InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What you don't know can change you ❯ The end... ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Ok I know I haven't updated in awhile but I am now. Sorry if the last chapter was sad but this is gonna be the last sad chapter for awhile....I hope. It might be pretty long, it's the gang remembering memories of Kei, the wake and the funeral. Sorry if there's any mistakes but I'm using a program that doesn't have spell check. Thanks to everyone who reviewed and is still reading it! Now enjoy the new chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or anything to do with InuYasha except for my fanfics and pictures I draw.

Kagome rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer. It was a few minutes untill InuYasha opened. "About time. Ranei, Kasumi, Miroku and Sango have been here for a half hour now. What took you so long?" he asked. He moved out of the way so Kagome could walk in then closed the door.

"Sorry. There were a couple of visiters at the shrine so I had to stay. Did you and the others get the stuff I sent?" she asked, taking off her shoes. InuYasha nodded. When Kagome had gone home after they had gone through Kei's stuff, she had scanned all of Kei's poems, pictures and photos then sent them to everybody.

Now they were having a sleep over. They were going to watch all of the movies that Kei made with her camera. "Are those the movies?" InuYasha pointed at the back on her back. "Yup. All eight of them. I checked and they're not too long so we'll still be able to watch all of them and be able to get up earily for the wake tomorrow." Kagome told him.

Both of them walked up the stairs and into InuYasha's room where Miroku, Sango, Kasumi, Ranei and Sesshoumaru were waiting. Everyone said hi except for Kasumi, who just gave her a small smile. The VCR had been hooked up and Kagome wasted no time. She grabbed one of the videos and quickly put it in, then sat down next to Sango.

InuYasha pushed play and a picture of the camp they went to on a field trip came on. "This is what is the name of the camp again?..... Oh well who cares about that. Anyway, this is where we'll be living for a few days", they heard Kei's voice say behind the camera. The scene changed and they saw Sesshoumaru, Ranei and Kasumi grabbing their bags from the bus.

"Hey Sess can you grab my bags for me?" she asked. "Why can't you do it yourself?" His back was to the camera and he didn't know that he was being filmed. But Ranei and Kasumi did, and they were trying very hard not to laugh. Everyone knew Sesshoumaru hated to get filmed and photographed.

"But Sess that's what boyfriends are for. They're suppose to do stuff for the girl. Plus, I'm busy." she said. Sesshoumaru finally turned around. "What would you be busy with?" he started to asked. Then he saw the camera. His eyes narrowed and soon he was chasing after her.

"I remember that. Kei was trying to run away from him backwards and still film him at the same time." Ranei laughed. "It wasn't that funny." Sesshoumaru muttered as everyone else started laughing. "Yeah it was and it gets funnier." Ranei said.

Suddenly the camera went crashing to the ground then someone picked it up. They saw Sesshoumaru and Kei rolling around on the ground. Sesshoumaru seemed to be tickleing her.

Some how, Kei was able pin Sesshoumaru on his back. "Ha who is the master!" Kei cheered and smirked down at him, sticking her tongue out. "Don't stick it out unless you intend to use it." Sesshoumaru said. Kei's smirk grew bigger and she whispered something in his ear. Sesshoumaru's eyes widdened in shock and Kei took that chance to escape.

She quickly jumped off him and ran behind Kasumi, using her as a human sheild. Sesshoumaru got up and just as he was going to run after her, one of the teachers blew a whistle. Sesshoumaru glared at Kei then walked to the bus and grabbed his bags. Once his back was to Kei, she stuck her tongue out at him again.

Then she realized something. "Hey Sess! You still haven't got my bags for me!" she yelled to him. Then the screen went blank. Everyone laughed except for Sesshoumaru. "Did you ever get her bags?" Kagome asked him. "No. She ended up dragging all three of them herself." Sango answered instead.

