InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Family Ties ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: I don't own Inu Yasha and Company. Blah blah blah.

Thanks for every one who read my story so far. And a special thanks to Striking Falcon for
reviewing. You like me, you really like me. Anyway I am sure you want me to get on with the
story sooooo....

Also there isn't a lot of dialogue in my story mostly because Sesshomaru doesn't really talk a lot.
So I right what he thinks.
Chapter 2
Family Ties

The next morning Rin was happy as usual, but she didn't have the usual spring in her

step. Sesshomaru knew she remembered that dream. ‘How many nights does that same memory

haunt her?' he wondered. It worried him. ‘Wait! What do I care if she has nightmares? She is

only a worthless human.' ‘Yeah right. If she is so worthless then why do you let her follow you.

Why is her presence so comforting?' His inner voice almost shouted at him. ‘Great now I am

arguing with myself.' he thought wryly.

Jaken had noticed what happened last night. He of course didn't see the dream, but he

did see his lord comfort the child in her sleep. Jaken knew better than to bring it up. He didn't

want to be the victim of Lord Sesshomaru's wrath. Deep in his thoughts the toad didn't notice

that Sesshomaru had stopped, and bumped into Rin. She just giggled at his clumsiness. It is

usually her that trips and stumbles.

‘Hmm a human and a youkai are fighting. What a bother. I will end it. I have nothing

better to do anyway.' Sesshomaru walked off the path. The others followed to see what

distracted their leader. Upon nearing the battle Rin let out a startled gasp. *Father!* Lord

Sesshomaru was confused. He had thought that Rin's father died, at least from what he saw of

the dream. Not hesitating he withdrew his sword and destroyed the youkai. The man was

startled, and Sesshomaru could smell his fear.

"Father, you are alive!" Rin ran towards the man and embraced him. "Rin? Is that you?

I had thought you died. I am sorry but I am not your father. The man you call father was my

twin brother." he regretfully told the sobbing child. He eyed the demon lord cautiously. "But

don't worry child. My lord never thought you were dead for one moment. We have been

searching for you ever since that day. He will be happy to see you." ‘Lord? Is Rin some kind of

human royalty or did the lord want her because she was his property? Either way Rin is my

charge and I am not going to let her go unless I know she is going to be safe.' Sesshomaru

thought angrily.

His face as emotionless as stone looked at the man. "If your lord wants Rin tell him to

come to me. I am not going to let just anyone take her. You can try but I wouldn't advise it."

The man nodded. "Of course. I will go to my lord and tell him of the news. Thanks for getting

rid of that youkai for me earlier. I am in your debt." Sesshomaru noticed the color of his clothes.

They were yellow. ‘Yellow, now I know that means something but what?' The man quickly

disappeared into the forest. Sesshomaru walked to Rin was sitting. She was still sobbing. "Rin

had always hoped that they were still alive, but they aren't coming back." Rin told the demon

lord. He slowly walked over to the crying girl and brushed away her tears. He hated tears

because they symbolized weakness, but he hated them the most when she was the one crying

because it made him feel helpless. Rin sniffed a few times and quieted. She knew she shouldn't,

that she would get scolded, but she couldn't stop herself. She flung herself into Sesshomaru and

cried into his kimono. To her surprise he pulled her closer with his arm to try to comfort her.

Sesshomaru didn't know how long it would take the lord to come so he made Jaken set

up camp. Jaken was unusually quiet. ‘Well finally that brat will be gone. What am I saying, I

don't want her to go. And from the looks of it Lord Sesshomaru doesn't either. It is going to be

lonely again like before.' Jaken thought as he went about his duties. Rin had cried herself to

sleep beside the demon lord. She had another nightmare. It wasn't the death's of her family that

usually haunted her. They were replaced with a new one. Someone from the shadows had

grabbed her. She tried to call for Lord Sesshomaru and Jaken, reaching out with her hand. They

only turned away and faded out of existence leaving her all alone.

A few weeks later Rin still clung to Sesshomaru. She didn't want to leave him. He

didn't protest or scold her. Suddenly he froze. Someone was coming. He could smell it in the

distance. It was a very powerful youkai. He hadn't felt a presence like this since his father was

alive. ‘Did one of the other taiyoukai want to challenge me?' At the speed it was coming

towards them it would arrive in a few minutes. Sesshomaru's eyes turned blood red. He

prepared his body to transform at a moments notice...

Mwuahahahaha after all the cliff hangers I read in fanfictions I decided to leave one for you guys.
It will keep you wanting more if you like the story anyway. Please R&R.
I don't mind flames. I just want reviews. Tell me the good the bad and the ugly.