InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Foxes Run Free ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3

Shippo's head popped out of the bush he'd jumped into. Slowly he walked out into the clearing where Kagome had been. All that was there was a shallow crater with all the trees on the edges bent away. No demon. No Kagome. He began to panic. 'Where's Kagome? I better get Inuyasha. He can find her.' The fox demon ran into the direction he'd seen the rest of the gang fall. Breaking through the foliage Shippo made an awful racket.

"Inuyasha! Inuyasha!" Shippo was also yelling at the top of his lungs.

Inuyasha was trying to help the Miroku out from under an unconscious Kirara when he heard Shippo. He turned to find the fox jump straight into his arms babbling at top speed. "Oi. Slow down brat. I don't know what you're saying."

"Kagome's gone."

"Did the demon get her?!"

"No. She purified it."

Inuyasha visibly calmed. "Then we better go find her."

Miroku was out with help from Sango. A few quick slaps to the face and some shouting got Kirara back on her feet. Miroku and Sango got back on her. Inuyasha allowed Shippo to rest on his head. They ran quickly to the spot Kagome last was. The dog demon immediately dropped down to sniff the ground. He padded over to the edge of the cliff. It was obviously where she was.

Not waiting for the others he jumped in. Kicking off the walls to keep from getting hurt he got to the bottom. Kirara was flying behind him and landed next to Inuyasha. Shippo jumped down and walked to a certain spot. Inuyasha walked up behind him to look. There on the ground was a patch of blood. It was still fresh. Both demons nose wrinkled at the smell. Kagome's blood. Some more sniffing around revealed a trail leading left of the path. They all headed in that direction. No one noticed the smell of a male fox mingled with Kagome's.


Yoko had untangled himself from the woman beside him. He quietly walked to the river for a drink. Kagome was fairing all right for the moment. But she'd still need better attention and medicine to recover. The spirit fox was worried over he pale complexion and shallow breath. After his thirst was satisfied Yoko returned to Kagome's side. He could see her waking up.

He watched her eyelashes flutter. She mumbled incoherently and coughed lightly. Well it was supposed to be lightly. The sudden pain it caused forced her into a coughing fit. Her eyes watered at the harsh pain in her ribs. Yoko moved next to her and placed his hands against her damaged ribs. The stability allowed her to be able to stop. Kagome looked up and stared at him for a moment. "Yoko?"

His eyes widened slightly. "You recognize me."

She smiled. "It's your eyes. I'd know them anywhere."

Yoko wasn't sure how his eyes could be so recognizable. After all Inuyasha had gold eyes like he did. But she did know who he was and that was important. With that knowledge she wouldn't try to run. Kagome was gently prodding her bandages and splint. She sighed. "Yoko?"

He looked down at her. "Yes."

"Can I lay on your lap? The ground is really hard."

The fox couldn't miss the deep red blush on her cheeks when she asked. He wasn't sure what caused her embarrassment. It was a simple request. "Yes." He gently picked her up and carried her to a nearby tree. This one stood out from the forest. It was only a few feet from the riverbank. He sat down with his back to the tree with Kagome settled between his legs. Her back was against his chest so her head rested against Yoko's shoulder. "Better?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Kagome paused for a second before asking. "How long are we gonna stay here?"

"Until the others arrive."

"Ok." She rested back against him. They were resting comfortably until Yoko tensed up. "What is it?"

His ears perked forward. "Someone is approaching." He wasn't sure how he was going to fight anyone with an injured person in his lap. With his nose he picked up the scents of Kagome's friends and he relaxed. "It is them."

Kagome knew whom he was talking about. She wasn't sure how good that news was considering her position. She didn't have much time to think on it before Inuyasha burst through the clearing at top speed. He skidded to a stop and froze. Staring blankly at the two he couldn't speak. Kirara and her three passengers arrived. They also had nothing to say. "Hey guys."

Inuyasha snapped out of it at the sound of Kagome's voice. "Who the hell is that?!"

Yoko spoke before Kagome could. "I am Yoko Kurama. I believe you already know me."

"That fox! So you have a human form! What game are you playing at?!" Inuyasha pulled out his sword. It transformed and he pointed it straight at Yoko. "You want the Shards don't you?!"
Kagome decided to intervene. "It's fine Inuyasha. He helped me. And if he wanted the Jewel he would have taken it already."

"That's true. I don't need those Shards. I am simply repaying her for saving my life."

"Well thanks to you she fell down that cliff! I need my Shard Detector!"

Now Kagome was pissed. "You know I'm definitely feeling how much you two care." Her remark was very sarcastic. Yoko's passive expression didn't change. Inuyasha just snorted. "I'd rather have Miroku change the bandages on my ribs than sit here! Sango could you help me up?"

