InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What you don't know can change you ❯ Shedding tears...... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm just gonna make this quick cause it is seriously hot here and I'm tired but I thought you would all like a new chapter! Thanks go out to Kuramas Gurl, Amantes2 and Megan Consoer for reviewing!!! Ok onto the chapter!
Sesshoumaru pulled his blue corvette into the driveway and parked it in the garage. He grabbed his backpack and keys then climbed out. He walked into the house to see a pile of shoes near the doorway.
`Probably InuYasha's and his friends' he thought. Good thing he had kept on his concealment spell. They had come back to the class after going to the gym to get their binders and then had left. They had all seemed upset, especially Kasumi.
“InuYasha are you here”, Sesshoumaru yelled. No answer. He threw his backpack on a chair then started walking up the stairs to InuYasha's room. He walked in to see InuYasha on the bed, upside down with his head hanging off the side.
Miroku was sitting in a chair next to his desk. Sango, Kagome and Ranei were sitting on the floor. Kasumi was asleep, lying on the floor with her head in Ranei's lap. Kagome was sitting crossed lagged and talking on the phone.
Ranei saw him enter and placed her finger to her lips, indicating to him to be quiet. He looked over when Kagome started talking. “Hello I'm calling to see if there has been any news about the investigation. Uh huh. Uh huh. You found blood? Is it hers or the body's? Hers? Can you tell where it came from or how old it is? Uh huh. Uh huh. Thank you very much. Good bye”, Kagome said and hanged up.
She placed her elbows on her lags and rested her head in her hands. After a moment, she looked up at the others. “They found blood on a wall near where the dead body was found. They can't tell where it came from but it is hers. They're having specialists analyze it as we speak”, she told them.
Then she noticed Sesshoumaru standing at the doorway. “Oh hello. How long have you been here”, she asked. “A few minutes. Who were you on the phone with and who's blood”, he asked.
“She was talking to the police”, Sango answered. Not exactly the answer he was looking for. “Why was she talking to the police?” “Why do you care anyway? Why don't you just screw off and mind your own business”, InuYasha snapped.
“How do you know it's not my business?” “It's not cause I said so!” “InuYasha please stop it! You'll wake up Kasumi. She's in enough pain as it is; we all are”, Ranei snapped. InuYasha looked down at the sleeping girl in her lap.
“Sorry Ranei.” Ranei nodded her thank you. Sesshoumaru was starting to get frustrated. “Would you all just tell me what's going on”, he growled. “Come on Sesshoumaru lets go to your room. We can work on our project and I'll tell you”, Kagome suggested. She grabbed her backpack and they left. Sesshoumaru went back down stairs, grabbed his stuff then went back up and to his room with Kagome.
They both sat down on his large bed and pulled out their stuff. “Ok what should we start with first? We've already figured out our jobs”, Kagome said. “We are not working on this until you tell me what all that was about back there”, Sesshoumaru said.
“I was afraid you were going to ask about that right away. I don't know how to say this but Kei is missing Sesshoumaru. She left school early yesterday because InuYasha slimed her uniform. When her mom came home from work last night, she wasn't there. Ms. Kimoko called the police and they've been searching everywhere since then.
That's why they called us down earlier at school. They wanted to know if any of us had seen her but we haven't. The principle let us go home early so we came here. I've been calling every half hour to see if there has been anything new. When you came in, I was talking to the police.
They told me that they found blood on a wall near where a body had been found dead, shot in the back of the head. DNA shows that the blood came from Kei but they're not sure where.
A doctor looked over the dead body and there are no traces of Kei's DNA on him so he hadn't raped her thank gods. They still don't know who he is but he looked pretty rich, wearing an expensive suit”, she told him, by now close to tears.
Sesshoumaru did something that even shocked himself. He pulled her into a gentle hug and let Kagome cry on his shoulder. He softly rocked her and stroked her hair. When she finally calmed down, her chocolate brown eyes looked up into his icy blue ones.
“Don't worry Kagome, Kei will be ok. Her name means strong after all. We'll probably see her rush into the classroom and trip over her feet or something tomorrow morning”, Sesshoumaru whispered.
