InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What you don't know can change you ❯ The Aftermath..... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but life keeps getting in the way. Thanks go out to Amantes2, kk and Kuramas Gurl for reviewing!
Review Responses:
Amantes2: I understand completely that you hate me but I please ask you to not stop reading this fic. Everything will all be clear and make sense in a few chapters. Until then I will tell you a special secret: Kei was not rapped and murdered. She is still alive. That's all I'm telling ya!
Kk: Gods you say shit a lot lol. I know it was sad and, prepare yourself, the next two or three chapters are also gonna be sad. But after that it's gonna get good and have lots of surprises lol.
Lyrics and Poems are in italics. Ok now onto the chapter!!
Disclaimer: If I owned InuYasha do you really think I'd be sitting at this computer and writing fanfics? I thought not.
I do not own any of the songs mentioned in this chapter but I do own the poems!
Kagome woke up when her cell phone started ringing. Everyone else groan, mad at the phone for ringing so early and waking them up. After they had left the hospital, everyone went back to Sesshoumaru and InuYasha's place. They decided to just stay there for the night since no one was fit to drive.
“Hello”, Kagome said sleepily. “Oh hello Ms. Kimoko. Oh no it's not too early. Uh huh. I understand. I'll ask the others, they'll most likely want to help me. I hope you'll be ok Ms. Kimoko. Ok bye”, She said and hung up.
“What did Kei's mom want”, Sango asked. “She's staying in a hotel right now. She can't stand to be in the apartment since Kei isn't there anymore. While she's gone, she wanted me to go over and go through Kei's stuff”, Kagome told them.
“But why”, Ranei asked. “I don't think she wants her stuff there anymore. It must be pretty hard for her, knowing her daughter is gone. I'm going over there now. She said you guys can come to”, Kagome told them.
“What are you guys going on about? It's like 8:30 in the morning”, InuYasha growled. “Ms. Kimoko just called. She wants us to go over to the apartment and go through Kei's stuff. Throw out junk, keep stuff we want, etc.”, Kagome said.
“Well I'm coming. I'll go wake Miroku and Sesshoumaru. They'll probably want to come to”, he said. Kagome nodded and InuYasha went back upstairs. And hour and a half later, everyone was ready and driving to Kei's apartment.
Kagome took out her key chain and put in one of the keys and unlocked the apartment door and walked in. “Where did you get a key”, Miroku asked. “Since we were always coming over, Kei's mom gave each of us a key to the door so we could let ourselves in”, Ranei told him.
“And how come I didn't get one”, he aske. “Because you would probably use it to sneak into her room at night”, Sango said. “Sango you hurt me”, Miroku said in mock hurt, covering his heart with his hand as if it were wounded.
“Yeah well if you don't shut up then I'll hurt you more”, she threatened as she walked in after Kagome. Everyone all walked in and took of their shoes. Kei's black cat Magic walked over to them and meowed, as if to say `Where is mommy.'
“Hey Magic. Do you miss mommy? So do we”, Kasumi said, picking up the cat. “Come on we better get started. This job is going to be really hard”, Kagome said and opened Kei's bedroom door.
It was still the same as when the last time they had seen it. Kei's hammock was still nailed to the left and back wall in the corner of the room. Her dresser and bookshelf was against the right wall.
There was a desk with a computer and a monitor against the left wall next to her hammock. A high CD stand was in the other back corner and a stereo was on her nightstand next to it.
The walls were white but covered in lots of posters and pictures. On one wall was a large bulletin board with little notes and pictures of the gang. On the floor under her hammock were three large plastic crates.
One had paper, pencils and all kinds of other art supplies. Another had more pictures and six photo albums. The last crate had more books, CD's and movies. Everyone all sat down on the floor.
“It feels weird being in here without Kei”, Sango said. Everyone nodded. “Come on guys we better get started”, Kagome said and opened one of the dresser drawer. In it was a pile of socks and underwear.
Miroku moved to look closer but InuYasha smacked him in the head. “We can donate most of this stuff”, Kagome said and started putting it all in a garbage bag that she had brought.
Kasumi wrote `Donate' on a strip of tape and stuck it on the bag. Kagome opened the next drawer to find sweaters, long sleave shirts and t-shirts. “Most of this stuff won't fit us except for me and I couldn't handle wearing them. Lets but them all in the donate bag”, Kasumi said.
In went the shirts. The final drawer had skirts, jeans and shorts. “Kei actually has skirts besides the school uniform”, Sango asked surprised. “It seems so”, Kagome said, pulling out a knee length jean skirt. Kei's name was in red beads at the bottom and there was a pink beaded flower.
