InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Foxes Run Free ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here's the final battle with Naraku. Heavy with angst and some gore. Gotta earn my R-rating. In here I have a few Japanese words. I usually don't put any in my stories since I think they disrupt the stories flow. And authors don't always put the meanings when they stick their random Japanese words and phrases in. But I think the names sounded better in Japanese.

Kazaana: Miroku's wind tunnel or air void if you prefer.

Hirakotsu: Don't know if I spelled it right or not. This is Sango's giant bone boomerang

Goshinboku: Don't know if I spelled this one right either. But this is the tree Inuyasha was pinned to for fifty years.

Chapter 4

Two months. That's how long it took for Kagome to recover. For the first week of that Inuyasha had nagged her to no end. When he had to have Grandpa, Kagome's mother, and Souta drag him out of a crater he stopped. Kagome didn't see him at all after that. In the time she'd been cooped up she'd gotten a feeling that something big was coming. Something terrible. The feeling had only intensified as the days passed.

Her recover was finally complete. It no longer hurt to breath. Her arm was worked back up to full strength. When Kagome pulled herself out of the well Shippo jumped straight into her stomach. "I was worried Kagome."

"It's alright Shippo. I'm fine."

"Inuyasha's been really mean."

"More than usual?"

"Yeah. It's because he's in a bad mood from not finding any Shards."

Kagome nodded. "I figured as much."

Shippo cocked his head in confusion but didn't question her further. Kagome held him in her arms as she walked. She was surprised to find none of her friends at the village. Except Kaede who was sitting in her hut stirring soup over a fire. Kagome sat down across from her.

"Where is everyone Kaede?"

"They went searching for Jewel Shards."

"How long before they get back?"

"I expect tomorrow."

After nodding Kagome set her backpack against the wall. She rested against it closing her eyes. Shippo looked up at her for a minute before turning to Kaede. She gave him an encouraging nod. He turned back to Kagome and tugged on her sleeve. Kagome opened her eyes to look at him. "Yes Shippo."

"Um …Can I talk to you? Alone?"

Kagome gave him an odd look but agreed. 'Now what's made Shippo so nervous.' She followed him out of the hut and into the forest. They ended up at the base of the Goshinboku. Shippo sat down and stared at his hands. Kagome waited patiently. Whatever he wanted to tell her was important. After a minute or two though she decided to snap him out of his daze. "Did something happen Shippo? You can tell me anything you know that."

"Nothing happened. I just wanted to ask you a question. You can say no if you want."

"What's the question?"

"Would you … adopt me?"

Kagome was confused a minute. She had no idea demons adopted. Maybe she'd heard wrong. Shippo took her silence as a no and started to walk away. She grabbed him around the waist. Puling him into her lap she gently ran her fingers through his red hair. "Don't go. I wasn't sure what you meant. I had no idea demons adopted."

Shippo had a giant grin on his face. "Demons do. They just do it with a ritual."

"Alright then. I would be honored to adopt you." The fox demon explained the ritual to Kagome. They agreed to do it tonight. Since it had to be done under the moonlight. Shippo bounced from foot to foot when the time came. Kagome was gathering stuff they'd need. A small wooden bowl, a knife, and a bottle of water.

"Let's go." Shippo jumped into her arms. She walked to the Goshinboku. When they got there Kagome filled the bowl with water. She kneeled on one side of the bowl and Shippo was on the other. Both started to chant the vows of family. While doing that she cut Shippo's palm and he cut Kagome's palm. They held their wounds together and dipped them into the pure water. The cuts closed over as the last words were said.

The water had turned a pink color from the blood. When they pulled their hands out the color faded away. They each drank half of the water. Completing the ritual Shippo as officially Kagome's son. Their scents were mingled together so other demons would know it. Other than that nothing really changed. Except now Shippo would call her mother.

He gave a wide yawn. Kagome picked him up and cradled him in one arm. She grabbed the other supplies with her other hand. Reaching the village she walked silently to Kaede's hut. Kagome settled into her sleeping bag. Shippo curled up on her stomach. They both slept soundly.


Inuyasha was fuming. He was pretty much stomping back to the village. They hadn't found anything on their journey. His three companions wisely decided to keep their distance. They walked into the village heading to Kaede's. "I can't believe! After two fucking months! We couldn't find even one goddamn Shard!"

"That's because there isn't any." Everyone even Inuyasha jumped at the voice. There sitting calmly against the outside wall of the hut was Kagome.

"Wench. How long have you been here?"

"Since yesterday."

Miroku spoke. "What did you mean by there isn't any."

"Come inside and I'll tell you."

