InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love and Death Embrace ❯ Night Time Brings Mourning ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome stubbornly wiped at the tears that were forming in her eyes. They had been in the past for three days now and for the past two she had spent almost every waking hour on the hill outside the village over looking the Bone Eaters Well.
The afternoon of the first day that they had returned from Kagome's time, Kikyo had appeared in the village. Miroku and Sango had already warned Kagome that Kaede had been unable to get out of bed and they had sent word that they were in need of Kikyo's assistance since several village women were due to give birth. Kikyo had offered to leave once she saw Kagome, but Kagome decided to grin and bare it, quickly claiming she had forgotten something at home, she took off for the well.
Of course her plan of going to the present and staying there until absolutely necessary was quickly killed when Inuyasha caught up to her and proceeded to rant about her rediculess behaviour. Nevertheless, Kagome continued to return to the hill and stare longingly at the well silently cursing herself for promising Inuyasha that she wouldn't run home.
“What are you doing out here?” Miroku's voice floated over to her.
Kagome glanced over her shoulder and shrugged, “I told Inuyasha I wouldn't go home, but I can't stay in the village. I can't stand the longing looks that Inuyasha is throwing Kikyo, even if he doesn't realize he's doing it, and I'm sick of the villagers whispering about the three of us.”
Kagome jumped slightly when Miroku's knees appeared on either side of her hips and she was pulled to his warm body. “It can't be easy having Kikyo here.”
Kagome sighed and shook her head, “It's not, but it's for the good of everyone else. I know everyone expected me to take over for Kaede, but I'm not trained well enough.”
“You don't have to make excuses Kagome, but maybe it's time that you tried to stop putting others before yourself.”
“But, the villagers…”
“I'm not talking about the villagers.” Miroku said, his hold tightening slightly, “You told Kikyo that it was alright for her to remain in the village because it would make both her and Kaede happy to spend sometime together before Kaede leaves this world. But I've seen the way you quickly leave the hut when she comes to speak to Inuyasha.
“You leave because you think that it keeps the tension minimal, but it makes it much harder on Inuyasha. Why do you think he tells you every minor detail that goes on?”
“Whenever Kikyo and I have been in each others presence in the past it resorts to an argument or her somehow trying to hurt me. Are you saying that I should risk a fight with her over Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, tears springing to her eyes once more, “She's still in love with him even if she won't admit to it.”
“But he is not in love with her. Inuyasha chose you to be with, if he wanted to be with Kikyo, he would be staying in Kaede's hut with her instead of the one that the villagers gave you last year.”
Kagome fell silent and allowed Miroku's words to sink in. She relaxed into his embrace and found a strange comfort there, much like she felt when getting a hug from Souta. It was the kind of comfort that Inuyasha couldn't bring to her.
A low growl interrupted her thoughts and she and Miroku barely had time to separate when Inuyasha appeared in the clearing, swiping at Miroku as he dived at them.
“I could have sworn I told you not to touch her!” Inuyasha yelled as Miroku easily dodged his claws.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted, quickly running after him as he chased the monk around the clearing.
“Be at ease, it was completely innocent.” Miroku insisted, a little too calmly.
“My ass it was, I can just imagine what perverted thoughts were running through that damn brain of yours.”
“Inuyasha sit!” Kagome yelled as he leapt for Miroku. Unfortunately her timing was off and her subjugation spell only caused Inuyasha to slam into Miroku, taking the monk down with him.
“Interesting position,” Sango said as she appeared at Kagome's side, “Care to tell me what's going on?”
Your damn pervert had his hands all over my miko!” Inuyasha snarled as the spell wore off and he pushed himself off of Miroku.
Kagome rolled her eyes, “Miroku and I were talking and I became upset so he hugged me, it was innocent.”
Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest before leaning down to pull a dazed Miroku from the ground, “Keh, I should be the one comforting you if you're upset wench.”
Kagome sighed, “Inuyasha, there are times when you just can't provide what I need.”
Everyone stared at the Hanyou in shock as he suddenly gasped and hunkered down much like the time that Kagome had told him he was exhausting. “What do you mean I can't provide what you need?”
Kagome threw her hands up in the air with a frustrated sigh, “Ugh, I can't deal with this right now; I'm going home for a few hours.”
Sango giggled softly and followed her friend down the hill, “Don't worry I'll explain it to him.”
Kagome scoffed at that, “Like that'll make a difference.” She muttered as she slipped down the well.
~ * ~
Kagome returned a few hours later feeling much more refreshed after a talk with her mother and a long soak in the bath. She used the vines growing down the side to haul herself to the top, realizing how much she had relied on Inuyasha to get her out lately. She swung her legs over the lip and was almost knocked backwards when Shippou collided with her legs.
“Kagome!” Shippou cried happily between giggles as he jumped into her arms.
“What's going on?” Kagome asked, hugging the Kitsune tightly.
“Inuyasha is playing tag with me!” Shippou said happily.
“He is?”
“Keh, the runt wouldn't stop whining about being bored.” Inuyasha said as he appeared on the hill. “Go to the village and see if Kaede needs anymore herbs before we come back.”
Kagome smiled at him and linked her arm through his, “That was sweet of you to play with him like that.”
“I was trying to keep him out of Kaede's.” Inuyasha admitted.
“I don't think she'll make it much longer.” Inuyasha told her, “It could be as soon as tonight.”
“Are you sure?” Kagome asked, tears forming in her eyes.