Sesshoumaru quickly grabbed the skirt out of Kagome's hands. Everyone gave him a questioning look. “Kei only wore this skirt once and it was on our eighth date”, was his only answer.
“Hey wasn't that the date when Kei kissed you? I remember her telling me that you wouldn't make a move so she was going to take matters into her own hands”, Ranei said, starting to laugh.
“You mean the Sesshoumaru was afraid to kiss a girl”, Miroku said and broke out laughing. Soon everyone was laughing until Sesshoumaru growled at them to stopped. Kagome kept a knee length flowing white skirt with lace at the end and Sango and Ranei kept two pairs of jeans each. The rest of the clothes went into the donate bag.
Next they went through the CD rack, keeping ones they wanted and putting the rest into another bag marked `Sell'. They tore down the posters and pictures of them. The posters were rolled up and the ones that no one wanted were put in the sell bag and the pictures were put into a pile to be gone through after.
“We should keep the hammock, blanket and pillows incase Ms. Kimoko might need them”, Kasumi said. She was about to put them in another garbage bag marked `Keep' but InuYasha grabbed them from her.
“What the hell InuYasha? It's not like you need them”, Sango said. “Feh. I have my reasons”, was all he said. They were covered in Kei's beautiful scent of roses and summer rain. It was the only thing he had of her.
Everyone just shrugged and Kagome started taking down the books from the shelf. They were sorted out between those who wanted them and the sell bag. Kagome opened the art cart and started taking out the paper.
“Ms. Kimoko might need this so we'll keep it. Same with the pencils and pens”, Ranei suggested. Kagome nodded and put all the things into the keep bag. Miroku picked up a giant binder and opened it.
“Kei was a beautiful artist”, he commented. They all looked over his shoulder and looked at the pictures. Some were of her cat, others were of animals that she had seen when she was traveling with her dad.
“Hey look, there's one of InuYasha”, Kasumi pointed out. Indeed there was. It was of InuYasha sitting on a branch, leaning against the tree. He was looking out into the ocean. It was done in colored sketching pencils.
“I think this was done when we went on that school camping trip to Cape Breton for the weekend last year”, Kagome said. “She did a good job on it, it looks just like you. She especially got your eyes and facial expression good. It looks almost real', Ranei said.
“I didn't even know she was sketching me”, InuYasha said. Kagome unsnapped the binder hoops and took out the picture. “Here InuYasha, you can have it”, she said and handed it to him.
He took it and placed it with the other stuff. They continued to look at the pictures. There were more from the trip, the ocean, animals and lots of sketches of them. They placed the binder with the photos.
There were more binders filled with sketches. They were mostly of them at school and other places and the rest were of more animals. They placed the binders with the photos and the first binder.
When the art cart was empty, they opened the cart filled with photos and albums. Inside were hundreds of pictures of them that Kei had taken. There was one of Miroku fashioning off another handprint from Sango and another had one Ranei and Kasumi sleeping on the couch. Ranei was sprawled out on her back and Kasumi was laying on top of her and Ranei had an arm around her.
“Aw you two look so cute”, Sango teased. Both girls were blushing but Ranei was also glaring at Sango, who was laughing. Then they saw a picture of Sango, who had birthday cake all over her shirt.
“I remember that. That was your birthday last year. You pissed off Ranei so she threw a handful of cake at you”, Miroku laughed. Sango glared at him and smacked him on the head.
There were more pictures of them and there were also pictures of animals and places. Kagome saw a picture of a younger Kei who was standing with her father. Her mother was lying in a hospital bed holding a small baby boy and looking tired but smiling.
“I didn't know Kei had a little brother. How come we've never met him”, Ranei asked. “Because he died when he was eight months old. He was born pre-mature and his lungs hadn't fully developed”, Kagome told her.
“Oh.” They looked at all the photos and in the albums then put them in the pile. Ranei opened the last cart since she was closest. They went through the books and put some in the sell bag.
Some of the movies were put in the sell bag but the others were ones that Kei had recorded with her video camera. “We'll have to look at these sometime. Maybe we can have a big sleep over and watch them. It would be as if Kei was with us”, Kasumi suggested.
They were also put in the pile. Last was the CD's. Some were normal CD's and they put them in the sell bag but the others were recorded ones. Ranei picked up a CD that was called `My Music'.