Kagome choked out a soft laugh and gave him a weak smile. Sesshoumaru whipped the tears on her face with his thumb and Kagome felt her checks grow hot. “We should get to work on our project”, she said quickly and pulled away from him and sat up.
They worked for a little while, deciding that they would live in Toronto, in a good sized house. Sesshoumaru would take over his father's company and Kagome would be a lawyer.
Sesshoumaru asked her if they would have kids but there was no answer. He looked up from his writing to see Kagome staring off into space. He called her name but got no reaction.
He snapped his fingers in front of her face and she blinked. “Um sorry Sesshoumaru I guess I got distracted. I'm just so worried about Kei”, she lied. True, she was worried about Kei, but that wasn't what she was thinking about.
She had started dreaming about what it would be like to live with Sesshoumaru and have a family. Kagome wasn't really big on having kids, maybe one, but making babies was a nice thought.
`Ahh dammit! Bad Kagome bad! Don't go thinking stuff like that! Besides, he doesn't even like me that way!' Then she realized Sesshoumaru was calling her. “I think this is enough for today. With what's been happening, I doubt you can keep your mind on this for very long”, Sesshoumaru suggested.
“Hey that wasn't very nice”, Kagome accused. Sesshoumaru just shrugged his shoulders, a smirk on his lips. “How would you like to go see a movie Wednesday? It will take your mind off of things”, he asked.
Was he serious? Sesshoumaru wanted to see a movie with her? As in a date? “Ok. I mean sure, if that's what you want. Agh, of course that's what you want; you're the one who asked! Dammit, yes I'll go with you”, she stuttered.
She looked over at his smirking, yet calm face. Sure, he looked calm on the out side but on the inside he was doing a victory dance. `Yes! She said yes! This day just went from horrible to sort of good.'
Sesshoumaru nodded. “Ok then it's a date. What would you like to see”, he asked. A date. That sounded like heaven to Kagome's ears. The words just kept echoing in her mind.
“How about War of the Worlds? I've seen the preview for it and it looks pretty cool”, she suggested. `The girl has taste' he thought. He had expected her to want to see something like Herbie: Full loaded.
Sesshoumaru nodded again. “Sounds good. I have a couple a questions to ask you”, Sesshoumaru said. “Ok shoot. What do you need to know”, she asked. “How come Kasumi is so upset about Kei missing? I know she's a friend and she's very emotional but she looks pretty hurt. Wasn't Kasumi the last of your group to meet Kei”, he asked.
“True, Kasumi was the last one to meet Kei, but they're pretty close, almost as close as Ranei and Kasumi. When Kei and Kasumi first met, none of us knew that Ranei and her were together. We thought they were just very close friends.
Anyway, Ranei and Kasumi had been dating for almost a year and a half and Kasumi felt that she should tell her parents. Ranei disagreed. She said that they should wait until they were out of school and had jobs and could look after themselves.
They had a big argument about it and Kasumi decided to tell her parents anyway. That turned out horrible. Mr. And Mrs. Gin got really mad and kicked her out of the house. It was March Break then and everyone was away on vacation and Ranei and her were fighting. She had nowhere to go so she went to Kei's apartment building.
Kei and her mother let her stay as long as she wanted. Even though their apartment was really small and they didn't have very much food, they accepted her with open arms. Kasumi had slept in Kei's hammock, since she doesn't have a bed, and Kei slept on the floor in a sleeping bag.
Kasumi told Kei about the argument and about her and Ranei. Kei was the one who convinced the two to tell us about their relationship. Anyway, Kasumi stayed there until she was able to move in with her sister.
Her sister lived in Texas but when she heard what happened, she bought a house here and now the two live there. Kasumi only goes to her old place once a month so her parents know she's ok.
Since then, Kei and her have had a pretty close friendship. That's why Kasumi is upset that Kei's missing”, she told him. Sesshoumaru thought over what he had just heard. It seemed that even though Kei had her own problems, she was always there for everyone else.
That's one of the things he had liked about her. Now it was Kei that needed help from them. Suddenly, Kagome and Sesshoumaru heard a knock at the front door. “InuYasha get that”, he yelled.