They all went inside and sat in various spots around the hut. Kaede was not there. She was tending to a sick villager. Shippo immediately curled up in Kagome's lap when she sat down. "I have a really strong feeling that Naraku has the rest of the Jewel. It's time to face him."

The others shifted a little. They knew that the time would come to face Naraku. But now that the time was here. It was hard to imagine facing the powerful half demon. Naraku was undoubtedly waiting for them. He too had to know that they had the rest of the Jewel. But they all knew he had to be stopped. At any cost.

"So where could Naraku be?" Inuyasha spoke with a low voice.

"I know the way. I can feel his half of the Jewel." So it was decided to leave immediately in the direction that Kagome pointed out. While traveling Kagome's feeling dread and sickness had strengthened. She could feel both the Jewels. The dark one seemed to call out for the other half. It's evil energy pressed around the edges of her Jewel's pure energy. It gave her a nauseated feeling.

Shippo pressed his body close to Kagome's neck. He whispered to her. "Are you alright?"

She whispered back. "Yeah. I just have a bad feeling."

He nodded. Inuyasha's ear flicked. He'd heard what they said but decided not to comment on it. 'Nothing will happen while I'm around.'


They were in the midst of the final battle with Naraku. Hundreds of lesser demons were attacking the group. Kagome was behind the others saving her arrows for the stronger demons. Shippo was hidden at the back of her neck among her hair. Kirara ripped apart as many demons as possible. Sango tore through the demon horde with her boomerang. Miroku had to make due with his staff. There were poisonous insects flying among the demons.

Kagura was sending Wind Blades every so often. It was useless to try and attack her since Kanna blocked all attacks with her mirror. Naraku was even farther back than his two incarnations. He watched from a safe distance while the battle took place. Kagome thought briefly of trying to shoot him. But she decided that probably wouldn't work.

Inuyasha was frustrated having to hack apart the demons. He wanted desperately to just use the Wind Scar. But Kagura was disrupting the wind too much. When all the lesser demons were finally destroyed everyone except Kagome and Shippo were blood stained and tired. Kagome pulled back an arrow and let it fly straight through to Kanna's mirror. On it's way the Sacred Arrow destroyed the poison insects. It hit the center of Kanna's mirror.

Kanna held tightly to the glowing mirror. She couldn't seem to let go of it. Glowing with a bright pink light the mirror shattered. The incarnated demon's indifferent look never faltered. Kagura simply moved forward to stand in front of her sister.

Inuyasha looked smug. "Can't protect yourself anymore Kagura."

Kagura returned the look. "You're not very protected yourself Inuyasha." She sent Wind Blades at him. Inuyasha dodged as best he could but many still hit. Several wounds appeared on his body spurting blood. Miroku moved forward and opened his Kazaana. The fierce wind started to suck in Kagura and Kanna. Before that could happen Naraku threw a hive. It contained a swarm of insects. Miroku had no time to act before the hive burst and it's entire contains was sucked in.

He rewrapped the prayer beads around the Kazaana. Falling to one knee he moaned in intense pain. Dropping onto his back he shivered uncontrollably. Sango rushed to his side trying to help him. His face was deathly pale and quickly turning blue. Sweat glistened against his face. The shivers were turning into full out convulsions. Miroku's eyes rolled back in his head as he took a final breath.

Sango pulled herself to her feet. Her eyes shone with unshed tears. "You'll pay for that!"

Naraku chuckled darkly. "I doubt that."

She gave her boomerang a mighty throw. Kagura used a hurricane force wind to blow the boomerang back. Kirara roared trying to get to her mistress but it was too late. The boomerang hit her stomach with enough force to cleave Sango in half. Her lower half fell down on its knees and forward. The upper half fell straight onto her calves. Blood pooled around the still moving figure. The pink wet organs spilled unchecked from the bloody torso. Shock and blood loss quickly overtook her and she too died.

Kagome screamed as she let another Sacred Arrow loose. Kagura could do nothing as it purified her and even Kanna behind her. Kagome had tears in her eyes. They blurred her vision but the image of her two dying friends wouldn't blur. It burned into her brain. "You'll pay I swear it!"

Naraku made no comment as he jumped down from his place. He threw off his baboon pelt. "I'd love to see you try priestess."

Inuyasha cut in. "You're fight is with me!"

"No. You are not to die by Naraku's hands." Kikyo stepped onto the battlefield her soul stealers flew around her body. Inuyasha gave her a confused look. He was torn between going to her or attacking Naraku. He sheathed his sword. A glowing arrow flew past his head and straight at Kikyo. When it touched her body the arrow vanished. "Do you think that you can kill me with my own attack?"