"Sure Kagome." Sango moved forward and helped Kagome to her feet. Kagome leaned heavily on her but made it over to Kirara. She pulled herself on to the cat demon's back with Sango sitting behind her. Yoko got up from his spot and dusted himself off. Inuyasha sheathed his sword. Shippo jumped onto Yoko's shoulder. Miroku walked along side of Kirara as she went into the woods. The other three followed behind.

Yoko spoke up after a few minutes. "Where are we going?"

Kagome answered him. "Back to Kaede's village."

"How can you let this bastard come with us?!"

"Will you relax Inuyasha? If he wants to come he can."

The spirit fox thought for a moment. "I wish to come."

"No fucking way!"

"Sit! I'm not in the mood to hea …" Kagome went into another coughing fit. Sango held on to her until she relaxed. "I don't want to hear you right now. Ok." Not wanting to cause Kagome anymore pain Inuyasha nodded.

<Hey Yoko.>

Yoko turned his ear towards Shippo. <What?>

<Did you pretend to be hurt to get the Shards.> He looked at Shippo. The small demon had very stern expression.

'He is quite protective of this human. Curious thing.' <I was truly hurt.> He was interested in the Shards but Shippo didn't need to know that. <I am sorry that your friend was harmed by my presence.>

Shippo gave him a small smile. <That's all right but you should really apologize to Kagome.>

<Do you think she'll forgive me.>

<If she can forgive Inuyasha she can definitely forgive you.> Yoko spared a glance at said demon. He'd have to agree. Anyone who could tolerate the insolent pup was truly a saint.


They made it to the village by nightfall. Kaede changed Kagome's bandaged and made a better splint for her arm. Then Kaede gave her some medicine to relieve the pain. It allowed Kagome to finally sleep. The pain would keep her up otherwise. The whole group had been worried over her. Yoko had remained indifferent. He blended into the background and only helped if someone specifically asked him. Kagome had forgiven him and the fox was thankful for it. Despite his distance the guilt had bothered him.

The only person that wasn't taking his presence well was Inuyasha. The half demon had fought with him at every opportunity. Yoko was far to calm to give in to the temptation of kicking his ass. Everyone, Kagome especially, was at wits end with his finger pointing. He solely blamed the spirit fox for making Kagome fall down the cliff. Although Yoko had a similar thought he wouldn't let Inuyasha know that. So he opted for the decision to ignore him. Proven to be incredibly difficult.

Yoko was currently sitting outside. His back was against the outside wall next to the door. Shippo was sleeping curled up in his lap. He could feel Inuyasha glaring at him from a nearby tree. Ignoring the half demon he kept alert to all other disturbances. The ears on his head swiveled in every direction to pick up any out of place sounds. His nose twitched detecting each scent. Even half asleep his senses were alert. They had to be or he'd be killed. Despite being rare his species was known. Spirit foxes were worth a lot of money. Either sold as pets or for his fur. Someone would put use to him. He'd prefer to avoid that.

Inuyasha finally fell asleep. Yoko was glad that he didn't have to deal with the death glare. Miroku and Sango had fallen asleep long ago in the hut. A small room to the side was where Kagome slept. Kaede was also sleeping in there. After making sure everyone was where they should be Yoko fell fully asleep.


Today everyone was sitting around in a circle in Kaede's hut. Everyone had agreed that Kagome should be sent home due to the superior medicine there. Yoko was feeling a little out of loop. It seemed Kagome was in good hands so he decided to leave. "Since there is nothing I can do here I'll take my leave."

"Can we speak outside?"

"Of course." Yoko helped her stand up and they both left the hut. They stopped a fair distance away. "What is it you wish to speak about?"

"I just want to say that I'll miss you."

Yoko was a little surprised. No one had said that to him before. "Why?"

Kagome giggled. "Because we're friends now."

"Friends? I must admit I've never had a friend before."

"Then I'll be your first. Thanks for caring for me when we fell. Even it was really just to repay me. Do me a favor and try to be more careful if you must keep stealing."

The fox gave her a small and rare smile. "Indeed I will."

"Well goodbye."

"Goodbye." Kagome gave him a short loose hug. A slightly stunned Yoko transformed into his fox form. He bounded off into the forest. Inuyasha walked up behind Kagome after the fox was completely gone from his range of senses.

"Ready to go."


Inuyasha gently pulled Kagome on to his back to took her to the well. When they got there he jumped in. After making sure Kagome's mother was going to take care of her Inuyasha returned to the past. He didn't argue that hard because he was in a good mood. The spirit fox was gone.