InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: Um... yeah. I'm not going to really say much except sorry for the long wait. n_n'
I have no idea what the point of this chapter really is. I just started writing it to write because I needed to do something with it. I had no goal in mind, and really I had no idea where it was going to end up when I finished it. Though it did seem to have taken on a mind of its own. It's also quite short as I really was not sure how far I could go with it with no actual plan in mind. Certainly not one of my better chapters.
Not edited. To lazy.
Also, I don't remember who my betas were because the e-mails and their addresses were all deleted for some inexplicable reason, so if anyone would like to take it up feel free to let me know. (^_~)
And I think all my maps disappeared. ._. Or my links to them anyways. What joy. _
Not responding to any reviews from the previous chapter.
Chapter 7
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He recalled his conversation with the sea dweller the previous day as he made his way back to his room, an exhausted kitsune asleep in his arms. She had informed him as well as his parents that her preparations were nearly complete, and all she was waiting for was Sesshoumaru's leg to fully heal. It was unfortunate that it was now taking longer than the healers had first predicted.
Even when he rose to move, Sesshoumaru's leg never touched the ground, but even with no pressure upon the injured limb it was not healing as it should have even in his current state of severe weakness. Something was hindering the healing, and they couldn't figure out just what.
The healers had been examining the limb for hours the same day Runa had informed them, and had discovered that the broken bone had made little, if any at all, progress towards healing. It was most disturbing news. They had thought that even with his lack of youki he would still heal within days. It was, however, not the case it seemed. It was as though it may have begun healing at the rate a mortal would.
Inuyasha heard the whimpering as soon as he entered his room, and immediately went to his bed. He set the sleeping kitsune down gently before dropping himself to the floor next to the whining mass of white fur curled at the edge of the bed.
"It's alright now," Inuyasha murmured as he reached a hand out to the slumbering inu. His hand moved gently over the soft fur of his head, trying to calm his brother still in the throes of a nightmare. Since his arrival it had been commonplace for Sesshoumaru to suffer nightmares each time he slept. They never knew what he experienced, but they were sure he was reliving his life in his dreams. The unpleasant life he had only recently escaped from. A life wished unto none.
A long yowl of pain startled the sleeping kitsune awake, shooting up to a sitting position, and staring at the howling creature he was sharing the bed with. The concerned kit crawled on his hands and knees to the white inu, barely casting a glance at his new guardian before he wrapped small arms around a thin neck, burying his face in the warm white fur.
Sesshoumaru startled awake as the arms wrapped around his neck, but didn't dare move for fear of punishment. His mind was still hazy and trapped in the memory still playing in his mind, quite unaware of just where he was at the moment. Golden eyes opened and he stared blankly at the furs he lay on, the hands touching him feeling as though his Master was about to strangle him or inflict more punishment upon his already weak body.
He heard the voice. So close yet seemingly so far away. He knew he should recognize it, but still he didn't. With fear lacing through he anticipated the moment his punishment would begin for whatever transgression he had made this time. It was all to often even for him to merely be beaten at his Master's whim. It was not his place to question his Master's will. He had learned his place years ago.
It was far to easy to submit, and barely feeling the small body still attached to him he rolled onto his back, presenting his fragile neck and soft underside.
He never saw the frown on the face of his new Master, but he felt himself being rolled onto is side, a jolt of pain rushing suddenly through one of his legs as it landed back on the bed with a soft thump. He yelped in pain, horror flashing through golden eyes at his momentary lapse in expressing is apparent discomfort.
"It's alright," a voice whispered near his ear. "You're safe."
It was slow in coming, but his mind gradually returned to reality. He lifted his head slightly from the bed to stare cautiously up at his smiling master, and it was only then he felt something pressed against his neck. It took him several moments to realize it was the little kitsune his Master had taken in. He had heard after the child's appearance that his Master had informally adopted the orphaned kit, and that the youkai that had been after him before his rescue were securely imprisoned within the castle dungeons awaiting whatever punishment was seen fit for the two.
He couldn't take his gaze away. Golden eyes staring blankly at the little creature clinging to him. It would have been the closest thing to a hug he had received in a long time, if his mind could even register just what the kit was even doing to him. It was touch he was no longer familiar with. Something he no longer knew the meaning to. The kit wasn't hurting him, but it was strange. His weary mind raced to understand, but he could only whine in confusion at not coming up with a suitable conclusion to just what the touch meant if no pain was involved.
