InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love and Death Embrace ❯ Through The Eyes of An Innocent ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome sighed and shifted her position for what she was sure was the hundredth time. Sleeping on the ground wasn't the most comfortable thing when you're used to having a sleeping bag and bed roll to provide some cushioning. Not to mention the fact that despite the two sweaters and the fire that she was laying next to, she was slowly becoming a human Popsicle.
For the first time she wished that Kirara was there so that she could cuddle into the Youkai's fur to stay warm. Unfortunately Sango had been taking small groups of women on ahead to the village and informed them on the last run that she would allow Kirara to rest at the village and return in the morning.
Their trip back home had to be hurried along when Kagome realized that the next night was the new moon, meaning that she and Inuyasha had to get back to her time.
She jumped when a shadow crossed over her and she quickly rolled over to look up at Inuyasha. “You're supposed to be sleeping wench.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and sat up. “I thought you were going to spend the night patrolling.”
Inuyasha shrugged and crouched down beside her, tugging a twig from her hair. “I was, but then Miroku offered to erect a barrier so that I could keep an eye on everyone at the same time.”
“Good, I feel better when you're actually with us.” Kagome admitted, pulling her sweater tighter as she shivered.
“Freezing.” She told him, rubbing her arms and trying in vain to keep her teeth from chattering. “Not to mention the fact that the reason I'm not asleep is because I keep finding every little rock and pebble to lie on.”
Inuyasha made a noise that Kagome once mistook for annoyance, but now she knew that it was him trying to act like he was. Inuyasha held his hand out and hauled Kagome to her feet once her hand tightened around his. He gently swept her up in his arms before leaping up into a tree.
Once Inuyasha was settled with his back to the trunk and Kagome arranged comfortably in his lap he loosened his haori and wrapped it as best as he could around Kagome.
“Thanks, Inuyasha.” Kagome said softly, taking the opportunity to snuggle closer to him.
“Keh, I only brought you up here so that you'll stay warm.” Inuyasha muttered, “Can't have you getting sick now can we?”
“Whatever, if you really meant that you would have just thrown your haori at me and left me on the ground.” Kagome said, smirking at the blush that crept over his face.
“I could put you back wench.” Inuyasha said, leaning forward and shifting his feet as if he were actually going to take her back down to the ground.
“Don't even think about it dog boy,” Kagome said, “I'm comfy now so you're stuck with me for the night.”
Inuyasha heaved an exaggerated sigh as he settled back against the trunk, “We'll have to go straight to the well when we get back to the village.”
“You think it will be that close to sunset when we get back?” Kagome asked.
“Hard to say,” Inuyasha said, “Kirara could probably cut our travel time down as long as she gets a lot of rest, and if I could take a couple on ahead at a time then that would help too.”
“So why don't you?”
Inuyasha stared at her like she had just morphed into Kikyo. “Did you hit your head while trying to fall asleep lately?”
Kagome growled, wishing she could use the subjugation spell. “Well if it would help, then why not?”
“Because I ain't leaving you unprotected for one,” Inuyasha snapped, “besides, I doubt half those women would want a male touching them, let alone a Hanyou male.”
Kagome scowled and carefully shifted to her knees and grabbed onto his forelocks. “Would you stop saying things like that?” She demanded, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you!”
Inuyasha blinked at her in shock, surprised not only by her words but the strong grip she had on his hair. “But, Kikyo-“
“Kikyo is an idiot!” Kagome hissed, “If she was stupid enough not to see what was right in front of her then she didn't deserve your love!”
Inuyasha winced when sparks of her purification energy pushed against his Youki. “Ok wench, I hear you, but try not to purify me though.”
“Sorry,” Kagome muttered, settling herself back against him, “I just hate when you talk about yourself that way.”
“Because, you may not exactly be normal, but no one is.” Kagome told him, “I mean people judge you because you have dog ears, fangs, claws and super human strength, but then they expect you to save them using those same attributes the judge you for.”
“Keh, I use my sword wench.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, “I think you're missing the point.”
“Well what is the point?”
Kagome sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Never mind, I have a feeling that I could tell you until my face turns blue that there's nothing wrong with you. Just remember that I happen to think you're mostly perfect.”
“Yeah, if you were perfect I wouldn't have to use your rosary so much.” Kagome said with a yawn.
