InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What you don't know can change you ❯ The news... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Well my math exam is over now so I can start updating again!!! Yeah!!! Anyway let me tell you something horrible. I studied for a long time and didn't update and you know what??!! I KNOW I didn't pass the exam I just know it!!! Damn stupid things, never should have been invented!!! Anyway enough of my complaining. There's going to be a few chapters of the gang and then I'll bring Katara a.k.a. Kei back in….or is it her? Muahaha you just have to wait!
And now onto the chapter!!!!
Kasumi ran into the science classroom just as the final bell rang. She was going too fast a tripped over her own feet. She was about to land on her face when someone grabbed her. She looked up to see Ranei.
“You know, you're turning into Kei, first being late and then falling over your own feet. Not a good sign”, she teased, helping Kasumi stand. “I am not and stop teasing Kei”, Kasumi scolded and sat down at her desk. Science was the only class that she shared with Renei.
Ranei wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders from behind and nuzzled her cheek. “But it's just so much fun. And watching her face get red is just hilarious”, Ranei said. The others watched the couple bicker.
They were starting to get used to them openly showing their affection for each other. They had only known since last year, and only because Kei had made them tell everyone else.
As Kagome thought about it, it seemed that it was Kei that kept them all in a good mood. Speaking of Kei, where was she? Kagome looked to where Kei's empty desk was beside Ranei's.
“She's late again”, Kagome groaned. Everyone looked to around for the missing girl. They knew whom Kagome was talking about. “Not once did I believe she would be able to do it. I mean, come on, do you honestly think she could be on time for five more months”, Sango said.
Everyone just shook their heads. Suddenly the teacher walked into the classroom and Ranei sat down at her desk next to Kasumi's. The teacher looked around at the class then her eyes stopped at Kei's desk.
“Looks like Miss. Kimoko is late again. Me might as well start. She'll show up soon”, the teacher said and started writing notes on the board. The hour went by quickly and the bell rang for them to go to their next class.
“I'll see you guys at recess”, Ranei said, kissed Kasumi on the cheek then ran down the hall before she was late for her next class. The others watched her go then headed to their Health class.
Sango and Kagome took their seats at the very back and Kasumi sat down in front of Kagome. The desk in front of Sango where Kei sat was still empty. “I wonder if she's sick. She's never this late”, Kagome wondered.
“But she seemed perfectly healthy yesterday before she went home”, Kasumi said. “What happened yesterday before she left”, Sango asked. They thought it over then all three heads turned and glared in the direction of where InuYasha and Miroku where sitting.
Sango got up and walked over to the two guys. “InuYasha remember when you poured a bucket of slim on Kei yesterday”, she asked him. “Yeah what of it?” “Well was there anything that could be harmful or make someone sick in it”, she asked.
“No I was playing a joke not trying to kill her. Why all these question”, he asked. “Kei isn't here yet and she was healthy yesterday so she couldn't be sick so we where wondering where she could be”, Sango told him.
“Well I have no clue where she'd be. She'll probably show up later or something”, he said and went back copying his homework from Miroku. Sango smacked him on the head then went back to her desk.
“Hey what the hell was that for bitch!” “For being an uncaring jerk”, she yelled at him. “Honestly I don't get what she sees in him”, Sango muttered when she sat down. The others shrugged and began to dig out their homework.
“Ok class today we will be starting a project. I want you all to find a partner. Girls get a boy partner and vise versa. Hurry up now”, the teacher instructed. The classroom was filled with groans of displeasure and chairs moving.
“Who are we going to be partners with”, Kagome asked. They saw Miroku waving at them. “Hey Kasumi, Sango, be partners with us”, he called to them. The two girls started to gather their stuff.
“What about me”, Kagome asked them. “Be partners with Sesshoumaru, he doesn't have one yet. You know you want to”, Sango teased. “But what would Kei think”, Kagome said, trying to hide her blush.
“Kei isn't here and besides she dumped him so I don't think she'll care. Now go over there”, Sango said. She placed Kagome's stuff in her arms and pushed her over near Sesshoumaru's desk.
Kagome looked back to see Kasumi and Sango giving her a thumbs up then tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey Sesshoumaru want to be partners”, she asked nervously. Sesshoumaru's icy blue eyes looked up at her.
He didn't want to do this project. Anything that involved being paired up with an annoying girl was not his idea of fun. He looked up to see who had asked him to be partners to see Kagome looking at him nervously and was blushing.
He wouldn't lie and say he didn't like her. She was different then most girls. She liked school and wasn't all ditzy, unlike Kei, who he still couldn't figure out why he had dated her, it was obvious they were too different.
Sesshoumaru nodded and Kagome pulled up a chair next to his desk. “Ok does everyone have a partner? Good. This project is designed to get you ready for when you will be on your own. You and your partner are young couples and together you must create your life together. Where will you live? What kind of jobs will you have? Will you have children? Think of this as real life and not a project. I want to see realistic homes and jobs, not someone being a billionaire playboy”, she said this, specifically looking at Miroku.
The teacher started passing out booklets of 10 pages. When Kagome got hers, she scanned through it, looking at all the things involved. `Oh joy this sounds fun' she thought sarcastically.