`They probably ordered a pizza or something, didn't even ask us what we wanted.' The knocking continued and Sesshoumaru got up and walked out of his bedroom, Kagome right behind him.
They walked down the stairs and Sesshoumaru opened the door. Instead of a pizza delivery person like he had expected, there was a police officer standing there. Kagome recognized him right away. He was the officer that had told them that Kei was missing.
“I know you! Is there any news on Kei? That must be why you came here isn't it”, she asked quickly. The officer held up his hands to silence her. “Please miss I heard that Miss. Kimoko's friends were here. Could you go get them and bring them here”, he asked.
Kagome nodded and went upstairs while Sesshoumaru let the officer in. She returned a few minutes later with everyone else following behind her, a sleepy looking Kasumi being one of them.
They all sat down on the couch and waited for the officer to tell them that they had found Kei. The silence seemed to last forever before he spoke. “I'm really sorry to have to tell you this but we found Kei”, he started to say.
“Wait a minute, why would you be sorry? It's great that you found Kei. When do we get to see her”, InuYasha interrupted. “Please let me finish. As I was saying, we found her. I'm terribly sorry to tell you that Kei Kimoko breathes no more”, he told them.
“No! No no no no no! It can't be true, it just can't be”, Kasumi cried. Ranei tried to calm her but it was difficult when she herself was crying and shaking just as bad as Kasumi. Both Miroku and Sesshoumaru were holding Sango and Kagome close as they cried.
InuYasha was trying very hard not to let the tears fall. His sadness soon turned to anger. Anger at himself for doing that stupid prank and not telling her how much he loved her. Anger at the gods for letting this happen. Anger at the police for not finding her in time. And anger at the bastards for even doing this to Kei.
He stood up and glared at the police officer. “What do you mean she breathes no more?! Are you saying she's dead?! Maybe she's just in a coma or something”, InuYasha yelled. The officer shook his head.
“She is dead. A blow to the head, two bullets in her right thigh, left arm broken and many cuts and bruises. She was also rapped. She was found in an ally way near an abandoned construction site. We believe she was being rapped but struggled and that's how she got the cuts, bruises and broken arm.
It's possible that she was able to escape and someone shot her in the leg twice to stop her. Then they hit her in the back of the head and dropped her off in the ally way to die of blood loss. She was found by a couple who called 911. She was dead before we could get her to the hospital.
Doctors say that there were five men that rapped her but there could have been more that had done other damage, we're not sure. Doctors have her all stitched up as best as possible. They say that you can go and see her”, he said.
InuYasha couldn't take it anymore and threw a vase on the coffee table at the wall. Then he fell to his knees, crying and banging the floor with his fist. Kagome rushed over to him and held him close.
“It's ok InuYasha, it's ok. Come on, lets go see her. Kei wouldn't want you to be like this”, she whispered to him. InuYasha nodded and she helped him stand up. She turned to see Sesshoumaru talking to the officer. Then he left and Sesshoumaru closed the door.
“He said to go to the IWK and tell the person at the front desk that we came to see Kei. She'll take us to the room she's being held in”, he told them. Everyone nodded and got ready to go.
It must have been the longest car ride of their lives. Kagome, Ranei and Kasumi went with Sesshoumaru in his car and Sango and Miroku went with InuYasha in his car. It was nearly 7:00pm when they arrived.
A nurse at the front desk took them to the fourth floor and to a room. The curtains were drawn closed so they couldn't see inside. A doctor was waiting by the room. “Good evening. I'm really sorry about your friend.
Here's your chance to see her and say anything before we prepare her for the funeral. It's scheduled for Friday. You'll be able to see her again on Thursday. You can go in now, one at a time. Oh, I almost forgot, did the officer tell you what we believe happened and her injuries”, he asked.
Everyone nodded. “Then you know that her face is going to look different. I'm just warning you know.” Everyone nodded. “Can I go in with Kasumi? She's taking this really hard and I don't think it would be safe to leave her alone”, Ranei asked.
