InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love and Death Embrace ❯ It's A Kind of Magic ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome peered around the side of the hut, searching for any sign that Inuyasha was in the immediate vicinity. When she could see no sign of his presence she nodded to Sango and made a break for the well.
She made it as far as the edge of the village before she slammed into Inuyasha's chest and fell backwards onto her rear. She winced as her teeth clacked so hard that her jaw felt numb.
“Mother fucker!” She muttered to herself.
“You're starting to sound like me.” Inuyasha said as he stared down at her. She could see his eyebrow twitch in amusement as he leaned down to help her to her feet, “It wasn't very lady like.”
“Oh I'm sorry, next time I'll remember proper conduct when I get knocked on my ass.”
“If you bend your knees the landing won't be so rough.” He told her, “Besides, that's what you get for trying to sneak off.”
“I wasn't really trying to sneak off.” Kagome muttered.
“Then why did you look around first?” Inuyasha asked, “You always used to do that when you were trying to run off back home.”
Kagome sighed and hugged him, nuzzling under his chin, “I'll only be gone for a few hours. I was only going to go see if mom managed to get some things to help with Kaede's pain.”
Inuyasha blushed and quickly looked down at his feet after she nuzzled his chin, “Keh, you could have just said so.”
Kagome smirked and reached up to gently flick one of his ears, “Besides, you still would have made a big fuss.”
Inuyasha sighed and glared at her playfully before crouching down so that Kagome could climb onto his back. “Come on wench, you'll get there faster if I take you.”
Kagome smiled and climbed on, holding him tightly as he sprinted to the well. Once there he leapt in and carried her into her kitchen when they reached the other side.
“You've got an hour Kagome, after that I'm coming back for you whether you're ready to go or not.” He told her as she slid from his back.
“Yeah, yeah.” She teased, kissing his cheek softly, “You didn't have to bring me back; you could have just let me through the well on my own.”
Inuyasha's cheeks pinked, “Keh, an hour!”
Kagome rolled her eyes and slid the screen closed behind him. She turned to find her mother standing behind her with an amused grin on her face. “You two seem to be getting along a lot better lately.”
A soft smile graced Kagome's face, “I think we finally understand each other.”
Etsuko Higurashi smiled at her daughter and gave her shoulder a squeeze before wandering over to the stove to make lunch. “So I take it he'll be back later then.”
“Well he did threaten that if I wasn't back through the well in an hour then he'd come back for me.” Kagome didn't miss the frown that crossed her mother's face, “He always threatens that though.”
“It's not that dear.” Etsuko sighed, “The fundraiser is tonight.”
“Fundraiser?” Kagome asked, “What fund…”
Etsuko could see Kagome's eyes widen as she realized what her mother was talking about, “It's alright Kagome, you don't really have to go, I'm sure you wouldn't have much fun anyway.”
“Give me ten minutes!” Kagome said as she ran out of the kitchen and to the well house.
She cursed silently to herself as she leapt down into the well. Her mother had told her about the costume party to help raise money for the shrine months ago. With Kagome returning to the present less frequently since she had dropped out of school, she wasn't reminded of it enough to have it permanently lodged in her memory. The reason why she had agreed to go was because her mother had hinted that she bring Inuyasha, since for once he could go out in public in his Hanyou form without wearing the cap or bandana.
She quickly climbed up the vines that grew on the side of the well and scanned the area for Inuyasha. She knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't have left the immediate area.
She had barely got over the lip of the well when Inuyasha appeared beside her, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, I just forgot that I had something I had to go to tonight.” Kagome told him, “You can come too if you want.”
Inuyasha's eyebrow quirked at her, “And just how would I do that?” He asked, pointing a claw tip at his ears.
“Don't worry about it, mom and I will come up with something.” Kagome told him, “That is if you want to come.”
“Keh, when should I come back then?”
“Dinner time.”
~ * ~
Kagome frowned as her mother adjusted the ears, “Mom, I am not amused.”
Her mother sighed and set about checking the ties of the kimono, “You promised that you would go to this because you could bring Inuyasha.”
“You said it was a costume party.” Kagome argued.
“It is, hence your costume.”
“You could have told me that the theme was the feudal era, I could have brought back something genuine.”
“You are, you're bringing Inuyasha.”
As if on cue, Souta's greeting could be heard floating up the stairs. Kagome sighed and adjusted the ears once more before heading downstairs.
“So you get to go with them? You're so lucky, mom said I'm not old enough so I wouldn't have any fun, but I think she's wrong.”
Kagome shook her head; she could almost hear Souta running out of breath. “Souta, leave Inuyasha alone for more then five minutes would ya?” She teased her younger brother.