"No. But I needed to get your attention."

"You didn't have to shoot at her to get it!" Inuyasha shouted angrily.

"We don't have time for this." She turned back to Kikyo. "Kikyo. If you step back from the fight and don't drag Inuyasha to Hell I'll wish you back alive."

Kikyo snickered softly. "Tempting but I don't think so. Inuyasha is mine."

"Have it your way."

"I will and you will do nothing."

"I will do something. I'll destroy you." Kagome said it with such conviction that no one thought for a moment she didn't mean it. Naraku relished in the drama playing before him. The distraction of the fighters and the inevitable destruction of at least one of the priestesses played greatly in his favor. Kagome interrupted his thoughts. "Don't think Naraku that I won't rid the world of you either."

"So you think to bring about my destruction."

"There is no doubt." Naraku didn't say anything but shot two tentacles out from his arms. One at Kikyo. The other at Kagome. Inuyasha didn't think before slicing through the one aimed at Kikyo. Kagome was grabbed by the waist and hauled her back towards Naraku. Her arms ended up trapped against her sides causing her to drop her bow and arrows at his feet. She shook Shippo loose from her neck. He landed with a thump and was picked up a second later by Kirara.

Naraku brought Kagome close to him. His breath was acrid against her skin. "You still think to destroy me."

"Nothing would make me happier." Kagome smashed her head into Naraku's face. The shock made him loosen his hold enough for her to get an arm free. She grabbed for the dark purple Jewel half around his neck. At her touch it purified. The pure energy surged through Naraku's body. He screamed in agony as his body was destroyed. Kagome landed on the ground still clutching the Jewel half.

She was quick to reunite the two halves together. A small flash of pink light and the Shikon Jewel was whole again. Kagome grabbed her bow an arrow from the ground. Kikyo still stood next to Inuyasha. The dog demon had a pained expression. Kagome looked at the two with fire in her eyes. He'd not thought what would happen to her. Only thinking to save someone who was already dead. Someone who shouldn't even exist.

Kagome aimed her arrow straight at the dead priestess. Inuyasha started to panic. "Don't do it Kagome."

"She doesn't belong among the living. Try to understand Inuyasha. I'm sorry." Pulling the arrow back she let it go. Instead of glowing the pink of purifying energy it glowed a dark red color of Kagome's own energy. Kikyo could do nothing to block this arrow. The glowing arrow struck her in the chest. The clay body disintegrated. Dozens of souls flew out. A dark colored soul flew towards Kagome. It purified on contact before sinking into her body.

Inuyasha stood looking dumbfounded at the place where his first love once stood. He turned his angry eyes to Kagome. Throwing down the Tetsusaiga he transformed into his full demon form. Kagome stepped back. Inuyasha rushed forward intent on sinking his claws into the human before him. Before even Kirara could rush to her aid the half dog demon reared back roaring in pain. When he turned Kagome could see a silver fox latched on to his shoulder.

"Yoko! Be careful!" He let his eyes turn to where Kagome was. They were as red as Inuyasha's were. His anger had flared when he saw the insolent puppy trying to harm his friend. He dropped down and bared his blood stained fangs. Kirara rushed forward to stand next to him. The young priestess grabbed the rest of her arrows. She aimed one at Inuyasha. The Sacred Arrow instantly purified him.

Dropping to her knees Kagome allowed the bow to fall from her hands. Kirara grabbed her by the back of her shirt and took off. Yoko followed from the ground. Shippo was hanging onto Kirara's head. When they landed Kagome had already fallen asleep. They were back at the last campsite. Yoko transformed in a flash of silvery blue light. He knelt over Kagome quickly tending to her numerous cuts. Once again she had a long cut along her forehead that spilled blood into her eye. Kirara had transformed into her smaller form. Her and Shippo watched as Yoko tended to Kagome.

"Will she be alright Yoko?"

He turned back to look at Shippo. "Yes. She will be fine. We will rest now."

The two demons nodded. Yoko pulled Kagome into his lap while he rested against her backpack. Shippo and Kirara got comfortable in Kagome's lap. Soon everyone but the spirit fox was fast asleep. He was grateful now more than ever for his instincts. After hearing about the intense battle he'd known that Kagome was in it. He ran for an entire day to get there. And luckily arrived in time to keep her from getting killed. He'd never forgive himself if he had been too late.


Yoko woke to the sound of quiet sobs. He looked down and saw Kagome with her face pressed against his chest. The salty scent assaulted his nose. Shippo and Kirara had noticed as well. They were trying there best to calm her. The spirit fox waved them off. He picked Kagome up and set her against the tree. Moving away he sat next to Shippo. "Let her cry. It will be good."