Another scene came on and they all settled down to watch. It was a beach and all the students were either swimming or tanning. "Ok. I'm about to atempt the rope. As you may know, I can't swim if my life depended on it, but I'm going to try," they heard Kei whisper. "Hey Sango can you film me? I'm going to try going on the rope but I need proof or my mom will never believe me." Kei asked.

The scene switched to Kei climbing onto the big rock and grabbing the rope. She took three breathes, then jumped off. She landed in the water with a big splash. But she didn't come back up. "Kei!" they heard Sango yell. One of the teachers blew his whistle and was about to jump in, but InuYasha beat him.

He quickly dived in. It was a few moments before he surfaced, holding an unconsious Kei. He brought her on land and the teacher pushed him out of the way. After he did CPR for a few minutes, Kei finally coughed violently. Everyone gave a sigh of relief while the teacher helped her sit up.

"Never ever do that again!" Ranei yelled. "You're just lucky InuYasha saved you." the teacher said. "Feh." he said and turned away. Kei smiled at him while Sesshoumaru helped her stand up and Kasumi wrapped a towel around her. Then the screen went black. Kagome hit the eject button and the video popped out.

She put the video in it's case then put another one in the VCR and pressed play. The scene was another beach. The sun was setting and the gang were the only ones there.

"Hey I remember there! That was when we went to LawrenceTown Beach." Sango said. "Don't remind me," Ranei muttered. Both her and Kasumi were blushing at the memory. "Oh come on Ranei, it was funny," Kagome teased. Ranei ignored her and went back to watching the video.

"Ok people, I'm about to enter very dangerous territory. Wish me luck," they heard Kei whisper. The scene was of Ranei and Kasumi in a very passionat kiss. Kasumi was laying on her back while Ranei was on top of her. Kasumi's hands were tangled in Ranei's hair and Ranei's hands were on each side of her head and one of her legs was between Kasumi's.

"During mating, the Ranei tends to be demanding and dominent." Kei said. She went explaining, pretending they were animals as a joke. Kei walked a little closer and hid behind a boulder. Unfortinitly she stepped on a stick and it made a loud snapping noise. Ranei's head shot up and she looked around.

"Kei" Ranei growled. "Oh shit!" Kei cursed and quietly tried to walk away. But It was too late. "Get back here you little bitch!" Ranei yelled and started running after her. "I forgot to mention that it's bad to inturrupt the Ranei because they are very very agressive when they are horny!" Kei yelled, trying to get away from Ranei.

Everyone except for Ranei and Kasumi broke out laughing as they watched Ranei run after Kei. "Oh shut up! It wasn't that funny!" Ranei snapped. By now both girls were blushing a deep red. "Oh we're only teasing Ranei" Kagome said. Ranei stuck her tongue at her. "Sweetie just let it go" Kasumi told Ranei calmly and quietly. Ranei looked at her then sighed and watched the video.

"Help! I'm being attacked! Someone save me!" Kei cried. Everyone looked towards her, thinking that she was in real danger, but saw a pissed off Ranei chasing her instead, followed close behind by Kasumi. "Ranei calm down! It was just Kei being Kei!" Kasumi called after her. They watched as the camera dropped to the ground and then saw Kei hide behind Kagome.

Just as they were waiting to see what happened next, Kagome turned it off. "Hey!" Miroku protested. "It's time to get to bed, we have to go to the wake tomorrow" Kagome reminded them, putting the video back in her bag. The girls went down stairs while Sesshoumaru went to his room and Miroku went to a spare room.

InuYasha tossed and turned in his bed then finally gave up and opened his eyes. He just couldn't get thoughts of Kei out of his head.InuYasha pulled a box out from under his bed and opened it. He pulled out a cd and put it into his stereo and pushed play. He listened as piano keys played and Kei's voice began.