The doctor nodded and they went in first. Everyone else sat down on the couches. Five minutes later Ranei and Kasumi walked out of the room. Ranei had a horrified look and there were new tears on Kasumi's face.
Next was Sango. Five minutes later she walked out with the same horrified look. As Miroku went in, Sango sat down next to Kagome. “What's wrong Sango? Both you and Ranei look like you've seen something horrible”, Kagome said.
“It is horrible”, she whispered. “She doesn't even look like Kei anymore. There are bruises and cuts everywhere. I just can't believe someone would do something like that to her. I mean, Kei's never done anything to anybody before, except for those bitches at school but they disserve it.”
Suddenly Miroku walked out of the room. Kagome stood up and walked into the room and Miroku took her seat. Kagome came out and Sesshoumaru went in. Kagome sat down, shaking and crying.
Sesshoumaru came out and even he showed a little emotion. InuYasha stood up and walked into the room. There was only a little light, coming from a hanging lamp. The room was empty except for a metal table in the middle. There was something on the table that was covered with a light green blanket. A body.
Kei's body.
InuYasha walked over to the table. He pulled down the blanket to the body's shoulders and inhaled a raged breath. Kei's beautiful face was covered in cuts and her left eye was black and her right cheek had a red slap mark. It stood out against her deathly pale skin. Her bottom lip, which was blue, was swollen and had a cut in the middle.
There was a slash mark starting from her forehead, running a crossed her right eye and ending at her chin. There were three slash marks starting at her left ear and went a crossed her cheek to her nose.
“Oh Kei”, he whispered. Never had he seen something so horrible in his life, and he was
700 years old. He could see a bald spot in the back of her head where the doctors had to operate to stop the bleeding from the head wound.
InuYasha pulled the blanket down further, not caring that she wasn't wearing any clothes. All a crossed her body were cuts and bite marks. He could see the broken arm that the doctors hadn't wrapped up. The bone was back in position but the arm was in a way so the bone wouldn't move without being bounded in place.
He noticed that her nipples were swollen and had bite marks. Around her lower region and inner thighs also had bite marks and cuts. It was clearly obvious that she was rapped. He could see two holes where the bullets were on her right thigh. They had stopped bleeding so they didn't need to be wrapped up.
InuYasha opened her eyes to see unfocused ones looking up at him, or rather, the ceiling. He let go of her eye lids and they fell shut. He stared at her lifeless body, wishing her chest would rise and fall as she breathed.
But no. She would never breath. InuYasha stroked Kei's cheek gently. He quickly looked around to see if anyone was somehow watching. When he felt it safe, he dropped his concealment spell.
“Hey Kei it's me, InuYasha. I wish that you were alive to see me in my true form, not many people know. I guess you'll just have to see from up there in heaven because I know that's where you went. Lucky you, you get to miss out on this stupid project we have to do in Health class.
I have a really great idea Kei. How about you give up this game and come back to us. I'm sorry I slimed you, it was only a joke. If you came back then we could stop our pranks. We could be together forever. I'd make you my mate and we would have kids and live happily together. Come on Kei, come back to us, we all miss you”, InuYasha pleaded to nothing.
He didn't even realize that he was crying until a single tear fell down his face and dropped onto her own, sliding down her cheek. It looked like it was her own tear. Like she was alive and shedding a tear for him.
InuYasha whipped the tear off her cheek and gently kissed her cold lips. He pulled away and pulled the blanket back over her form. He put his concealment spell back on and walked out of the room, not looking back.
Inu_Girl17: So how evil was that chapter huh? I bet it's getting confusing isn't it? Don't worry, I planned this. Things will all clear up in the few chapters.
Katara: You know, you're making this fic really sad.
Inu_Girl17: I know
Katara: Aren't you going to make it happier?
Inu_Girl17: Maybe *shrugs*
Katara: *sighs* you're hopeless
Inu_Girl17: I'll let you think that. Anywho, I think that's enough for tonight. I'll start working on a new chapter for S and C (Secrets and Changes) tomorrow. Until then, enjoy this chapter and review!!!! Bye Byez!!! Luv Ya All!!!! =^.^=