He looked to his Master upon hearing the other youkai chuckle, and his ears perked slightly in curiosity, wondering why his Master was laughing. What could possibly have been so funny at that moment for him to laugh?
Long ears folded back, pressing against his head with the length dangling down his neck. He woofed softly at his Master, and the golden eyed youkai only grinned at him in response.
"Come on, Shippou," Inuyasha said, reaching forward to peel the kit off of Sesshoumaru. "Let's go get this lazy pile of fur something to eat."
Shippou blinked owlishly at him a moment before grinning. "Can I get a snack to?"
"Of course," Inuyasha replied, holding the kitsune in one hand as the other scratched at Sesshoumaru's ears.
Golden eyes blinked dumbly. Had he just been called a lazy pile of fur? Certainly had to have been the strangest insult ever directed at him, and despite his training to never under any circumstances, he barked at his Master, the annoyance evident in the way he vocalized it.
Inuyasha looked back at him. "What? Are you trying to tell me you aren't a lazy pile of fur?"
Sesshoumaru growled softly and nodded.
The youkai smirked. "Then prove it ya lazy pile of fur."
Sesshoumaru huffed and struggled to get his three working legs under him in order to rise. He swayed slightly on the bed, broken leg curled up towards his body to avoid putting pressure on it. He wasn't stupid. He knew it would only make things worse if he started walking on it, and he did well enough on three legs anyways. He took a step forward, lifting his head to look at Inuyasha, white tail wagging slightly behind him.
Inuyasha smiled and stepped back to allow his brother to walk off the bed. "Alright then. Come on lazy. Let's go get you some food. You've been cooped up in my room long enough."
Sesshoumaru paused. That meant leaving the room. That meant leaving the only place he truly felt safe in this castle. He almost turned to climb back onto the bed, but he resisted. His Master wanted him to go out, so he would. He did not wish to anger him for any reason.
The younger youkai snorted and turned towards the door, letting the little kitsune climb up onto his shoulder, no doubt to watch the inu's progression in following them. Sliding the door open, he waited for Sesshoumaru to reach him before stepping out into the hallway. It took a few moments for the elder youkai to gather up the courage to venture out of his safe haven.
Sesshoumaru was hesitant and wary as he limped out of the room, head moving from one side to the other, ears moving to catch any sounds to be heard in the hall. When he finally sensed no danger he followed his Master to the end of the hallway that would take them to the main hallway. He had yet to learn the layout of the castle. Simply following his Master everywhere, and never venturing out on his own. He knew better. Master would be furious if his pet could not be found, and he desperately wished to never incur the wrath of his kind Master. He did not want to be sold off again.
Inuyasha didn't look back. He did not have to to know that Sesshoumaru was sticking close to him. He could feel the inu's head pressed against his leg. He slowed his pace to allow Sesshoumaru to keep whatever contact with him he could. It was better to let his brother feel safe than to force him to walk on his own. It would be detrimental to his recovery, and could possibly have setbacks if Sesshoumaru continued to believe he was a pet.
No. It was far better to let the frightened youkai do as he wished, even if he did not yet understand that no matter what he did he would never be punished for it. Unless he did something he truly should not have done, but only then would receive a strong reprimand to never do it again. No physical harm would ever come to Sesshoumaru. Not if Inuyasha could help it.
He could hear Sesshoumaru's pants, but he didn't stop. Even if he could not use one of his legs he still needed to keep his strength up. The slow walk to the kitchens would be good for him.
Turning the corner to another hallway had Sesshoumaru quickening his pace just slightly to keep his head pressed to his Master's leg. He had never before walked with a Master like this, but he felt safe, and his new Master did not even push him away or for touching him as he was. It was strange to him to not be punished. Though he could vaguely remember anything worth being punished for, his Master had never laid a hand on him with the intent to cause him pain.
He kept his head down, ears twitching as he listened to everything around him. He would rather not be caught unaware by another resident of the castle, and punished for any infraction he may make. It was his desire to please his Master, his family, and even those who served his Master. To go against his training would surely bring unwanted consequences he would rather not have to face. He strove desperately to please his Master, and it was his belief he had done well in such a short time.