“The booklets that I have passed out will be like your family journal. You will record all your information about you family and life in it. This project will be due one month from now. At the end of the month, you will all be presenting your family to the class”, she told them then everyone started working.
“Well I guess the first thing we need to decide is our jobs”, Kagome said. “I'm going to work for my father's company, what about you”, Sesshoumaru asked. “Oh that's easy, I'm going to be a lawyer”, Kagome said, her nervousness starting to ease.
“Miroku I'm not having 18 kids with you”, she heard Sango yell. They both looked over to InuYasha and Kasumi laughing, Sango looking furious and Miroku fashioning off a bright red handprint on his face.
The hour went on like that with five more outbursts from Sango. Soon the bell rang for recess and the girls gathered their things. They dropped their binders at their math class then went to meet Ranei at their lockers.
Ranei stood at the lockers waiting for the others when she saw them coming down the hallway. Sango's face was red with anger, Kasumi was laughing her head off and Kagome was trying not to laugh but failing terribly.
“Do I even want to know”, she asked. “No not really”, Kagome said. Kasumi finally calmed down and wrapped her arms around Ranei. “It was just Miroku being Miroku. Nothing new”, she told her.
Ranei raised an eyebrow at Sango. Sango was busy muttering curses and how she was going to kill Miroku. “What do you guys have next”, Ranei asked. “Math but I don't want to go”, Kasumi told her.
“Well you have to go anyway. Besides, one of us has to know that stuff so we can teach our kid and it isn't going to be me”, Ranei said. “Oh that reminds me, I sent in our adoption forms. Once someone checks them over, they'll call me and set up a meeting”, Kasumi said.
“So you guys are really doing it”, Kagome asked. “Yup. Soon you'll be looking at mama Ranei and mama Kasumi”, Ranei said proudly. Kasumi nodded. “We've found a two bedroom apartment that we should be able to afford. I just need to call and set up an inspection time”, Kasumi told them.
“How come you're doing everything”, Kagome asked. “Because she's better at all that stuff then I am”, Ranei said and kissed Kasumi's forehead. Suddenly the bell rang and they said goodbye to Ranei and went to their math class.
It had been about 25 minutes when they heard the announcement. They had been working on some math sheets. “Would anyone that has been with Kei Kimoko in the last 24 hours please meet in the gym immediately”, they heard on the loudspeaker.
Kasumi, Sango, Kagome, InuYasha and Miroku all stood up and headed for the gym. On the way they saw Ranei. “Why do you think they want us to meet in the gym? Do you think something's wrong with Kei”, Ranei wondered.
“No they probably just want to find out who slimmed her yesterday”, Sango said, glaring at InuYasha. “She saved your sorry ass by not telling who did it.”
They walked into the gym to see two other girls that Kei hanged out with sometimes there. Ms. Miyaku, the guidance councilor, the principle and two police officers walked into the gym.
“You are probably wondering why we called you down here. We would like to know, who and when was the last time any of you saw Kei Kimoko”, Ms. Miyaku told them. “We saw her at recess in the library”, one of the two girls said.
“We saw her at lunch before she left. She had to go home early because of her uniform”, Kagome said. “And that is the last time any of you have seen or heard from her?” All eight heads nodded.
“I'll let you tell them”, Ms. Miyaku said to the officers. The older looking officer nodded to her and turned to the students. “The last any of you have seen or heard from Kei Kimoko was yesterday during lunch at the latest. She had gone home early. 6 o-clock last night when her mother came home from work, she arrived home not to find Kei there”, he told them.
He waited until the new information sunk into their heads. “But maybe her father unexpectedly picked her up and she just hasn't called yet”, Kagome suggested but her voice was shaky and even she didn't believe what she had said.
The officer shook his head. “Her father has been away in India since last Tuesday. We found her backpack abandoned in the ally-way near her apartment and a dead body a little bit further away”, he said.
So what are you saying”, Sango asked. “I'm saying that most likely she got into a fight and was kidnapped or was just kidnapped but we don't have enough evidence to prove that theory. We have officers scouting the area looking for clues to help us in our search. All we know for sure is that Kei Kimoko is missing.”
The room went quiet and everyone stood there with shock on their faces. Suddenly Kasumi broke down in tears and Ranei held her closely, stroking her hair to try and clam her.
`Missing? But she can't be missing! The last thing I did to her was that stupid prank and now I might never see her again' was the only thing InuYasha thought.
Inu_Girl17: Well there is your chapter. Yes I know it sucked but I'm still tired from my exam. I promise to have a better one up maybe Tuesday or definitely on Thursday.
Katara: So what happens if you fail that exam?
Inu_Girl17: Then I might fail the year. Are you sure you prayed from me Mirkou?
Miroku: Yes I prayed to all the gods
Inu_Girl17: Well you didn't pray hard enough. Oh well we'll just have to wait until I get the results back. Well I'm tired and my arm is killing me so I'll just finish up here. Don't forget to Review!!!! Byez!!! Luv Ya All!!!!! =^.^=
Food for the thought: Trying is the first step towards failure.