Inuyasha's mouth snapped closed at any argument he had planned to make. Instead he glared at the top of Kagome's head and pulled her closer. “Get some sleep.”
Kagome shook her head and pulled the haori tighter around her and let the sound of Inuyasha's heartbeat lull her to sleep.
~ * ~
A jab in her thigh made Kagome snap awake. She looked around, expecting to see the branches and leaves from the tree, so when she was whipped in the face by silver hair, she was more than a little startled.
“Finally awake wench?” Inuyasha asked, hitching her higher.
Kagome looked around and saw that the only woman left was the one that she had given Setsuna to the previous day. “How long have we been travelling?”
“About three hours.” Miroku said from Inuyasha's other side.
“Why didn't you wake me up?” Kagome demanded.
“You were tired,” Inuyasha said in an all too reasonable tone. “And you get cranky when I wake you up.”
Kagome growled at him since she couldn't use the rosary. “Well I could at least walk.”
“No point, wench,” Inuyasha told her, “Kirara and Sango should be back any minute and then we're going straight to the well.”
“Wench?” Asked the woman beside them.
“It's Inuyasha's affectionate term for Kagome.” Miroku explained.
They all looked up when a growl announced the arrival of Sango and Kirara. Miroku and the last woman climbed onto Kirara's back and with a farewell wave were off again.
“Well wench, let's get you home.” Inuyasha said, breaking into a run.
~ * ~
Kagome crossed her ankles and rocked her feet back and forth above her as she lay on her bed. One good thing about being in the modern era on the night of the new moon was that Inuyasha was much more relaxed. Granted he was still paranoid that they might be attacked, but she doubted that would ever go away.
Inuyasha entered her room with a cup full of ramen and a scowl on his face. “What's wrong with you?” Kagome asked, closing the magazine she had been flipping through.
“I spilled some on my hand and it burned!”
Kagome rolled her eyes; unfortunately it also meant that he was really whiny. She leaned her face on her hand and watched as inky black bled into his silver hair and his ears slowly disappeared only to appear as human shaped ones on the side of his head. She loved watching the transformation, it fascinated her.
Inuyasha sighed and settled himself down on the bed to eat his Ramen, feeling Kagome's gaze on him before she turned back to the magazine. It was quiet in the room except for the occasional slurp and then a rather loud sigh from Inuyasha. At first Kagome ignored it, until two more sounded, louder and more obnoxious then the previous.
“Alright, what is it?” Kagome asked, not looking up.
She had a pretty good idea of what was wrong, mostly being the fact that she wasn't paying any attention to him.
“Nothing's wrong.”
“I'm not buying that.”
“I'm just bored is all.” Inuyasha finally admitted.
Kagome's eyes glazed over which meant two things to him; one, she was thinking; two, it didn't bode well for him. “Well, we could go out and I could show you what my world is like.”
“B-But I'm human!”

“Exactly!” Kagome said, “Think about it Inuyasha, since you're human the smell of the city won't bother your nose, we won't have to cover your ears, and you won't get a headache because of the loud noises.”
“But I can't protect you!” Inuyasha insisted.
“If you have to fight anyone, they'll be human, and even on this night you're still stronger than anyone else.” Kagome said, hoping that by boosting his ego, she would convince him that it was alright.
“But what about my clothes, you always say that they make me stand out.” Inuyasha reminded her.
Kagome tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I think mom might have some of dad's old clothes, I'm sure there's something that's not too out dated in there.”
Inuyasha sighed which meant that though he was reluctant to do it, he'd humour her. Kagome squealed in delight and hugged him before leaving the room to ask her mother about clothes for him. It took her several minutes of hunting in one of the storage houses to find something for Inuyasha to wear.
She tucked the clothes under her arm and thanked every god imaginable that his nose wasn't more sensitive since the clothes smelt slightly stale. She climbed the stairs and briefly thought about running them through the drier, but realized that would take far too much time, Inuyasha would just have to suck it up.
She returned to her room and handed Inuyasha the clothes, which he took with a scowl before he crossed the hall to change in the bathroom.
Kagome had just finished changing her own clothes when she heard a very loud curse followed by an even louder crash and Inuyasha bellowing Souta's name. She could hear their muted conversation as she applied some lip gloss and gasped when her door slammed open and Inuyasha stormed into the room with an even bigger scowl on his face then when he left.