The strong scent of food hit his nose, and he could not help but to pull his head away from his Master's leg to look in the direction of what was surely the kitchens. He knew he was salivating when he caught the scent of fresh meat, more than likely just recently cut from the beast it came from.
He nearly whined at the smell, wishing he could go and gorge himself as he longed to do, but he restrained himself. Sesshoumaru rubbed his head against Inuyasha's leg, whining softly.
Inuyasha snickered when the whine reached his furred ears. It was the first time he had ever heard Sesshoumaru whine for food, and it was something he was never going to forget.
He bent slightly as he walked to rub Sesshoumaru's head before nudging him away as they walked into the kitchen. He snatched a freshly made Manjū from a clay bowl set on one of the high wooden tables. He took a bite from it as he approached Riziki, smiling at the female jackal.
"You're not supposed to come into my kitchen and start inhaling my food," the jackal said, not looking up from her task at carving the meat from the bones of the bloody boar piled on her work table. "I always thought you had better manners than that."
Inuyasha shrugged and moved back to grab another, handing it to the young kitsune perched on his shoulder. "Just came to get Shippou a snack and the lazy pile of fur here something to eat. He's been eating a little less and sleeping more since it happened."
Riziki paused, head turning to look down at the beautiful white inu pressed against the young lord's leg. Dark brown eyes studied him carefully before she turned away to wash the blood from her hands in a bowl set on the end of her table. She used the rag tucked into her apron to dry them off before she approached the brothers.
She shoved Inuyasha out of the way and knelt before Sesshoumaru, taking note of the sudden trembling in his body. She smiled gently at him, and beckoned him to close the distance between them.
Sesshoumaru was hesitant, his body trembling, tail tucked firmly between his legs as he stared warily at the female kneeling before him. The gesture to come forward had him looking to his Master in askance if he should. He only received a shrug, and looked back to the kneeling bitch.
He had no idea what she could possibly want of him, and on shaking limbs he limped closer to her, pulling his injured leg further up against his body despite the discomfort the action brought.
A soft whimper escaped him, his ears flat against his skull as he lowered his head. His body tensed when he felt delicate fingers brushing the top of his head. He felt breath on his ear as she leaned in.
"It's alright," she murmured. "You're safe. I promise I would never harm you. You are far to precious to ever lay a hand on in anger."
Sesshoumaru whined softly, but didn't pull away when gentle hands stroked his head, neck and ears. It was almost calming, but his body still trembled at her touch. He blinked in surprise when he felt her lips touch his nose, but could barely look at her before the female was rising and pulling away from him.
"Now then," she said. "This beautiful one is in need of a meal." She turned away from them to retrieve a bowl for Sesshoumaru. She set it on the table next to the boar, and began piling the best cuts f meat into it, ignoring the curious golden eyes looking up at her. The bowl filled she turned back to them, and knelt once more in front of Sesshoumaru. "Here you are then. The best cuts. Eat up." She didn't touch him this time before moving away, choosing to keep her newly bloodied hands to herself as she returned to the boar.
She watched the inu from the corner of her eyes, watching him look warily between the bowl and herself, a small smile playing on her lips.
Best cuts? He had not misheard her, had he? The jackal had said these were the best cuts, and even listening to her voice he could sense no lies. Why would she give him what were obviously the best, and probably tastiest, pieces of the meat? It did not make sense to him at all.
Riziki's gaze lingered on him a few moments longer before she returned to her work.
Sesshoumaru stared silently down at the bowl in front of him. He'd eaten fresh meat before, but never this fresh and most certainly not the best of it. This scared him in ways he did not understand. His previous Master's would often starve him, and when he was fed the meat was more often than not rotten. Meat so old not even scavengers would want it. He had tested that theory once out of sheer boredom one of the few times he'd been tied out in the sun, the length of chain securing him far to short to allow him near any of the trees offering shade.
When he had been left alone once more to suffer in the blazing heat, he'd tossed a small chunk of the rancid meat far enough away that anything that appeared would not have to fear them attacking him for a free meal. Hours had passed before the first vulture appeared. The bird had pecked at and tasted the meat, but had left it largely untouched before it took off without a backward glance.
That meat had been quite slimy, and unable to chew it he had had to forcefully swallow it. As unpleasant as it was, he was at least thankful he could not remember at all how many times he had had to repeat that just to eat a meal no matter how bad it was.