She let out a startled gasp when Inuyasha ran up to her, grabbed her arms and proceeded to thoroughly sniff her.
“Who did this?” He demanded.
“Did what?”
This wench!” He said pointing to the ears, “I can't smell the magic.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, “It's not magic dog boy, it's a costume.”
Inuyasha blinked in surprise, “A costume?”
“Yeah, sometimes people dress up in clothes and props that…”
“I know what a costume is Kagome, why does yours make you look like a Hanyou?”
“That was my idea.” Etsuko told him, “I thought that you might be more comfortable if it looked like Kagome and you were wearing matching costumes.”
“But I'm not wearing a costume.” Inuyasha muttered.
“That's the beauty of it.” Kagome told him, “You don't have to change your clothes or hide your ears; everyone will think you're dressed up just like I am.”
Kagome could tell by the way that Inuyasha's left ear was twitching that he wasn't impressed with the situation, but he would agree to it. She had learned over the years that his ears were the easiest way to determine his unspoken answers. His left ear twitching meant that he was annoyed, but he would go with the plan, his right ear twitching meant there was no way in hell he was going to go alone with it, both ears in outward meant he was desperately trying to figure out what was going on, and both ears turning inward meant he was onto you.
“Just try not to move your ears too much.” Kagome said, almost giggling when his left ear twitched again.
“Come on you two, let's get going.” Etsuko told them, “Souta, behave yourself.”
~ * ~
Kagome politely thanked the latest woman who had complemented her and Inuyasha on their “adorable” costumes, before returning to him with a bottle of water. “I see you got mobbed by more women.” Inuyasha muttered.
“They were just telling me how cute they think our costumes are.” Kagome told him.
“Keh, your costume wench, if they only knew the truth about me they'd probably be running for the hills.” Inuyasha muttered.
“Well I think you're still cute.” Kagome told him, flicking his ear gently.
“That's 'cause you're nuts wench.” Inuyasha told her, his cheeks pinking slightly.
“Come on, don't you think I make a cute Hanyou?” Kagome teased.
“You're fine the way you are.” Inuyasha told her, turning even redder.
Kagome grinned and leaned over to kiss his cheek, just before an all too familiar voice hit her, “Kagome!”
Kagome groaned and sat back, glancing over at the girl who called her name, “Oh, hi Yuka.”
Yuka, Eri and Ayume stood in front of the couple all grinning in a way that made Kagome feel very nervous.
“Inuyasha, right?” Eri asked.
“Uh, yeah.” Inuyasha told them, quickly looking away.
“You two look so cute!” Yuka exclaimed, “Your mom's imagination is amazing!”
Kagome shrugged, “Well with all of grandpa's stories about Youkai and Hanyou's living in the feudal era we thought it would be more fun to dress up aside from traditional dress.”
Kagome saw Inuyasha's face break out into a smirk; he knew she had them there. Everyone else was dressed in traditional kimonos. There was an odd person dressed as a monk or miko, but Kagome was the only one truly dressed up as a Hanyou.
“Hojo's here,” Yuka commented a little too casually, “have you talked to him yet?”
“Yeah, I'm sure he'd love to dance with you or something.” Eri added as if Inuyasha wasn't sitting there.
Inuyasha's eyes widened indicating he had heard the low growl escape Kagome's throat, “Why would I do that when I'm here with Inuyasha?” Kagome snapped.
“Oh I'm sure Inuyasha won't mind.” Yuka said, “Right Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha's arm snaked around Kagome's stomach and she was pulled against his chest, “Wrong,” he growled at them, “he can get his own wench, this one is spoken for.”
Kagome saw Ayume cough to hide her grin as Eri and Yuka's jaws dropped in shock.
“You let him call you wench?” Eri demanded.
“What am I supposed to call her, `bitch'?” Inuyasha shot back.
Kagome sighed and pressed her fingers to his wrist in a soothing gesture, “Down dog boy.”
“Dog boy?” Yuka asked in confusion.
“It's an inside joke.” Kagome snapped, “You know what, I have a head ache, would you mind telling my mom that I had Inuyasha take me home?”
Kagome didn't wait for them to answer as she pulled Inuyasha to his feet and dragged him along behind her.
~ * ~
AN: This is such a crack chapter. This came from a conversation with an online friend about the many fictions out there that have Kagome turn into a Hanyou one way or another. Anyway, not really my best chapter, it's mostly just a filler to show that as Kagome is getting older, her views on her friendships and lifestyle of the present of changed.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters of Rumiko Takahashi. I do own the plot of this story along with any original characters that may make an appearance.