Hold on to me love
you know I can't stay long
all I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid, Oh!
can you hear me?
can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

I'll miss the winter
a world of fragile things
look for me in the white forest
hiding in a hollow tree(come find me)
I know you hear me
I can taste it in your tears

Holding my last breath
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

Closing your eyes to disappear
you pray your dreams will leave you here
but still you wake and know the truth
no one's there

Say goodnight
don't be afraid
calling me calling me as you fade to black

(Say goodnight...)
Holding my last breath
(don't be afraid...)
safe inside myself
(calling me calling me as you fade to black)
are all my thoughts of you
(sweet raptured light) it ends here tonight

Holding my last breath...
safe inside myself...
are all my thoughts of you...
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight...

Holding my last breath...

InuYasha listened as the song ended and a new one began. 'I won't be sleeping much tonight. Might as well start on my speech for the funeral.' he thought.

"Do you know where we're suppose to be going?" Sango asked Kagome. She had been leading them down three hallways and they still weren't at the room where Kei's wake was. "Yes I know where we're going. It's just another hallway." Kagome answered. Just as she said, one more hallway nd then they were there.

They walked into the room to not see very many people there. Mostly it was friends of Kei's or the family's since Kei's mother and father didn't have any family left. "Hey look! Mr. Slovana made it!" Kagome exclaimed. They looked over to where she was pointing and saw Ms. Kimoko talking to a middle-aged man.

They walked over to them. Ms. kimoko gave them a small smile when she saw them. "Hello children. I'm glade you made it. But you seem to be missing two; where's Ranei and Kasumi?" she asked."Kasumi found it too hard to come in so her and Ranei are waiting in the car." Kagome answered.

"The poor dear. Please give a hug to kasumi for me." she said. Kagome nodded. "Oh yes, Kagome, Sesshoumaru and Sango, you've met Nikita, but I don't think Miroku and InuYasha have. Boys, this is Kei's father, Nikita Slovana." Ms. Kimoko introduced to them.

Now that he could see his face, InuYasha was surprised that he was Kei's father. Now that he thought about it, Kei didn't look like either of her parents. Ms.Kimoko had a small round face with dark brown almond shaped eyes and thin lips that looked to big for her face. Her skin was a tanned colored and her thick shoulder length hair was all grey.

She had a long neck and was about an inch or two taller than Kagome. Her whole body was thin and her fingers were long and boney. Mr. Slovana had small pale blue eyes, too small for his long oval shaped head. His nose was pointed and his lips were more like a thin line. He had black hair, with a few grey strands and a black wirey mustach and beard.

He was three inches shorter than Sesshoumaru and had the same build. InuYasha puzzled over that while he shook his hand. "Nice to meet both of you." Mr. Slovana said. His words were hard and held a rough russian accent. Kei's mother's voice was high and she spoke fast with a japanese accent.

'I wonder if Kei was adopted' InuYasha thought. An old lady came over to them to talk with Ms. Kimoko so the others left them and walked over to the casket. "Is Kei adopted?" InuYasha asked. "You noticed to? As far as I know, those are Kei's birth parents. But you're right, she could be adopted. Her parents look nothing like her." Kagome said.

They came to the open casket and looked in. It looked like Kei was only peacfuly sleeping, not dead. She had been dressed in a simple black saten dress. Her hands were folded and resting on her chest. InuYasha brushed away a few strands of her bangs that were in her eyes then his finger traced over the red scare that ran down her eye.

Kagome handed him the black rose they had bought and InuYasha placed it between her hands. Kagome placed a hand on his arm. "Come on InuYasha, lets go. Ranei and Kasumi are waiting for us." she said softly. "You guys go on ahead of me, I want to stay here for a few more minutes" he told her.

Kagome nodded then bent over and kissed Kei on the forehead. "Good bye Kei. We love you and we'll miss you very much" she whispered. Sesshoumaru, Sango and Miroku did the same and then the four of them left the room. InuYasha noticed Mr. Slovana walk over. "She is a beautiful young lady. I wish I had been around more." he said.