Inuyasha shrugged, “All sick creatures have a scent to them, and when they get to the point that they are about to die, they loose all scent in their body. Kaede's scent has faded so much I can barely smell it.”
“And you don't want Shippou to smell it.” Kagome said softly.
“Keh, it's stupid for me to be protecting him like this, he's bound to learn sooner or later.”
“But with all he's seen, shouldn't we be allowed to keep him oblivious to something like that, even for just a little while?” Kagome asked.
Inuyasha's response was cut off when the Kitsune in question came bounding across the field. Shippou leapt onto and Inuyasha's shoulder and the Hanyou reached up to steady him when he landed a little more roughly then he should have.
“Sango said that they have all the herbs they need.” Shippou told him, “Can we keep playing?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes but nodded, “Why don't you go check on Kaede?” He suggested to Kagome.
Kagome nodded and turned to walk to the village, thinking or what Inuyasha had told her. She stopped at her hut to grab some of the menthol rub her mother had given her. Even though it might have been useless, at least the strong odour of the ointment would keep Shippou from catching on to the lack of scent to Kaede's body.
Kagome climbed the steps of Kaede's hut quietly, not wanting to disturb her if she was sleeping.
“Do you still wish to take Inuyasha to hell with you?” Kagome heard Kaede ask, who she could only assume was Kikyo.
“He will go when I do, he has no choice.” Kikyo responded, sending a chill up Kagome's spine, “Because of him I died before my time.”
“It was Naraku that killed you in Inuyasha's form, perhaps you seek to take the wrong Hanyou with you to hell.”
“It's no matter, Inuyasha and I are meant to be together despite what Kagome has made him believe.”
Kagome growled softly to herself at Kikyo's remark.
“Kagome will not let him go easily and he will not easily be taken from her.”
Kagome rushed inside the hut as Kaede began to cough violently. She rushed to Kaede's side and struggled to help the elderly Miko into a sitting position, ignoring the glare that Kikyo was sending her.
“Where is Inuyasha?” Kikyo demanded.
“He's in the field with Shippou.” Kagome snapped back, holding a cup of water to Kaede's lips.
Kaede's hand gently touched Kagome's as Kikyo left the hut, “Kagome, as much as I love my sister there is something I must tell you.”
“I heard what she said,” Kagome admitted, “you were right, I won't let him go without a fight.”
Kaede offered a small smile, “I figured as much, but you must keep an eye out.”
“I will,” Kagome promised, “but you need to sleep.”
Kaede nodded, “Perhaps it will make me feel better.”
~ * ~
The four friends sat in Kaede's hut, watching over the elderly miko. Kagome held Shippou in her lap, stroking the kits fuzzy tail as he slept. Inuyasha startled her when he suddenly stood up and moved quickly to Kaede. Kagome stared at him as he leaned close to her and sniffed her.
Kagome gently set Shippou down and stood up when Inuyasha turned and left the hut. She picked up Kaede's wrist and pressed her fingers to it, searching for a pulse. She looked back at Miroku and Sango, shaking her head.
“She's gone.” She said softly.
Sango jumped to her feet and ran from the hut, tears flowing down her face; Miroku quickly following her. Kagome allowed her tears to flow down her cheeks as she pulled the blanket over Kaede's body. She picked up Shippou, who stared around the hut, confused. She saw his eyes widen at the sight of the covered body and he burst into tears.
Kagome cradled him to her chest and stepped outside. She saw Sango and Miroku standing in the herb garden, Miroku's arms around her, holding her tightly. She walked towards them, seeking the comfort of her friends and was slightly surprised when Miroku and Sango pulled them into their embrace.
She felt the softness of Kirara's tail brush her cheek as she jumped onto Sango's shoulders, mewing softly as she too sought out some comfort from the grief. They all jumped in surprised when Inuyasha's arms surrounded all of them, completing the circle. The strange assortment stood like that for a long time, even Miroku was shedding tears, and Kagome could see the strange brightness in Inuyasha's eyes.
“I'm going to go say good bye.” Sango whispered softly, pulling away gently.
Kagome gently handed her Shippou and watched Sango walk back to the hut, Miroku with his arm around her shoulder, kissing her temple gently. She allowed Inuyasha to pull her back to his chest and this time she allowed the sobs to escape her body, screaming into the fire rat.
When her sobs were reduced to hiccups, Inuyasha gently moved away and wiped her tears with his thumbs. “Come on wench, I'll take you to the hot spring, it'll make you feel better.”
Kagome nodded and let him guide her towards the hot spring that they used as a bath. Kikyo appeared from the woods, looking at the two of the curiously. “So it's over then?”
“She went peacefully.” Kagome said, wiping at her tears, “I don't think she felt much pain.”
Kikyo swallowed thickly, but Kagome could see no tears in Kikyo's cold gaze. “I'll find a place to bury her in the morning.” Inuyasha told her, “Does that give you enough time to prepare everything?”
Kikyo nodded, “That should be sufficient.”
Inuyasha pulled Kagome tighter to his side, “Come on wench, let's see to your bath.”
~ * ~
AN: So I've had this written out for about a month…then I lost the papers I wrote it on. Please don't forget that when I started to plan out this story, the latest developments with Kikyo in the Manga had yet to happen. I'm going to try to stick with some of the more recent manga chapters for later chapters.
So last quarter I was nominated at the IYFG and was totally clueless, but thank you to those who voted for me, you guys rock. If you are unsure what the IYFG is feel free to message me and I'll tell you about it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.