“I wonder what's on this CD”, she said and put it in the stereo. Everybody's Fool by Evanescence came on, but what was different was that it wasn't the artist singing but Kei. “This must be a CD of songs that she's recorded herself singing”, Kasumi said.
Ranei skipped through the songs and they heard Kei singing. There were seven other CD's that were the same. Then Ranei found one named `My Songs' and put it in the stereo.
“I've never heard this song before”, Kagome said as they listened to the lyrics. Ranei looked through the booklet that was on the CD case cover. “That's because these are songs that Kei wrote”, she exclaimed. She pressed the skip button a couple of times and listened to the song that came on.
I wanna be the face you see when you close your eyes
I wanna be the touch you need every single night
I wanna be your fantasy
And be your reality
And everything between
I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything
I want you to see me
In your every dream
The way that I taste you, feel you, breathe you,
need you
I want you to need me, need me
Like I need you
Everyone listened as the piano keys and Kei's melodic voice filled the room.
I wanna be the eyes that look deep into your soul
I wanna be the world to you I just want it all
I wanna be your deepest kiss
The answer to your every wish
And all you ever need
I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything
I want you to see me
In your every dream
The way that I taste you, feel you, breathe you,
need you
I want you to need me, need me
`Coz I need you more than you could know
And I need you to never never let me go
And I need to be deep inside your heart
I just want to be everywhere you are
I wanna be the face you see when you close your eyes
I wanna be the touch you need every single night
I wanna be your fantasy
And be your reality
And everything between…
I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything
I want you to see me
In your every dream
`Coz baby I taste you, feel you, breathe you,
need you
I want you to need me, need me
Like I need you
I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything
I want you to see me
In your every dream
`Coz baby I taste you, feel you, breathe you,
need you
I want you to need me, need me
Like I need you
InuYasha listened as the lyrics and music ended and Kei's voice stopped. Gods how he missed her beautiful voice. If only she were still alive, he would give her everything she wanted.
“What was that song called”, Kasumi asked. “It's called I want you to need me”, Ranei answered, still reading the booklet. “InuYasha I want you to read this, and only you read this”, Ranei said, handing him the booklet.
InuYasha looked at the page that Ranei had open. There were a couple of paragraphs in kei's writing. They were all about how she dedicated her songs to her friends and that she loved them all.
Then the last paragraph caught his eye. It was more of letter than a dedication.
My dearest InuYasha,
I know you'll never read this but I wanted to write it. I dedicate this song to you, my love. It's about how I wish you could love me and need me the way I love and need you. Maybe someday, in the far future, I tell you how I feel, but for now I'll continue to love you in my heart.
Forever love you,
He looked up to see Ranei looking back at him with sad eyes. “I'm really sorry InuYasha”, she whispered. The others looked at him questionly and he passed the booklet to Kagome.
She read it over than handed it to Kasumi, who handed it to Sango. “Did you guys know”, he asked. Kagome nodded. “We did but she made us promise not to tell you. She made us pretend it was only a deep friendship”, she told him.
“We wanted to tell you, we really did but she was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same way”, Kasumi continued. “We suspected you had some sort of feelings for her, friendship or more we weren't sure. So we didn't tell her incase she got her hopes up and it turned out we were wrong. She would have been heart broken”, Sango said.
“Ok I'm confused. What is going on”, Miroku asked, trying to grab the booklet from Sango. “None of your business”, she said, smacking his hand away. “There's a few more CD's with the same name. They must be more that she wrote. I always told her she had a beautiful voice and that she should try and get a record deal but she never thought she was good enough”, Kasumi said.
“I'll take these home and make copies of them for everyone”, Sango suggested, taking the CD's. They quickly went back to working. It was three hours until they were finally done.
Just as they were about to take the sell and donate bags and leave, Kasumi found a notebook lying on the floor. In had a black cover with the name Kei in silver letters. “Hey guys I found something else”, she told them.
“Lets see”, Ranei asked and Kasumi handed it to her. Ranei flipped through the pages then looked up. “It's her poetry notebook. Here listen to this”, she said and started reading one of the poems.
Your love
The sun is shining in the sky
And the autumn wind flies free
You hold me in your strong safe arms
And I'm glad you're here with me

Our love is strong, It cannot die
Nothing will come between us
You hold me closely when I cry
And you smile with me when I'm happy

Your voice is like an angel's sigh
Your eyes hold truth and love
If we could, we'd fly away
Just like two white doves

You're always in my silent prayers
You're never far from me
You're always there when I need you
And promise to always love me
“Looks like a poem for you InuYasha”, she said when she finished reading. She continued flipping through the pages and stopped at another page. “Can Kei tell the future”, she suddenly asked.
