InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ The trap ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I no own Inuyasha

A/N: hey sorry I didn't update in like forever but well I was sick again and then I went on spring break!!!!!!!!! Yay the Caribbean is awesome and I got a tan!! And had a lot of family problems and well couldn't think of anything but this popped into my head one day so yeah. Oh well who cares about that we just care about Inuyasha right? Well here is the next chapter.

Chapter 10

The Trap

As Kagome was riding Kirara, she became worried for Inuyasha's sake. `What if he gets hurt and doesn't come back? What if he dies? I do NOT want to loose my fiancé. I love him even though he can be such a jerk sometimes. Inuyasha stay safe.'


Koga took a swing at Inuyasha who dodged and swung his sword at Koga who dodged that. That's pretty much how the whole fight was going. Until….

"Hey mutt face, take a look behind you."

"Feh. Like I'm going to fall for a stupid trick like that I mean who would be behind me? A tree? Ha!"

"So Inuyasha you think of me as a tree."

"What? Kikyou? What are you doing here? I thought I told you to get lost."

"Why aren't you with your precious Kagome Inuyasha? I thought you loved her and wouldn't leave her side."

"She had to get out of here I didn't want her getting hurt."

"Well looks like you failed." She turned and looked back into the trees while Koga was standing looking quite amused. "Ok boys bring her out." The soul collectors floated up carrying with them what happened to be an unconscious Kagome.

"Kagome!!!!!!!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled as he ran towards her only just to be pushed back by a barrier. "What the fuck did you do to her??? You are dead Kikyou once I kill Koga ill get you. And get Kagome back."

"I don't think so Inuyasha because if you try to take her or hurt Koga or I…" she reached down into her pants and pulled a knife and held it to Kagome's throat. "I will kill her."

At that point Miroku came up behind Kikyou and knocked the knife out of her hand.

"I don't think so bitch." He then used his staff to get rid of the barrier so he could gently take Kagome back. " I will find a place to put her Inuyasha. I can tell you have business to take care of."

"Thanks monk. I owe you one."

"Yeah you do." He turned to the trees where Sango appeared and picked up Kagome. "Sango my love get Kilala ready!"

Well now Inuyasha was pissed off. "That's it you damn wolf you are dead." He took tetsuiga and did the ultimate attack. The first time it missed but the second it hit dead on. After the blast was over he went to find only clay pieces of Kikyou lying on top of a demolished carcass that he assumed was Koga's. After looking at their carcasses he turned and headed off to the village full speed trying to see how Kagome was doing, only to find that no one was there.

`Where the fuck did everyone go?'


A/N: well that's all for now. I hope you liked it all though I'm not too pleased with this chapter and I hope I can get a good one in soon. Well here you go happy?