"Crying is good?"

"For humans it is good."

Kagome sniffed as the last of her tears fell. She lifted her head. "Thanks Yoko. For saving my life."

"Did you expect me to let that puppy get you?"

"I was wondering why you were here."

Yoko gave a small smirk. "I knew of your battle. And I had something to give you." He pulled a clothed bundle out of the folds of his tunic.

Kagome took the cloth and opened it. Inside was a very beautiful dagger. The handle was about four inches long. It was carved out of bone with a design painted on. The design was green vines with thorns and roses. The blade was made of metal and was six or seven inches long. It had a sharp curved point. The cutting edge was razor sharp. Along the blade was a black serpent dragon. It was on each side. The sheath was made of very fine brown leather. The leather was branded with silver runes that Kagome couldn't ready. The back of the sheath was longer and had a thick strap to attach it to a belt.

After examining it Kagome sheathed the blade. "Are you sure you want me to have this. It looks very valuable."

Yoko nodded. "Take it. As a gift between friends. Perhaps I'll teach you to use it."

"I wish you could. But once I go home I'll never return. We'll never see each other again."

The spirit fox looked crestfallen. His ears drooped slightly. "Then take it to remember me by."

"Even without I'd think of you. My friend." She smiled at him and rubbed his ear. "I'll miss those ears and tail of yours."

"I dare say you have a fetish." Pulling himself from her grip he turned away. "I'll take my leave now." He transformed and ran to the edge of the forest. Looking back a second he turned and continued running. He was saddened to never see his friend again. His long life would be once again plagued by loneliness.


Kagome sighed. She was going to miss Yoko. A thought that maybe he'd live to her time made her mood lighten slightly. But it wasn't the time to think of the living but of the dead. "Kirara. Will you be traveling with me now." Kirara nodded her head and meowed. Kagome was her mistress now that Sango was gone. "Thanks. Come on then. We have to give the others a proper burial. She jumped onto Kirara's back and took off. "Stay here Shippo. I'll be back."

Landing Kagome dismounted quickly. Looking over the battlefield she was overtaken with extreme emotion. Until this morning the harsh reality that her friends were gone hadn't hit her. One of them she'd even killed herself. Since they had no shovels Kagome dug with her hands and Kirara with her paws. When they'd made two holes big enough the two bodies were placed inside. Inuyasha's body had been completely obliterated. Rocks were placed on the graves after they were filled up.

She recited a prayer for the dead. More tears fell from her eyes onto the graves. Getting up Kagome decided to gather her friend's weapons. Much like Yoko's dagger it'd be a way to remember them by. Miroku's staff was closest. The gold rings jingled as she walked with it. Walking over the Tetsusaiga she tucked it into her skirt belt. Looking down she realized that the subduing beads Inuyasha wore were sitting on the ground. She picked it up examining it. It probably wasn't effected being made by a priestess. She put it on before walking on to where the Hirakotsu was. The boomerang was hard to pull out. It had dug itself into the ground almost along its entire length. Kagome strapped Hirakotsu along Kirara's back.

After returning to the camp and getting her own stuff the remaining group members walked back to Kaede's. Kagome wanted to walk. In a way she feared to face Kaede or any of the villagers. To tell the tale of how her friends died. She looked at the Jewel in her hand. It was being clutched so tightly her whole hand had turned white. Loosening the death grip she put it into her backpack. They kept walking silently back to the village.


Kaede had listened as Kagome told the story of the final battle. She had not interrupted. By the end Kagome had tears running down her face. Shippo had been sitting silently on her lap. He worried over his mother, as did Kirara. They had not failed to notice that she didn't sleep. And when Kagome did sleep she always woke up crying and screaming. Nightmares plagued her mind driving away restful sleep. After the telling Kagome had bid Kaede a final farewell.

She was walking along the dirt path to the well. Looking up she saw the top of the Goshinboku. She looked forward quickly. The tree dredged up too many memories. She hated to think of having to see it everyday on the Shrine grounds. When she got to the well she looked over the edge. The dark emptiness for the first time scared her. Taking a deep breath she made sure they had everything. The pack, her friend's weapons, Shippo and Kirara were hanging on to her. Another deep breath and she jumped in.

All three landed safely on the other side. Kirara jumped out of the well and sniffed around. Shippo held onto the sword and staff while he jumped out. Kagome climbed out by the ladder carrying the rest. She covered the well by closing the two wooden doors. She had made sure they were replaced while recovering those two months. After they were closed she stuck a Sacred Arrow into the wood. The well glowed for a second. With that done Kagome opened the well house door to greet her family. Never to return to the past.