Sesshoumaru whined again in distress. He did not understand his master or this strange woman. They had to be testing him. They were seeing just how far his disobedience would go. He did not want to play their games. He only wanted Master to be happy. To be pleased with him. Only... he had no idea how to go about it. Since he had arrived Master had set no rules that he knew of. None that were familiar to him anyways. He was confused.
He whimpered and took a limping step back from the bowl. This wasn't right. He wasn't meant to receive something this grand. He was an unworthy mutt, fit only to be bred like the wanton bitch he was. He lifted pleading golden eyes to his new Master, begging to know why they tormented him this way. What could they possibly gain from this? Was he not obedient? Did he not submit to them enough? What could he do to prove himself to Master?
He flinched away from the gentle hands suddenly caressing his head, eyes wide as he stared in fear at his Master. The gentle voice murmured nonsensical words in his ears, but he barely heard them in his fear. He could not move when arms were suddenly lifting him from the floor, but buried his face against the side of his Master's chest and arm.
Sesshoumaru hated that he was ruled by such intense fear, but such thoughts only lingered in his mind for so long before the fear returned to take him over. He had learned long ago that to survive meant to bend to the whims of his Master. There had been a time when he used to retaliate, he vaguely recalled, but no more. No more was his mind or will that strong. If he could have acknowledged, he would have called even himself completely and utterly pathetic. He was nothing.
Runa sighed softly as she looked down at the sleeping animal in its Master's bed, the young inu standing quietly at her side.
"I feared it would happen. It was far to much far to soon to give him such treatment," she said softly.
"What do you mean?" Inuyasha asked, eyes lingering on his brother before he looked back at the youkai at his side.
"He has lived in fear for the past one hundred and fifty years, Inuyasha. He has been fed little, and even then given such food that not even those that scavenge upon dead flesh would consume. He does not understand why you would torment him so."
"Torment? But... we've been giving him good food since he arrived," the inu protested.
"Yes, but did you ever tell him the quality of what he was getting? As far as I can tell the only times he received good food was when he was to be bred."
Inuyasha's face paled. "You mean he thinks..."
"Yes. I am sure he thinks you are already preparing him for breeding. I would to think to reassure him you are not give him lower quality meat. Feed something a few days old. Eventually you'll be able to work back up to fresh meant, but for now you will have to resist giving him something he would have normally eaten before. He isn't used to it without something else being wanted in return."
Inuyasha nodded slowly. "Yeah," he murmured. "I'll let Riziki know when I go and see her later."
A dark skinned hand patted at his cloth covered arm. "All will be well in time, young lord," she reassured. "You simply must be patient with him."
Inuyasha sighed and nodded once more. "I know. I know we have to be patient with him. I just hate so much that this had to happen to him. He was always so strong. So powerful. So..."
Runa smiled sadly at him. "You know he won't be the same as before. He won't be the powerful dominant creature he once was. That part has been stripped from him. Possibly forever. I can't be sure."
The young inu sighed once more. "I know that. I know he won't be brother I remember, but I won't love him any less."
Runa nodded. "You will make a fine mate for him one day, Inuyasha. A fine mate indeed."
Inuyasha's cheeks tinted red as the water dweller departed his room. He didn't notice the kitsune child replacing her presence until the little one climbed on his bed with the sleeping youkai.
"What're you doing Shippou?" he asked the small red head.
Turquoise eyes lifted to his, a small, shy smile forming on the child's lips. "Taking a nap with Sesshoumaru?"
Inuyasha snorted and rolled his eyes. "Alright. Just don't wake him up ok?"
Shippou nodded quickly and buried himself under the furs next to the sleeping animal.
"If he wakes up while I'm gone just tell him I'll be back soon, okay? I'm going to go talk to my father."
Shippou nodded again. "Okay Inuyasha," he replied sleepily, eyes already closed.
The inu couldn't help but smile, shaking his head as he left his room.
He walked slowly through the halls to his Father's chambers, mind rolling over what Runa had said to him. He hated knowing that his brother would never be the same again, but he could at least be thankful, more than thankful, that he was safe and back home where he belonged.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and stopped just outside his father's door to knock.
The answer was almost immediate, and Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise to see his father looking so disheveled.
"Did I interrupt something, father?" he asked, looking the daiyoukai up and down as he withheld the snickers threatening to escape him.
