InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ Huh? ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: Well it would seem that I have to make this a chapter since won't let us
do author notes anymore. I am keeping my responses the same though. It will be a very short
chapter since I still do have to work on my finals. Man won't just leave me alone. always gave me problems. When I first tried to post a story it wouldn't accept my
format and now I can't even give author notes.

VampireMiyu: Glad you started reading again. Thanks for reviewing. Yes you get to see them
fall in love all over again.

Lil'Inu: sorry I confused you. It was meant to though. It is part of the twist. I will explain a
little though.

anhimals: Glad you thought so. I will try to finish my finals early and update. Thanks for

RShield16: You thought so too? Hehe. I love cliffies. Glad you like my story. It will get more
interesting as it continues.

aNiMePeRfEcT: Well you will just have to read and find out. Hehe. Glad you like it.

cherryblossomstar: I am glad you love my story. I have been trying hard. Sorry about the cliffies
but they make it suspenseful.

Schizophrenic Pyromaniac: Glad you love the story. I know you hate to read cliffies but love to
write them. I am the same way.

fairyfli: No she isn't mute. In the show she stops being mute after Sesshomaru revives her with
the tetsaiga. I just implied that he wondered why she was mute when he first met her. Glad you
like the story.

June: Well glad you like the story. Sorry to tell you this but thinked isn't a word. It is thought.
In that example of what I wrote the tense did remain the same. I am not saying that I don't
accidentally switch tenses in my story, but the example wasn't one of those times. The second
example isn't incorrect grammar either. He never tired of her is a correct sentence. I could have
added (got), and it would still be correct. Sorry but no one has volunteered to proof read my
story. I don't mind you pointing out my mistakes though. I would love to correct the mistakes. I
am really bad with commas. I probably have a few run on sentences. Hmmm did you add
mistakes to your review on purpose or was it accidental? Ex: thinkED (isn't a word), it's self
(literally it is self), majot (instead of major) Did you do this to prove a point about it distracting
readers or did you just make mistakes? Well thanks for reviewing and please keep reading.

Chapter 13

Sesshomaru was to say the least shocked. Was he dreaming now or had all of what

happened been a dream. It felt so real. Rin looked at him curiously. She had never seen any

kind of emotion on her lord's face much less shock. "Sesshomaru-sama? Are you alright?" she

asked innocently. He had not taken his eyes off of her. "Yes Rin, go play with Jaken. I need to

think." He sighed with relief as she smiled and ran off to bug Jaken. Now alone he began to

ponder at his current situation. His heart had broke free of the ice that had imprisoned it only so

that it could feel pain once again. He had frozen his heart when his mother had died and his

father had chosen a human woman to replace her. He now felt pain at the loss of his mate and

pup that was never to be. Who was that mysterious person? He looked around at his

surroundings. He was at the camp they had made in wait for Rin's family. Perhaps Sun-Lin will

come once again for his daughter... But it would seem fate would intervene again. This time he

felt no demon lord coming towards him but humans. They were getting closer but they were

moving slow. Noticing that he had sweat during the night from the dream he decided to bathe.

When he got there he realized that he was still the same age as when he was mated with Rin. ‘So

it did happen. I must figure out what is going on.'

Finally the humans arrived. They were wary of him. One of the group was the man he

had saved and another was an old man who appeared to be a noble. "Rin, meet your grandfather.

He has been worried sick over you. We all were." The old man smiled and opened his arms.

Rin cautiously embraced the old man. "Don't be scared Rin. We won't hurt you. You will grow

up in the finest house and wear beautiful clothes. We will teach you to be a lady. How does that

sound?" the old man gently asked her. Sesshomaru didn't like this at all, but he had no choice.

Rin belonged with her family even if they were humans. At least she wouldn't be poor and alone

like at the other village. "I wanna stay with Sesshomaru-sama!" she cried. "Well you are not our

prisoner Rin. If he wants he can come visit you any time. Is it a deal?" She turned hope filled

eyes at Sesshomaru. "Will you?" "Yes Rin, I will visit you often until you tire of my presence."

Jaken's jaw dropped. He had never seen his lord display emotions since he was a child. "It's a

deal. Don't forget our promise Sesshomaru-sama." "Never."

Although he still loved her it pained him to see her as a human again. It was perfect

when she was a demon. Only time will tell if he could love her the same way when she grows

up. Slowly he started to build new walls around his heart once again as the edges started to frost

End of Chapter 13. Sorry it is extremely short. It is's fault. It won't let me
remove the chapter only replace it so I had to write something. I will write a longer one after
finals promise. Until next time...MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR