InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Calm Before the Storm ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Well I'm back. *hears cheering in the background* You love me you really love me!!
Just kidding. Hehe. Hope everyone liked the last chapter and of course this one as well. Well
on with the responses.

Lil'Inu: Glad you liked the last chapter. Hope you get more sleep. Well not much else I guess.
Enjoy the chapter. :D

New Fan: Thanks whoever you are. Glad you liked my story. Please keep reading hopefully it
will get better.

Kaiyla yamuri: Wow!! Thanks for adding me to your favorites!! It's an honor. Hope you enjoy
the rest of the stories.

Do you guys notice I update faster when I get reviews hint hint...I love reviews!!!

Disclaimer: blah blah blah...don't own em
Chapter 10
Calm Before the Storm

Sesshomaru was the first to awaken. He smiled as he remembered the night before.

Neither one had gotten much sleep. Reaching for the object of his thoughts he pulled Rin closer.

Burying his sensitive nose into hair, he inhaled deeply. ‘I could stay like this forever. She smells

of sunshine and flowers.' He didn't realize that he was holding her a little too tight for comfort.

"Mmmph, mate not so tight. I have to breathe," Rin mumbled drowsily. He loved it when she

called him that. He loosened his hold but refused to let go. "Sesshomaru? Shouldn't we get up

now? It is nearly noon." To answer her he rolled on top of her and pretended to be asleep. She

tried to wiggle out from beneath him but he would move so that she couldn't move at all. Rin

giggled as he let out a fake snore.

They would have stayed like that longer but a growl from Rin's stomach told them it was

time to get up. Sesshomaru finally released her after giving her a soft kiss. "Well Rin, it seems

your stomach needs to be fed. Come, I will show you your clothes." Rin hadn't thought about

clothing when she went with Sesshomaru last night. He led her to a closet near his. She let out a

small gasp as he opened the door to reveal the most beautiful kimonos and gowns she had ever

seen. They were all different colors but had one color that was the, the color

representing the Western lands. While at her fathers house she had worn yellow, but she always

favored red. "Thank you Sesshomaru, they're beautiful. I love them." Sesshomaru helped her

with the many layers of her kimonos until she was dressed. Then they reversed roles. Rin helped

him put on his robe. (an: is it a gi? I dunno sorry) Afterwards the new mates headed toward the

dining room for breakfast/lunch. All of the servants were scurrying around. They were excited

that their master had finally chosen a mate.

Times were peaceful for a while. The two were happy. Although they truly loved each

other they never voiced their feelings. Sesshomaru because he didn't think he was capable of

that emotion and it would make him weak. Rin didn't say it because it would break her heart for

her love not to be returned. So they showed how they felt in actions. He was tender and playful

with her. She soothed him and excited him. The servants all knew that they loved each other.

Any one could see it in their eyes when they looked at each other. The emotions only intensified

a few years later when they discovered she was expecting. Sesshomaru became very protective

of Rin. He would do everything for her. The demon lord stopped his monthly border patrol so

that he could keep an eye on her. This drove her crazy. She loved him with every fiber of her

being, but he was smothering her! Rin didn't mind too much though. She was just as excited

about their pup as he was.

The peace was shattered. "My lord! There is an army at our southern border. We cannot

hold them off for long. We need your help my lord," one of his generals informed him. "The

south? We'll just see about that. Rin, my mate don't worry yourself over this. I don't want the

stress to hurt our pup. I will leave a few of my strongest warriors to stay at the castle to protect

you." The demon lord bent down to kiss his mate and then he followed the general towards the


Even left with the protection of his strongest warriors, Rin had a terrible feeling that

something terrible was going to happen. She placed a protective hand over her slightly rounded

stomach. "Be safe love. Return quickly,"she whispered towards her mate's retreating figure.
End of chapter 10.
Would've wrote more but then that wouldn't be very calm now would it. At least it wasn't a
huge cliff hanger. Hope you liked it. I know I have fast action. I just want to tell the story. I am
not one for a lot of details. I commend those who are good at details. Anyway please review.