped crying and looked up to him …

Will you … kagome … come back with me to the western lands … to be Rin’s mother figure? Please … you’re better off with me than that mutt inuyasha ... his minds on someone else … unlike mine …

I … cant … I mean I want to but I just cant up and leave my friend like that …

Then tell them … I’ll be here … go and get your things


I ran back to the hut with tears still in my eyes … I ran in the hut and found songo, miroku, and shippo talking …

Kagome what’s wrong?

Nothing … I’m leaving …

Why were you going … (wined shippo)

I looked to songo and she just looked at me then miroku spoke up …

Where are you going kagome and were is inuyasha?

He’s with kikyo again …

I blerted out and started crying again as I packed my things …

Oh no … did you see them?

Yes I did and I’m leaving … (I looked to songo again) … with seshomaruo!

Your what … you cant …

Shippo its ok I’ll be fine … wait … shippo do you want to come with me to live in the western lands?

But I …

Get your thing … and come on you’re my son right well you going to stay with me seshomaruo wont hurt you I promes …

Ok …

And with that he ran and got his thing and come back … I looked to songo and miroku …

When inuyasha comes back tell him I left … and when he asks where tell him I went with seshomaruo and I’m not coming back …

And with that I picked up shippo and lefted to the hill where seshomaruo was with ah and un … waiting for me …

I see you have a friend …

Yes I’m taking him with me I’m not going to leave him with that two face inuyasha … and your not to put a hand on him … you hear me …

Yes I hear you … just keep him out of my way and he'll be fine …

I put shippo on ah and un with Rin and got up to. Seshomaruo then picked up the riens and we went to his castile in the west …

no one pov ...
Inuyasha walked in to the hut to find songo and miroku mad.

What’s going on … wheres kagome …

If you wouldn’t know …

What’s that s'post to mean …

Kagome left …

What do you mean she left?

She’s with seshomaruo now … she seen you with kikyo again and heard what you said and left …

She want … I cant believe her …

Well we can …

(a/n) thank you all for the comments I’ll be up dating a lot on this one! Every one loves this one but I want you all to take a look at my other story k!