The older male scowled at his son. "Unless someone is dying or dead, go away."
Unable to hold it back any longer Inuyasha started laughing. "Oh... um... no. It can... it can wait," he managed to gasp out as he stepped backwards.
Touga scowled at his youngest child. "Then get lost," he all but snarled, and slammed the door heavily in the younger youkai's face.
Inuyasha grasped his sides as he stumbled away from his father's room. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to get the image out of his head, but it was much to funny to forget anyways.
His laughter eventually died as he made his way back to the kitchens to speak to Riziki.
"Hey Riz," the inu called as he stepped in.
The jackal lifted her head in greeting. "Something you needed?"
"Yeah. I talked to Runa about what happened earlier."
"Oh? And what did she say?"
Inuyasha sighed and let himself drop onto a wooden stool near her work table. "She said that for now we shouldn't be feeding him such fresh food."
The jackal frowned. "Why?"
He rubbed a hand tiredly over his face. "She said it's because he thinks we're preparing him for breeding."
"Runa said she thinks the only time he got good food was when he was being to be bred, and that otherwise he was just fed really bad food that would just keep him alive."
The jackal scowled. "Damn bastards," she snarled. "Feeding him good food would be like a punishment then! I'll never understand how anyone can be so damn heartless and downright cruel."
The inu shook his head. "Neither can I, but what can we do? We don't know who they even are."
Riziki huffed her annoyance. "So what did she say we should do?"
"Runa said to feed him meat that's a couple days old instead of fresh. That it would reassure him that he isn't being prepared to breed."
Riziki sighed and reluctantly nodded. "I don't like this one bit, but if it prevents another panic attack then I'll do it. We haven't any in the castle, but I'll send someone to the town and see if any of the butchers might have something for once."
Inuyasha nodded.
"Have you told your father?"
He snickered. "He was ah... preoccupied."
Riziki rolled her eyes and grinned. "Leave it to your father to fuck in the middle of the day when his son may be in need of him."
The two stared at each other silently before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"I'm going to assume he answered the door?"
Inuyasha grinned and nodded. "You should have seen his hair," he replied between snickers.
Riziki shook her head, laughter still escaping as she spoke. "I think I have enough bad images flitting through my mind with out a description."
Inuyasha snickered. "Well. I now have something to tease him endlessly about."
The jackal snorted, her laughter finally dying out along with the inu's. "Anyways. For now try to get him to at least eat something. Even if it's not much it's better than nothing. He's so far been fine with what I gave him, though now that I think about it he always was rather reluctant to eat fresh meat. Runa could be on to something about all of this."
Inuyasha nodded slightly, white hair twitching sideways against his clothed back. "Father trusts her judgment, and I think about this we should to. You'll just have to start setting out meat for a few days then. The villagers will question why we on old meat," he said, a frown marring his face.
Riziki nodded. "Wouldn't want them becoming suspicious that something strange is going on in the palace. Don't need them worried over nothing."
Inuyasha sighed, lifting a hand to push clawed fingers through his hair. "Yeah. You'll probably have to put the meat in one of those things about. One without any air to get in to let it spoil right. If he's as used to bad meat as she thinks, it'll have to be pretty bad before we can work him back up to willingly eating good food again.
The dark youkai sighed softly. "I'll see that's it done as soon as possible. Maybe get an entire deer set aside just for that, as much as I hate doing it."
"Right. I'll go back then. See if I can get him to eat."
Riziki watched him go, a scowl on her lips. She hated this. Hated that such a horrible fate had befallen such a wonderful creature as the young Lord Sesshoumaru. The fates were unkind to him. She could only hope that from here it could only get better. If the young lord's life turned any worse, she feared what may become of his future.
She grabbed on of the knives, used only by the human servants, hanging on the wall and slammed the sharp blade down into the hunk of meat still sitting on her work table.
Fates be damned she'd do everything she could to help the pitiful creature Sesshoumaru had become. She let the claws of one hand gouge shallow, parallel lines into the wood, sorely wishing she could avenge him as she so wished, but it was not her place.
As many of them would wish they could, getting revenge upon those who had dared to harm the Lord befell the family, and only the family. It was on their shoulders that it fell in its entirety, and every last resident of the castle would look forward to the gruesome tales they would bring home when it began.
Chapter Word Count: 4,760
Total Word Count: 54,130