InuYasha watched as he brushed back her bangs that had gotten her her face again. Ms. Kimoko walked over to them. "InuYasha dear, they're going to close the casket soon. You better get going. They want to talk to us about the funeral Nikita." she said. Mr. Slovana nodded and the two walked away.

"Well I better go Kei. Rest in peace my love." InuYasha whispered and kissed both her eyelids.

"God, why did you do this? What was your reason to take Kei Kimoko, a young child, away from us?" The priest said. InuYasha and the others listened as he made his speech. If Kei had been there, she would have rolled her eyes and pretended to gag. She hated religious stuff. He heard Kasumi cry sofly and Ranei trying to calm her down.

Everywhere around him, people were crying. He looked over at Sesshoumaru who was watching the priest. His face held no emotion but InuYasha could see the saddness in his eyes. The priest finished his speech and 'amen' was heard echoing around the large church. "And now, is there anyone here who would like to say a few words?"

InuYasha stood up and walked to the front of the chruch. They had disided that instead of them all going up, they would make one who speech and InuYasha would read it. InuYasha cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Kei was the most beautiful, intelligent person I have ever met. If she were here right now, she would tell us all to get on with our lives. Kei always cared about others before she cared about herself. When we were lonely, she was there. When we were sad, she was there. If we were bored, you could count on it that she'd be there making our lives for interesting.

Kei once told me that she could not live her life and die happily if someone she loved was unhappy. She also said, 'I will die happily knowing that no one I love is in pain.' Some people found her loving soul to be foolish and time wasting. She would just shrug her shoulders and go on with her life.

Kei was a carefree spirit and didn't have anything to worrie about. Except for getting to school on time and passing her science tests." Kagome laughed softly when he said that. "What I'm trying to say is, we should be happy. Kei would want it that way." he said. 'Amen' echoed around the room as he walked back to his seat.

"That was a really good job InuYasha." Kagome whispered. "Feh." A few more people went up to speak and then the priest said one more prar. Finally the funeral was over. Time to put Kei to rest. Sango, Ranei, Miroku, Sesshoumaru and InuYasha walked to the front of the room. Ms. Kimoko had asked them to carry the casket along with Mr. Slovana and a friend of her's.

Mr. Slovana and Sesshoumaru grabbed the rear handles, Ranei and Sango grabbed the middle ones and InuYasha and a tall thin man with brown hair took the front. When they were given the signal, the lifted the casket up and began carrying it out of the church and into the graveyard. It had been raining all morning and it still hadn't stopped.

They placed the casket onto the cover and someone started lowering it into the grave. InuYasha watched as it it slowly dissapeared beneath the earth. All around him people were crying now but InuYasha's eyes staying dried. Finally they heard the soft thud of the casket hitting the ground. It was over. That was the end of the funeral and the end of Kei.

InuYasha looked around for Kagome and Kasumi and found them with the others. Ranei's arms were wrapped around Kasumi in a gentle hug and was rubbing her back. He saw Kagome, Sango and Kasumi all shaking from crying. Or maybe it was from the cold rain. A little of both InuYasha thought.

"Come on guys we better get home or we'll all get sick from this rain.Plus, it might be too hard to leave if we stay too long. We need to go on with our lives like Kei would want." he said. Everyone nodded but Ranei seemed to be in deep thought about something as they walked to their cars. 'I wonder what she's thinking about. I'll have to ask her.' InuYasha thought.

Inu_Girl17: FINALLY!!! It took me a whole week to write this chapter so you better like it! Also, this was the last chapter of boring chapters. That's right, the next chapter is the start of the actual plot! No more of the boring depressing crap! So I can't wait but you have to review!! Also I finally drew some pics for the fic and they're up on my website and also here on mediaminer.Two are of Ranei and Kasumi(they're my fav characters to draw) and the third one is of my friend's main character in her fic. So I guess that's all. I better get going cause it's 6:43am here and I need to have a shower and get ready for school. Yuck! Make sure you review for this and also for my pictures! Bye!!

Food for the thought: I may be short but I can still kick ass!