“No, what kind of question is that”, Kagome asked. “Listen to this”, Ranei said.
The End
I walk a lonely path
Don't know where from left or right
Front and back, they look the same
Lost amoung the growing night
I see a light, it calls me to
Is this the end of me?
I walk ahead, closer, closer
It grows bright, too blind to see
My heart beat ends, my blood stops track
I yell, I scream, I cry, I plea
For me to live a little more
But this is truly the end of my
“It's like she predicted her own death”, Kasumi whispered. Suddenly they heard the front door open and Ms. Kimoko walked in. “Oh hey girls, boys. I haven't seen you in a while Sesshoumaru, It's nice to see you again”, she greeted.
“It's a pleasure to see you as well”, Sesshoumaru said. “I just came here to pack some stuff. I went straight to the hotel from the hospital last night so I don't have anything. Do you have most of the things gone”, Ms. Kimoko asked.
“We the only things left are the dresser, computer and desk, bookshelf, nightstand and crates that you can decide what you want to do with. The rest we're selling, donating and keeping. There's also a box full of pictures and videos that we figured you'd want to keep”, Kagome told her.
“Thank you dear”, she said. “Your welcome. Will Kei's dad be coming back for the funeral”, Kagome asked. Kei's dad, Nikita Slovana, was an animal researcher who traveled around the world studying different animals. Sometimes Kei went with him but had her parents decided to keep her home when her grades stared getting bad.
Kei's mom and dad had divorsed during the summer before tenth grade. Mr. Slovana stayed in Russia where they had currently been living and where Mr. Slovana had been born and Kei and her mom moved here to Nova Scotia, Canada.
“I've been trying to get in touch with him all night and morning but with no luck. Hopefully I will before the funeral. I don't even know how he'll get here in time even if I reach him”, Ms. Kimoko told her.
“Well I hope you do. We better get going so you can pack. Could we keep the keys incase you need anything”, Kasumi asked. “Oh sure dear. It would be nice if you guys stopped by and visited. An old lady like me will get lonely now that no one else lives here”, she said sadly.
“You have Magic. She can give you company”, Ranei suggested. “I'm taking Magic to the shelter. I don't like cats and the only reason I let Kei keep her was because she loved her so much”, Ms. Kimoko said.
“I could take her. I'm sure Nina would love to have her”, Kasumi volunteered. “Would you? That would be great.” “No problem. I love Magic almost as much as Kei did”, she said happily.
Kagome looked at her watch. “We better get going. The Big Brothers Big Sisters donation box gets collected in an hour. We promise to visit whenever we can Ms. Kimoko. Just give either of us a call if you need anything”, Kagome said.
“Ok. Well I better not keep. It was nice seeing you all again”, Ms. Kimoko said. Kasumi had grabbed Magic's leash and was now carrying the black cat. Everyone said goodbye as they walked out.
Just as InuYasha was about to walk out, Ms. Kimoko stopped him. “You must be InuYasha. I've seen a lot of pictures of you and Kei talks about you none stop. It's nice to finally meet you, even if it is under bad circumstances”, she told him.
“It's nice to meet you to. Kei was a beautiful girl. I was glad I knew her”, he said. “Kei loved you, you know. Very deeply. And I can tell by the look in your eyes that you loved her as well.”
“I loved and will always love Kei”, he said and walked out of the apartment. He left the building and walked over to Miroku's car. Sesshoumaru, Ranei and Kagome had already left.
InuYasha got into the back seat, next to Kasumi, and sighed. “It will be ok InuYasha. She's up there in heaven watching over us. If she could, she'd probably yell at us and get on with our lives”, Kasumi said.
“Yeah”, he agreed.
Inu_Girl17: Man that was a long chapter. My longest one yet I think. It's totally hot here so I'm just gonna make this quick. We're finally having our summer. I'd also like to mention that I most likely won't be adding any new chapters in August. I'm going camping the first week then to my dad's the second week and then to my nanny's the third week. If I'm not too tired when I get back then I might update. Also I'd like to let you know that I entered a poem in a contest and won! My poem, along with others that have been chosen, will be published in the book Island Dreams, part of the Poetry Institute of Canada. The poems that have been chosen will be judge for the first, second, third and fourth place prizes. Wish me luck!!! Well I guess that's all. I might update Secrets and Changes tomorrow. Bye!!! =^.^=
Food for the thought: You should always make a rough draft before a good copy. That's why God made men.