Kagome looked him up and down and pressed her hand to her belly as butterflies started dancing. The black t-shirt that she had been so sure would be baggy was in fact a little snug, showing off the well defined muscles of his chest. The jeans fit his slim hips perfectly, and were still baggy enough that he could move around comfortably.
“Everything alright?” She asked as he pulled his hair and rosary free of the shirt.
“Oh yeah, fucking great, except that I almost sliced my balls off on this stupid zipper thing.”
Kagome gave him a questioning look, “How the hell did you manage that?”
“My fundoshi kept getting caught so I finally pulled as hard as I could and nearly neutered myself.”
Kagome could barely suppress the giggle that was threatening to escape her throat. “Okay, that explains the yelp, but what crashed?”
Inuyasha blushed and wouldn't meet her eye so Kagome stepped around him and went to look for herself. She shook her head when she found the soap dish laying in several pieces.
“Let me guess, the soap dish was really a Youkai and it attacked you?” Kagome asked.
“I panicked and knocked it over.” Inuyasha admitted, “Can we go now?”
Kagome nodded and led him downstairs and after a 20 minute argument over whether or not he had to wear shoes, which was ended when her mother produced a pair of flip flops, the were on their way.
~ * ~
Kagome found that the night had not only been fun, but had also been extremely interesting. Inuyasha was used to some of the things around Tokyo, he understood about fast food though he had never eaten it, he understood television but had never been to a movie theatre, now that he was witnessing these things, he was in complete awe.
First she took him to WacDonalds and introduced him to cheeseburgers and milkshakes. Though she had a sneaking suspicion that he liked the burgers, he had fallen in love with chocolate milkshakes.
She then took him to see a movie, which had held many surprises, including Inuyasha awkwardly wrapping his arm around her shoulder after seeing several couples in that position. Kagome took the tension away by holding his hand instead.
Inuyasha had been absolutely amazed with the large screen. Afterward he said that the small screen of the TV could never compare to watching movies in the theatre.
After the movie they stopped on a playground and were sitting on the swings. Kagome kept her swing barely moving, Inuyasha on the other hand seemed to be trying to loop himself over the top bar.
“We need to make one of these back in the village.” Inuyasha said as he swung higher. “I bet the runt and all the pups in the village would love this.”
Kagome smiled softly at Inuyasha, “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.”
Inuyasha allowed his swing to slow down so he could look at Kagome. “Is this one of those date things you told me about?”
Kagome could feel the heat rising in her face, “Well I suppose you could call it that.”
“Is this all you do?” He asked innocently.
“You pervert, what's that supposed to mean?”
“Why are you calling me a pervert?” Inuyasha snapped, “I didn't do anything!”
“Well why else would you ask if you do anything else?!”
“I didn't mean that!” Inuyasha muttered, his face turning a red that could have given his fire rat a run for its money. “You just made it out to be some huge deal!”
“Oh,” Kagome said in an apologetic tone. “Yeah this is pretty much it.”
“There's nothing else?”
Kagome gave him a questioning look, “Well there are a couple other things, but I didn't think you'd be interested.” Kagome said with more confidence then she felt.
“Well why don't you tell me and I'll let you know?”
Kagome was slightly taken aback by Inuyasha flirting. He didn't do it often, so when he did it always surprised her.
“It's not really something I can tell you.”
“Then show me.” Inuyasha murmured.
Kagome chewed on her bottom lip as she slipped off her swing and stood in front of Inuyasha. His eyes widened as she gently cupped his face in her hands, drawing him up closer to her.
She heard him inhale sharply when their lips met and it took several minutes before she felt his lips press against hers. She sighed when his arms wrapped around her waist and he shifted to ease the strain on his neck.
Kagome gasped when he pulled her onto his lap, giving Inuyasha the opportunity to shyly slide his tongue against hers. He moaned when Kagome's hands slid around to grip his head a little tighter as the kiss became more heated.
They eventually had to break apart as breathing became an issue. If Inuyasha had been Hanyou he would have whined at the loss of contact. “We need to do that again when the sun comes up!” He exclaimed.
“Because it'll be better!”
Kagome giggled, “You're weird.”
Inuyasha blushed and hid behind his hair, “Could you do that again?”
Kagome gave him a confused look. “What kiss you?” Inuyasha nodded shyly. “Like kissing do you?”
“Keh, I like kissing you, wench.”
Kagome winked as she stood up and started to walk away from him, “Maybe, if you're lucky!”
~ * ~
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.